Speaking Part 2-3, 15 Topics

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Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study**

You should say:
What it is about
Why you make this plan
What you need to do first
And explain how you would feel if it is successful
When I graduated the high school, I had a plan to take part in a cook class that I think I would
need in near future. There are some reasons why I want to join in this course. At that time, I
would study at the university. I lived far from my family. There would be no one to cook for
me. For that reason, I really need to learn how to cook food so that I can have a independent
life. I know that many people do not know how to cook they have to buy outside food which
is certainly not only unhealthy and very expensive. Moreover, if I know how to cook food I
can easily find a part time job in a restaurant. I took the help of my mother. She is a
wonderful cook and can cook almost anything. Moreover, there was an institute in my city
that offer short cookery courses. I was planning to join this institute as well. At the moment, I
can cook some meals. I am happy for that. I will learn to cook the different meals if I have
free time.

Part 3:
Do you think it is important for a person to have a career plan?
Yes, it is very important. A career plan gives a person something to look forward to.
How do most people plan their future education and their future career?
They talk to their parents, teachers or consult some people who also are in the same career.
Do you think salary is important when choosing a career?
Yes, salary is a very important factor in a career plan. People should be paid worthily for
what they do.
Is planning important? Or is it a waste of time?
Yes. It is very important. It is definitely not a waste of time. If we have a plan , we can do
everything scientifically.
Can people succeed without plans?
Yes. But there are very few people. I think that those people can succeed mainly by luck.
What kinds of personal plans should people make for themselves? (daily tasks?)
People should make plans about their studies, their works, their finances, their married life.
In general, how do people make plans?
In my opinion, people make plans according to their situation, by consulting people having
Should parents set goals for children?
Yes. They have more knowledge than their children and they understand them. They should
set realistic goals for them.
When do young children start to set goals for themselves?
Young children should set goals for themselves when they begin studying in the highschool.
This helps them have more motivation to get into the university they want. When setting
goals, they should talk to their parents and your teacher.
2. Describe your favorite singer or actor**
You should say:
Who he/she is
What his/her personality is like
What kind of style his/her music/acting belongs to
Son Tung MTP is my favorite singer. I am in love with his songs. He is Vietnamese singer,
he was born in 1994. Although he is young, he is having successful career and he is one of
the most famous singers in Vietnam. He is famous for Pop music. I first knew him by the
second song of him “ The baby of yesterday” when it was discussed all over the media during
my secondary school years. I was impressed by the melody and lyrics of it. Then, I found out
about him and know that he is not only talented but also friendly. So, he is always loved and
supported by everyone. Recently, his products are usually combined with rap music and they
are listened more. His successful is a symbol for young generation. I always is a big fan of
Part 3:
What kind of music do people like at different ages?
I think it is pop music. All members of my family listen to it.
What is the difference between popular music now and popular music in the past in Vietnam?
In my opinion, that difference is by the melody. The melody at th moment is more vibrant.
Do Vietnamese parents require their children to learn to play musical instruments?
I think that it depends on each family. In my family, my parents did not reqire me to learn to
play musical instruments
Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs? (OR What’s the
difference between live music and recorded music?)
I think the people who like to listen to live music because they like the excitement of the
music show. On the contrary, other people want to listen to music simply.
3. Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future**
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it
What it is famous for
And why you would like to live there
Just like everyone else I too want to live in my dream city. It would be the city “Da Lat” the
capital of Lam Dong. Now, It is attracting many people to live and work. I got to know about
this city from my university friend who has lived there. He often tells me about everything of
Da Lat and his life there. I visited it last year. It is famous for many reasons. Da Lat is famous
for its Outstanding design. Most of the houses in Da Lat are built according to the French
architecture. It is called Paris of Vietnam. The weather of Da Lat is very pleasant. It is cool
all year. This is the first reason why I want to live there. The weather is suitable for
developing high tech agriculture. This is the second reason why I want to live there. It has
many leading agricultural companies and farms in Vietnam. It may make me have good job
chances. At the moment, I am trying to do everything to perform this dream.
Part 3:
Why do more and more people live in the city?
There are many reasons for people live in the city. People living in the city have better job
chances, better education quality than living in the rural area .
How does this affect the environment and nature?
It will cause many negative effects. The environment will be polluted, the forests can be
destroyed to build companies, apartments.
What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?
In my opinion, convenient traffic is one of the reasons that people settle down in certain
places. Next, It can be infrastructure of that place.
What are the differences of the young and the old in choosing where to live?
I think the young people like to live in cities because of job opportunities, health and
education facilities. And the old people like to live in their hometown or rural area. These
