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CEO’s Message
Dear new team member, CEO’s Message
A warm welcome to the Harel Mallac Group! We are very proud to
Purpose of the Employee Handbook
see new talents join our team and entrusting us with their career.

The present Handbook aims at providing you with the information Our Group at a Glance
and guidance you will need for your first steps in the Group, but I
would like to take this opportunity to give you an overview of “who Planet Goals
we are”.
Message from the Human Resources
Harel Mallac started operating in the middle of the 19th century as and Talent Team
a merchant company, conducting trade between Mauritius and
Europe. It has evolved into a well-established business Our Employee Journey
now present in key segments of the local economy:
Chemicals, Equipment & Systems and Technology, and based Our Employee Value Proposition
in seven countries in the African and Indian Ocean regions.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Through these activities, Harel Mallac positions itself as a one-of-
a-kind business partner that accompanies and supports its
customers in their transformation and search for efficiency. Leaves
Although it is diverse in the nature of its products and solutions, its
customers and business models, our Group remains united in Attendance
one thing: our Purpose.
Policies and Procedures
In the following pages, you will learn about this Purpose, as well as
the principles that we uphold as company, and display in the way Ethics
we do business. You will also discover the four commitments we
took towards our people, our performance, our consumers and Employee Development
our planet. We look forward to exchanging with you about
these commitments and the actions taken to reach them.
Employee Engagement
On behalf of the Board of Directors and our Leadership Team,
I wish you all the best in your integration at Harel Mallac Employee Benefits
and encourage you to seize all opportunities to grow, share
and suggest, co-construct and succeed. Within Harel Mallac, you Health and Safety
will make a difference!
Useful Links
Kind regards,

Charles Harel
Chief Executive Officer
Purpose of the Employee Handbook

The Employee Handbook is a guideline to employees. Its purpose is to provide you with an insight on the group and CEO’s Message
policies and procedures. You are also encouraged to familiarize yourself with the comprehensive set of our policies and
procedures available on Let's LEARN, our e-knowledge platform. Purpose of the Employee Handbook

Shall you need any guidance or assistance, please liaise with your Business Unit's Human Resources (HR) and Talent Our Group at a Glance
Planet Goals

Our Group at a Glance Message from the Human Resources

and Talent Team

Our Employee Journey

3 20+ Our Employee Value Proposition

Terms and Conditions of Employment


900+ Attendance

Policies and Procedures


Employee Development

Employee Engagement

Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Our Purpose Care and Engagement in What We Do CEO’s Message
Make a Difference for the Better We believe that one needs to care for what one does to
do it well, fueled by the passion and enthusiasm that is Purpose of the Employee Handbook
Our Commitments put in every action undertaken. We operate in a spirit
For the better of our PEOPLE, we make it our business of cooperation and respect, by embracing each Our Group at a Glance
to unlock their potential by stimulating individual individual’s talents. We commit to creating a forward-
initiatives and promoting entrepreneurial spirit within the thinking environment which will improve and enhance the Planet Goals
Group. lives of future generations.

Trust and Responsibility in our Relationships Message from the Human Resources
For the better of our PERFORMANCE, we make it and Talent Team
our business to do the right thing, with commitment and We lead by example and take ownership of our
passion to achieve sustainable economic growth. individual responsibility. This means doing the right
thing at all times and conducting our business with the Our Employee Journey
For the better of our CONSUMERS, we make it highest standards of professional behaviour and ethics,
our business to understand their needs and source by being transparent and honest in all our interactions Our Employee Value Proposition
the very best products, brands and solutions to make a with employees, consumers, partners and the public at
difference in their operations and lives. large. Terms and Conditions of Employment

For the better of our PLANET, we make it our business Leaves

to improve quality of life and care for the world in
which we live and evolve. Together, we tackle today’s Attendance
issues to build a better tomorrow.
Policies and Procedures
Our Guiding Principles
Because better begins with each one of us, our Ethics
commitment is fueled by fundamental guiding
principles that define how we do business. They
Employee Development
guide our actions and behaviour. They influence the
way we work with each other and the way we serve
our various stakeholders. Employee Engagement

Agility and Determination in Achieving Employee Benefits

Our agility enables us to seize and create the
opportunity. We believe in the power of ambition and it Health and Safety
is only by taking determined initiatives and by moving
quickly that we can serve our clients with excellence, Useful Links
generate sustainable value for our people and our
shareholders, and contribute to our broader community.
Planet Goals

The Harel Mallac Planet Goals reflect our strong conviction that a greener and more inclusive planet is essential to the CEO’s Message
survival and prosperity of our businesses. They are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United
Nations and formalise our ambition to deliver superior shared value for all by 2025. Purpose of the Employee Handbook

Our Group at a Glance

Trade Ethically
Planet Goals
1.By 2025, we will integrate Environment / Social / Governance (ESG) criteria in our selection of suppliers.
2. In 2025, we will eliminate products that are proven destructive to biodiversity. Message from the Human Resources
3.By 2025, we will raise the weightage of environmentally-sound products by 10% in each BU's portfolio. and Talent Team
4.By 2025, we guide our consumers on the responsible and sustainable use of our products.
Our Employee Journey
5. By 2025, we will optimise our packagings, while maintaining compliance with international standards.
Our Employee Value Proposition
Rethink Energy

6. By 2025, we will reduce our energy consumption (excl. production) by 25%. Terms and Conditions of Employment
7. In 2025, 30% of our energy will come from renewable sources.
8. By 2025, we will optimise our vehicle fleet both in numbers and fuel efficiency.
Manage Waste

9. By 2025, we will stop purchasing single-use plastics and non-recyclable materials. Policies and Procedures
10. By 2025, we will reduce our paper consumption by 30%.
11. By 2025, all our waste will be recycled or disposed of responsibly.

