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Course and Year BSAC-2A
ID Number 200347
Age 19
Course Insight Summary

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Preliminary Notion Stages of Moral Moral
Conscience Ethical Theories
of Morality Development Deliberation
Context – I always hear the Context – I can’t deny that Context – Context –Long before, Context – How do I
word morality, especially every person in the whole Moral development refers to the there were already ethical arrived at moral
in our day to-day universe is not that perfect development, alteration, and theories. And most of the decisions?
activities. Insofar, morality at all because sometimes understanding of moral qualities time, we make ethical
is a concept that can help we tend to act badly, from the earliest stages through decisions without recourse . When making moral
humans understand the which, in the end, makes us adulthood. A moral quality is to an ethical theory, even decisions, I frequently
surroundings in which they feel regretful. Conscience created over a lifetime and is if we are familiar with recall the golden rule:
are living. Thus, it has a is a very important concept impacted by an individual's ethical theory as an don't do it to others so
huge impact on them as it that people should encounters and behaviour when intellectual enterprise. that karma will not hurt
allows them to execute understand and study. It is confronted with ethical issues And I believe that western you.. But the question
proper and righteous an inner voice within a through diverse periods of physical philosophy, such as is, how will I arrive at a
actions over wrongdoings. person that guides and tells and cognitive development. Immanuel Kant’s moral decision?
Without ethics, life will be the person the right or Furthermore, a person's moral Categorical Imperative, Basically, I do it based
in danger and morality will good activities to avoid. development has a huge and suits me because I act on the circumstances
be useless. Thus, the Thus, it persuades us to be significant impact on society and based on the 1st that I have
principle I do live by is the right, to think properly, and the community as a whole. If we do formulation of the encountered in life,
deontological principle to be considerate in any not teach children moral categorical imperative, then properly analyse
because it stresses the situation. responsibility, they will lack a moral which is Universality. Also, I those things and arrive
moral duty and obligation and ethical sense of values. Thus, believe that the thing will at the best and most
of an individual. Thus, for Alex interprets moral development only be good if it is based just decisions.
me, this principle is based on his reasoning and critical on good will, which has no
empowered by many thinking, and I process it by qualification and
because if we do it based properly evaluating it in order to condition, and is done for
on our moral duty and come up with the right and good the sake of duty.
good will, then we can do outcome in any of the situations
things better and right. that occurred in his life.
Experience – All my life, I Experience – We human Experience –It is very evident today Experience In today’s set Experience –
have always wanted to beings are craving for that the issue of bullying is timely up, Murder is still on going
act based on my moral change and demand so and relevant up to this day and and we can see it on In budgeting a money.
duty. Thus, throughout my much of it. Within a with the help of this process such as television. Social medias Thus, I am very lazy
18 years of existence, my government, various reasoning, critical thinking and and newspapers and we when it comes to
parents told me that political systems may exist proper evaluation of the issue, I believe that murdering a money because I love
stealing was a bad action that suit the place for it to came up with the right actions or person is a bad action to shopping. In regards
to be done. I did it several have a better and good movements to it by reporting it to be done. Thus, If the with, I reflect and
times when I was a child. place to live in. As halalan authorities for the reason that it will maxim we value is the act started to analyse the
Thus, due to that habit, I 2022 approaches, vote not happen again. of not murdering a person situation in which I
end up crying at the end buying will again appear. and it will be universalized questioned myself, “if
because my mom Vote buying is something by everyone then, there expending money on
scolded me. She advised that offers money to a will be a peace and shopping would be a
me to break those habits citizen so that he or she can harmonious society. good or bad actions to
because, in the end, I vote for a specific person be done?” but at the
would suffer as a result of even though it is not their end of the day, I came
them. As a result, she choice to become a up with a moral or
added, it will make you a leader. Thus, I witnessed this good decisions
sinner, miserable, and less kind of situation. In this
of a man in the end. regard, I heard two voices
chatting inside my head,
one saying, "don't scold or
report them to authority
because it will make them
happy," while the other
said, "report them to
authority so it won't be
unfair for the other
candidates."Hence, I sit
and think heavily about
what choices I am
supposed to trust. As time
passed by, I chose the
second voice because my
good conscience told me
to tell the truth, and it is
something that I should
follow in view of the fact
that I will not suffer from
sickness and evilness in life.
Reflection - I believe that Reflection –I think and feel Reflection – Reflection – I Think and Reflection – I think and
this topic is timely and that it is very evident that I think and feel that Kohlberg's feel that this topic will help feel that this topic will
pertinent to this conscience is an essential moral development theories are as me understand deeply give me so much
generation. Thus, I should ingredient in one’s life. relevant today as they have ever what is ethics all about strength and
reflect on it and maintain Thus, without it, the choices been. His ideas have been applied and appreciate their enlightenment when
that posture in order to we are going to make are to a wide range of topics, including moral teachings until I die. choosing solutions in
visualize the meaning and immoral. I believe that it is child development, education, life.
importance of that truly amazing how and legal issues. Without a doubt, it
principle in my life. Also, conscience works in one’s is clearly stated that his topic Is very
knowing these principles life. Conscience is made by important on life’s transformation.
and concepts, I felt more God, not just by science. I
aware of my actions. think that at the end of the
day, conscience is our
awareness on the actions
we are doing and it will
help us arrive in a good
and scintillating outcome.
Action – I should share it Action – nurture and Action – I will definitely share it to Action – share it to Action – I will work hard
and treasure it forever understand myself and the everybody and be a good model everyone and recall the in creating a critical
because it will help to find situations that surrounds citizen to everyone for the reason principles and new insights thinking so that I can
my persona and maintain me. Hence, I will surely that we will achieved a nice and if needed in the future. easily make a good
my moral character. Also, discover more about it so better environment. decisions in life.
I need to engage more that it will aid me to
about this principle so that become a better citizen in
I can teach young ones to present and future.
become good.
Evaluation – I think I have Evaluation – I believe that Evaluation – what areas do I need Evaluation – areas to Evaluation – on making
to go deeper on this study there is no need to have an to improve on for this topic become good human in good actions
and some branches of it so improvement about it I believe that there is no need for all aspect and to others. consistently.
that I can understand it because it can already be improvement for this topic
fully. seen to our day to day life because it was been studied by
situations. me when I was in high school and
up to college.
Synthesis of Self
Life is amazing and, at the same time, burdensome. Finding and
understanding oneself is among the most beguiling and formidable tasks that a
human person or being should be able to achieve and nourish in their lifetime.
Finding and understanding the meaning of being a good human goes beyond
knowing one’s identity or being conscious of who and what actions he or she can
take. The concept of a good or ethical human being is usually given to the idea
of human beings as having right and humane characteristics. A number of
definitions have been formulated regarding its ethics and importance to human
life, but we are still searching for the concrete meaning of it to satisfy our questions
and hallucinations. Doing good is a vital component in achieving well-being and
life satisfaction. Everyone has their own symbolism of ethics. In the ethics class,
Alex was taught that every human being today has their own morals and ethical
standards that they live by. Throughout the year, Alex has learned about ethical
and unethical actions. He was taught that ethics can be changed in different
situations because of the moral dilemmas that surround human beings. All the
lessons, inquiries, and learning that he put into this subject can be applied in real-
life situations. In regards to this, he properly understands now that ethical
concepts from week 1 to week 8 are only in his development to become a
human, and he views that human beings' ethical actions are completely different
from animals. For this reason, human beings are unique. In addition, Alex believed
that humans have the capacity to control most of the actions they are doing,
and they know what is right over wrongdoings more than any other living beings
in the world. He insisted that it really depends on human actions on whether they
are going to be good or right people. Furthermore, Alex thinks that ethics is like a
direction in which it guides him towards the best outcome, and for him, through
this, we will become harmonious, united, and can live in a peaceful and happy