places are very peaceful.
4. Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike**
You should say:
Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you like or dislike it?
My city have some tall buildings, today, I would like to talk about a tall building in my city
which got my attention. It is located at the heart of my hometown, close to a major
intersection, which can be easily accessed from all directions. The building has 15 floors, the
area of each floor is about 250 square kilometers. It is built with all kinds of modern building
materials, including fine limestone gravel, river sand, bricks, tiles, fibre cement sheets, metal
rods, concrete, cement. The outer of the entire building is made of glass. It also looks
gorgeous in the early part of the day. The sunlight reflection on the building is wonderful.
The building is a shopping mall, and this is the largest one in my city. A wide number of
shops are available there. Almost every renowned brand could be found there and besides,
some of the local stores in the mall offer gorgeous and traditional local products. I like this
building also because I can get the perfect view of my beautiful city, especially during the
night time, from the top-most floors of this building.
Part 3:
What are the disadvantages of living in a tall building?
I think the main advantage of living in tall buildings is better daylighting and air ventilation.
It also offers a great view of city life.
The main drawback is the risk of disasters like fires and earthquakes. Another thing I dislike
is that it takes everyone much time to enter or leave the apartments.
Is it normal that more people choose to live in a tall building? (benefits)
Yes. There are many reasons when people live in a tall building. But In my opinion, the main
reason is the cost of a partment is cheaper than a house with the same area
Why do people move to the city instead of living in rural areas?
In my opinion, People living in the city have better job chances, better education quality than
living in the rural area .
Why aren’t there many tall buildings in the countryside?
The simple reason is the availability of land. There is a lot of vacant land available in
countryside regions
Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?
Yes. The population is more and more crowded, so accommodation needs are increase.
Does architecture need to consider the element of weather before designing a house/building?
Yes. Paying attention to the weather factors is very important before designing and
constructing the building, it affects the durability of the building.
Do you think weather in Vietnam has specific effects on buildings?
Yes. The weather in Vietnam is sunny and rainy much. This makes many negative effects to
Is architecture an easy job?
Architecture is never an easy job, it depends on the ability of the designer and the builder
5. Describe a time you helped a friend
You should say:
When it was
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it
In the life, everyone will have difficult times and needs the help of other people. Today, I
will talk about a time I helped my friend. I helped my friend who was in dire need of money.
Long is my school friend. He is my best buddy and I have spent a lot of time with him. He is
a intelligent student and he has helped me in my studies throughout my school days. I
remember that in the last semester, the final exam was approaching and we all received a
notice from our school management to complete the tuition payment before the final exam. If
we did not pay the school fee, we would not be take part in the final exam. When he read that
notice, he was very disappointed because he could not do that. His family was not well off
and his mother was sick and was hospitalised for that reason most of the earnings were going
her medication. I did not want him to be sad and not to join in the finall exam, so I decided to
help him. I spent my saving money and requested my parents as well to give me a pocket
allowance in advance to pay the school fee for him. After that, he knew that I had paid his
school fee, he was thrilled and kept on thanking me. He promised that He would do the final
exam well to win a scholarship to give me back my money. Finally, he did that, I really felt
happy because of his effort and I helped him when he had a difficult time. We always are
close friends.
Part 3:
How do people usually help each other?
There are many ways to people can help each other. Example, children can help parents do
houseworks, friends can help each other do difficult exercises.
How is online help different from real-life help?
People can donate money to charity online through online banking or SMS.
Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?
Yes. I think both schools and parents should be responsible for teaching children about
What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?
I think the main difference is that when we receive the help from friends, we feel more
obligated to return it sooner or later, whereas We take help from family for granted, which is
both a good thing and a bad thing.
6. Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet

You should say:

What it was
Where you read it
Why you read it
And how you felt about it
I usually read news and magazines on the Internet. Last week, I read a helpful new about
health. The title of it is “ Now and never”. It was written by a famous doctor, Mr Nguyen Lan
Hieu. The article mentioned that the concern of many people is obesity. Nowadays, the
number of obese people is increasing and in my opinion, that was the reason he wrote this
article. The author explained the reason of being overweight is due to unscientific diet and
lack of exercise and he also gave tips to improve the situation. He said that we should do
exercises more, eat healthy food and get enough sleep. Honestly, I am also overweight, so I
felt lucky when I read it. And now, I am doing that solutions he advised.
Part 3:
Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?
Yes, proof is the life expectancy of people increasing. In my opinion, It's because we care
more about our health.
How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?
There are many different ways. I will depend on the content and the owner of it.
What activities can schools organize for children to keep fit?