Save Water Employee Development

Employee Engagement
12. By 2025, we will reduce our usage of water for operations (excluding manufacturing facilities) by 25%.
Employee Benefits

Advance Diversity Health and Safety

13. By 2025, we will achieve gender equity in our staff. Useful Links

Our bi-annual progress on the Planet Goals is shared on

Message from the Human Resources & Talent Team

CEO’s Message

Purpose of the Employee Handbook

Our Group at a Glance

Dear team member, Planet Goals

We welcome you on board, and feel gratified that you have chosen Harel Mallac Message from the Human
to pursue your career. Resources and Talent Team

Guided by our Employee Value Proposition (EVP), we endeavour to provide Our Employee Journey
you with a great employee experience. In the same spirit and in line
with our commitment for the better of our people, we have Our Employee Value Proposition
developed a Talent Management Framework which shapes our way of
managing our people with respect to selection, performance, Terms and Conditions of Employment
engagement, learning and development and career growth.
Indeed, we believe that anyone, in any role and at any level at Harel
Mallac is a ‘Talent’, contributing to our Group’s growth and success. Attendance
Being employed by Harel Mallac means that we believe you have
the right knowledge and skills to be successful and that you Policies and Procedures
demonstrate behavioural competencies, character and sensibilities which
align with the Group’s guiding principles. Ethics

While you settle in your new job role, please take the time to read Employee Development
the Employee Handbook and take cognizance of and familiarise yourself
with the different policies and procedures in place. Employee Engagement

Once again, we welcome you to the Harel Mallac family and wish you every Employee Benefits
success in your new career.
Health and Safety
The Human Resources & Talent Team
Useful Links
Our Employee Journey
The Employee Journey provides our group with consistent and harmonised HR policies, procedures, practices and CEO’s Message
processes that enable and support the business in effectively defining, attracting, selecting, developing, engaging and
(re)deploying talent within our Group. Purpose of the Employee Handbook

Our Group at a Glance

Planet Goals

Message from the Human Resources

and Talent Team

Our Employee Journey

Our Employee Value Proposition

Terms and Conditions of Employment



Policies and Procedures



Employee Development

Why does it How are we going to What will it impact?

matter? do that?
Why does it How are we going to What will it impact? Employee Engagement
matter? do that?
- To know what kind - By identifying the - Recruitment and Selection
of talent we need behaviours, skills, Decisions - To attract the best - By walking the talk about - Recruitment and Selection Employee Benefits
to realise our capabilities and - On boarding Process talent to meet our our Employee Value Decisions
business strategy. competencies that we needs. Proposition (EVP)
need to achieve our - Learning and - Internal Mobility Process
business goals. Development plans. - By differentiating
- Choices for promotions ourselves from our - Total Reward Practices Health and Safety

Useful Links
CEO’s Message
SELECT TALENT DEVELOP TALENT Purpose of the Employee Handbook

Our Group at a Glance

Why does it How are we going to What will it impact? Why does it How are we going to What will it impact?
matter? do that?
Planet Goals
matter? do that?
- To choose the - To meet our current - By setting up individual - Talent Retention
- By identifying the best - Recruitment and Selection and future needs
right talent to fits with respect to Decisions development plans - Performance Management Message from the Human Resources
and enable our Practices
achieve our performance, potential, - Learning and employees to - By regularly giving
business goals. and attitude. Development plans. progress in their feedback and visibility - Learning and Development and Talent Team
- Choices for promotions career path. about the performance plans.
standards. - Choices for promotions
- By running Talent Review
Forum to identify the high
Our Employee Journey
performers and the high
Our Employee Value Proposition

Terms and Conditions of Employment



Policies and Procedures

Why does it How are we going to What will it impact?
Why does it How are we going What will it impact?
matter? do that?
matter? to do that?
- By putting in place a clear - Employer’s reputation
Employee Development
- Employer’s reputation and To rapidly mobilize
- To get our - By providing an enabling & the right people mechanism for internal mobility and attractiveness
employees to do conducive work environment. attractiveness across the Group and career pathing - Recruitment and
their best and to respond to our
enjoy working for
- By nurturing and maintaining a
culture where our employees
- Company’s Performance
needs and ensure
- By having in place a tracking
mechanism for our high
Selection Decisions Employee Engagement
Harel Mallac. feels valued and that their - Employees’ morale, leaving employees performers and the high - Performance
expectations and needs are productivity and level of become potentials Management Practices
addressed engagement ambassadors of - Internal Mobility Process
- By ensuring that employee’s Employee Benefits
- By striving to give direction and Harel Mallac. departure is handled in a - Choices for promotions
purpose to everyone’s work. respectful and cordial manner
and that feedback on exiting is - Exiting Policy
Health and Safety

