Post Harvest Technology

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Postharvest technology

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5 authors, including:

Paula Rodiño Maria De La Fuente

Spanish National Research Council Spanish National Research Council


Marta Santalla


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25 Postharvest Technology

A.P. Rodiño, J. Kumar, M. De La Fuente, A.M. De Ron and M. Santalla

25.1 Introduction milling operations and modifications for

preparing the processed foods for consump-
The grain legumes constitute an important tion. The grain legume processing industry
dietary constituent for humans and animals. incorporates three major components.
They are considered as ‘vegetarian’s meat’ 1. Primary processing, i.e. cleaning, drying,
because of the high protein content (15–34%, storage, packaging, etc. Raw materials are
depending on species), which is double that purified by removal of foreign matter and
of wheat and three times that of rice. The grain immature grain, and are then prepared for
legumes are generally consumed as natu- grading and secondary processing.
ral food products in form of whole grains or 2. The secondary processing stage mostly
de-hulled or split grains. Therefore, size and involves de-hulling, splitting, sorting and pol-
shape of seeds, seed coat appearance, colour, ishing of grains, i.e. processing of the raw mate-
cotyledon colour and uniformity are important rial into product s suitable for food uses or
for markets. Besides postharvest maintenance consumption after cooking, roasting, frying, etc.
of grain legumes during storage, processing 3. Tertairy processing, which involves further
and marketing help to determine quality and processing of legume grains into useful food
minimize yield losses. Most of the commer- products, i.e. value addition and creation of
cial technologies available for this purpose ready-to-eat forms.
are either obsolete or inadequate and result
in heavy losses due to breakage and powder- In this chapter, the first two components
ing of the grain. Successful efforts have been of postharvest processing are dealt with while
made to develop improved technologies to the third is discussed in detail in Chapter 26.
reduce losses and improve product quality.
Postharvest technologies help agro-insturies
in making legume grains more preferable to
25.2 Basic Considerations
consumers. Moreover, development of this
industry would provide additional rural for Postharvest Processing
employment, improve nutritional standards,
bring a better price to the grower and ensure Preharvest management
supplies at lower prices to the consumer.
Postharvest processing of grain legumes Environmental conditions experienced
necessitates a series of mechnical separations, during the growing season may change the

©CAB International 2011. Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes

(eds A. Pratap and J. Kumar) 385

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386 A.P. Rodiño et al.

physical properties of grains, leading to loss Storage conditions

of quality and quantity during postharvest
processing. Preharvest management of crops Before primary processing, the harvested
can minimize these losses and improve the grain legumes are stored in steel bins, jute
grain quality. For example in lentil, alternat- bags, earthen pots, mud bins, bamboo bas-
ing wet and dry periods during late stages kets or in other types of receptacles at farmer,
of maturity can cause wrinkling, colour loss trader and industry levels. Appropiate tech-
and brittle seed coat which, in turn, contrib- nologies for handing and storage have been
ute to damage during storage and posthar- developed (Ali and Srivastava, 1993). It has
vest handling. Chemical desiccation of the been observed that the initial conditions of
crop prior to harvest may also be a factor in the storage environment may have an impact
the finding of brittle seeds coats that chip on processing quality of legume grains: high
and spilt more easily (Vandenberg, 2009). temperature, humidity, light and moisture
Quality in cowpea beacomes a serious content are all involved in the changing the
problem if rainfall occurs soon after matu- seed coat colour (an important factor in mar-
rity, and therefore preharvest fungicide keting of grain legumes for consumption).
sprays can be of benefit in preventing this. For example, when the seed coat of green
For avoidance of the grain damage, this lentil is exposed to moderately high tem-
crop should be harvested well before too peratures (20–30°C) at high relative humid-
much drying can occur and the drum speed ity (RH) (100%), it slowly turns from green to
kept low (250–300 rpm) in mechanized har- an oxidized brown colour in 3 weeks or less.
vesting, to avoid splitting and cracking of Studies have been conducted to optimize
grains (Cameron, 1999). Thus preharvest moisture levels during storage (Cenkowski
management of legume grain crops should et al., 1989; Tang et al., 1994), and it has been
be taken into consideration for obtaining observed that a cool temperature (5°C) with
improved quality and quantity in posthar- 100 % RH can prevent browning for up to
vest products. 5 weeks (Nordstorm and Sistrunk, 1979;
Nozzolillo and De Bezada, 1984). Storage of
beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at 1°C and 30%
RH retained their original colour for one year,
Threshing while 24°C and 80% RH accelerated darken-
ing (Hughes and Sandsted, 1975; Edmister
Primary processing starts with pod thresh- et al., 1990; Gunes and Lee, 1997). Even at a
ing and de-hulling of the whole seeds. In moderately low temperature (10°C), darken-
India, the threshing of food legumes is ing was slow in adzuki bean (Vigna angularis;
usually carried out manually using long, Yousif et al., 2003).
wooden sticks, thereby increasing grain In faba bean (Vicia faba L.), postharvest
damage. Advances in postharvest technol- darkening reduces its market value (Hughes
ogy have made available threshing machin- and Sandsted, 1975); it has been observed
ery that separates the seeds from the pods. that faba bean seeds darken rapidly and
However, it is necessary that crops have phenolic content falls when stored at higher
optimum moisture content in their grains temperature, moisture and light intensity
in order to minimize threshing damage. It (Nasar-Abbas et al., 2009). In chickpea also,
has been observed in harvested soybean temperatures ranging from 33 to 35°C and
of < 12% moisture that losses through 75% RH for 160 days caused darkening of the
mechanical damage may be high, while in testa (Reyes-Moreno et al., 2000). The moisture
chickpea the degree of dryness determines content during storage is one of the important
its susceptibility to cracking. Therefore, factors affecting the quality of grain for pri-
the careful setting of drum speeds, con- mary and secondary processing; serious losses
veyors and augers on threshing machines in milling quality may result during shelling
is required ( of groundnut when kernels are dried below
fieldcrops/3251.html). 7% moisture content (by weight) or stored at