I think the schools should the children about the role of the health and get up many physical
activities for them.
What can governments do to improve people’s health?

In my opinion, The governments should assure an adequate local public health infrastructure,
organize free health checks for people.
7. Describe a situation that you came close to wild animal**
You should say:
Where you were
What the animals were doing
Who was with you
And explain what your reaction was
Now a day, many zoos are built to protect wild animal and bring them to people more. Today,
I will talk about a situation that I came close to wild animal. It was a first time I going to the
zoo. When I was eight years old, my parents took me to the An Phu zoo in Ha Noi. Its area is
quite large with many trees. There are many species of wild animal such as lions, tigers,
bears, pandas, monkeys… I was interested because it was the first time I seeing them. They
were very cute and lovely. The tigers and lions were romping, the rhinos were taking a
shower, the pandas were eating bamboo leaves. I tried feeding the monkeys bananas. After
that, I took some pictures of them. I felt so happy, it was a memorable experience. Since then,
I usually go to An Phu zoo one a year.
Part 3:
1. What is the most famous zoo in Vietnam? Why?
Thao Cam Vien is the most famous zoo in Vietnam. There are 400 species of plants, and
2000 wild animals representing, many of which are endangered
2. Should wild animals be kept at home/ as pet?
Although they can be safe than the natural world, wild animals need to live in their natural
habitat. Moreover, keeping them at home also brings danger to people.
3. Why do people like keeping pets?
I think that there are many benefits when people keep pets. They can make us be happy and
decrease tress after a hard working day.
4. Is this difficult/ costly raising a pet?
To be the honest, it takes a lot of times and money to raise a pet. We have to take care them
safety and buy the food for them.
Is visiting zoo a popular activity in Vietnam?
Yes. Visiting the zoo is very popular in Vietnam, especially among children. When I was a
child, my parents usually take me to the zoo at the end of the months. I was very happy.
What are the effects of people to animals?
In my opinion, people are making many drawbacks to animals. Many animals are hunted for
their fur and skin and their habitat is destroying.
Do you think that animal preservation could bring positive effects?
Certainly. They are not to be in danger from hunting and eating and they are taken care . I
hope the governments can build many animal preservation to many animal protected.
What do you think about nature conservation area (wildlife sanctuary)?
Nature conservation areas are important for wildlife conservation, serving as homes for plants
and animals. It is easy for humans to protect these areas.
8. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
You should say:
What kind of toy it is
When you received it
How you played it
And how you felt about it

I had many toys when I was a child but my favorite is a remote control car. My parents gave
it to me when I was eight, after I get good marks in the final exam.
I like it because it was the first thing that I tried doing something to get. I used to show it to
my friends with pride. It is red and blue and it had lights, which flickered occasionally. I had
been greatly fascinated by it and I used to spend hours playing it. When I switched it on, I
could control it to move in all directions. I was really happy and excited when I received it
from my parents. Now, I still keep it in my room as a memorable things .
Part 3
1. What kinds of toy that are popular among children in your countries?
In my country, dolls and toy cars are the most popular children's toys. My parents gave me
some toy cars on my birthdays.
2. Do you agree with the parents who let their children to buy all toys what they like?
I disagree with them, I think that the parents should buy some toys like a gift for them on
special occasions such as their bithdays or Chrismas.
3. Why do children like collecting toys?
Because children are very interested in new toys and they always own those toys.
4. What is the difference between toys kids play with now and those they played with in the
At the moment, toys are often more model and technology, while the toys in the past were
usually handmade toys.
5. Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?
I think parents should spend more time playing with their children, this helps parents
understand their children more and it is good for the development of children.
9. Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

You should say:

When it was
Where you saw it
What you saw
And explain why you think it was interesting
I think social media has become a very important part of our life nowadays. Among the
different social media platforms, I use Youtube the most. One of my favorite Youtube
channels is Mixigaming. I first saw this chanel two years ago When I was on the break time
in the university, my friend invited me to watch a video on this chanel. I felt in love
Mixigaming since then. The content of this chanel is videos about the live treams of the
chanel owner, Mr Phung Thanh Do. He usually plays games with his friends, talks about his
lief. He always live tream at 10.pm everyday. His videos are very funny and honest, so
Mixigaming attracts millions of people watching. I usually watch videos cut from his live
tream in my free time to relax. These videos make me have many smiles and the comfomfort
so I like Mixigaming very much.