Useful Links
Our Employee Value Proposition
Our EVP is: “Within Harel Mallac, you will Make a Difference.” CEO’s Message

Purpose of the Employee Handbook

Our Group at a Glance

Because we Strive to Do Right
Doing right is not only doing the right thing, but thinking ahead as to what our Planet Goals
business, our community and our country needs to progress. It involves innovating for
the benefit of our consumers and all our stakeholders and deserving the trust they put Message from the Human Resources
in us to deliver the right products and solutions. Our business conduct is governed by and Talent Team
universal principles of transparency, ethics and equity – they guide the way we engage
with our stakeholders. Since the creation of Harel Mallac, we are committed to making Our Employee Journey
a meaningful difference to the lives of all through the care and consideration we place
into our offerings. Our Employee Value Proposition

Because we Want you to Succeed Terms and Conditions of Employment

We strive to unlock our employees’ potential, so that they feel part of something
larger than themselves during their time at Harel Mallac. To do so, we provide Leaves
challenging work experiences and opportunities for learning and development as they
are key to supporting individuals in realising their personal aspirations. We recognise Attendance
employees’ progress and contributions through meaningful performance-related
reward mechanisms.
Policies and Procedures


Employee Development
Because we Encourage a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace
We welcome employees with their background, perspectives and passions, and celebrate
the richness that derives from diversity. Together, we build an energising workplace Employee Engagement
where ideas can be shared openly, collaborative work is encouraged, and creativity
stimulated. Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Competencies CEO’s Message

To ensure that decisions regarding talent management become more consistent and aligned to our Purpose of the Employee Handbook
Group’s performance expectations and desired culture, we have identified ten core Competencies, grouped
into three categories, that reflect the behavioural characteristics which we believe we will need as a Group if we are to Our Group at a Glance
succeed going forward.
Planet Goals

Competencies that contribute to a high Message from the Human Resources

and Talent Team

performing culture. Our Employee Journey

Our Employee Value Proposition

Terms and Conditions of Employment

How we engage Inspirational Collaborative Accountable Daring
with others

Policies and Procedures

How we show up Passionate Ambitious Ethics

Employee Development

Employee Engagement
How we tackle
challenges Entrepreneurial Agile Curious Innovative Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Based on our purpose and guiding principles that define You may refer to the Onboarding Policy on Let's
‘how we do business’, we endeavour to be an CEO’s Message
LEARN for more details.
organisation where our employees can make full use of
their talents, skills, experience and competence. At HM, Probation Purpose of the Employee Handbook
our employees receive equal treatment, feel respected, You will be on a probation period between one and six
recognised for their effort and commitment, and are months (refer to terms and conditions stipulated in your Our Group at a Glance
valued regardless of their status - including inter alia contract of employment) as from the appointment date.
their age, caste, colour, creed, ethnic origin, impairment, You will be confirmed in your position upon Planet Goals
marital status, political opinion, race, gender or sexual satisfactory completion of your probation period.
orientation. For specific job positions within the group, your contract Message from the Human Resources
of employment may stipulate that successful probation and Talent Team
Contract of Employment will be subject to the submission of a clean Certificate of
Your contract of employment encompasses your terms Character. Our Employee Journey
and conditions of employment, including but not limited
to, reporting lines, place of work, hours of work, Duties and Responsibilities
Our Employee Value Proposition
remuneration, pay & benefits, probation period, leaves You will receive a job description which highlights your
entitlement and obligations. job purpose, main duties and accountabilities. It is
understood that your job description may be amended
on an ad-hoc basis, to reflect any evolution in your duties
New Employee Orientation and Onboarding Leaves
and responsibilities.
On joining us, you will be:
• Assigned a ‘buddy’ whose main mission will be to
facilitate your integration in your Company, Policies and Procedures

• Invited to attend the new employee orientation Ethics

programme facilitated by your Company's HR &
Talent department, Employee Development

• Expected to provide your feedback as a new team

Employee Engagement
member at regular intervals, to enable us to action
on areas of improvement.
Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Harel Mallac Grading Structure – Jobs Profiles and Levels CEO’s Message
Our job grading structure forms an important foundation for better and more informed career paths, succession
planning decisions and fair and equitable remuneration management. The classification of jobs as per HM job grading Purpose of the Employee Handbook
structure are as follows:
Our Group at a Glance

Planet Goals

Message from the Human Resources

and Talent Team

Our Employee Journey

Our Employee Value Proposition



Policies and Procedures


Employee Development

Employee Engagement

Employee Benefits

Notice Health and Safety

Employment may be terminated by either party by giving prior formal written notice, in accordance with the law,
unless otherwise specified in your contract of employment.
Useful Links

