Recuperacion Literature

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Literature Work

Alan Delgado


In the story we are told about a young man named Terry, he is a young athlete, tall and who was
beginning to gain muscle, his life was quite normal until his father began to act quite strange while they
ate, this began to happen frequently and that to Terry It bothered him because he was a person who, if he
didn't understand something, would get annoyed until he managed to understand it. That's why he first
asked his mother what was going on. She was very reserved about that subject and only said that it was a
post-war freak since his father he was a Vietnam veteran the mother did not want to go into much detail
but Terry wanted to know more he wanted to know what was the specific reason why his father behaved
like this but his mother was very strict and reserved with that subject as if she wanted to protect the father
because of that Terry went to look for other ways to understand what had happened to his father, the first
place he went to get information was the library where there were books about him. about the war in
Vietnam but he didn't talk directly about what happened on the battlefield he only talked about numbers
and the diplomatic or political conflicts that they caused and it was then that he ran into Mr. Carlson who
was a history teacher then he Mr. Carlson wanted to know why Terry was so interested in that subject so
Terry lied out of shame but Mr. Carlson realized immediately due to his profession as a teacher, in
addition to seeing his eyes he noticed Terry's discomfort and avoided continuing asking about his reasons.
Terry was able to get information about the Vietnam War thanks to the books that Mr. Carlson
recommended to him which spoke more directly about what was happening on the battlefield but still
Terry could not understand his father and was not satisfied but he did not He was very wary since these
strange behaviors of his father only occurred at home, never in public, until one day he accompanied his
father to the hardware store and then Terry decided to leave his father at the hardware store and he went
to a music store After a while Terry returned late to the meeting point with his father but he was not able
to see him so he thought he was still busy at the hardware store but after a while his father did not come
back Terry approached the hardware store and saw a crowd he began to suspect if something had
happened he began to walk through the crowd without seeing anything at first and when he managed to
dispel all the people he saw his father writhing face down in the floor crying at that moment Terry
thought about abandoning his father but he didn't and he preferred to help him after a moment he called
his mother to come pick them up he could only think about the shame he experienced at that moment and
that shame ate everything up the time then tired of the situation Terry waited for his mother to leave and
took courage to talk to his father and ask him about what had happened in Vietnam in a man-to-man talk
between father and son in which no one could interfere and where Terry would finally get the answers to
his questions.

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