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The Fire at AMRI safety guidelines. The hospital manage-

ment chose to ignore repeated directives
issued by the state’s fire safety depart-
Need for Legislation on ment. In addition, the hospital put in
Corporate Culpability place an operational strategy called Code
Brown, which is a dangerously risky fire-
fighting policy. As per Code Brown, the
staff attempts to contain a fire in-house,
Smita Chakraburtty basically with internal resources, before
reporting it to any external agency such

Ninety-two persons died in the n a recent judgment, the Calcutta as the fire brigade or the police depart-
fire at AMRI hospital, Kolkata, on High Court scaled down charges ment. This policy was followed in spite
against one of the prime accused in of the fact that the hospital had no full-
9 December 2011. The high court
the AMRI hospital fire tragedy.1 Ninety- time fire officer and had not trained its
scaled down charges against two patients choked to death in this hos- staff appropriately to deal with a fire
AMRI’s managing director from pital in the heart of Kolkata, when a crisis situation.
culpable homicide to death by massive fire broke out in its basement on The fire broke out in the basement of
the night of 9 December 2011. The post- the five-storeyed structure. The building
negligence. The recent high court
mortem report mentioned asphyxia as was centrally air-conditioned; thus the
judgment points out that in the the cause of these deaths. walls were sealed, with no vents or win-
absence of appropriate legislation The hospital’s managing director, Mani dows. Toxic smoke from the basement got
on corporate manslaughter, Kumar Chhetri, and 15 others were pros- pumped into the building through the
ecuted for alleged offences punishable central air-conditioning system. Thick
the Indian Penal Code is not
under Sections 304 Part II/308 (attempt smoke accumulated in the patient wards,
sufficient to address corporate to commit culpable homicide) read with causing poor visibility and suffocating
negligence. The law needs to Section 36 (offence caused by an act or those trapped in it. People from the
be amended by raising the omission) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) neighbourhood, who had rushed to the
and under several sections of the West site to rescue patients, were prevented
levels of punishment in cases of
Bengal Fire Services Act. While the other from entering the hospital premises by
involuntary manslaughter caused accused chose to face trial, Chhetri ap- the security staff. Other staff inside the
by corporate negligence. pealed to the Calcutta High Court to dis- hospital tried to contain the fire them-
charge him from the case. After hearing the selves as per Code Brown. When they
matter, the court scaled down the charges failed to control the fire, the fire brigade
against Chhetri, from culpable homicide was called, but after a considerable delay.
not amounting to murder, to rash and By the time the fire brigade arrived,
negligent act not resulting in murder. But many of those trapped inside were dead.
in the process, the judge, Justice Joymalya One needs to remember that many
Bagchi, also pointed out glaring limita- patients were not mobile, some lay un-
tions in the IPC when it comes to holding conscious in the intensive care unit or
corporate top brass culpable for criminal were under heavy sedation, and some
negligence resulting in mass deaths. were in wheelchairs. These patients
Smita Chakraburtty (smita.chakraburtty@gmail. could not attempt escape as the thick
com) is an independent researcher studying Flouting Fire Safety Guidelines black smoke engulfed them.
prison systems across the country, and has been It has been alleged that the fire broke out There were two probable causes for
appointed honorary prison commissioner to because AMRI, a reputed state-of-the-art the fire in the basement, neither of
study the Open Prison System of Rajasthan.
hospital, had deliberately flouted fire which could be confirmed. It may have
Economic & Political Weekly EPW AUGUST 26, 2017 vol lIi no 34 15

