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Gazi University

Department of Industrial Engineering

IE 211 General Economics
• The lecture notes are adapted from the power point slides of the
Chapter 2
Measuring National Output and National Income
Gross Domestic Product
Final Goods and Services
Exclusion of Used Goods and Paper Transactions
Exclusion of Output Produced Abroad by Domestically Owned Factors of Production
Calculating GDP
The Expenditure Approach
The Income Approach
Nominal versus Real GDP
Calculating Real GDP
Calculating the GDP Deflator
The Problems of Fixed Weights
Limitations of the GDP Concept
GDP and Social Welfare
The Informal Economy
Gross National Income per Capita
Turkey GDP 2019 by Income Approach

TL % of GDP
Gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla Gross Domestic Product 4,320,191,227 100.00

Ürün üzerindeki vergi eksi sübv. Taxes less subsidies on products (+) 428,247,723 9.91

Gayrisafi katma değer Gross Value Added 3,891,943,504 90.09

İşgücüne yapılan ödemeler Compensation of employees (+) 1,354,320,671 31.35
Üretim üzerindeki vergiler Taxes on production (+) 26,716,587 0.62
Üretim üzerindeki sübvansiyonlar Subsidies on production (-) 64,182,457 1.49

İşletme artığı/karma gelir; brüt Gross operating surplus/mixed income 2,575,088,703 59.61
Sabit sermaye tüketimi Consumption of fixed capital (+) 728,153,296 16.85
İşletme artığı/karma gelir; net Net operating surplus/mixed income 1,846,935,407 42.75

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