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Now we are going to agra a city offering a discovery of beautiful era

- Agra Located on the banks of the Yamuna river in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.
- with Total area is 121 sq km
-and Population: roughly 1.6 million; the twenty-third most populous city in India.
- Outstanding attractions: Agra Fort, Taj Mahal included on the Golden Triangle
tourist circuit
- the features of city:agra has mild winters, hot and dry summers and a monsoon
season, and is famous for its Mughlai cuisine.
Next we talk about the tajmahal
The most famous mausoleum /ˌmɔːzəˈliːəm/ in India is located in the city of Agra.
The taj mahal was built during the most glorious period of indian history.
Construction began between 1632-1648 and it took another five years in 1653 to
complete the surrounding buildings and gardens.
The 17th-century building was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site in
1983 and described as a "world-admired masterpiece /ˈmɑːstəpiːs/ among world
heritage sites".
At first, the mausoleum was named Tat Bibica Rauza, meaning "burial place of the
Queen of the Heart", later it was named Taj Mahal, which in Persian /ˈpɜːʃn/means
"Crown of the Mogol".
The Taj Mahal was designed by Iranian architect Ustad Tsa. He was the best architect
in the Northern Hemisphere at that time. According to legend /ˈledʒənd/, in order for
this mausoleum not to be repeated anywhere, even a small detail, the king cut off the
hands of the designers and construction supervisors of the Taj Mahal.
The total building has cost up to 32 million rupees.To build the mausoleum more than
20,000 workers, craftsmen /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ from around the world and more than 1,000
elephants carrying materials participated in building this architecture.
This mausoleum/ˌmɔːzəˈliːəm/ is considered a symbol of eternal love, a priceless
/ˈpraɪslis/ gift that Emperor Shah Jahan gave to his wife, Queen Mumtaz Mahal
She was the most loved person by the king during 19 years. Years of marriage, they
loved each other very much and had 14 children together, after giving birth to the 14th
child, Queen Mumtaz Mahal died. King Shah Jahan created a wonder for mankind
About the architectural of Tajmahal
The Taj Mahal is considered the finest example of Mughal – mugo Architecture. It is a
harmonious combination between the complex of Persian /ˈpɜːʃn/, Central Asian and
Islamic/ ɪzˈlæmɪk/ architecture, including 5 zones: Darwaza đơwadơ(main gate),
Bageecha bagicho(garden space), Masjil majo(mosque), Naqqa Khana naqua
kana(guest house) and Rauza raozo (Taj Mahal mausoleum/ˌmɔːzəˈliːəm/).

As you see the slide, the position of each zones is clearly

The mausoleum is located adjacent /əˈdʒeɪsnt/ to the Yamuna River, giving this
complex an airy /ˈeəri/ space. This position allows the mausoleum to reflect on the
river surface on moonlit nights, but also a great challenge in building taj mahal.

Because the limited of time so we only focus on the main architecture of main gate
and tajmahal mausoleum. The main gate to visit the complex, located opposite on a
straight axis/ˈæksɪs/ with the entrance of the mausoleum. The Main gateway was
constructed in the year 1632-1638 and be designed by the architect Ustad Ahmad
Lahauri. The main gateway is a structure which is 93ft high and is 150ft wide.
This gateway is a double storied building built with the use of Red Sandstone. It is
another example as to how much Shah Jahan was in love with patterns throughout his
life. This vertical gateway is one of the most important gateways amongst the five
entries to the Taj Mahal.
The doorway has the shape of an ogival arch which reaches mid-height of the whole
of gateway structure. The gate is adorned at the corners with octagonal /ɒkˈtæɡənl/
shaped towers which are covered by open domed pavilions /pəˈvɪliən/. It is also
marked by 11 umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/ shaped cupolas /ˈkjuːpələ/ which are made up of
marbles which constitute the central portion of the gateway.
Some passages from the Koran are also decorated on the walls. According to the Taj
Mahal travel website, this Arabic inscription /ɪnˈskrɪpʃn/ means: "O soul at rest.
Return to God, be at peace with Him, and He will be at peace with you". Interestingly,
visitors looking up from below will see the text around the arch /ɑːtʃ/ of the same
size. But in fact the font size at the bottom is smaller, while the text on the arch is
large, to create a balanced visual effect with the viewer's eyes.

