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Course HND Business

Academic Year 2020 - 2021

Unit Number & Unit Title Unit 32: Business Strategy

Assignment Author Alexander Alexandrov


Assignment Title Business Strategy

Date issued 24/01/2021 IV Name and Date Andreia Areal
Formative Submission Deadline Summative Submission Deadline
Group Deadline Group Deadline
All groups 14/02/2022 All groups 11/04/2022

Good Academic Practice

DGHE considers an act of academic misconduct when a student attempts to benefit either for
themselves or for another person by unfair or improper methods, regardless of it being intentional
or unintentional. 
Examples include:
•             Purchasing work and presenting it as your own. 
•             Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work as your own such as:
o   Using quotes without the use of quotation marks. 
o   Using images produced by another person without acknowledgement. 
o   Using data or ideas without acknowledgement. 
o   Copying another person’s work.
o   Getting someone to help you write parts of your submission as if it were your own.
•             Collusion is when two or more students working together without prior authorisation from
the academic member of staff concerned (e.g. programme leader, lecturer etc.) to produce the same
or similar piece of work and then attempting to present this entirely as their own individual

It is important that you are clear about what you need to do for each assignment and how you can
do it. If you are not sure about any rules regarding academic writing and referencing, guidance is
available from many DGHE sources including Moodle, our Library and Study Skills Support teams and
from your module leaders/personal tutor.

Purpose of this assessment

The assessment is designed to test the understanding and capability to apply business strategy
concepts and models to a diverse range of organisations.

You are a business advisor and work for the company that is specialised in strategic positioning.
Your company have been approached by online retailer Ocado. They won ‘Business of the year’
category by the City AM Awards 2018. At present, according to Simon Foy, the “… retailer takes
crown as fastest-growing supermarket with sales up more than a third during the final quarter…”
(The Telegraph, 5 January 2021).
However, the Ocado’s leaders expressed concerns that their strong performance was mostly due
to unique situation created by pandemic and would like to investigate, if the company’s strategy
should be re-thought.
Your job will be to produce a report that provides an outlook for the Ocado’s strategic direction
for the next 5 years.

Task 1
This report should include the following sections:
Section 1: Macro Environmental Analysis
1. Analyse the strategic positioning of the organisation by assessing their missions
statement and long-term goals.
2. Critically analyse the current macro environment for Ocado, and interpret information in
order to produce likely scenarios.

Section 2: Capability
1. Assess the internal capability of an organisation by using McKinsey’s 7 S framework.
2. Critically evaluate the strategic capabilities of Ocado, utilising a TOWS matrix.

Section 3: Competitive Analysis

1. Apply the Porter’s Five Forces model and evaluate the competitive positioning for Ocado.
2. Critically analyse the current and potential strategic positioning for Ocado by using
Ansoff’s matrix and, either Porter generic strategies, or Bowman’s strategic clock.

Section 4: Strategic Plan

1. Produce a strategic management plan, based on the above analysis that produces a
valid strategic direction, objectives and tactical actions for the next 5 years of the

This provides evidence for ALL LEARNING OUTCOMES

Word count: 2,500 – 3,000 words

Submission Format
The submission format is of a business report that doesn’t exceed 4,000 words (excluding table
of contents, introduction and conclusion and appendices).
A useful guide on structuring business reports can be found in the University of Leicester
website, available:
The current Assignment Brief covers the following Learning Outcomes

Grading Criteria
Learning Pass Merit Distinction Task Evidence
Outcomes No.
LO1 Analyse P1 Applying M1 Critically LO1, LO2, LO3 1 Business
the impact appropriate analyse the & LO4 report
and influence frameworks macro D1 Critique
which the analyse the environment and interpret
macro impact and to information
environment influence of determine and data
has on an the macro and inform applying
organisation environment strategic environmental
and its on a given management and
business organisation decisions. competitive
strategies.. and its analysis
strategies. to produce a
LO2 Assess an P2 Analyse M2 Critically set of valid
organisation’s the internal evaluate the strategic
internal environment internal directions,
environment and environment objectives and
and capabilities to tactical
capabilities of a given assess actions.
organisation strengths and
using weaknesses
appropriate of an
frameworks. organisation’s
structure and
skill set.
LO3 Evaluate P3 Applying M3 Devise
and apply the Porter’s Five appropriate
outcomes of Forces strategies to
an analysis model improve
using Porter’s evaluate the competitive
Five Forces competitive edge and
model to a forces of a market
given market given market position
sector sector for an based on the
organisation. outcomes.
LO4 Apply P4 Applying M4 Produce a
models, a range of strategic
theories and theories, management
concepts to concepts and plan that has
assist models, tangible and
with the interpret and tactical
understandin devise strategic
g and strategic priorities and
interpretation planning for objectives.
of strategic a given
directions organisation.
available to

Student Achievements and Assessor Feedback

Student achievement and Assessor feedback for both formative and summative submissions will be recorded within Turnitin via Moodle and will be

available for students to view as notified on Turnitin. Please use exclusively the grade classification below.

Assessment Grading Scale

Grade Classification Numeric Value Grade Listed As

(on Grademark)
Distinction 75 D
Merit 65 M
Pass 45 P
Unclassified/ Referred 35 U
Alleged Academic Misconduct 0 SP

Student submission and declaration

The following declaration will be inserted in the Turnitin link for both formative and summative
‘I certify that by submitting the work for this assessment on Moodle (and via Turnitin) it is my
own work and all research sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system of
references. I certify that there are no personal or mitigating circumstances that have affected
my work.’

By submitting such document, you acknowledge that your work is your own, and abides by the
DGHE code of conduct, and Pearson regulations.

Please note that in case of academic malpractice DGHE reserves the right to decline to accept
the work for assessment purposes, and/or conduct an investigation, which might result in an
oral presentation, oral or written exam, or any other appropriate form of examination. Further
information can be found in the academic integrity and misconduct policy, the assessment
policy, and the student handbook.

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