started due to a malfunctioning air con- converted into offices, storerooms and took place with his connivance, as he was
ditioner in an unauthorised pharmacy, the pharmacy, in violation of the repeated the managing director. Yet, the court
or from an external source. There were directives by the fire services department. held that he could not be prosecuted for
no fire stoppers, thus the smoke spread Yet, year after year, AMRI obtained no culpable homicide not amounting to
rapidly from the electrical shaft which objection certificates from the fire murder. It may, however, be pertinent to
originated in the basement and ran department, after submitting affidavits know that the above accusations have
through the floors to the top one. The fire assuring compliance with its directives. not been admitted by the petitioner and
spread rapidly from the medical store, No direction was issued by the AMRI board other accused persons in the case, and
which stocked combustible materials to implement the directives. The AMRI’s the allegations are required to be proved
such as cotton, gauge and rubber. The board of directors were surely in the beyond reasonable doubt during the
staff at the medical store had informed know of the fire safety lapses, as it was a course of trial.
the hospital staff as soon as they noticed long-standing situation in the hospital.
the flames, but their warning went in vain In 2007, the AMRI management wanted Limitations in the Law
because the fire-fighting instruments to acquire accreditation from the Natio- The judgment states,
failed. Neither the fire dampeners nor nal Accreditation Board for Hospital and It may be apposite to note that in [the] United
the fire breaks were working and the Healthcare Providers (NABH). Thus, for Kingdom, a legislation, namely The Corpo-
hospital staff was not adequately trained one year they appointed a full-time con- rate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide
to conduct the evacuation process. sultant specialist, to ensure that the Act 2007, has been enacted to hold compa-
nies accountable for the failures of senior
hospital was in compliance with NABH
management resulting in death of persons.
Hazards of Code Brown guidelines in all respects, including fire However, in the absence of any legislation in
The fire that broke out in AMRI hospital safety. However, once the accreditation India making a company culpable for death
on 9 December 2011 was not a one-off or was obtained in 2008, it lost interest in by [a] rash and negligent act, the question of
random incident. Investigations revealed maintaining NABH standards. The services making the directors and/or officers of the
company vicariously liable for such act can-
that 12 incidents of fire had occurred of the compliance consultant and incum-
not arise and their penal liability is to be ex-
there previously. In October the same bent fire officer were terminated. Instead, amined under the various provisions of the
year, a fire broke out in the AMRI Diabetic a part-time fire officer was appointed, who Indian Penal Code. In this perspective, the
Centre. The security staff at that time reported only twice a week. Fire training plea of non-joinder of the company as an ac-
had promptly informed the fire brigade, and evacuation drills, an essential NABH cused is rendered irrelevant to the validity of
the prosecution of the petitioner and other
and the fire could be controlled due to mandate, were conducted irregularly. In
accused persons in the instant case.
their quick response. But astoundingly, 2011, AMRI lost NABH accreditation due
the staff was suspended by the AMRI to lapses in fire safety standards and The law requires factual proof beyond
management because they had informed evacuation training. reasonable doubt or the direct involve-
the fire brigade, as it was deemed in It is important to note that all the ment of the management top brass in the
breach of the Code Brown policy. above irregularities were in the active particular activity, which is the cause of
Code Brown is adopted by institutions knowledge of the petitioner Chhetri and death, to hold them guilty for culpable
to save their public reputation and retain
their paying public. As per this code, only
on failing to contain a fire should the staff EPW E-books
inform external agencies such as the fire Select EPW books are now available as e-books in Kindle and iBook (Apple) formats.
brigade or the police. For, informing these
agencies makes news of the fire public The titles are
information, and such news would deter 1. Village Society (ED. SURINDER JODHKA)
people from coming for treatment to the
( ;
private hospital which would translate
into a loss of revenue. Thus, Code Brown is
a problematic policy because it focuses on 2. Environment, Technology and Development (ED. ROHAN D’SOUZA)
protecting corporate interests and compro- ( ;
mises public safety, whereas for a hospital,
public safety ought to be a non-negotiable
principle, because people coming for
treatment are physically vulnerable. 3. Windows of Opportunity: Memoirs of an Economic Adviser (BY K S KRISHNASWAMY)
AMRI had also deviated from the con- ( ;
struction plan sanctioned by the Kolkata
Municipal Corporation. Its upper base-
ment, which was meant as a car park Please visit the respective sites for prices of the e-books. More titles will be added gradually.
according to the sanctioned plan, was
16 AUGUST 26, 2017 vol lIi no 34 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

