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Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 18

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with
Example Dialogues

Villain : Ha ha! You will NEVER catch me!

Superhero : I won’t let you get away with your crimes!


Mia : What is going on with Greg recently? He has turned into a completely

different person!

Sarah : Yeah. He looks down on people. As if he’s the greatest man in the world!


Mrs. Tao : I will not put up with this any longer! You are grounded, young man!

Jun : But I haven’t done anything wrong! Argh!

Mrs. Tao : I won’t call this off until you apologize!

Try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 18

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with

Example Passage

Joe was a very good friend of Dominic’s. However, he had a few bad traits that Dominic

didn’t like about him. In fact, he couldn’t put up with some of the things Joe did. Joe had

a habit of looking down on other people. Dominic told Joe to respect everyone, but Joe

wouldn’t listen. Joe was an arrogant man. “You won’t get away with this behavior! One

day you’ll get into trouble!” Dominic warned his friend. Joe wouldn’t listen. Gradually, he

turned into a very unpleasant person. The straw that broke the camel's back was when

Joe called off a few meetings with Dominic at the last minute, which made Dominic angry.

Dominic was so tired of Joe that he once told him “I don’t want to be your friend anymore!”

Again, try to figure out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 18

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


turn into | to change and become someone or something different

Caterpillars turn into butterflies.

look down on ... | to think that someone is less important than you

People who look down on others are unpleasant to talk to.

put up with | to accept something (usually unpleasant) patiently

I’ll have to put up with these conditions if I want to continue

working here.

call ... off

call off ... | to decide that a planned event will not happen

They've just called the whole thing off. Can you believe it?

The wedding was called off.

get away with | manage to do something (bad) without being punished

I can’t believe he got away with breaking the window!

Make sure you can understand the meaning of these phrasal verbs.
turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 18

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


Answer using the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the sentences.

1 | The ugly duckling eventually the beautiful swan.

2 | Let’s the party ; I’m not feeling well.

3 | Never people just because they have less money than you.

4 | The annual open-air concert was because of the storm.

5 | On Halloween, people can monsters with the help of costumes and


6 | Detectives prevent criminals from various crimes.

7 | Michelle finds it hard to arrogant people.

8 | Never spices! They can make a very big difference to your meal.

9 | Mothers have to all the noise children make.

10| It feels like old people can anything!


Create your own sentences using these phrasal verbs.

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


Phrasal Verbs Practice | Lesson 18

turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with


Answer using the correct phrasal verbs (in a correct form) to complete the dialogue.

(Mary and Jane are talking about the movie “The Revenge of the Blobman”.)

Mary : Have you seen that new horror movie everyone is talking about?

Jane : You mean “The Revenge of the Blobman”? Not yet.

Mary : It’s amazing! The main character a blob!

Jane : Oh ...

Mary : He actually acts as a superhero. No one can hurting others on

his watch.

Jane : Uhm... Okay. That’s weird.

Mary : Hey! Don’t that movie.

Jane : It’s just strange. I usually can’t silly plots like that. I can only
watch 15 minutes of such movies.

Mary : Honestly, it’s not like that. How about we go watch it together tomorrow

Jane : Sorry. There is a meeting I just can’t . Maybe some other time.


Create your own dialogue using these phrasal verbs with your teacher.
turn into | look down on | put up with | call off | get away with-


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