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Postharvest Technology 387

a temperature below 7°C. Therefore, for bulk phosphine tablets, which are neither safe nor
storage of unshelled groundnuts, it is impor- effective for maintaining grain quality.
tant to maintain at least 7.5% kernel moisture
content and store them at 10°C and 65% RH.
Under these conditions, unshelled groundnuts 25.3 Primary Processing
can be stored without significant loss in qual-
ity for about 10 months (http://www.vasat.
Primary processing involves the cleaning In North America,
of legume grains and their separation into
lentil matures during the cooler season, and
desired quality classes on the basis of physi-
therefore it becomes necessary to reduce the
cal properties such as diameter, thickness,
moisture content immediately after harvest
density and grain colour. Therefore, impor-
using aeration fans in the bins. In general,
tant physical properties including surface
storage of pulses (legume grain crops) is safe
area and volume have been studied in several
at 10–20% moisture (Ali, 2004).
crops, including chickpea (Konak et al., 2002),
Mechanical dryers using biomass, solar
cowpea (Ige, 1977; Yalcin, 2007), soyabean
energy and electrical energy are now avail-
(Deshpande et al., 1993), pea (Yalcin et al.,
able, but sun drying is the most common
2007) and lentil (Carman, 1996).
practice. Farmers expose their legume grains
The cleaning phase uses various
to sunshine at various intervals after stor-
screens, air flows, separators and de-stoning
age to reduce moisture content (Giga et al.,
mechanisms to remove unwanted organic
1992). Alternatively, solarization by solar
or inorganic matter. Specific machinery
heaters can be used where lethal tempera-
for large-scale primary processing has
tures are required to kill all insects. For exam-
been developed, and modifications used
ple, 65°C is required to kill all life stages of
for processing include those to elevators,
Callosobruchus maculatus, the cowpea storage
conveyors and storage systems in order
insect (Murdock and Shade, 1991). Solar heat-
to reduce damage to both grain and seed-
ers are now available for this purpose, being
coat, and to maintain high visual quality.
suitable for treating small quantities of cow-
For example, in most of the food legumes
pea (25–50 kg), but it is imperative they be
including lentil, the primary processs begins
used correctly in order to heat the grains suf-
with storage and with bagging of cleaned
ficiently and for long enough to kill all insects
grains (Vandenberg, 2009). The operations
without losing quality.
required between these processes are highly
Grain legumes are more prone to insect
variable and flexible, in accordance with the
and pest attack during storage than cereals,
economics of meeting consumer demand.
and are hence more difficult to store. Milling
Since the level of grain quality is based on
losses in insect-damaged grain are even
specific diameter, thickness, colour, damage
higher, as more breakage and powdering
and admixture specifications, shape, density
occurs with such grains. In Ghana, a study
and hardness, these physical parameters
demonstrated that the level of damage due
are used when setting machine parameters
to insects during storage reached up to 60%
(Sahay, 2003). The general procedure used in
in cowpea and 15–20% in bambara nut. It has
primary processing is outlined in Fig. 25.1
been demonstrated through trials that tra-
and discussed briefly below.
ditional methods such as the application of
either shea nut butter or a mixture of ash and
chilli powder can reduce damage levels to 5%
(equivalent to a weight loss of only 1%); these Cleaning
methods make a significant contribution to
household food security. Fumigation with The threshed grains are generally impure,
phosphine before storage of cowpea grains due to the presence of straw, stones, inert
has been shown more useful in treating sacks matter, etc. Traditionally in rural areas, sieves
of grain than traditionally used chemicals, are used for small-scale primary processing.
including rat poison, pesticide sprays and The simplest cleaning method in soybean

