Phrasal Verbs Practice Lesson 07

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Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 07

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up
Example Dialogue

Oddie : Did you see the bomb squad take the bomb apart at the airport?

Nate : I saw! I don’t know how they do it. Imagine if they did something wrong like

cut the wrong line, the whole place would blow up!

Oddie : Wasn’t it the most intense thing you’ve ever seen? I would never pass up a

chance to see something like that happen. Wow! Today was so cool!

Nate : You’re crazy! As for me, I am never going back to that airport.

Oddie : Seriously though, I don’t know how those guys still have the energy. I mean,

if I were in their place, right after concentrating on disabling bombs all my

energy would be used up. All I would want to do is go home and relax.

Nate : Well, it is their job. Maybe they are just used to it.

Try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 07

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up
Example Passage

Everyone was glad that the bomb planted at the mall didn’t blow up. It had really

caused a lot of commotion. The bomb squad used up all their concentration on

taking the bomb apart. They went back to the area to investigate it even further.

Later, they were informed that a suspect had been caught. They didn’t pass up the

opportunity to interrogate him.

Again, try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 07

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up

blow up
blow ... up | to explode or to cause something, such as a bomb, to explode
Be careful when lighting a fire near gasoline, this place might
blow up!
Bombs can blow anything up.

go back | to return
This is a dead end. We will have to go back where we started.

pass up ...
pass ... up | to fail to take advantage of an opportunity
Lissa decided to pass up the money that was offered to her.
Ann didn’t like the offer. She passed it up.

take apart ...

take … apart | to separate something into its different parts
She took apart the gun to clean it.
We will have to take this laptop apart to find out what’s wrong with it.

use up ...
use ... up | to take all (all of something) from a supply
You cannot get any food here. Everything has been used up.
We don’t want to use all of our supplies up.

Make sure you can understand the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 07

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up

Use the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the sentences.

1 | Never an opportunity.

2 | They took the wrong turn, so they had to .

3 | After the cadets their guns , they had to put them back together.

4 | Once you are done with the puzzle, you may it .

5 | Dwayne decided to work abroad. It’s an opportunity you cannot .

6 | The scuba divers need to be careful not to all of their oxygen.

7 | The bad guy is going to the factory into smithereens.

8 | No one knew when the bomb in the bag .

9 | It’s raining at the beach today. Looks like we have to home.

10 | I can’t believe you have already all the cooking oil! How am I going to



Create your own sentences using these phrasal verbs.

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 07

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up

Use the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the dialogue.

(Nick and Minnie are working on their experiments.)

Nick : I don’t think we should mix those chemicals together. Aren’t those highly


Minnie : Oh, don’t worry! This isn’t going to the lab.

Nick : Hey! Don’t all the ethyl alcohol! We need it for the next


Minnie : Are you sure? After this experiment, don’t we still have to that

robot ? It didn’t work properly last time.

Nick : Oh yes! I am definitely not that opportunity!

Minnie : Ugh! I can’t believe you’re excited about it!

Nick : What? It’s better than this boring experiment. Come on. Let’s to

the electronics lab.


Create your own dialogue using these phrasal verbs with your teacher.

blow up | go back | pass up | take apart | use up


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