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`Jill Niblock - Honors Chem 1 Lab

Pre Lab Questions:

1. Concentration of CV=0.0027 M Concentration of OH- = 0.025 M
a. Time vs. [NaOH]
b. Time vs. Ln[NaOH]
c. Time vs. 1/[NaOH]
3. From left to right
a. Remains the same
b. Double
c. Quadruples
to determine the rate of a reaction of crystal violet in the presence of NaOH by determining the Absorbance-realated
quantity of both trials.
1. Diameter of vial
a. 22 mm
2. Wavelength used for trial one and trial two
a. 590 nm
Calculations and Analysis:
1. Trial one

a. Concentration of OH-
i. 0.05 M = mol / 2 ml ↔ 1.0 x 10-4 mol NaOH / (18 mL + 2 mL) = 0.005 M
b. Concentration of CV
i. 1.5 x 10-5 = mol / 18 mL ↔ 2.7 x 10 -7 mol CV / (18 mL + 2 mL) = 1.35 x 10 -5 M
c. Linear graph
d. Best-fit line
i. ln[CV]t = -k’t + ln [CV]o ↔ k’ = (ln[CV] t - ln[CV]0) / -t
e. Pseudo rate constant
i. k’ = ln(0.65291) - ln(1.63414) / -1800 = 5.128 x 10 -4
f. Value of x
i. 1
g. Value of y
i. 1
h. Value of k
i. k = k’/ [OH-] = 5.128 x 10-4 / 0.005 M NaOH = 0.10256
i. Overall rate law
i. k[OH-]y[CV]x
2. Trial two

a. Concentration of OH-
i. 0.1 M = mol / 2 ml ↔ 2.0 x 10-4 mol NaOH / (18 mL + 2 mL) = 0.01 M
b. Concentration of CV
i. 1.5 x 10-5 = mol / 18 mL ↔ 2.7 x 10 -7 mol CV / (18 mL + 2 mL) = 1.35 x 10 -5 M
c. Linear graph
d. Best-fit line
i. ln[CV]t = -k’t + ln [CV]o ↔ k’ = (ln[CV] t - ln[CV]0) / -t
e. Pseudo rate constant
i. k’ = ln(0.136547) - ln(1.680509) / -1800 = 1.395 x 10 -4
f. Value of x
i. 1
g. Value of y
i. 1
h. Value of k
i. k = k’/ [OH-] = 1.395 x 10-4 / 0.01 M NaOH = 0.1395
i. Overall rate law
i. k[OH-]y[CV]x
3. Average
a. Value of k
i. (0.1395 + 0.1026) / 2 = 0.12105
b. Value of x
i. 1
ii. The regression line was closest to one when the first-order graph was chosen.
c. Value of y
i. 1
ii. The regression line was closest to one when the first-order graph was chosen.
We were able to determine the rate of a reaction of crystal violet in the presence of NaOH by determining the
Absorbance-realated quantity of both trials. We determine the rate constant of the reaction using these values and put
them into the first-order equation to determine the overal rate law.
Post Lab:
a. A = εcl
b. A = ε x 1.35 x 10 -5 M x 2.2 cm
c. A = ε x 2.97 x 10 -5
2. Your chance of error would increase. The longer trail continues the variable it becomes. You could still obtain the
same results, but you risk errors in your experiment.
i. k[OH-]1[CV]1 = rate law
ii. k = 0.12105
iii. OH- = 2.5 x 10-4 mol
iv. CV = 2.25 x 10-7 mol
v. 0.12105 [2.5 x 10-4 mol]1 [2.25 x 10-7]1 = 6.809 x 10-12
b. A = εcl
i. εcl = 6.809 x 10-12 x 1.5 x 10-5 x 1.35
ii. A = 1.3788 x 10 -16
a. ln[A]
i. y = -0.0441x + 0.75
ii. y = -0.3975x + 0.60
iii. -0.0441x + 0.75 = -0.3975x + 0.60
iv. 0.3534x = -0.15
v. x = -0.4244

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