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388 A.P. Rodiño et al.

Operations Activities

Stored uncleaned grain Storage of legume grains in specific

conditions required for crop

Pre-cleaning Removal of coarse and fine materials based

on stationary screens

Air cleaning Use of a combination of air, gravity and

screens to remove chaff, straw and dust
and to separate grains on the
basis of size, shape and density

Indent cleaning Grains uniform in diameter are separated

Gravity separation Separation of grains based on specific


De-stoming Removal of heavier materials like stones,

glass and metal

Grading Grains are graded on the basis of size and

colour as per customer demands

Packaging The cleaned and graded grains are packaged

into bags, containers, bulk containers, etc.
for delivery

Fig. 25.1. General outline of steps involved in the primary processing of legume grains (modified from
Vandenberg, 2009).

involves tossing the beans into the air and quality in the final product. For example, for
letting the wind carry off the lightest impuri- soyabean, adjustments to air speed, chaffer
ties; however, this cleaning method does not and sieve settings can be made as required,
eliminate the heavier impurities. Improving depending upon weather conditions. The set-
legume quality is best achieved mechani- ting of the cleaning fan to provide maximum
cally, principally with the air-screen sepa- air exposure without blowing the beans into
rator that uses a combination of air, gravity the return elevator or out from the back end
and screens to separate seeds based on size, by adjustment of the chaffer allows the fan to
shape and density. Models equipped with separate pods and stalk fragments from the
vibrating screens and replaceable sieves are beans.
now commercially available. The mechanical Following air-screening, indent clean-
cleaning of lentil grains has been discussed in ing is generally used for separating grains
detail by Vandenberg (2009). In general, the by diameter into different sizes, for which
basic principle used in cleaning grains can be mechanical separators are commercially
similary applied to other legumes, although available. Some machines have inbuilt air-
the size of the screen mesh will vary with screen separators, which use a combina-
the size and shape of the grain. Adjustments tion of air, gravity and screens to separate
can be made to settings to achieve optimum grains based on size, shape and density.