Your leaves entitlement is based on both current Notice for Annual Leave Request CEO’s Message
prevailing legislation and the Company's/Group’s You are required to give reasonable notice before you
policy. Details on entitlement and eligibility are: take any annual leave and you shall, at all times, adhere Purpose of the Employee Handbook
to the following timelines as a minimum requirement:
• Provided in your contract of employment and / or Our Group at a Glance
• Subject to agreement reached (if applicable) with • Two working-days' notice for 1 to 2 days leave.
the Trade Union as applicable for your BU and/or • One week notice for 2 to 5 days leave.
Planet Goals
• As per Group/Company Policies and Procedures, • One month notice for more than 5 days leave.
• As per prevailing legislation.
Such leave must be taken at a time mutually convenient Message from the Human Resources
It is understood that to the Company and yourself and shall be subject to and Talent Team
approval from your direct manager.
• You shall comply with the Leaves Policy in place in Our Employee Journey
your Company, including but not limited to the Depending on the work exigencies, including but not
relevant leave notification procedure, log of leaves limited to the number of employees already on leave, Our Employee Value Proposition
application or of leaves taken on the Sicorax ESS your BU reserves the right to reject your application
system. for leave. It also reserves the right to set 50% of your Terms and Conditions of Employment
leave entitlement, if circumstances so require.Moreover, if
• You will be informed in writing as and when there is the Company decides not to operate on certain days of Leaves
any amendment in the prevailing legislation which the year outside public holidays such as the beginning of
would impact any leaves provisions in the Employee the New Year, Easter Monday, Boxing Day etc., those
Handbook. Attendance
days of office closure will be deducted from your annual
leave entitlement.
Annual Leave Policies and Procedures
After completion of six months of continuous Outstanding Annual Leaves
employment and provided that you have been present Ethics
To promote a good work-life balance, you
on all the working days during these six months, you are encouraged to plan and take your local leaves
will be entitled during each subsequent month up to annually. At the end of the calendar year, where you Employee Development
the 12th month, to a one-day annual leave per month, are a worker as defined by the prevailing legislation
up to a maximum of six days of annual leaves. and you have not taken or been granted all your leave Employee Engagement
Thereafter, you will be entitled to 22 working days entitlement for the year, you will be entitled to
of annual leave upon completion of 12 months a refund of your outstanding leaves. Employee Benefits
of continuous service with the Company.
In case you are not a worker as defined by Health and Safety
Annual Leave on pro-rata prevailing legislation, you will, in no circumstances,
After the first 12 months of continuous service and be granted any refund of leave.
for the rest of the first calendar year, your annual leave Useful Links
will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
Sick Leave Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Leave CEO’s Message
You are entitled to sick leave in case of sickness and You are expected to spend one day per year for a
incapacity to attend work. Unless stipulated otherwise in a CSR initiative. While you may opt to do community Purpose of the Employee Handbook
Trade Union agreement, after completion of six months work with a registered association, the initiative must
of continuous service and provided that you have been receive prior approval from your Management and the Our Group at a Glance
present on all the working days during those six months, Fondation Harel Mallac and should not be related to
you will be entitled during each subsequent month up to political or religious activities. The activity could be led Planet Goals
the 12th month, while you remain in continuous individually or within a team of colleagues, and
employment with the Company, to one day’s sick leave up could take place in your business unit’s vicinity. It is
Message from the Human Resources
to a maximum of six days’ sick leave. understood that:
and Talent Team
• The initiative should be in line with the works of the
Thereafter, you will be entitled to 15 working days’ sick
Fondation Harel Mallac. Our Employee Journey
leave following completion of 12 months of continuous
• You shall give reasonable notice (as per the
employment with the Company. For the rest of the
Company's Leave Policy) for your CSR leave request Our Employee Value Proposition
calendar year the sick leave will be calculated on a pro-
and apply on Sicorax ESS.
rata basis. At the end of every period of 12 consecutive
• Such leave must be taken at a time mutually
months, any outstanding sick leave to which you were Terms and Conditions of Employment
convenient and will be subject to approval from your
entitled may be accumulated up to a maximum of 90
immediate superior.
working days. You will be entitled to use these sick leaves Leaves
in cases where you have exhausted your annual sick leave
entitlement and for any period of sickness wholly spent in Wedding Leave
hospital, or any other medical institution or for Subject to business exigencies and management
convalescence purposes after discharge from hospital or approval, you may be entitled to ten working-days
other medical institution. wedding leave on full pay on the celebration of your Policies and Procedures
first civil or religious marriage.
Should you be absent on ground of sickness, you must Ethics
notify your Manager or Head of Department (HoD) at latest Maternity Leave
by 7h30. If you remain sick for more than 3 consecutive As an expecting mother, you will be entitled to 14 Employee Development
working days, you must send a medical certificate to that weeks of maternity leave on full pay on production of a
effect to your Manager / HoD / HR Department at latest medical certificate. On resuming work, you will be Employee Engagement
on the 4th day of absence, unless specified otherwise in entitled to breaks for nursing your unweaned child, as
your company policy. The original medical certificate per prevailing legislation.
Employee Benefits
must be remitted to your HR Department on the day you Leave in case of miscarriage, stillbirth or adoption of a
resume work. If you are a worker admitted to a hospital or child, will be as per prevailing legislation.
Health and Safety
medical institution for a prolonged sickness of over one
week, the certificate should be remitted within 3 days of
your discharge from the said institution. Concerned by Useful Links
your well-being, the Company may at its own expense,
nominate a medical practitioner to examine you in case of
absence due to sickness.
Paternity Leave Study Leave CEO’s Message
Subject to business exigencies and to management With a view to encourage learning and development,
approval, you are eligible to ten days paternity leave on study leave will be granted for learning strictly linked to Purpose of the Employee Handbook
full pay to begin within two weeks from the date of birth your work and with your learning and development plan,
of your child. as agreed with your immediate superior. Our Group at a Glance

