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Environmenta l Challenge s 7 (2022 ) 10045 9


Environmental Challenges

Adsorption-microbial fermentation based multi-step approach to dye remediation for

safe and environment compatible waste water treatment
Shalini Singh ∗, Kayode Tolulope Adeyemi, Shweta Vernwal
Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India 144411

articleinfo abstract
Keywords: Environmental pollution is a major problem with increasing human population and correspondingly increasing industrial
Industrial dyes activities. Chemical industrial dyes can cause allergies, cancers, etc., in humans and adversely affect aquatic life when dye rich
Lignocellulosic waste effluents are released into water bodies. Though natural and safe dyes are being explored yet the bulk of industrial dyes is
Solid state fermentation chemical based. The current study explores cheap lignocellulosics for dye decolorization and use of resulting dye-adsorbed
Recycling biomaterials as substrate in microbial fermentation (SSF). Further, we evaluated a reuse of such dye-laden lignocelluloses for 2
Environment sustainability nd
dye adsorption-microbial fermentation cycle to potentially enhance economic viability of the process. Rice husk and Wheat
bran showed above 90% dye adsorption while the others gave 85-90% dye removal. All the dye adsorbed substrates were
successfully fermented by Phanerochaete chryosporium to produce significant laccase activity. A 2 nd cycle of dye adsorption
yielded improved dye decolorization for some substrates while some loss (not more than ∼23%), was reported for other
substrates. The findings are very encouraging as the comparative evaluation of various lignocellulosics as adsorbents and
fermentation substrates provide promising alternative to dye pollution mitigation. The reuse of such agri-residues highlights
eco-friendliness & economic efficiency of the process for removing dyes from wastewater.

1. Introduction been developed ( Cardoso et al., 2011 , Walker et al., 2003 ) for the same.
However, many of these industrial dyes by-pass most of these conventional
Various dyes have been used throughout human history in different treatments and due to their high stability against light, temperature and oxidizing
applications. The textiles were dyed using locally available materials using agents, they persist in the environ- ment for long time. Furthermore, these
natural sources, majorly plants. The discovery of synthetic dyes (exhibiting conventional methods are rela- tively expensive and generally produce secondary
lesser cost and better binding properties than natural dyes) late in the 19th century pollutants ( Lade et al., 2012 ). Physical adsorption and microbial degradation are
adversely affected large-scale market for natural dyes ( Yusuf et al., 2017 ) for important ex- amples of methods which have great potential to mitigate dye
use in textile, food, paper making, color paper printing, leather, and cosmetic pollution in water ( Vishwakarma et al., 2012 , Gupta, 2009 ).
industries ( Slampova et al., 2001 , Vishwakarma et al., 2012 ). Dyes impart their Lignocellulosics are a rich source of biomass for production of in- dustrially
color onto other objects, and are variedly classified ( Gupta, 2009 , Mani et al., important substances like, biofuel and microbial enzymes ( Keasling et al., 2021 ,
2019 ). Singh et al., 2014 ). The use of such natu- ral, abundantly available
The growing use of chemical industrial dyes significantly pollutes water lignocellulosic waste as adsorbents holds im- mense potential in reducing dye
bodies raising serious concerns about their large scale use. Though with related pollution in water bodies ( Vishwakarma et al., 2012 , Gupta, 2009 ).
increasing public awareness and stringent regulations, demand for natural dyes is Wheat bran, wheat straw, mango bark, orange and banana peel, neem leaf

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Singh).
Received 29 August 2021; Received in revised form 17 January 2022; Accepted 21 January 2022
2667-0100/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )
rising yet, the chemical dyes still form bulk of industrial dyes, which when powder, pine apple peel powder, guava leaf powder, sugarcane pulp, coconut
released into wastewaters ( Couto, 2007 , Couto, 2009 ) pose health and pulp, hyacinth and rice husk are few such industrially relevant residues which can
environment hazards. Such contaminated waters ex- hibit toxicity to plants & be ex- plored as dye adsorbents ( Lade et al., 2012 , Das et al., 2019 , Singh et al.,
animals and cause many human health hazards ( Lellis et al., 2019 , Lade et al., 2011 , Singh and Tolupe, 2017 , Parshetti et al., 2010 , Kalyani et al., 2009 ,
2012 ). Waghmode et al., 2011 , Vishwakarma et al., 2012 ).
The removal of such harmful dyes from industrial wastewaters is thus, Microbial systems have been used for industrial dye removal for ef- fective,
important ( Salehi et al., 2010 ) and various physical-chemical methods have natural and environment friendly solutions to the chemical dye
S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