homicide. Therefore, there is a crying Act of 2007, the senior management, in- such knowledge is implicit in the mind
need for a law which will create vicari- cluding the company itself can be found of a reckless drunken driver, making him
ous liability on the part of the senior guilty of the offence. In November 2003, liable for culpable homicide. The distinc-
management, in cases of operational Australia passed the Crimes (Industrial tion is subjective in nature and is based
failures of companies resulting in deaths. Manslaughter) Amendment Bill of 2002, on the factual nuances of each case.
Cases like this show how easy it is to creating the offence of industrial man- Subjective distinction creates a sense of
raise the bogey of middle management slaughter. Hence, the Australian law too uncertainty in the application of penal
blunders to escape the liability of graver recognises industrial manslaughter, by law, in the domain of death due to a
charges in instances of mass murders attributing criminal liability to corpora- rash and negligent act.
which result from corporate greed. Indian tions in industrial activities. This dichotomy gets further aggravated
companies are rarely managed on pro- The AMRI judgment rightfully touches due to the disparity in the maximum
fessional lines. Equity owners dictate on the issue of corporate penal liability sentence that may be awarded for cul-
every step in cutting corners to maximise with regard to manslaughter when mul- pable homicide on the one hand and
profit, at the expense of public safety. tiple deaths have occurred due to flawed involuntary manslaughter on the other.
The judgment, though poised on legal operational practices. It observes that in In cases of culpable homicide, the court
principles based on precedent, loses the absence of any judicial pronounce- may award a sentence up to life impris-
sight of the ground realities of company ment or legislation creating corporate onment. Whereas in involuntary man-
management in family-owned businesses. criminal liability for manslaughter, the slaughter, that is, a death or deaths due
In such businesses, the mandate of a few culpability of the directors constituting to a rash or negligent act, the sentence
at the helm of affairs overrides the inter- the top management is to be factually can be only up to two years, even if the
ests of any other stakeholder. And public determined on the basis of the extent of reckless act has resulted in the deaths of
safety is accorded the least significance, their knowledge and specific role as- numerous persons.
when weighed against the motivation to signed to them in the affairs of the com- The law needs to be amended immedi-
make profits. pany. Constructive culpable liability un- ately by raising the levels of punishment in
Unfortunately, repeated incidents of der the penal code arising out of com- cases of involuntary manslaughter caused
deaths due to corporate negligence, from mon intention or common knowledge of by corporate negligence. There have been
the times of the Bhopal gas tragedy to the offenders was relied upon by the repeated instances of mass deaths due
the present, have failed to shake our judge to rope in the directors in this case. to corporate negligence, and hence there
legislators out of their deep slumber of is enough ground for increasing the
inaction. They are yet to formulate a Subjective Distinction maximum punishment in such cases, and
law providing for corporate criminal lia- The penal code, a law framed two centu- creating a stand-alone law to deal with
bility in heinous crimes, such as culpable ries ago, does not cater to the principles corporate homicide or manslaughter on
homicide or involuntary manslaughter. of vicarious liability, which would make the lines of the UK legislation.
Even the Law Commission of India ap- directors legally responsible for the acts Nearly six years have gone by since the
pears to have turned a blind eye; and is yet of the company. However, affixing re- horrific fire broke out at the AMRI hospital.
to propose a substantive legislation in sponsibility for involuntary manslaughter But the case is far from concluded; in fact
this arena. is grossly inadequate in cases of mass the trail is still at a rather early stage.
In the absence of a specifically defined deaths. In the Upahaar cinema case2 and Reducing the grave charges framed
legislation on corporate liability and going in the Bhopal gas tragedy case,3 which against the accused at this intermediate
only by the norms of common law, it is are both incidents of mass deaths due to stage of the trail denies effective access
difficult to hold the chief executive of- corporate negligence, the Supreme Court to justice to the victims, by protracting
ficer of a company or the board of direc- endorsed the conviction of the top man- an already long-drawn trial if such
tors of a corporation criminally liable agement for involuntary manslaughter charges require to be brought back on
for an act that has resulted in the death and not culpable homicide. board in view of incriminating evidence
of individuals, unless they are caught It is interesting to note the distinction in the future. Perhaps, it was better for
red-handed in perpetrating the act itself that the courts have made as to the the judge to have erred on behalf of the
or were directly involved in its commis- certainty of knowledge of death in the victims, given the gravity of the tragedy.
sion or omission. In contrast, some other mind of an offender in two different
countries, such as the United Kingdom contexts—in the arena of corporate Notes
1 Mani Kumar Chhetri v State of West Bengal
(UK) and Australia, have legislated spe- management, and in the case of drunken (2016): CRR, p 1918.
cially defined law to hold the senior man- driving. For corporate management, the 2 Sushil Ansal v State through CBI (2002): DRJ,
agement accountable for criminal negli- court has tended to hold knowledge of 63, p 585.
3 Keshub Mahindra v State of Madhya Pradesh
gence, commission or omission which the possibility of death as not a certain (1996): SCC, SC, 6, p 129.
results in the death of a person or per- conclusion. Whereas for drunken driv- 4 New Delhi v Sanjeev Nanda (2012): SCC, SC, 8,
p 450.
sons. According to the UK’s Corporate ing, like in the cases of Sanjeev Nanda4 5 Alister Anthony Pareira v State of Maharashtra
Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide and Alister Pareira,5 the court held that (2012): SCC, SC, 2, p 648.

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