In the middle of the Taj Mahal is a small ditch /dɪtʃ/ leading to the central
mausoleum, surrounded on both sides by rows of green trees, looking like soldiers
standing day and night by the mausoleum. The garden is set along the classical
mughal lines, a square surrounded by long pool with walking paths, foutain and
ornamental/ˌɔːnəˈmentl/ plants. The marble water tank raised between the gate and
the mausoleum is called the alhwa talc of the holy in reference to the tank containing
the abundance from us to the prophet muhammad. The garden features an abundance
of plants, including roses, daffodils /ˈdæfədɪlz/, and fruit trees. As the Mughal Empire
declined, the British /brɪtɪʃ/ took control of the Taj Mahal, they changed the landscape
to make it resemble the lawns of London.
The outside of the mahal mausoleum is made up of a mosque on the west side and a
similar building on the east side for the purpose of architectural balance or can serve
as a guest house. Two buildings built of red sandstone with marble arches, they
contrast both in color and texture with the white marble of the mausoleum.
Getting closer to the mausoleum, when stepping on the stone floor outside, each
person must remove their shoes or cover their shoes to preserve the integrity /ɪn
ˈteɡrəti/ of this nearly 500-year-old structure

The Taj Mahal was built on an area of land 304m wide and 580m long. The main
building is an irregular octagonal/ɒkˈtæɡənl/ block created from a square block with
beveled 4 corners. Each square side has a length of 55m. Surrounded by 4 small round
arches. These 4 minarets are designed to function as synagogue /ˈsɪnəɡɒɡ/ towers, an
important element in Islamic architecture, a place for believers to pray. Each tower
has a height of more than 40m. According to Islam, the number 4 symbolizes the
sacred and immortal. The height of the temple is about 80m. Around the castle are
walls of rolling arched windows and doors, exquisitely /ɪkˈskwɪzɪtli/ carved with
different precious /ˈpreʃəs/ stones.

The use of double domes, an archway recessed into a rectangular façade surroundings
are all characteristic of the Shah Jahān period. balance between parts of a building are
always emphasized /ˈemfəsaɪz/. Besides that optical tips are also applied in islamic
buildings especially if in the event of a collapse of the towers, every element of design
and construction has been calculated so that everything falls out of the main
To detail this, here we will watch a video to better understand in the main mausoleum
Visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside the mausoleum because this is the
resting place of King Shah Jahan and Queen Mumtaz Mahal. This is given the only
asymmetrical /ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪk/ detail in the mausoleum. Queen Mumtaz's coffin is located
in the center of the mausoleum while Shah Jahan's coffin is off-axis. Thanks to the
small holes punched with fingers on the stone walls, the inside of the mausoleum is
still airy and not too dark. Legend show the emperor planned to build a Black Taj
mausoleum for himself, but he died when the plan was unfinished. Therefore, his
grave was added to the Taj Mahal and not included in the original design. After his
death, Shah Jahan was laid to rest by his son next to his most beloved wife. The tombs
of the emperor and his wife face the south side towards the garden of the Taj Mahal
which faces the rising and setting of the sun. However, the two fenced graves that
allow visitors to visit are actually a simulation of the real catacombs below.

 The unique feature of the Taj Mahal that cannot be matched anywhere else is
the shape of Queen Mumtaz Mahal in each architectural line

 The dome /dəʊm/ is like her veil /veɪl/. The outer dome top is also decorated
with detailing in a style that blends traditional persian and hindu elements.
Decorative spirals extend from the bottom of the wall, and are an optical accent to
the arch height.

=> Inverted Lotus a Hindu symbol along with the Islamic Crescent /ˈkresnt/
Moon. In Buddhism too, the lotus represents purity /ˈpjʊərəti/ and renunciation /rɪ
ˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/, floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire. So the
lotus - India’s national flower was not just a big deal to Hindus and Buddhists
since ancient times, it was a defining symbol.
  This dome also applies to the four sub-chambers (chattris) at the four corners.
Between these sub-chambers is a space to bring light into the main space's interior
through large arched doors that are also designed in the typical lotus shape

 The temple's shape is like a glittering /ˈɡlɪtərɪŋ/ teardrop - a symbol of

eternal love. All the statues of the mausoleum are paved with marble,
symbolizing the purity of the queen.
 The decoration outside the Taj Mahal is considered to be the most
beautiful decoration of the Mughal dynasty. The prominent decorative
detail is the famous pishtaq inscriptions. They are written with paint, or
inlaid stone or mosaic carved directly into the wall.