Part 3:
Why do people like to use social media?
I think there are many reasons why people use social media. People can keep touch in with
friends and family members or amuse when using them.
What kinds of things are popular on social media?
Many things are popular on social media, but the most popular is to share pictures and
informations. Nowadays, many businesses have started using social media to advertise their
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?
I think the main advantage of using social media is that it is very easy to access information,
provide information and communicate with other people. On the other hand, the main
drawback is information on social media not to checked.
What do you think of making friends on social media?
I think it’s not safe to make friends on social media because it’s very easy for people to
pretend to be someone else
10. Describe a street market or outdoor market that you have visited

You should say:

When it was
Where you were
What you bought
How you felt about it
The outdoor markets are very popular in my country, they are in everywhere. Today, I will
talk about a outdoor market I visited. Last year, I and my family traveled to Da Lat and
visited there. It is located in the center of Da Lat city. Its area is very large. It takes me a lot
of time to go around it. This market remains opens all seven days of the week. However, it
gets really crowded, especially on the weekends. People can buy almost anything at this place
for example trendy clothes, footwear, toys,… It is famous for street food. Touristers came
here certainly enjoy some foods and drinks such as bake and mixed rice paper; hot corn and
soy bean milk. Apart from street food, It is also famous for the price of the products sold
there. Although the quality of them is not bad, the price of them is cheaper than that in the
shops. I was interested in visiting it. I wish Covid-19 disease will pass, I can come back there.
Part 3:
Do you like shopping online or going out for shopping?
I like both. Shopping online help me can buy goods everywhere and going out for shopping
can help me check the quality of the products.
What is the difference between shopping with friends and shopping alone?
It’s funny to go shopping with friends. I can discuss things and take each other’s advice.
What are the disadvantages of shopping in a big mall?
There are some drawbacks of shopping in a big mall. First, the price of the products is more
expensive than that in small shops. Secondly, there are too many types of products and
sometimes, we do not know which products to buy.
Why do people like to buy branded products?
Because, the quality and service of them are very good.
What’s the difference between shopping in street markets and in big shopping malls?
There are some differences between shopping in street markets and
in big shopping mall. For example, the quality of products in a big
mall usually better than that in street market and the price of
products in a big mall also usually more expensive than that in
street market

11. Describe a person who is full of energy

You should say:

Who he or she is
What he or she does
Why he or she is full of energy
And explain how you feel about this person
In my opinion, an energetic person is that who is always ready for action, either is physical or
mental. Now, I will to talk about an energetic person. He is my close friend. His name is
Long. His family has four members: his parents, his younger brother and him. He usally talks
about his life with me. In the morning, he gets up at 4:30 to help his parents prepare
everything to bring to the market to sell. Then, he cooks breakfasr for his younger brother and
take him to the school. After that, he goes to the university. In the evening, he teachs the
students in secondary school to make money help his parents because his family. Although he
is always busy, he is a good student in the university. He usually gets good marks in the
exams and help everyone. He is always happy with a smile on his face. He is a big motivation
for me and I feel it takes a lot of efforts to me like him.

Part 3
What kind of jobs require much energy/ need a lot of physical activity?
I think the number of jobs require much energy is decreasing but there are some jobs such as
masonry, plumbing, painting need a lot of physical activity
What’s the difference between payment for physical work and payment for mental work?
Really, in our society, everyone give more importance to mental work as compared to
physical work ,so jobs that require mental work entail a much higher salary than jobs with
physical work
Can physical workers have higher salaries in the future?
I think that physical workers will have lower salaries in the future because machines is
replacing people to do manual works.
Do you think machines could replace manual labor in the future?
Yes. But I think that there are many manual labors still needed people doing.
12. Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try
You should say:
What it was
What you need to prepare
How easy or difficult it is
And explain why you want to try it

I rarely travel to the sea but there are many leisure activitys I want to do there. I would like to
sunbathe on the beach followed by a sumptuous breakfast. Some preparations are important
for relaxing expeditions. I will prepare enough money for the trip, and I will have to take a
break from study, ask a friend to accompany me, prepare appropriate clothes, a mat, some
sunscreen lotion, sunglasses, headphones for good music and decide upon the destination.
It is going to be a very easy activity as it is a leisure activity. I want to try this because of
many reasons. I want to feel the water and sand while I bask in the sun. I have seen it on
travel shows on TV and its interests and amuses me. Soaking in the sun helps me decrease
stress and gives me a lot of natural vitamin D. A full-fledged breakfast with a friend
thereafter is a relaxing feeling indeed. This leisure activity will give me an opportunity to re-
energize myself and be with nature and so I wish to do it.
Part 3:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?
We can see beautyful view and realx in the vacation on the sea. On the other hand, people can
get heat strokes and bad tans if they spend too much time in the sun.
Why do people like spending time on the sea?
In my opinion, it is a perfect place to relax. It has the large atmosphere, the good view.
Why do children like the sea better than adults?
I thing that they are interested in activities on the sea.
What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?
People can find jobs like swimming instructors, lifeguards, fishingman. These job is very
13. Describe a time that you gave advice to other
You should say:
When it was
To whom you gave the advice
What the advice was
And explain why you gave the advice

