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Brand history

“Hilal is the largest manufacturer of candies and bubbles in Pakistan”.

Name: Hilal Foods Pvt Ltd Main Products: Bubble Gum,Jellies,Cakes,Candies,Chocolate

Business Type: Manufacturer Total Employees: 501 - 1000 People

Main Markets: South Asia, Mid East, Africa, Eastern Europe

Address: 507, Clifton Centre, Karachi, Pakistan


Hilal’s in Pakistan is no. 1 confectionary and cake manufacturers with its products exported to over20
countries around the world. We are dedicated to the art of producing fun innovative and delicious
products for sweet lovers of all ages hilal’s products offer tantalizing experiences that spark the
imaginations of people who eat or candy. Of course, this has been over goal all along since our inception
in 1957. today Hilal candy continues to make some of the best candy in Pakistan and perhaps even in the
world. Along with our candies, we also inspire to help kids to have more imaginations and let them be a
kid even longer. . We believe in our credo to help kids. Hilal products can be enjoyed by kids and adults
alike and our products come in an array of flavours, shapes and sizes.

Vision: Halal Brand’s vision is to bring convenience and peace of mind to the Muslim consumer.

Mission: Halal Brand’s mission is to work with companies to provide transparency and to expand the
halal food market.

Hilal has been synonymous with excellent quality confectionery products for the past fifty years. Over the
last half century, the company has diversified it’s product range, with a variety of popular new
confectioneries for consumers all over Pakistan to enjoy. Hilal Confectionery is a market pioneer and
leader with their classic range of candies and bubble gums - now newer, improved, and innovative
products like chocolates, wafers and powdered drinks have also had a substantial impact on the
marketplace. The extensive Hilal portfolio includes, but is not limited to, such recognizable products such
as Amras Candy, Chooran Chatni, Khopra, Pan Pasand and Ding Dong at one end, to Milker Bar Bar,
LineUp, and Sun Sip at the other end.

Hilal is an ever-advancing company, with it’s vision firmly entrenched in the future. The company has
been busy looking at new ways in which to approach its market, and in line with such an innovative
approach, is now consolidating the launch of packaged cakes, produced on the finest imported
machinery. Taking into account Hilal’s stellar track record and appreciation from the customer base, Kake
is destined to be another one of Hilal’s Halo brands.

Hilal Started Business in 1952. Presently Hilal is the largest confectionary producer, in the country. Hilal is
renowned for Candies; Kings Sister Concern of Hilal manufactures Chocolate products, Chewing Gums
"ZOOOM", Bubble Gums "DING DONG", and Jellies "PIZZA". The promotional campaign and advertising
developed strong association in the minds of consumers. Hilal has given franchise to kings in order to
produce products under the name of Hilal.

Primary Competitors
 CandyLand
 Center Fresh
 Kidco
 MayFair
 Mitchell’s
 Danpak

Market Size and Market Share:

 Market size for the chewing gum is 10,000 metric tons in Pakistan.
 Ding Dong enjoys a market share of 45% that is 4500 metric tons.
Hilal is Pioneer in Presenting Traditional Flavor. Hilal feels proud to say that they are pioneer in
presenting the traditional flavors for better customer satisfaction through the modern manufacturing
techniques. Chooran Chattni, Hajmola Imli, Super Imli, Super Sour, Aamrus, Khopra, Pan Pasand,
Hajmola Adrak, andChatpata Adrak are the best examples of Hilal’s traditionally flavored candies. In
response to consumer, Hilal has played its role to compete, in quality conscious market. Through
continuous research and development for that quality consciousness Hilal is manufacturing the products
by using the latest technology to fulfill the market demand. Hilal in its own well modern equipped lab does
testing process and through expertise it launches good flavors to market. Hilal manufactured hard candies
for almost 38 years from 1952 to 1990. In 1992 Hilal’s mega launch was “PANPASAND”, then they
started candies like“CHURAN CHATNI”, “HAJMOLACANDY”, “KHOPRA CANDY” and “AMRAS”.

Then in 1993 Hilal started manufacturing bubble gums, major launch was “DINGDONG” & it was a very
good success. After that HILAL started chocolate business and its first chocolate was “CHOCO 4” and
mega success was“MILKER BAR BAR” which was launched recently in 2004, then “FRESH UP”was
launched in 1995 . In 1996 Hilal started jelly business, major launches were“PIZZA” & “EGG” jelly.

In the year 2004 Hilal started powder business under the brand name of SUNSIP; mega launches were
“THANDA ORANGE”, “LIMOPANI” and “BODYCHARGER”, LIMO PANI was a superb success.

The Company believes that success requires the highest standards of corporate behavior towards their
employees, consumers and the societies of the world in which we live. This is HILAL’s road to
sustainable, profitable growth for their business and long-term value creation for company’s shareholders
and employees.
Hilal has a portfolio of brands that are popular across the globe; its major global customers are
Afghanistan, Congo, Bangladesh, Ivory coast, Jordan, Lebanon, Maldives, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia,
South Africa, Sri Lanka and United Kingdom.

They are fully equipped with the most modern infrastructure to handle bulky volume orders as well as we
have a complete facility available to take care of any type of new product development to congregate
customer demands.

CONSUMER: The main consumer of confectionery products is a child. Nearly 80% of the total
confectionery products are bought & eaten by children. The percentage even increases to 90% in case of
candies & toffees. The rest are consumed by people of higher age.

