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Banana Challenge

Lecturer: Ir. Budi Permadi Iskandar, MSP

Product Description
Pisang Lampung is one of some varieties of banana in Indonesia, with 130 metric ton production a
day, Pisang Lampung has huge opportunity to be marketed and distributed in many cities as daily fruit
consumption. With a good benefit for those who consume it, such as: Blood pressure control,
alternative energy source, increase focus due to its Kalium content, increase Hemoglobin in
bloodstream to prevent anemia, and so on. Because of its benefits, it is obviously that banana is one
of the favorite fruit to be consume.
Pisang Lampung is traditional-produced banana, it is marketed in traditional market, and it is obviously
consumed by middle-low class people. The type of person who want to stay healthy by implementing
“4 Sehat 5 Sempurna” on their eating pattern.
Target and Segmentation
[Demography Segmentation]
 For those people with the age of 18 until 45 years old, they are massively college student,
officer, and factory worker.
 They commonly spend IDR 15,000 until IDR 25,000 for their lunch.
 Urban people who works and study in DKI Jakarta
 People who want to stay healthy by implementing balance nutrition "4 Sehat 5 Sempurna" or
completing their lunch with consuming fruit, but stay in low cost spending.
 They are also considerably consume fruit to balance their lunch nutrient.
[Behavior Demography]
 People who want to complete their eating with fruit as dessert
 People who like consuming fruit as their eating pattern
 People who like consuming fruit as their snacks menu
 People who concern with their digestive problems
 People who substitute fruit as short-term energy source for their activities

Positioning Statement
By the data I had collected, that is found estimately 10.000 registered Warung Nasi Tegal in DKI Jakarta
(2012, I assume they will provide at least 20 pieces of banana (Pisang Lampung) for
their lunch time consumer.

Pranata Yassi – 29316411 – GM 4

Banana Challenge
Lecturer: Ir. Budi Permadi Iskandar, MSP

I put IDR 1,500 as price of each banana. And there's also effective working days, where they operate
only from Monday to Friday. So, there will be monthly projected revenue calculation as elaborate
 Highest Price:
10.000 Warung x 20 banana x IDR 1,500 x 20 days = IDR 6 Billion per month
 Lowest Price:
10.000 Warung x 20 banana x IDR 1,000 x 20 days = IDR 4 Billion per month
[Best Guess]
 Highest Price:
5.000 Warung x 20 banana x IDR 1,500 x 20 days = IDR 3 Billion per month
 Lowest Price:
5.000 Warung x 20 banana x IDR 1,000 x 20 days = IDR 2 Billion per month
 Highest Price:
1.000 Warung x 20 banana x IDR 1,500 x 20 days = IDR 600 Million per month
 Lowest Price:
1.000 Warung x 20 banana x IDR 1,000 x 20 days = IDR 400 Million per month
The consumer were not people who spend a lot of money on their lunch menu, but they keep staying
in balance nutrient on their consumption
Banana is common fruit that widely provided in many Warung Makan Tegal at DKI jakarta, so every
people who have lunch will be easily to find banana on their table.

[Target Market]
Hunger urban people (middle-low class) who spend his lunch time at “Warung Makan Tegal” and
consuming fruit (banana) as their dessert.
High price of good nutrient fruit after lunch.
[Frame of Reference]
Small shape of good nutrient fruits
Easy to find in the fruit market

Pranata Yassi – 29316411 – GM 4

Banana Challenge
Lecturer: Ir. Budi Permadi Iskandar, MSP

[Point of Difference]
Small shape of dessert fruit with good nutrient content
[Reason to believe]
Approved by International Food and Drug Administration by it's nutrion benefit
[Distinguished from Competition]
Smaller shape and Lower price
[Emotional End Benefit]
I felt enough
[Positioning Statement]
For urban low-middle class people who want completing balance nutrition (“4 Sehat 5 Sempurna”) on
their eating (lunch) habit.

*This banana will be distributed through every Warung Tegal registered in Koperasi Warung Tegal DKI
Jakarta, each Warung Tegal in DKI Jakarta will receive 1 “sisir” of Banana which consisted of 15-18
bananas. The peoplel that targeted are usually come to warung tegal to have their lunch. Assuming in
50 person who attend the Warung Tegal, 18 of them will consume banana after their lunch as their

Pranata Yassi – 29316411 – GM 4

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