 Here is some decoration outside the mausoleum

As you can see here, taken inside the monument, is shown the Sacred Hindu
Symbol of OM. Om is a mantra /ˈmæntrə that is traditionally chanted at the
beginning and end of yoga sessions. Coming from Hinduism and Yoga, the
mantra /ˈmæntrə/ is considered to have high spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl/ and creative
power but despite this, it is a mantra /ˈmæntrə/ that can be recited by anyone
from any religion

Gupta (1996) has documented the distribution of 74 plant species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ used
in the iconography /ˌaɪkəˈnɒɡrəfi/ of many Buddhist /ˈbʊdɪst/, Hindu and
Jainist /ˈdʒeɪnɪst/ temples in India, while 46 species are found here in the Taj
Mahal. But 46 is already more than half, and for a single monument, it's a lot.

 The inside decoration: 

Even though the Muslim tradition does not allow graves of dead people to be
decorated but Emperor Shah Jahan and decorated his burial and his wife's. The
burial chamber is in an octagonal room and is covered in abstract designs and
gemstones, which are still intact today. Emperor Shah Jahan did not disregard the
Musilum tradition; he and his wife were put in a relatively plain casket. On the
wall of the chamber were written the names of the 99 names of the gods, each
carved in with steady hands.
Last thing I want to mention that is Taj Mahal will change color depending on
the time of day and the intensity /ɪnˈtensəti/ of sunlight. The most beautiful
beauty that the Taj Mahal has is on the moonlit nights like a sparkling jewel
/ˈdʒuːəl/. The color of the temple magically changes during the day thanks to
the color of precious/ˈpreʃəs/ stones at different times depending on the color
of the sun. At dawn, the temple reflects the dawn brilliantly /ˈbrɪliəntli/ as if
inlaid /ˌɪnˈleɪd/ with gold. At noon, the Taj Mahal shines in sparkling white
jade /dʒeɪd/. On the moonlit night, the marble emit a magical silver light that
enchants /ɪnˈtʃɑːnt/ people like a crystal /ˈkrɪstl/ in the air.
However, day by day, the color of the mausoleum is gradually changing, from
white to yellow-brown. According to experts, this is an extremely worrying
sign, because the reason for the phenomenon is environmental pollution.