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Postharvest Technology 389

The primary aspiration drains off chaff, pretreatment were found to be optimized
straw, dust or decreased grains, then the using RSM in this crop (Verma et al., 1993).
gravity separator cleans grains of similar Machine conditions for milling of pigeon
size but different weight. It can be used effec- pea were optimized without considering the
tively to remove partially eaten (for exam- time required for de-hulling (Mandhyan and
ple by storage insects), immature or broken Jain, 1992). The carborundum number of de-
seeds to ensure maximum quality of the final husking rollers has also been shown to affect
product. De-stoning machines are used to the recovery of de-hulling pigeon pea grain
separate heavier materials like stones, glass (Sahay and Bisht, 1987).
and metal (Sahay, 2003; Vandenberg, 2009). The moisture content of grain plays an
Cowpea grown as a dried pea product can important role in de-hulling, as efficiency
be directly combined using a platform head decreases with increases in moisture con-
or a row crop head. Adjustments to com- tent (Ramakrishnaiah and Kurien, 1983).
bined settings, and possibly screen/sieve The milling of dhal is the main secondary
sizes, should be made for the cowpea seed processing procedure carried out in South
(Quinn, 1999). Asia, especially in India where around 75%
of total pulses are milled into dhal, mostly
by domestic, cottage and small- to medium-
scale industries. It represents the third largest
25.4 Secondary Processing food grain processing industry in India after
rice and wheat. Ali (2004) observed that in
The cleaned and graded grains are proc- India there are around 11,000 dhal mills with
essed further into various forms by sec- an average capacity of 10–20 t/day. However,
ondary processing, of which de-hulling these mills do not follow standard process
or decortication is one of the main steps. because there is variation in pulse crops, vari-
De-hulled grains are consumed as whole eties, environments and treatments. In other
or split grains in the form dhal. The recov- countries too, the milling of dhal is becoming
ery of de-hulled grain after milling is often popular – Turkey, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Syria,
called milling efficiency, defined in pulses Canada, Australia and the United Arab
in various ways. Ehiwe and Reichert (1987) Emirates (Vandenberg, 2009). The use of the
defined it as percentage recovery of hull chakki, a vertical stone, is common in India,
and de-hulled grain yield during decortica- but it involves a high level of grain damage
tion. The terms milling efficency and have (up to 20–45%) and poor-quality dhal (Ali,
been used by Wang (2005), who described 2004). Thus efforts have been made at several
these as the percentage of whole and split research centres in India to develop small-
de-hulled grains and percentage recovery of capacity mills to achieve better recovery of
de-hulled whole grains, respectively, during dhal. These low-cost machines are usually of
the process of decortication. A more precise 1–2 horsepower (HP), with de-hulling, split-
definition of de-hulling efficency is total ting and aspiration capability; use of these
percentage recovered of split and unsplit requires pretreatment of the grains with
cotyledons with less than 2% hull during various agents including water and oil, salts,
decortication (Vandenberg, 2009). chemicals or heat alone or in combination,
De-hulling efficiency and loss are deter- in order to remove the pericarp (see below
imed by several parameters that have been for details). However, these mills have not
optimized in several pulse crops. The de- attained popularity among villagers, despite
hulling index was studied in pigeon pea their low cost and refined pretreatment
using response surface methodology (RSM; techniques.
Phirke et al., 1996; Goyal et al., 2008), and The commercial de-hulling or dhal
it has been reported that hot milling (heat mills comprise cleaning and grading units
treatment after urea application) reduces and pitting, pretreatment and drying units.
de-hulling time by 50% (Phirke et al., The cost of these commercial mills depends
1996). Process parameters and enzymatic upon the capacity and degree of automation

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390 A.P. Rodiño et al.

Operations Activities
Cleaning and grading legume Product of primary processing is used.
Pitting Abrasive roller machine is used to scratch grains for facilitating the entry
of oil/water in to the grains during pretreatments. This process is also
part of the de-hulling procedure.
Pretreatment with oil and water Pretreatments are given with edible oil/water/salt for loosening of husk.
or other agents Sometimes water and oil are applied simultaneously. This process
reduces the total time required in processing.
Tempering and steeping Legume grains are covered and left for 12–18 h for penetration of
oil/water into the cotyledons after oil/water mixing.
Drying For equilibrium of grain temperature and moisture following sun-drying,
generally for 1–5 days depending on weather conditions.
De-hulling and splitting The dried and pretreated grains are milled in an abrasive mill for remo-
ving the seed coat. Complete splitting needs many passes (generally
3–9) and hence de-husking is preferably achieved by subjecting the
grains to abrasive forces and splitting by attrition and/or impact. This
process results in whole grains, split grains and hulls.
Sieving For separating the fine hull from whole and split grains. This process is
also required to obtain the whole de-hulled grains.
Aspiration Husk is separated with aspiration and sold as live stock

Grading Unsplit and split de-hulled grains are graded on the basis of size and
colour as per costumer demand
Polishing Split/dhal/whole de-hulled grains are polished to add lustre and shine to
the product. Dhal is polished in different ways such as nylon polishing,
oil/water polishing, color polishing, but sometimes consumers prefer
unpolished dhal.
Packaging The graded split grains are packed into bags, containers or bulk
containers for delivery.