problem ( Ozmen and Yesilada, 2012 ). Further, growing demands for industrial 50°C and 60°C) for different incubation time (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180
processes that comply with the principles of circular econ- omy, minimize minutes) ( Hossain and Ananthara- man, 2008 ). The initial pH of the dye solution
quantity of waste disposed into the environment, or sig- nificantly reduce (before addition to the adsorbent) was maintained at 6.0. Similarly, the influence
industrial waste related toxicity, has made reutiliza- tion/recycling of waste of dye con- centration on % dye decolorization for substrates was determined
constituents an attractive option to deal with environment pollution. using (mg/L), (40, 50, 60, 70 and 80) of the methylene blue mixed with agri-
The present study investigates agricultural residues as biosorbents for a residues at a ratio of 10:1 ( Carletto et al., 2008 ) and initial dye pH at 6.0. The
representative azo dye, methylene blue, and subsequently evalu- ates recycyling influence of pH on dye decolorization was also tested as explained above by
potential of the used substrates so as to minimize harmful waste discharge into varying pH (2.0-9.0).
the environment. For this, the dye-adsorbed ligno- cellulosic residue was Finally, the dye solution samples were withdrawn after desired in- cubation
evaluated as a substrate for laccase production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium time, and spectrophotometrically analyzed at 665nm. The % dye decolorization (
( P. chrysosporium ) under solid state fer- mentation. The spent ligno-fungal Hamdaoui and Chiha, 2007 , Jalandoni-Buan et al., 2009 ) was: % Dye adsorbed
biomass thus obtained was further subjected to 2 nd cycle of adsorption-microbial = [(Initial – Final)/Initial] X 100 where, “Initial ” is absorbance of dye solution
degradation to evaluate its use in multi-application cycles, to make the process as without substrate.
economically efficient as possible. “Final ” is absorbance of dye solution with substrate (after appropri- ate
Adsorption and microbial fermentation for dye decolorization can be incubation period).
effectively integrated. The use of white rot fungi for dye removal using liquid
state fermentation have been reported ( Ozmen and Yesi- lada, 2012 ). Also, use 2.3. Dye adsorption under optimized conditions for preparation of solid
of other dye adsorbed substate as solid state fermentation substrate has been substrate for microbial fermentation
reported but not for methylene blue ( Nigam et al., 2000 ). Further, few studies on
direct degradation of lignocellulosics like, rice straw by Phanerochaete The bio-sorptive ability of WB, RH, WS, singly and, in combina- tions was
chrysosporium using semisolid fermentation, and further recycling experiments determined under optimized conditions of temperature, time, pH and dye
of gener- ated biomass ( Zeng et al., 2015 ) are reported. But, to the best of our concentration and the % dye decolorization was deter- mined ( Hamdaoui and
knowledge, a comparative evaluation of different agricultural residues in multi- Chiha, 2007 , Jalandoni-Buan et al., 2009 ). Subse- quently, the dye-adsorbed
cycle-reuse waste treatment system, comprising of a combina- torial physical- lignocellulosic biomass were crumbled, dried at 60°C for 4 days, collected and
microbiological methylene blue mitigation system, have not been carried out stored for subsequent use.
with lignocellulosics & Phanerochaete chrysospo- rium.
2.4. Evaluation of dye adsorbed lignocellulosic residues as solid substrate in
2. Materials and methods microbial fermentation for laccase production