And next loan will introduce to you another attraction

The main gate (Darwaza) is a nostalgic structure with a marble dome, similar to the
dome of a mausoleum, decorated with many patterns in the style of reliefs or mosaics.
The highlight of the Taj Mahal is the white marble mausoleum on a large square
pedestal. The marble arch over the tomb - the "onion dome", the lotus top and the
elongated spirals are the optical highlight. At the top of the pyramid is a crescent
moon in an Islamic motif – like a trident. The top of the tower is shaped like an
upside-down Hindu holy water bowl. The decorations at the Taj Mahal are considered
the most beautiful of the Mogol era, with prominent Pishtaq inscriptions. The font size
is gradually increased from low to high, creating the illusion of equality, written in
paint, inlaid with stone or carved directly into the wall. And the Koran passages on the
wall are written in Thuluth style - beautiful and butterfly typeface created by Amanat
Khan and inlaid with very delicate gemstones. In the middle of the large room of the
second floor are two pale pink marble coffins, carved with many elaborate motifs.
According to Islamic philosophy, from the real coffins on the lower floor - where the
remains of the deceased are located, the soul will fly up to enter the coffins on the
upper floor, then pass through the dome, up to heaven, to the throne of Allah. . After
his death, Shah Jahah and Mumtaz Mahal lay side by side in eternity
ản thân cổng vào là một cấu trúc phức tạp. Nó được đánh dấu bởi những căn phòng
với những đường xoắn và nhánh dẫn đến hành lang được tạo ra với động cơ gây nhầm
lẫn cho người đang bước vào tượng đài Taj Mahal. Những căn phòng này chưa từng
được sử dụng để làm gì trong hơn 3 thế kỷ. Cổng chính được xây dựng để tạo ra một
mẹo quang học rằng khi bạn di chuyển đến gần cổng hơn, Taj tiếp tục nhỏ hơn và khi
bạn bước đi, nó dường như lớn dần về kích thước.
Cổng chính của Taj Mahal cũng nổi bật vì nó được khắc các họa tiết của đạo Hindu.
Nó cũng được trang trí bằng những bức thư pháp Ả Rập từ kinh Qur'an được khảm
trên đá đen. Cổng chính của Taj Mahal được đặc trưng bởi hình ảnh giọt nước mắt
màu trắng với chiếc đinh ba màu đỏ, nằm phía trên ngách nhọn. Cửa ngõ là bằng
chứng rõ nhất về ảnh hưởng của đạo Hindu trong kiến trúc Mughal. Các họa tiết hoa,
bông sen đỏ, lá và dây leo trang trí hai bên mái dốc của cửa ngõ thể hiện hiệu ứng của
kiến trúc Hindu. Các họa tiết này được khảm bằng đá bán quý bằng đá cẩm thạch
Theo triết học Hồi giáo, từ những chiếc quan tài thật ở tầng dưới - nơi đặt hài cốt của
người quá cố, linh hồn sẽ bay lên để nhập vào những chiếc quan tài ở tầng trên, rồi đi
qua mái vòm, lên thiên đàng, lên ngai vàng. của Allah. . Sau khi chết, Shah Jahah và
Mumtaz Mahal nằm cạnh nhau trong cuộc sống chung
Điểm nhấn của Taj Mahal là lăng mộ đá cẩm thạch trắng. Giống như hầu hết lăng mộ
Mogul khác, các yếu tố căn bản đều có nguồn gốc Ba Tư: một tòa nhà đối xứng với
iwan, một ô cửa hình vòm, trên đỉnh là một vòm lớnĐiểm nổi bật của Taj Mahal là
lăng mộ bằng đá cẩm thạch trắng trên một bệ vuông lớn. Vòm bằng đá cẩm thạch trên
lăng mộ - "mái vòm củ hành", đỉnh đài sen và các đường xoắn ốc kéo dài là điểm nhấn
quang học. Trên đỉnh của kim tự tháp là hình trăng lưỡi liềm theo mô-típ Hồi giáo -
giống như cây đinh ba. Đỉnh tháp có hình chiếc bát úp ngược của người Hindu. Đồ
trang trí tại Taj Mahal được coi là đẹp nhất của thời đại Mogol, với những dòng chữ
Pishtaq nổi bật. Cỡ chữ được tăng dần từ thấp lên cao tạo ảo giác bình đẳng, được viết
bằng sơn, dát đá hoặc chạm khắc trực tiếp vào tường. Và những đoạn kinh Koran trên
tường được viết theo phong cách Thuluth - kiểu chữ đẹp và bướm do Amanat Khan
tạo ra và được khảm bằng đá quý rất tinh xảo.
đây là kiểu thiết kế lấy cảm hứng từ các vườn cây Ba Tư. Trong các văn bản thần
bí Hồi giáo thời kỳ Mogul, thiên đàng được miêu tả là một khu vườn lý tưởng, phong
phú. Nước đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong những phần miêu tả đó: Ở Thiên đường,
những cuốn sách đó viết, bốn con sông bắt nguồn từ một dòng suối ở trung tâm hay
một quả núi, và chúng chia khu vườn thành bốn phần bắc, tây, nam và đông. Nhưng
sự tồn tại của một Mahtab Bagh hay "Vườn Ánh trăng" mới được khám phá ở phía
bên kia Yamuna cho ta một cách giải thích khác—rằng chính Yamuna được tích hợp
vào thiết kế vườn, và mang ý nghĩa là một trong những dòng sông của Thiên đường.[20]
Vì hình dạng của nó, vòm thường được gọi là vòm củ hành (cũng được gọi
là amrud hay vòm ổi). Đỉnh vòm được trang trí một bông hoa sen, với vai trò nhấn
mạnh chiều cao. Đỉnh cao nhất là một hình chạm đầu mái mạ vàng, theo phong cách
pha trộn Ba Tư truyền thống và các yếu tố Hindu. Trên cùng của hình chóp là một Mặt
Trăng theo motif Hồi giáo truyền thống, có hai đầu nhọn hướng lên trời. Do vị trí của
nó ở trên đầu mái, hai đầu nhọn của Mặt Trăng và đỉnh chóp tạo thành một hình đinh
ba—gợi lại một biểu tượng truyền thống Hindu là Shiva. với vũ khí là Trishula (đinh
ba) Những đỉnh tháp đều có dạng củ hành tương tự nhau. Đỉnh tháp trung tâm giống
hệt như một chén đựng nước thánh của người Hindu ('kalash hay kumbh).
. (At the end of his life, because he missed his wife too much, the king neglected /nɪ
ˈɡlektɪd/ all official affairs. When his son took the throne, he was kept under house
arrest in a room in Agra Fort. There, every day, Shah Jahan turned his eyes to the Taj
Mahal, where his beloved wife had fallen asleep.)

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