Fig. 25.2. Outline of general steps involved in secondary processing for de-hulling or dhal milling in legume

introduced for handling of materials. The as 30% in some lupin species (Kurien, 1984).
general procedure of secondary processing Lentil, chickpea, pea and lathyrus crops are
for de-hulling is outlined in Figure 25.2. considered to be in the category of pulses
The process of de-hulling begins with the that are realtively easy to de-hull compared
cleaned and graded grain product derived with pigeon pea, green gram and back gram
from primary processing, and requires vari- (Muller, 1967). Therefore, pretreatment is
ous additional and optional steps that vary generally suggested to loosen the seed coat.
greatly by plant. Singh (1995) reviewed various pretreatments
In the decortication process of legume used in pigeonpea; commercial mills use ~1%
grains, loosening of the binding between the edible oil as pretreatment for loosening the
seed coat and cotyledon is required – usu- husk of those legume grains that are difficult
ally a gum (such as galactomannan) or lignin to mill (Singh, 1995; Sokhansanj and Patil,
layer (Siegel and Fawcett, 1976). The variab- 2003). In black gram, the use of 0.85% oil
lity in thickness and depth of this layer influ- treatment with 90°C drying temperature has
ences the binding strength (Muller, 1967), the been reported for maximum recovery of dhal
thickness being reported as low as 5% of the (Tiwari et al., 2005). The hot milling treatment
seed in some varieties of cowpea and as high is optimal for obtaining maximum recovery

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Postharvest Technology 391

of de-hulled grains in pigeon pea (Phirke ity of the product. Polishing with water is
et al., 1996). common practice, and is accomplished in
For dhal milling, grains are given an initial same facilities by adding small amonuts to
‘pitting’ in the roller mill before pretreatment, the product stream as it passes in a horizon-
to crack the husk and thereby improve the tally mounted screw-conveyer prior to bag-
absorption of pretreatment agents. In the case ging. Adding a small amount of vegetable
of black gram, the coating of wax and dust is oil to the product steam is also used for cer-
removed by initial scouring in a roller mill, tain makets, the Middle East in particular.
facilitating the absorption of water or oil. In some cases, lentils are double-oiled for
Thus the steps of pitting, addition of water, specific markets. Oiling is also a traditional
heating and cooling are designed to reduce method of preparation of de-hulled pulses
the natural binding of the seed coat to the in South Asia. The practice is commonly
cotyledon. used in Africa and India at the household
The pretreated grains are then tempered level, and to control grain storage insects
and dried, which aids penetration of oil/water such as Bruchus spp. occuring in Europe,
into the cotyledons, and grain temperature is North Africa and South-west Asia.
equilibrated after drying, natural sun-drying Thermal processing in glass jars or
is most commonly practised. The drying cans and infrared drying are other forms
period varies from one to five days, depend- of secondary processing (Cenkowski and
ing upon weather conditions. Some dhal mills Sousulski, 1997; Vandenberg, 2009). European
are equipped with dryers for continuous and North American consumers are generally
operation, especially in the rainy season and/ more familiar with thermally processed pulse
or unfavourable weather conditions. products in ready-to-eat forms such as soup
De-husking and splitting are the most and side dishes. Variations on the thermal
important unit operations of any dhal mill- process include packaging of prepared dishes
ing process; these are carried out either in in foil or plastic envelopes or bags. Thermal
a single operation or, more advantageously, processing may alter the nutritional profile,
as independent operations. The pretreated depending to some extent on the temperature
grains are subjected to abrasive/scouring used in the process and the chemical composi-
forces for removal of husks and splitting tion of the brine solution used in the canning
of cotyledons into two equal halves. The procedure (Singh and Diwaker, 1993). Infrared
chakki is used in some operations to de-husk drying is applied to rehydrate whole grains to
and split the grains. For the splitting of de- a moisture content of 19–39%; for this pupose,
husked and moistened grains, either the an infrared wave length of 1000–1500 nm can
vertical disk burr mill is used or grains are be used for rapid reduction of moisture con-
allowed to fall on a hard or cemented sur- tent. Dehydration triggers changes to cooking
face from sufficient height (Sahay, 2003). For properties, reducing cooking time and alter-
processing of split lentils, it is also possible to ing starch gelatinization and solubilization
use a second set of horizontal stone-milling through changes in porosity and water dis-
machinery that can be adjusted to produce persibility (Scanlon et al., 2005). This process
100% split products from de-hulled grains has been commercialized for whole lentils and
(Vanderberg, 2009). Although moisture addi- other grain products by Infraready Products
tion adversely affects husking, it helps in Ltd, to produce quick-cooking whole grains
splitting the grain, and thus water addition (Vandenberg, 2009).
prior to husking often leaves patches of husk
on the split cotyledons (dhal). These patches
have to be removed by scouring in polishing
machines. Husk separated by aspiration may 25.5. Grading and Packaging
be used for livestock feed.
After milling the split and whole Both cleaned grains with hull and whole
grains are polished to remove fine dust, or split de-hulled grains are graded and
as a means of improving the visual qual- packed for consumers. Therefore, grading

