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Department of Civil Engineering

Question Bank


Surveying & Levelling

Basic Definitions of Surveying, Principles, Classification of surveying ,Methods of Linear
Measurement Ranging, Accessories for linear measurement, Chain Surveying, Compass
Surveying, Plane Table Surveying, Correction and Errors, Definition of Levelling, types of
levelling operations, Principles, Problems, Computation of Area and Volumes.

1. Define “Surveying”? Also list out various instruments used in chain surveying.
2. Define “Plane Table Surveying”? Also give its advantages and disadvantages.
3. Differentiate Plane survey and Geodetic survey.
4. Explain Basic Principles of surveying with neat sketches.
5. Discuss in Detail various kind of errors.
6. Describe how would you set and orient the plane table.
7. Explain the various methods employed for chaining on sloping ground.
8. Compute the interior angles from the following bearings
Line Fore Bearing
AB 60°30′
BC 122°00′
CD 46°00′
DE 205°30′
EA 300°00′
9. Describe important points to be kept in mind for selection of main survey station.
10. Define and explain working principle of Digital Planimeter.
11. Explain different methods of indirect levelling?
12. Write short notes on the following:
A. Profile levelling,
B. Triangulation Survey,
C. Control Survey,
D. Well-conditioned triangle.
Unit –II
Theodolite Traversing
Types, Temporary Adjustment, Latitude & Departure, plotting & Adjustment, Omitted
Measurements EDM, Trigonometric Levelling.

1. Explain in short about total station? Define its component with diagram.
2. Explain the working of EDM.
3. The following observations were made on a hill top to ascertain its elevation. The height of the
target Q was 5 m:
Instrument Staff Reading Vertical angle on R.L. of B.M.
Station on B.M. target at hill (m)
O2 2.750 18°6’ 346.520
O1 2.870 28°42’ 346.520
The instrument stations were 100 m apart and were in line with Q.
4. Define trigonometrical levelling? Derive the formulas for determining elevation & distance of
particular point, when the base of the object is inaccessible for”Instrumental axis at the same &
different levels”
5. The following lengths and bearings were recorded in running a traverse ABCD. Due to the
obstructions it was not possible to observe the bearings of lines BC and CD.
Line Length(m) Bearing
AB 550 60°
BC 1200 ?
CD 880 ?
DA 1050 310°
6. A closed traverse ABCD, in which the bearing of AD has not been observed and the length of BC
has been missed out in recording was conducted in city. The rest of the field record is as
Line Bearing Length (m)
AB 181°18’ 335
BC 90°00’ -
CD 357°36’ 408
DA - 828
Calculate the missing bearing and length.
7. Define and explain working principle of EDM.
8. Explain how atheodolite is tested, if necessary corrected so that
a. Line of collimation may be coincident with the longitudinal axis of the telescope and
b. Line of collimation may be at right angles to the traverse axis.
9. Co-ordinates of two points A and B are as follows. A third point C has been chosen in such a way
that bearing of AC and CB are 29°30’ and45°45’ respectively. Calculate the length of line AC and
Point Northing Easting
A 150 200
B 1500 1300
10. Explain following in theodoite :-
a) face left
b) face right
c) closing error in traverse
d) balancing of traverse
e) Bowditch rule
11. The following observations were made for a closed traverse round an obstacle. Due to
obstructions, lengths of line DE and EA could not be measured. Find out the missing lengths.
Line Length (m) Bearing
AB 500 98°30’
BC 620 30°20’
CD 468 298°30’
DE ? 230°00’
EA ? 150°10’

12. A theodolite travese was conducted in the anticlockwise direction and the following data were
recorded. Determine the length of CD and bearing of DE.
Line Length(m) Azimuth
AB 281.4 S69°11’E
BC 129.4 N21°49’E
CD ? N19°34’W
DE 144.5 ?
EA 168.7 S74°24’W

13. Write short notes on the following:

A. Theodolite Traversing
B. Theodolite
C. Latitude and Departure
D. Omitted measurement
E. Centering
F. Bubble down

Tachometric systems and principles, stadia system, uses of analytic lens, tangential system,
subtense system, instrument constant, field work reduction, direct-reading tacheometer , use of
tacheometry for traversing and contouring.