What has changed?

The topic of self and ethics is often talked about but largely goes unnoticed.
Ethics is a crucial part of an individual’s development process that influences their
behaviour and actions. The way information is taken in and how it is analysed and
processed is a function of human having ethics in one’s life. Thus, all the stated
learnings above were already my realizations, creations, and end goals in which
they are part of my life as a human being. I learned that every human being is
not perfect in this world for the reason that we can make mistakes as well, but at
the end of the day, we make ourselves true and right to others by learning from
them. Furthermore, I experienced a lot of challenges in my life, but these
challenges made me stronger with the help of ethics and its concepts. In addition,
ethics changes my life completely because when I am presented with options, I
analyse which among them is the best choice, pursue it, and get good rewards
along with it. Thus, when I or we are able to understand how ethics works in one’s
life, I or we can achieve a greater understanding of himself or herself or others.
Lastly, throughout this ethics class, it makes us feel as if we have gained a lot of
learning and realizations about life, behaviour, actions, and direction, which
molds us to become ready for life and transforms us into a better version of

What can I do to improve or take care of myself?

Above all, I learned that there are various ways and principles of ethics to
arrive in a right action. Thus, it is very hard for me to distinguish right away the right
from wrong action, but in the end, it really depends on how we see a right action
from actions and what will be the outcome of it to satisfy us. Furthermore, I strongly
believe that to improve something, we must first improve ourselves as an
individual. In my venture to improve myself, I, as a student or individual, have to
take possession of all the topics given by ethics subject because it will give me
the movement on how to be a good human to self and to others. Also, I will take
a control of my life’s decision and actions so that I won’t hurt myself and others.
By taking this vital improvement, it will guide me to a right outcome. Lastly, my
ways may be thin or small to some but I believe improvement has to begin with
here hence I can fulfil greatness and perfect happiness in life.


Excellent (29-30pts) Demonstrates deep understanding of the concept; has no

misconceptions; shows high competence in explanations

Superior (27-28 pts) Demonstrates good understanding, has very few minor
misconceptions; shows competence in explanations
Above Average (26-27 pts) Demonstrates some understanding of the concept, has few
High Average (24-25 pts) minor misconceptions, can explain in some detail
Average (22-23 pts)
Low Average (19-22 pts) Demonstrates limited understanding; has some misconceptions,
Passed (18 pts) can explain in some details with inaccuracies

Failed (0-17 pts) Demonstrates low understanding; has many misconceptions;

needs help in explaining ideas

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