Phrasal Verbs Practice Lesson 08

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Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 08

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over
Example Dialogue

Lorie : Andre! Andre! Wake up, we’re almost there!

Andre : Sorry I must have dozed off. Are we there?

Lorie : Yes! Come on, we still have a lot to do.

Andre : Argh, I really made a mistake staying up late last night.

Lorie : Why? Were you working on the business proposals we have to hand in?

Andre : Yes. Also I had to set up my new computer. It took forever. Can we stop

over at a café to get me some coffee?

Lorie : Sure! I am craving for a chocolate croissant and a latte.

Try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 08

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over
Example Passage

Andre stayed up all night working on his business proposal. It was supposed to be

handed in two days ago. It’s a good thing his professor allowed him to work on it.

Unfortunately, his all-nighter made him doze off this morning on his way to the

conference room. He is presenting his business proposal today and still has to set up

the conference room. Andre is still sleepy. He will stop over at a café to grab a cup of

coffee to wake him up.

Again, try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 08

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over

doze off | to fall asleep briefly, especially during the day.

I was so bored that I dozed off during the lesson.

hand in ...

hand ... in | to give something to someone in a position of authority

The client handed in the money to the salesman.

The teacher reminded her students to hand their papers in tomorrow.

set up | to formally establish a new company, organization, way of


Hopefully, in ten years Dan will be able to set up his own law firm.

stay up | to continue to be awake past the time when you usually go to


Don’t fall asleep! You promised to stay up and help me with banking.

stop over | to stay at a place for one night or a few nights on the way


Let’s stop over at McDonald’s to grab a bite.

Make sure you can understand the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 08

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over

Use the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the sentences.

1 | Penny was so tired that she while watching her favorite show.

2 | Remember, you must your essays by this Thursday at 4:00PM.

3 | Is Danny going to his own business after a couple of years?

4 | Looks like we will have to all night again to work on our thesis.

5 | Mary wants to at the pharmacy to buy some medicine for her son.

6 | Many accidents have been caused by drivers while driving.

7 | Is this plane in Hong Kong, before going to Hawaii?

8 | Did you your documents?

9 | Harry is taking a nap because he is late tonight.

10 | These business men are looking for a new location to their business.


Create your own sentences using these phrasal verbs.

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 08

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over

Use the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the dialogue.

(Harry and Pen are driving to the lake for the weekend.)

Harry : Can we please somewhere? I really need to go to the bathroom.

Pen : All right! Can you drive after that? I all night driving. It’s your turn.

Harry : Sorry for early this morning. You should have just woken me up

when it was my turn to drive.

Pen : That’s OK. Wake me up when we are near. Oh yes, before I forget. Have you

your paper? You know it’s due on Monday, right?

Harry : Oh gosh! I forgot! I’ll work on it Sunday night. Do you think they’ve

our cottage?

Pen : I hope so. I made the reservation four days ago.


Create your own dialogue using these phrasal verbs with your teacher.

doze off | hand in | set up | stay up | stop over


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