1. Explain about “Tacheometric Surveying”?

2. Define Tacheometry. What are the different systems of tacheometric measurement?
3. A tacheometer is used to obtain the difference of levels between two points A and B. The
instrument is setup at another station C and the following observations were made:
Staff at Vertical Angle Staff Readings
A -6°15’ 3.500, 2.815, 2.130
B -9°0’ 1.870, 0.990, 0.110
If the R.L. of A is 100.000, determine the R.L.of B. Also determine the horizontal distance of A from
C. Take K=50.0 andC=0.50.
4. Derive the distance equation for an anallactic lens. What are its advantages and disadvantages.
& also describe the use of Analactic lens in Techeometer.
5. Derive the tacheometric equation “D=KS+C” for the horizontal sight.
6. A tacheometer was set up at station A and the following readings were obtained on a vertically
held staff.
Station Staff Station Vertical angle Staff Remark
BM -6°30’ 2.360, 2.915, 3.470 R.L. of B.M.
B +11°30’ 2.065, 2.885, 3.705 =400.00
The constant of the instrument were 100 & 1. Find the horizontal distance from A to B & the
reduced level of B.
7. A levelling staff is held vertical at a distance of 100 m and 300 m from the axis of a tacheometer
and the staff intercept for horizontal sights are 0.99 m and 3.00 m respectively. Find the
constant of the instrument.
8. A tacheometer was set up at station C and the following readings were obtained on a vertically
held staff.
Station Staff Station Vertical angle Stadia hair reading m
BM -5°20’ 1.5, 1.8, 2.1
D +8°12’ 0.75, 1.5, 2.25

9. Describe the use of tacheometry for traversing and contouring?

10. Describe the working of subtense bar. Explain the effect of angular error on horizontal diatance
11. Outline the tangential method of tacheometry & deduce the expression for horizontal & vertcal
• When both the observed angles are angles of elevation &
• When both the observed angles are angles of depression.
12. Write various characteristics of tacheometer.
13. Explain the differences between fixed hair and movable hair method.
14. Derive Distance and Elevation formulae for horizontal height in Fixed Hair Method.
15. The following observations were made on a hill top Q to ascertain its elevation. The height of
the target, P was 6m.
Instrument Staff Reading on BM Vertical angle on target,
RL of BM (m)
station (m) P at hill top
A 2.500 18°10’ 340.550
B 1.650 27°30’ 340.550
The instrument station were 60m apart and were in line with P.
16. Explain about Anallactic lens & about its purpose?
17. Determine the gradient from point P to a point Q and the distance PQ. The observations were
made with tacheometer and the staff was held vertical at each of the station. The instrument
was fitted with an anallactic lense.
Station Staff Station Bearing Vertical angle Staff Readings
O P 134° +10°32’ 1.365, 1.920, 2.475
Q 224° +5°6’ 1.065, 1.885, 2.705

18. The elevation of the top Q of a signal is to be determined. The observation was made from two
instrument stations A and B, which are in line with the signal. The stations A and B are 100 m
apart. The vertical angles of Q as observed at A and B are 30°40’ and 17°00’.
The staff readings on the bench mark of elevation 178.450 m was 2.850 m when the
instrumentwas at A and 3.500 m when the isntrument was at B. Determine the elevation of the
top and foot of the signal if the height of the signal above its base is 4.50 m.
19. It was required to determine the distance between two points A and B by tacheometer fitted
with anallatic lens (K=100, C=0) with the instrument at A and staff at B, the observations made
were at vertical angle +9°46’ and staff intercepts of 1.915 m. What is the horizontal distance
AB? Later on it was found that the constants of intrument were 100 and .05. What would by the
percentage error in the horizontal distance computed?
20. A tacheometer was set-up at stations P and the following readings were recorded on a
vertically held staff at Q.
Station Staff Station Vertical angle Stadia hair reading m Remarks
BM -2°26’ 3.120, 3.450, 3.700 RL of BM =
P Q +7°45’ 1.600, 2.455, 3.160 430.60

21. Write short notes on the following:

A. Subtense system,
B. Stadia Rod,
C. Direct Reading Tacheometer
D. Contouring bt Tacheometer

Classification and use; elements of circular curves, calculations, setting out curves by offsets and by
theodolites, compound curves, reverse curves, transition curves, vertical curves, setting out.

