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14 - Lê Thị Thúy Hằng - 19D20011

Question 1:

1. Summarize the text

Today's high school seniors have a common problem in that many leave school with
little understanding or abilities in personal financial management. Because that the majority
of high school kids live with their families and are financially fully reliant on them. Most
they do not need to work and earn money since their parents provide all, and so they are not
know of the realities of earning and saving money. As a consequence, they learn just how to
spend bản thân tôirather than how to earn, save, or handle money responsibly. For starters,
fundamental money management skills may be taught as a mandatory topic in high school,
providing kids with the knowledge and abilities they need to handle their funds.

2. Essay

As a college student, I still have difficulty managing money.

The reason behind this is that children are not exposed to or taught how to manage
money from an early age. Parents handle spending during the school years of high school
and high school, so I do not learn how to spend properly. As a result, my money was
mismanaged. Spend money in uncontrolled. When I enjoy something, I'll purchase it even
though it's unneeded, and when I desperately need money to buy something I desperately
need, I don't have enough money. I realized the implications of not having good money
management abilities were severe, so I drew on the experience to learn how to manage
money more rationally. To put it another way, estimate how much money you earn and then
make up the amounts you'll need to spend, modifying the amount you'll need to spend on
those amounts. And should spend less than I make, plan to earn money in the future.

Money management is very important. We can save a lot of money for the future if
we learn how to manage money effectively from a young age.

14 - Lê Thị Thúy Hằng - 19D20011

Question 2: Reply Sam

Dear Sam!

I'm delighted you accepted my invitation to come to my country. I'm writing to notify
you of how to travel from the airport to my household and what to prepare.

You must go through immigration formalities after stepping off the plane. When you
arrive at the immigration counter, you must surrender your passport/visa for customs
examination and the stamping or pasting of supplementary papers. You must get your bags
after finishing immigration formalities. You must pay close attention to the location of your
luggage on the information board. After you have your luggage, you can exit the airport.

After leaving the Arrival/Exit area, take a taxi, Grab, bus or other transportation
available at the airport to my accommodation. I recommend ordering Book Grab since it is
really convenient and reasonably priced.

It will be late April when you arrive. The weather is also cool, but there are a few wet
days every now and again. As a result, you should carry both long and short clothing.

I hope the accompanying information is useful as you plan to visit us. I eagerly await
your arrival!

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