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Example Dialogue: Admission

Dialogue 1
Nurul Inabah as an admission nurse
Mike Saeli Yuliana as a patient

Inabah: Hello! Good Morning Miss!
Yuliana: Hello! Good Morning nurse!
Inabah : Sit down please! I am nurse Inabah. May I know your name?

Offering help & telling the patient to do registration

Yuliana : Thank you nurse Inabah. I am Mike Yuliana.
Inabah :Well, Miss Yuliana, what can I do for you?
Yuliana : I have problem with my stomach.
Inabah : You have problem with your stomach. Where do you feel the pain?
Yuliana : In here (show the left stomach).
Inabah : Do you want to check in this hospital?
Yuliana : That’s right.
Inabah : Are you came to this hospital alone Miss Yuliana?
Yuliana : Yes, nurse Inabah.
Inabah : Okay, Miss Yuliana. If you want to check in this hospital you must complete this
registration. Can you do it?
Yuliana : Yes, I can. But, how I fill this paper?
Inabah : You can fill the data bellow with this pen and then you can complete by write it down in

Clarifying/ checking data

Yuliana : Oh, Okay………..  Nurse Inabah. Can you help me to complete this data?
Inabah : Yes, I can. But, in order to fill this data I will ask you about your information. Is it all
Yuliana : Okay nurse Inabah.
Inabah : What is your complete name?
Yuliana : My complete name is Mike Saeli Yuliana.
Inabah : Wow, you have wonderful name, Miss. Where do you live?
Yuliana : I live in Gondang timur, Tembalang.
Inabah : Wah, you live near me. Because I in Bulusan too.
Yuliana : Really? Maybe sometime I’ll come to tour house to ask food. Hahaha. J
Inabah : Yes, you can come to my house anytime. Are you on the phone?
Yuliana : Yes, It is 0898765432
Inabah : When is your date of birth?
Yuliana : I was born at Rembang on October 30th 1995.
Inabah : So, you’re 19 years old. What is your civil state?
Yuliana : I am a single.
Inabah : What is your occupation, Miss Yuliana?
Yuliana : I am college student.
Inabah : I see that you wear a hijab. Are you moslem?
Yuliana : Yes, I am nurse Inabah.
Inabah : Who is your kin?
Yuliana : My kin is Mrs Artika.
Inabah : What is your relation with her and give me her number?
Yuliana : Oh, she is my guardian in boarding house. Her phone number is 085329999888
Inabah : Do you have a GP or General practioner?
Yuliana : Yes, his name is Mr Dika.
Inabah : Can I have his phone number.
Yuliana : Why do you want to know his number?
Inabah : Its important data that this hospital need. Because someone who know so much about
your health and document about you. Can you give me his number?
Yuliana : Okay. His number is 085728728728.
Inabah : Now, that we complete the data. There is one more data that you have to fill the data.
Please choose the doctor.
Yuiana  : Who is the doctor?
Inabah : There are Doctor Misa, Doctor Kira, and Doctor Herman. You can choose which one of
the doctor will check you up?
Yuliana : I want to check with Doctor Herman, Please.

The next procedure: checking vital signs

Telling the patient to wait & thanking

Inabah : All right, Miss Yuliana. The data now are complete. Now, you can go to the waiting
room. It’s beside this admission department, there are a lot of chairs and you can sit there until
the nurse call your name.
Yuliana : Okay, Nurse Inabah.
Inabah : Thank you, Miss Yuliana. I hope you will be better after this.
Yuliana : Thank you nurse Inabah. I’ll see you later (leave the admission department).

Dialogue 2
Nurse   : “Hello, good morning Ms?”
Patient  : ”Good morning”
Nurse   : “I am Nurse Mike and I am shifted for registration.
what is your name?”
Patient  : “My name is Mrs Rita, nurse”

Offering Help
Nurse  : “Okay. Mrs Rita what can I do for you?”
Patient: “I have a problem with my stomach”
Nurse  : “oh I see, sit down please.”
Patient: “yeah thank you nurse”
Nurse  : “What is a problem with your stomach? What is your complaint Mrs? ”
Patient: “Yeah, I have a stomach pain and nausea”
Nurse  : “Oh I see, and then Do you want to check your stomach?”
Patient: “Yes, I do nurse”

Telling the patient to registration

Nurse  : “Okay Mrs. But before you check your stomach you must doing registration in here.”
Patient: “Okay”
Nurse  : “Mrs Rita must fulfill this data to registration, please.”
Patient: “Okay, Nurse, I think this data is finished”

Clarifying / Checking the Data

Nurse   : “Thank you Mrs, I will check your data”
 “Your full name is Rita Andini. Mrs Rita is live in Jalan Gondang Timur 1 no 11 Tembalang?. Mrs
Rita is born at Semarang, Oct 30th 1986 and have marriage.”
Patient : “Yes, sure Nurse.”
Nurse   : “Mrs Rita, I am so sorry this data about General Practicioner is unclear for me. What
the name of your General Practicioner?
Patient : “My General Practicioner is dr Burhan Siswoyo”
Nurse   : “Okay. And then your Kin is Mr Radit which is your husband, right?”
Patient : “yes, that is true. Nurse, I want to meet dr Furqon for consult about a problem of my
Nurse   : “Okay, the last Mrs Rita choose dr Furqon as consultant”
Patient : “Yes nurse”

Tell the next Procedure

Nurse   : “Okay this data is complete Mrs. Now this is your number of registration. And then Mrs
Rita can wait in waiting room”
Patient : “sorry nurse, may I know the waiting room and dr Furqon’s room?”
Nurse   : “oh sure. The waiting room from here, you can go straight, and then turn left on first
street and go straight, and then you find the waiting room in the left side of medical ward. And
the room of dr Furqon is in front of the waiting room. If your registration number is called, you
can return sign, and so you can enter dr Furqon’s room.

Patient : “oh I see, Thank you for your service nurse”
Nurse   : “Yes Mrs Rita. Nice to meet you and I hope you will get well soon”
Patient : “Oh yes nice to meet you too. Okay thank you nurse ”
Nurse   : “You’re welcome”

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