1. Describe the common difficulties in setting out simple curves?

2. Describe the procedure of setting out the simple curve on field.
3. Discuss different forms of transition curves. Also derive expression for an ideal transition
4. Define and discuss the importance of super elevation in highways.
5. Write the angular method of curve drawing. Also write various steps of field procedure of curve
drawing by this method.
6. Define Degree of curve and long chord.
7. A compound curve is to connect two straights having a deflection angle of 90°. As determined
from the plan, the lengths of the two tangents are 350 metres and 400 metres respectively.
Calculate the length of the two arcs if the radius of the first curve is to be 300 metres.
8. Write about lemniscate? Show that it is an approximated clothoid over a limited length.
9. Define the term “Sharpness of Curve”.
10. Define transition curve and write the intrinsic equation of ideal curve.
11. Explain the use of transition curve on horizontal alignment on Road.
12. Explain the different types of vertical curves based on grades.
13. Write the use of vertical and transition curve.
14. Describe the elements of compound curves in brief.
15. Two tangents intersect at a chainage of 1322.5m, the deflection angle being 26°. Calculate
thefollowing for setting out a curve of radius 270. Versed sine of curve
i. Apex distance
ii. Chainage of point of commencement and tangency
iii. Length of curve
iv. Tangent Length
v. Length of Long Chord
16. Describe the five elements of simple circular curve. Derive their expressions.
17. A compound curve is made up of two arcs of radii 380 m & 520 m. The deflection angle of the
combined curve is 105° and that of first arc of radius 380 m is 58°. The chainage of the first
tangent point is 848.55m. Find the chainages of the point intersection, common tangent point
and forward tangent point.
18. A transition curve is required for a circular curve of radius 220m, the gauge being 1.5m and
maximum superelevation restricted to 15 cm. The transition curve is to be designed for a
velocity such that no lateral pressure is imposed on the rails and the rate of gain of radial
acceleration is 30 cm/sec3. Calculate the required length of the trasition curve and design
19. A circular curve has a 200 m radius and 65° deflection angle. Calculate degree (D) and length of
the curve.
20. Explain briefly the rankine’s method.
21. Two straights PQ and QR intersect at a chainage of 3000m. The angle of intersection is 130°. It
is required to set out a 5° simple circular curve to connect the straights. Calculate all the data
necessary to set out the curve by the method of offsets from choed produced with an interval of
22. The following data refer to aright hand compound curve:
• Total deflection = 80°
• Radius of First arc = 200 m
• Radius of Second arc = 250 m
• Chainage of point of intersection = 1504.80 m
• Deflection angle of the First arc = 50°
Determine the chainage of the point of curvature, the point of compound curve and the point of
23. A road 8 m wide is to deflect through an angle of 60° with the centre line radius of 300 m, the
chainage of the intersection point being 3605.0 m. A transition curve is to be used at each end
of the circular curve of such a length that the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 0.5 m/s3,
when the speed is 50 km/h, find out
I. Length of transition curve
II. Super elevation
III. Chainage of all junction points
24. Write short note on Reverse Curve.

Hydrographic Survey
Soundings, methods of observations, computations and plotting. Principles of photographic
surveying, aerial photography, tilt and height distortions, setting out works.

1. Explain about the “Hydrographic Sueveying”? Also give its application in various areas of
civil engineering.
2. Explain Aerial Photography and its use in civil engineering.
3. Describe about sounding ? Discuss various methods of taking sounding.
4. What do you understand by image processing? Explain briefly the image processing system.
5. Write the Principles of photographic surveying.
6. Explain in detail the basic requirement and procedural steps in the hydrographic survey.
7. Define Tilt and Drift in photography?
8. Explain the reasons for overlap?
9. Write short notes on the following:
A. Tilt distortions
B. Sounding Rod
C. Lead line
D. Echo – sounder
E. Shore signals
F. Sounding machine

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