Your request for paternity leave should be accompanied You will be eligible to two days of study leave per Planet Goals
by a certificate issued by a medical practitioner certifying module to study (including revision) and/or to complete
that your spouse has given birth to a child and a written assignments or to sit for examination. You shall give
statement signed by you to the effect that your are living Message from the Human Resources
reasonable notice for your request for study leave (to
with your spouse under a common roof. Any approved and Talent Team
apply same provision as per notice for annual leave
paternity leave will be unpaid in the first twelve months of request). It is understood that study leave application is
your employment. subject to approval from your immediate superior based Our Employee Journey
on business exigencies.
Our Employee Value Proposition
Compassionate Leave Permission
You are eligible to five days of compassionate leave on If circumstances so warrant, you may be given of 1-2 Terms and Conditions of Employment
full pay on the demise of an immediate relative i.e. your hours of time-off, provided you have received prior
spouse, child, father, mother, brother or sister, to be approval from your immediate superior/HoD/Manager. Leaves
taken within the month following the demise.
Other Leaves Attendance
For other leaves, e.g. to participate in an international
sports competition or to attend Court, as per prevailing Policies and Procedures
legislation, you should:
• Submit documentary evidence, including but not
limited to, a nomination letter or summons requiring your
Employee Development
attendance in Court, together with your leave request.
You may also be requested to produce a certificate of
attendance. Employee Engagement

• Give reasonable notice for your request (to apply Employee Benefits
same provision as per annual leave request), as far as
practicably possible. Health and Safety

Useful Links
Vacation Leave
As per prevailing legislation.

Hours of work CEO’s Message

Your working hours are stipulated in your contract of
employment. Purpose of the Employee Handbook
Depending on the exigencies of your work, you may
be called upon to work beyond your current working Our Group at a Glance
hours. Any overtime beyond your normal working
hours shall be addressed as per applicable legislation Planet Goals
as amended from time to time and/or your contract of
Message from the Human Resources
and Talent Team
You must arrive on time at work, as per your contract
of employment. In case you are late, it is your Our Employee Journey
responsibility to inform your direct manager of your
lateness and your expected time of arrival. Repeated Our Employee Value Proposition
lateness will be subject to disciplinary action.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Should you be absent from work, you must notify Leaves
your Manager / HoD / HR Department at latest by 7h30
on the same day. Attendance
Lunch Time Policies and Procedures
As per your Company policy.

Employee Development

Employee Engagement

Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Policies & Procedures
It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself and follow Equal Opportunity CEO’s Message
policies and procedures in place. It is understood that As an Equal Opportunity Employer, Harel Mallac
company policies and procedures may be subject to endeavours to be an organisation where employees Purpose of the Employee Handbook
change at any time with or without notice at the sole make full use of their talents, skills, experience and
discretion of the business unit or the group. competence and where they receive equal treatment,
Our Group at a Glance
feel respected, recognised for their effort and
You will abide by the rules, policies, procedures and regu- commitment, and valued regardless of their status,
lations - including but not limited to the Code of Ethics, including inter alia their age, caste, colour, creed, ethnic Planet Goals
Data Protection Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, the bag origin, impairment, marital status, political opinion, race,
search policy (where applicable), Alcohol and Drugs Policy gender or sexual orientation. Message from the Human Resources
etc. - of the Company or any amended version(s) thereon. and Talent Team
Any non-compliance will be subject to disciplinary Any employee who feels he/she has been the subject of,
proceedings. or witness to, an act of discrimination or harassment by Our Employee Journey
any employee of Harel Mallac, during his or her work,
should immediately report the incident to either his/her Our Employee Value Proposition
Attitude at work Head of Department or the Human Resources Deparment.
You shall conduct yourself in an impeccable manner Terms and Conditions of Employment
and, at all times, be a credit to yourself, to your The person is responsible for reporting the instance in
Company and the Group. You are expected to behave good faith. Should an employee feel that he/she cannot
respectfully and professionally towards our internal and report any act of discrimination or harassment to the HoD Leaves
external stakeholders to portray a professional image or the HR Department, he/she may contact the Group
of the Group. Ethics Officer in accordance with Harel Mallac's Code Attendance
of Ethics.
Dress Code Policies and Procedures
You are expected to abide to your Company’s dress All complaints will be treated in strict confidentiality. Any
code. employee found guilty of non-compliance with the policy Ethics
will be subject to disciplinary actions which may lead to
Information and Communication Technology termination of employment. More details on Harel Mallac Employee Development
All employees shall abide to the Group’s IT Policy. Equal Opportunity principles are available in its Equal
Opportunity Policy.
Employee Engagement
Social Media
Regarding the use of social media at the offfice and the Employee Benefits
online conduct that is expected from you as a Harel
Mallac team-member, please refer to Harel Mallac's
Health and Safety
Corporate Communications Framework on Let’s LEARN.