Most of the children have only limited money at their disposal to spend out of which they have to make a
choice among the various products available in the shop including candies, toffees, bubble gum, jellies,
ice-creams, cold drinks, lolly pops, chips etc.

We choose ding dong bubble gum among all of its products.

Product Type: Gum Type: Bubble Gum Flavor: Fruity

Color: Off White Certification: FDA, ISO Packaging: Box

Shelf Life:2 Year Brand Name: Hilal Place of Origin: Pakistan

Objectives and issues

The objectives of ding dong bubble gum are as follows

To increase ding song bubble gum market share in the current market

To increase the growth of ding dong bubble gum in Pakistan

To satisfy its customers

To keep modifying and improving its products for customers benefits

To improve production capacity in advance to cater the market

To the extent its product line to satisfy need and demands of target market

To add new features in the packaging

GUMS: The category's share in the market is nearly 30%. The category of gums has started selling in
good terms. The brand 'DING DONG' of Hilal has virtually become the case study in Pakistan market due
to its tremendous Brand recall & Equity.

It is the largest selling brand in all the categories of confectionery in Pakistan market. Previously the only
mentionable name was of Mayfair Bubble but in the past 5-6 years, CandyLand launched Dyno Gum,
Fresh & Juicy, Sim Sim, Campus, B.P. has launched Stick Gum, Hilal launched center filled bubble 'Fresh
Up' & Kidco recently re-launched its center filled bubble with the brand name of 'Centro'.


1. The availability & amount of money in his pocket.

2. His/her liking (Brand Loyalty)

But the previous factor has more weight than the last one.


-- Ages 4-16 years

-- Both Gender

-- All income groups (mostly lower to middle income)


These are the issues which ding dong is facing these days

 The brand is not popular in the market

 Difficult to predict how consumers will respond
 no new advertisement
 have competitors in market boom boom bubble gum etc



Good quality of products offered Brand recall is high

Positioned as a quality brand Is exported


Lack of promotional activities

Availability is not strong

Packaging needs to improve

Flavors should extend

not much flavour only one flavour since its introduce

5. song should be remake.


Expanding market size

Social media marketing provides an opportunity of mass marketing


Competition within industry and entry of new competitors


 we can resolve it by doing better advertisement

 By new packing

Tag Line: Reason to Smile

Confectionery Snack Foods Bakery Foods
Choco 4 Pouch Pizza Jelly Kake
Choco 4 Long Sheet Amrud Jelly Jumbo Kake
Zooom Stick Gum Mirch Masala Jelly
Ding Dong Bubble Gum
Bar Bar
Chillax Spearmint
Chewing Gum
Chick Chick Chocolate

INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT: Confectionery, like in other parts of the world, in Pakistan also one of the
oldest & most competitive of the industries.

With brand preferences & brand names evolving & going into oblivion, the Pakistan confectionery market
has seen the brands form AB to CandyLand, Hilal, B.P. Mayfair, Sweet Hill, City Boy, Kashmiri Gold, &
KIDCO. As happened yesterday's leaders have been taken over today's innovators.

Being strictly in the FMCG sector, the main trade is done through the main & the regional wholesale
market that have sprout up in every nook & corner of the cities due to the later's spread & ever-growing
population. The idea is usually of filling up of the wholesaler who in turn then feeds the smaller retailers of
the area.

With the downturn of the economy & gradual shrinking of the purchasing power of the lower to the middle
class income group (main consumers of the local confectionery), the market has been the smaller SKUs
& even low priced products.

The winner is one who is INNOVATIVE - who churns new & original products at regular intervals of time.
This timing can be either launching of a new category or grabbing the space of the brand leader.

As has happened with the other categories, the acceptance of the confectionery in our households has
also opened the doors for this to be taken as cottage industry. This is the main origin of the 'Fake',
counterfeit or even regionally strong brands.
Most of the brands are short-lived & the companies behind them also did not focus on them. Mostly &
mainly the idea has been to "Reap the short-term windfalls" rather than focusing on the long-term. This
attitude can be due to either presence of only local companies who does not have the professional &
strategic thinking behind their operations; tough competition & worsening economic conditions.

Most of the organisations are distributor & dependent who usually follow the trader approach of dumping
the stocks instead of real distribution & getting Instant Cash. The usual margin for all the sectors of the
trade ie the Distributor & the Retailer ranges between 12 to 15% that can occasionally go up in case of a
special Trade Offer or as a result of competitive strategy by a Company.

There is a strange trend of 'Extra Discounts' on the Official Trade Price of the company. This extra
discount is now considered to be a legitimate right of theirs by the retailers & the wholesalers.

The growth of competition has made the confectionery a necessary item of all kinds & categories of retail.
Be it a Pan shop, Kiryana, Chemist, even Sports goods all are now having the confectionery ranges with

The inception of the coins have given the confectionery a new segment to explore - A class outlets&
super markets instead of keeping the cash, give the 1 or 2 Rs confectionery to their customers, who also
feel easy rather than having the trouble of keeping the 'Chawannian & Atthannian'.

FUTURE SCENARIO (EXPECTATIONS)With the growth of information & competition, the future looks
very interesting. The margins will be in the tight band of 15%, the thing to matter will be the volume
achieved, where the real distribution will play the decisive role. More so, the companies will now to have
at least one strong brand (preferably Brand Leader) in each category that can act its cash cow.

More organised Marketing planning & sales strategies will be seen & most importantly, as has happened
in other sectors & other countries as well, the enormousity & potential of the industry will surely entice
foreign brands to jump in. The survival will thus be of the fittest.

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