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Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 16

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on
Example Dialogues

Mr. Miyamoto : Did you get through to the manager?

Assistant : Yes, however I was cut off. I will call him again shortly.


Luke : And then the main characters...

Sarah : Hang on! I hear someone.

Luke : Are you trying to scare me?


Adrian : How are you feeling?

Liz : Bad. I can’t get over this illness. I still have a fever. (Coughs.)

Adrian : Speak up. I can't hear you! What’s wrong again?


Jake : Mark, have you seen Brenda recently?

Mark : Gosh, dude! You broke up 6 months ago. Get over it!

Try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 16

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on

Example Passage

Marie had a bad cold, which she couldn’t get over for a whole week. She was bored and

felt like talking to someone, so she called her friend Dan. When Marie finally got through

to him, Dan couldn’t hear her. He was only saying: “Hello?” Marie tried again: now Dan

could hear her, but very quietly. “Speak up Marie! I can’t hear anything you’re saying!”

Dan said angrily. Marie asked Dan to hold on for a second. In the end she was cut off

completely. Marie will certainly write an angry letter to her phone company.

Again, try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 16

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


cut off | interrupt or break a telephone conversation

Sorry I couldn’t hear the rest of the story – I was cut off!

get over | recover; overcome a problem

I got over my cold pretty fast.

I’m sure Minzy will get over her grandma’s death very soon.

get through

get ... through | deal with something; be connected on the phone; finish a task

In the past it was hard for people to get through the winter.

I couldn’t get through to grandma all day because of the bad


I finally got through my exams!

speak up | speak louder/ raise one's voice

Grandpa has bad hearing, so he asks me to speak up.

hang on | to wait for a short time

Hang on! There is someone at the door. I will call you later.

Make sure you can understand the meaning of these phrasal verbs.
cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 16

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


Answer using the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the sentences.

1 | Marie couldn’t speak to Dan because she just couldn’t to him.

2 | Sweetie, ! Grandma can’t hear anything!

3| , I’ll be back in a minute.

4 | It is hard to depression by yourself. You should talk to someone.

5 | Susan has spent all her money! I wonder how she will this month!

6 | I hate when I’m in the middle of a phone conversation. So annoying!

7 | The professor had to , so all the students could hear him.

8 | I have to all this homework by tomorrow! How on earth will I do it?!

9| Mia already! She just wasn’t the girl for you.

10| I couldn’t hear the rest because I was .


Create your own sentences using these phrasal verbs.

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 16

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


Answer using the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the dialogue.

(Adrian is calling Liz.)

Liz : Liz speaking.

Adrian : Hello!

Liz : Oh, Adrian it’s you!

Adrian : Geez, I couldn’t to you for at least 15 minutes!

Liz : Really? Well, there have been problems recently. I get pretty
frequently... beep...beep...

Adrian : Liz?

Liz : beep...See, it happened again. , I’ll call you back, maybe it will be
better this way.

Adrian : No need! Just a bit, you’re kind of quiet.

Liz : Okay. It’s hard stress as it is, and now the phone isn’t working
properly. Argh!

Adrian : It will be fine. Don’t worry.


Create your own dialogue using these phrasal verbs with your teacher.

cut off | get over | get through | speak up | hang on


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