Useful Links
Data Protection Company Assets and Property CEO’s Message
Employees at Harel Mallac Group are protected You shall use the Company’s assets entrusted to you,
under the Data Protection Act 2017 (Act No.20 of including company vehicles, with care and solely for Purpose of the Employee Handbook
2017) and where applicable, the European General work-related assignments. You are expected to protect
Data Protection Regulation through Harel Mallac Company assets entrusted to you from loss, damage, Our Group at a Glance
Group Data Protection Policy. Employees may contact misuse or theft. It is your duty to promptly report any
the Data Protection Officer of their respective Business loss, damage, misuse or theft of any Company asset in Planet Goals
Unit for more details on Data Protection. your possession.

As an employee: Whenever requested to do so or upon termination of Message from the Human Resources
this Contract of Employment, you shall immediately and Talent Team
return to the Company, in accordance with your
• You give your consent for collection and processing instructions, tangible proprietary information, assets Our Employee Journey
of your personal data, as per the applicable data (including but not limited to laptop, mobile phone,
privacy laws and regulations in force for the vehicle, office keys), documents, records, notes, Our Employee Value Proposition
purposes of your employment. contracts and computer-generated materials which may
be in your possession or control and which relate in any Terms and Conditions of Employment
• You authorise the Company to publish any way to the business or affairs of the Company and any
photo/video taken of you for use in its Group Company, and no copies, notes or abridgments
marketing and communication materials. of any of the above shall be retained by you.

It is understood that you agree that the publication of Attendance

the said photos confers no rights of ownership
and/or royalties whatsoever. Moreover, you will not Policies and Procedures
hold the Company responsible for any distortion and/or
modifications brought to the images; nor will you hold it Ethics
responsible for any and all unauthorised use whatsoever
of such images by any third party, through no fault or Employee Development
outside the control of the Company. You also recognise
that you will not be entitled to any form of compensation Employee Engagement
for the use of your facial images during or after your
employment with the Group.
Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Harel Mallac's Code of Ethics sets out the principles • You undertake, at the request and expense of the CEO’s Message
and values which it expects its employees to uphold. Company, to execute and deliver all such documents
It serves as a reminder that belonging to Harel Mallac and give all such assistance as in the opinion of the
Purpose of the Employee Handbook
involves more than just strict compliance with our Management may be necessary or desirable to vest
national laws and regulations. Together with the any such intellectual property rights in the Company
specific Group policies which prevail in our different absolutely, and you agree to assign, free of charge, Our Group at a Glance
divisions, it guides us to do the right thing to Make a absolutely with full title guarantee by way of the
Difference for the Better. Refer to our Code of Ethics present assignment of past, present and future rights Planet Goals
for more details, and information on : all intellectual property rights in any intellectual
property made, originated or developed by you in the Message from the Human Resources
• Whistleblowing course of your employment and/or directorship within and Talent Team
• Conflict of interest and secondary employment the Harel Mallac Group.
• Commercial ethics Our Employee Journey
• Political involvement Without prejudice, you irrevocably appoint any Director or
• Confidentiality. the Company Secretary of the Company to be your agent in Our Employee Value Proposition
your name and on your behalf to execute and/or sign all
Violence at work such instruments, and/or do all such things and generally to
Terms and Conditions of Employment
As per prevailing legislation. use your name for the purpose of giving to the Company (or
any other entity in the Harel Mallac Group as the Chief
Executive Officer may decide) the full benefit of the provi- Leaves
Intellectual Property sions of this section. With respect to any third party, a certif-
• You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights icate in writing signed by any Director of the Company or Attendance
subsisting and/or attaching to all intellectual property the Company Secretary that any instrument or act falls
(creations, designs, derivatives, etc.) made, originated within the authority conferred by this section shall be Policies and Procedures
or developed by you at any time in the course of your conclusive evidence that such is the case.
employment and/or directorship with the Company Ethics
and/or any entity in the Harel Mallac Group shall All the above rights and obligations shall continue in full
belong to and vest in the Company (or any other entity force and effect after the termination of your employment.
Employee Development
of the Harel Mallac Group as may be required by the
Company) absolutely to the fullest extent permitted by Employee Engagement
law. Confidentiality
During and after your employment, you shall not:
Employee Benefits
• use any Company confidential information or data
for your own purposes, for commercial gain or for Health and Safety
the benefit of any person, company, association or
other organisation whatsoever; or Useful Links
• other than in the proper course of your employment Electronic Communication CEO’s Message
with the Company, disclose to any person, firm, You shall use electronic communication systems entrusted
company, association, institution and/or other to you primarily to further the business of the Company Purpose of the Employee Handbook
organisation whatsoever any confidential information and/or any Group Company. The company may, if it deems
and/or any personal data processed by any Group appropriate, intercept, monitor, view and record your elec-
Company and/or belonging to any Group Company Our Group at a Glance
tronic communications. Any misuse including inappropri-
which has been disclosed to you, and/or which you ate, unauthorised, unethical and/or unlawful use such as
came to learn about and/or which entered into your (without limitation) accessing or circulating material Planet Goals
possession of during your employment with the containing nudity, pornography, racist terminology and/or
Company. other offensive material, shall constitute a misconduct for Message from the Human Resources
which disciplinary action will be taken against you. and Talent Team

