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Machine Learning


Shubham Kumar
Mechanical Engineering I1
Contents To Be Discussed

• What ,Why And How Of ML

• Classification Of ML Technology
• Supervised ML
• Unsupervised ML
• Reinforcement
• ML as Career
• Conclusions
• Questions
What ,Why And How Of ML
• Machine learning is concerned with computer programs
which improve their performance automatically by
• Through algorithms it allows to make meaningful assumptions
about behavior of data set.
• Many of today's leading companies, such as Apple, Google
and Uber, make machine learning a central part of their
• ML is a mathematics intensive discipline .A sound
knowledge of Statistics is required along with a interested
and accepting mind
Classification Of ML Technology
• ML can be Supervised ,Unsupervised or Reinforcement
• Supervised ML: In this type of machine learning, data
scientists supply algorithms with labeled training data and
define the variables they want the algorithm to assess for
• Unsupervised ML: This type of machine learning involves
algorithms that train on unlabeled data. The algorithm scans
through data sets looking for any meaningful connection.
• Reinforcement ML: Used to teach a machine to complete a
multi-step process for which there are clearly defined rules
e.g. in Robotics.
Classification Of ML Technology
Supervised Machine Learning
• Linear Regression: It is to find a suitable linear mathematical
function to represent a known data set.
• In the figure below, X (input) is the work experience and Y
(output) is the salary of a person. The regression line is the
best fit line for our model.
• We try to express Y as

Graph from Geeks for Geeks

Supervised Machine Learning
• Polynomial Regression: It is to find a suitable polynomial
mathematical function to represent a known data set.
• Y=anXn+an-1Xn-1+an-2Xn-2+……….+a1X1+ a0

• Decision Tree: A decision tree is a decision support tool

that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible
consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource
costs, and utility. It is one way to display an algorithm that
only contains conditional control statements.
Unsupervised Machine Learning
• Unsupervised machine learning algorithms do not require
data to be labeled. They search through unlabeled data to
look for patterns that can be used to group data points into
• It is through UML that we get YouTube recommendations as it
searches for patterns and our likeliness by assessing our
search history.
• It includes Clustering, Anomaly Detection, Association
Mining and other methodologies.
Reinforcement Machine Learning
Reinforcement learning works by programming an algorithm with
a distinct goal and a prescribed set of rules for accomplishing that
goal. It is used in:

• Robotics: Robots can learn to perform tasks the physical

world using this technique.
• Video gameplay: Reinforcement learning has been used to
teach bots to play a number of video games.
• Resource management: Given finite resources and a defined
goal, reinforcement learning can help enterprises plan out
how to allocate resources.
ML as Career
• ML is the way to realize Automation Technology in real life.
• Machine learning is quickly growing field in computer science.
It has applications in nearly every other field of study and is
already being implemented commercially because machine
learning can solve problems too difficult or time consuming
for humans to solve.
Further References:
• Machine Learning for beginners by Chris Sebastian.
• Understanding ML by Shai Shalev - Shwartz and Shai Ben-

• Asking Questions improve understanding of the topics and

allows the presenter have a Feedback so that I can improve
later on.

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