In my country, people give free advice to each other all the time. They do it to show care and
help others. Today, I would like to talk about a time when I gave advice to my friends. He is
my classmate in the university. In the last school year, he tryied to get the good result in the
final exam. He practiced many difficult excersises and spent a lot of time on looking for
documents in the library. Unlucky, after the final exam, the result of him was not good. He
said to me that he was very disappointed. After that, I felt that he did not want to put a lot of
effort. It was dangerous. He was my close friend, I did not look he like that. Then I advised
him that he continued to try, I believed all efforts would be rewarded. I invited him to go
home to relax.

Part 3
Should people prepare before giving advice?
I think that we should know about the problem a person having and prepare the knowledge to
advise that person
Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?
I think it is not good because people in the Internet will not really our problem.
What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
I think they are patience and meticolous. They are helpful people.
What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?
I think that the main problem is having too much advices, so you can not know which advices
really necessary .
14. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

You should say:

Where it is
How you knew it
How often you go there
What you do there
And explain why you like the place
It is very difficult to find quiet places in the fast life of today. However, I would like to talk
about a place where I often go and I find great peace there. It is my hometown and many
people have thinking like me, the hometown is the peacest place. At the moment, I am
studying at the university in Ha Noi and it is far from my hometown. My hometown is in
Thai Binh province, it is in the North East of Vietnam. In the life of everyday, I do everything
my self and I remember my hometown very much. I often come back my hometown at the
end of the month and holidays. When I am in my hometown, I usually visit my relatives, help
my parents do houseworks and cook meals with my parents. Being in the hometown makes
me feel comfortable and happy after tired and stressful days.

Part 3:
Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?
Yes. I think that is is very difficult to look for quite places because of urban area increasing.
Why is it quieter in the countryside?
I think that the countryside has fewer traffics and industries than the city. Moreover, the area
of the rural areas are usally larger.
Why do people go to quiet places?
In my opinion, people often go to quiet places to relax and focus on doing something.
Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

I think both the old and young prefer quiet places but the life and work of young people
usually relate to urban area.

15. Describe your favorite film/movie**

You should say:

When you watched it
Where you watched it
What it was about
And explain why you like it

Well, I’m going to talk about THE JUDGE which I think is one of the best movies that I’ve
ever seen. I’m a big fan of Mr Hoang Dung and I remember I was really excited when I knew
him was going to play Phan Quan in the film. It is produced in 2017 and I watched it at the
same time. Speaking a little bit of what the film is about the life of Phan Quan who is called
“THE JUDGE”. He is the most powerful in the gangster world hiding the shadow of a
successful businessman, president of Phan Thi Group. He is always respected by behaving
with everyone and putting family first. Not only fighting the enemies in the gangster world
but also worried for his spoiled son, Phan Hai. I thought it a lot because I have learned a lot
from the character Phan Quan who you know is a very strong and independent man. What I
learn from Phan Quan is that we are always ourselves and do the things that we think are
right, even though everyone seems to be against us. And another thing that I learn from him
is that “family is most important, everything else is not important - this is a quote from the
film that I really love. Actually, I’ve learned a great deal from other characters too, but I
know that I don’t have enough time to talk about all of it. So, in summary, THE JUDGE is
one of the greatest movies that I’ve ever seen.

Part 3:
What kind of movies do Vietnamese people like to watch?
Vietnamese love to watch various types of national and foreign movies including action,
adventure, comedy, drama and romance. Young people prefer movies based on comics and
action movies while adults often choose to watch classical and dramas
Are movie stars important to a movie?
Yes. They are very important to a movie.
Are foreign movies popular in Vietnam?
Yes. They usually show on the TV and movie theater. Most popular is Korean, Chinese and
American film.
Why movies need to have celebrities?
Because the famous people attract many people to watch the film Which makes the
economics value for the film and these celebrities and the actions of them help the quanlity of
the film better
Is there any chance for a film which doesn't have any stars to become successful and

In my opinion, A film does not have any stars can successful because many films that do
not have any stars still successful such as Balanha House, 5S Online. These movies
have excited content

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