Non-Competition (Prevention of Unfair Obligations Our Employee Journey

Competition) Employees who are not duly authorised to do so shall not
During your employment and for a period after communicate to the press and/or any third party any com- Our Employee Value Proposition
the termination of your employment as determined by ment, matter, opinion and/or information whatsoever
your contract of employment, you shall not: regarding the Group and any of its subsidiaries. Terms and Conditions of Employment

• solicit for termporary or permanent employment and/or Leaves

consultancy, whether directly and/or indirectly, for your
benefit or that of any other person, any employee of the Attendance
Harel Mallac Group;
Policies and Procedures
• enter into any partnership or business (whether directly
and/or indirectly) with any person who is or was during your
employment within Harel Mallac Group, an employee, client
(including prospective client) or supplier of the Company
and/or any Group Company, for which the you were or are Employee Development
Employee Engagement
• undertake (whether directly and/or indirectly) any activity,
employment and/or investment (where such investment, Employee Benefits
whether directly and/ or indirectly, does not constitute a
minority shareholding held for investment purposes only), Health and Safety
which is or is likely to be in competition with the business of
the Group or any Group Company, for which you were/are Useful Links
Employee Development

Performance Management CEO’s Message

To support current and future success, it is crucial for Promotions and appointments are discussed and
Harel Mallac to clarify performance expectations and finalised at both the Company's and the Group's talent Purpose of the Employee Handbook
behaviours for outstanding performance. reviews as applicable.
Our Group at a Glance
Appraisals Learning and Development
You will be expected to discuss and agree on At Harel Mallac, we aim at being a high-
performance objectives (SMART objectives) at the start performing organization. In line with our EVP, we Planet Goals
of each financial year (January). encourage our employees to learn, improve, develop
While your work performance will be regularly their own skills and grow with the Group. Your learning Message from the Human Resources
reviewed through performance conversations, formal journey starts right on your commencement with us with and Talent Team
appraisal will be scheduled twice a year namely for your onboarding and induction programmes, which will
mid-year review in July and for final appraisal in be communicated to you by your immediate superior and Our Employee Journey
January, in line with the Group's financial year. the Human Resources and Talent department.
Our Employee Value Proposition
Development/Improvement Plan Learning Needs
As part of your performance appraisal, you will discuss Each year, a training plan in line with the business Terms and Conditions of Employment
and agree on a development / improvement plan with unit strategic objectives and learning priorities is
your immediate superior. While development plans are prepared. The feedback collected during individual
for future personal development in line with the Compa- appraisals, talent reviews, coupled to the department's Leaves
ny's work exigencies, the improvement plan caters for and the Company's priorities, will shape the learning
any improvement required to meet current and future needs analyses. Attendance
business needs.
Policies and Procedures
Talent Review e-Knowledge Platform
A Talent Review linked to the development of employees The Harel Mallac Group also has an e-knowledge Ethics
is done on a yearly basis. Its objective is to assess platform: Let's LEARN, where modules are posted on
employees’ performance and potential with a view to regular basis. All employees are expected to complete Employee Development
promote or (re)deploy employees within the group, in line their modules by year-end (31 December). Failure to
with career progression and succession planning. complete the said modules results in a ‘Below Employee Engagement
Expectations’ rating for Performance Appraisal.
Career Path (including promotion) Employee Benefits
Expectations and development needs, as regards each
employee’s career path is discussed in yearly appraisals. Health and Safety
Several criteria are also taken into consideration for
promotion and appointment. Useful Links
Internal Mobility CEO’s Message
Internal mobility within the Group is based on
business requirements such as a vacancy to be filled or Purpose of the Employee Handbook
a need to provide an employee with the necessary
developmental experience/exposure to fulfill the
requirements of a future role. Our Group at a Glance

Planet Goals
Four main scenarios may lead to an internal mobility
opportunity across business units within the Group as
Message from the Human Resources
illustrated below:
and Talent Team
• A BU has a vacant position.
Our Employee Journey
• A BU identifies an employee working in another BU,
through talent review or cross collaboration assignment, Our Employee Value Proposition
who can potentially add value to their team.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
• An employee expresses willingness to be exposed to
areas outside of their current BU.
• The BU identifies the need for an employee to gain
exposure outside of their current BU. Attendance

Policies and Procedures


Employee Development

Employee Engagement

Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Survey CEO’s Message

As part of its Talent Management Framework, so as to
provide employees with a better Employee Journey, Purpose of the Employee Handbook
Harel Mallac conducts engagement surveys on a regular
basis. The survey enables employees to share their
Our Group at a Glance
feedback and express their views on their employee’s
experience within the Group. All employees are requested
to participate in this survey. Planet Goals

Employee Engagement Committee Message from the Human Resources

Each BU has an Employee Engagement Committee and Talent Team
comprising of employees from different departments
who volunteer to work on employee engagement Our Employee Journey
initiatives. The committee works in close collaboration with
the HR & Talent Department as well as the business unit Our Employee Value Proposition
management team. The committee is usually renewed
every two years. Terms and Conditions of Employment