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392 A.P. Rodiño et al.

and packaging operations are common steps polyethene bags, or possibly upto 15 kg,
in both primary and seconday processing. particularly for the restaurant and institu-
On the basis of consumer demand, cleaned tional sector (Vandenberg, 2009). Private firms
grains are graded for uniformity of specific in Turkey supply all types of dry legumes
diameter or thickness of grain. This grading in 1 kg packets or 25–50 kg polythene bags. In
is based on grain size, which can incur addi- India, food legume grains are consumed as
tional cost to the final product, and demand whole grains as well as in split dhal form; the
for sizing can be very specific. As in the case cleaned and graded lentils are packed in 50 or
of lentil, consumers in Spain prefer to pay 100 kg jute bags for wholesale and retail trad-
extra for extra-large green lentils, and in ers. Packaging of split dhal is available in 500
Bangladesh or other part of South Asia for or 1000 g polythene bags in market. Various
extra-small red lentils. The size of faba and types of packaging machines are now avail-
chickpea grains also determines consumer able, and commercial dhal mills have bagging
preference, as large-seeded varieties require and packaging units as part of both primary
longer cooking times than small-seeded and seconday processing (Ali, 2004). Bagging
(Hsieh et al., 1998). To this end, efforts have sytems for grain legumes are flexible and can
been made to develop sizing and grading be influenced by packaging trends in other
machines and now both, hand- and power- crops or can be changed according to con-
operated graders are avaliable commercially sumer requirements and market trends.
(Ali, 2004). In chickpea, separation of dhal
is carried out according to size and sound-
ness using rotating-reel graders, the sepa- 25.6 Conclusions
rate compartments of which have different
screen mesh pore sizes (Sahay, 2003). Some traditional pest control methods can
The grading of legume grains is on the significantly reduce postharvest losses of
basis of colour; machinery that sorts by col- legume grains, allowing longer storage and
our is available, having been adapted from thus increasing household food security.
other industries. A computerized image Farmers can also increase income by selling
analysis system has now been developed that their surplus grain later in the season, when
can grade the legume grains on the basis of market prices are higher. Significant levels of
size, shape and colour, and this has been uti- postharvest losses affect the economy and the
lized to evaluate the volume and surface area welfare of farmers, consumers and traders,
of lentil, bean and pea (Kadlec et al., 2006; and therefore some key socio-economic and
Fıratıgil-Durmus et al., 2010). The basic prin- technological aspects of postharvest process-
ciple here is to compare the grain colour by ing and preservation need to be considered in
passage through sensors that are adjusted to regard to reducing these postharvest losses.
an acceptable predominant colour range, with A comparative study on various postharvest
colours lying outside the selected range being practices among small, medium and large
rejected by air-jetting (Vandenberg, 2009). farms would enable researchers and policy
In Canadian lentil production this system is makers to identify postharvest loss-reducing
often used, depending on the market price of technologies for specific groups of farmers.
colour-sorted and -unsorted lentil. Frequently farmers are required to harvest
After grading, legume food grains are immature crops –mainly fruits and vegeta-
packed in polypropylene or jute bags as whole bles – during those times when they need
grains or spilt forms. In Canada, the packag- immediate cash and/or when prices are high.
ing of whole lentil grains is done as per local The relationship between large capital invest-
or export specifications. For this purpose, ment and postharvest losses, and information
various types of bagging, containerization on postharvest practices, should be collated
and shipping methods are used. Exported through research. Provision of policy guide-
lentils are generally packaged in polypro- lines for increasing postharvest research and
pylene bags of 25–100 kg. Consumer-ready development activities carried out by research
packages are typically sold in 500 or 1000 g institutions and universities to determine

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Postharvest Technology 393

the technologies best suited at the farmer for vegetarian food within an expanding
and grain-processor levels is also needed. population is increasing. Postharvest losses
Production of cereals (rice and wheat) has due to inadequate processing and preserva-
almost doubled since 1970, but in case of food tion facilities must be given due attention to
legume crops no such improvements have ensure food security at both the macro and
been attained. On the other hand, the demand micro level.


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