Policies and Procedures


Employee Development

Employee Engagement

Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Employee Benefits

CEO’s Message
In line with our commitment for the better of our people, Agile Working Conditions
you will be entitled to various benefits as follows: As per your business unit policy and depending on the Purpose of the Employee Handbook
work exigencies, you may be provided with the opportunity
Medical Insurance to benefit from agile working conditions (flexi time, hybrid Our Group at a Glance
You are eligible to a medical insurance scheme, which is place of work, work from home or work close to home).
partly sponsored by the company for all permanent However, depending on the exigencies of the BU, the agile Planet Goals
employees. Please contact your HR & Talent Department working conditions will not be applicable to employees
for more details. whose job duties do not permit them to do so.
Message from the Human Resources
Pension Scheme Harel Mallac Employee Privilege Card (EPC) and Talent Team
Since January 2020, it is compulsory for all new On successful completion of your probationary period, you
permanent employees aged 18 years and above, to join will receive your EPC which offers privileges and special Our Employee Journey
the Company’s defined contribution pension scheme. discounts with various service providers and partners. The
The pension scheme is on a contributory basis. For more list of EPC privileges is accessible on Let's LEARN and the Our Employee Value Proposition
details, please get in touch with your HR & Talent Depart- intranet.
ment. Terms and Conditions of Employment

Personal Accident Cover

On assumption of duty with us, you will be entitled to a
contributory 24-hour Personal Accident Insurance Cover
which provides benefits in case of accident, death and Attendance
permanent disablement.
Policies and Procedures

Advance on Salary Ethics

Based on our guiding principle, ‘Care and Engagement’,
we acknowledge that our employees may face financial Employee Development
difficulties in their personal lives. With a view to support
them, all employees, reckoning more than 12 months of
Employee Engagement
continuous service are eligible to an advance on salary
subject to the Company/Group policy.
Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
Health & Safety
Provisions Smoking CEO’s Message
Harel Mallac is committed to providing and maintaining a Our premises are designated as non-smoking areas.
working environment that is safe and without risks to health. Specific smoking areas have been earmarked to the
Purpose of the Employee Handbook
Regular risk assessments are also done to identify and extent possible.
address any health and safety risks/hazards.
Our Group at a Glance
Alcohol and Drugs
It is worth noting that health and safety conditions and prac- The use of alcohol and drugs is prohibited on the
tices are recognised as a mutual obligation and responsibili- Company’s premises. Planet Goals
ty of the Company and its employees. You shall, while at
work, observe and take reasonable care for your own safety Reporting of Accidents Message from the Human Resources
and health as well as for other persons who may be affected If you are involved in any work-related accident or and Talent Team
by your acts or omissions at work. In so doing, you are sustain an injury at your workplace, you must seek first
expected to respect policy and procedures in place includ- aid and immediately report the accident to your direct Our Employee Journey
ing rules/instructions, warning signs and wearing of protec- superior. Moreover, if you become aware of any health
tive equipment (as applicable). or safety hazard, you must immediately report it to your Our Employee Value Proposition
immediate superior.
You may also be requested to undergo a medical examina-
Terms and Conditions of Employment
tion at the Company’s expense by a medical practitioner Adverse Weather Conditions (Heavy/Torrential
nominated by the Company, at any point in time, for the Rain, Cyclone)
purposes of ascertaining your fitness to work and/or for Leaves
In case a cyclone warning class III or IV is decreased
health and safety purposes. to warning class I or II or is cancelled before noon,
employees shall report for duty as soon as possible on Attendance
First Aid the same day.
Provision was made for immediate care to an ill or Policies and Procedures
injured employee until more advanced care is provided or If the decrease/cancellation is announced after noon,
the person recovers. Each BU has first-aid trained employees are expected to call at work the next Ethics
employees who act as first-aid representatives for their working day, except for specific categories
department/section. (e.g. Maintenance/Property teams) as defined within Employee Development
each BU, who shall call at work at their earliest
Fire Safety possible, to assess the premises and ensure they Employee Engagement
Provision is made to ensure that the work environment is are fully operational.
safe from any fire hazards. Each BU has employees who
Employee Benefits
have been trained to act at Fire Wardens. In case of heavy/torrential rainfall, you will be
expected to follow instructions from the
Health and Safety
government (National Crisis Committee).

Useful Links
Internal Communication, Intranet & Useful Links

Internal Communication CEO’s Message

Depending on your BU internal communication plan, you
will receive regular updates and communication through Purpose of the Employee Handbook
channels such as emails, memos, posters, newsletters,
the intranet and/or meetings. It is your responsibility to
Our Group at a Glance
ensure that you read and remain up-to-date with internal
communications sent to you.
Planet Goals

Intranet Message from the Human Resources

To stay in touch with the news of Harel Mallac, you are and Talent Team
invited to join Edith, the Group intranet : https:// Our Employee Journey

Our Employee Value Proposition

Performance Management Systems

Terms and Conditions of Employment

Employee Self Service

Harel Mallac Intranet_Edith
Policies and Procedures


Employee Development

Employee Engagement

Employee Benefits

Health and Safety

Useful Links
a: 18 Edith Cavell Street Port Louis
t: 207 3000 f: 207 3200 e: w:

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