2.1. Materials and microbial cultures The dye-adsorbed substrates, were evaluated as solid substrates for laccase
production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium MTCC787 under solid state
All chemical reagents and microbiological culture media used were of fermentation (SSF) using classical approach of optimization of enzyme
analytical grade from Loba-Chemie Pvt. Ltd., India, SD fine chemi- cals Limited, production.
India (Syringaldazine) and HiMedia Pvt. Ltd., India. Wheat Bran (WB), Rice
husk (RH) and Wheat straw (WS), were procured from local market of Phagwara, 2.4.1. Effect of incubation period, temperature, inoculum size and initial medium
Punjab, India. pH
The lignocellulosic residues were washed with warm water (2 to 3 times), Each of the dried dye-adsorbed substrates (5gm), obtained as above, was
sundried, and dried in a hot air oven at 60°C for 4 days ( Moldes et al., 2012 ). moistened with a nutrient salt solution (initial pH 6.0, 15 mL), con- taining (NH 4
Further, WS and RH were milled. Subsequently, the milled (RH & WS) unmilled ) 2 SO 4 —0.14%, KH 2 PO 4 —0.2%, MgSO 4 .7H 2 O —0.03%, CaCl 2 —0.03%,
(WB) substrates were sieved to collect 1 mm size particles, which were stored in FeSO 4 .7H 2 O —0.002%, ZnSO 4 .7H 2 O, —0.002%, MnSO 4 .7H 2 O —
sterile ziplock bags at room temperature for subsequent use. 0.002%, CoCl 2 —0.002% ( Stoilova et al., 2010 ) in sterile 250 mL Erlenmeyer
Lyophilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium MTCC787 was procured from flasks. The flasks so prepared, were au- toclaved, cooled, inoculated with 2
Microbial Culture Collection Center, Institute of Microbial Tech- nology fungal mycelium discs, each of 0.5cm diameter, obtained from appropriately
Chandigarh, India. It was revived by mixing the fungal mycelium in sterile Malt grown fungal culture ( Singh et al., 2009 ) cultivated on Malt extract agar (MEA)
extract broth, and transferring it onto sterile Malt extract agar (MEA) plates using plates. The inoculated flasks were incubated at 37°C ( Carletto et al., 2008 ) for 1
a sterile Pasteur pipette. The inoculated plates were incubated at 37 ˚C for 5 days to 12 days.
and then stored at 4 ˚C ( Urra et al., 2006 , Hossain and Anantharaman, 2008 ). The effect of incubation temperature on laccase production was de- termined
For long term preservation, 15% of glycerol stocks of the fungus were stored at - by inoculating the substrates as above and incubating inocu- lated flasks at
5°C ( Carletto et al., 2008 ). different temperatures. For evaluating the effect of inocu- lum size, on laccase
production, the flasks were prepared and inoculated with different number of
2.2. Evaluation of biosorptive ability of lignocellulosic-residues for methylene fungal discs (1, 2, 3, 4) of 0.5 cm size each, cut from the periphery of
blue appropriately grown plate culture. The effect of initial medium pH (5 to 8) was
studied by adjusting the pH of moisten- ing agent to variable pH before
autoclaving (No further maintenance of medium pH was done). The inoculated
The effect of temperature and incubation duration on the decoloriza- tion of
flasks were incubated under spe- cific fermentation conditions ( Stoilova et al.,
Methylene blue by lignocellulosic substrates, singly (RH, WS, WB), and in
2010 , Singh et al., 2009 ).
binary (1:1) combinations (RHWS, WBWS), were studied by incubating the
substrate-dye solution mixture (50mg/L) in a ratio of 1:10 in sterile 100 mL Appropriate controls inoculated with agar plugs cut from the surface of
Erlenmeyer flasks, at variable incubation temperatures (10°C, 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, uninoculated MEA plates were also prepared. At the end of desired incubation
time, 15.0 mL of distilled water was poured into the Erlen- meyer flasks and their

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

content was crushed with a glass rod, and then shaken on a rotary shaker (10 3.2. Dye adsorption under optimized conditions for preparation of solid
minutes, 200 rpm). The substrates were then filtered through 2 layers of cheese substrate for microbial fermentation
cloth and the extracts were cen- trifuged (15 min,15000 rpm, 27 ˚C). The
supernatant (crude enzyme) ( Singh et al., 2009 , Muthezhilan et al., 2007), used RH was found to be the best dye decolorizer (93.2)% under optimized
for determining laccase activity ( Ride, 1980 ). The laccase activity was conditions of incubation ( Fig. 2 ). WB closely followed RH in dye removal
expressed as U/mL of the sample. efficiency with only 0.4% (almost negligible) lesser dye removal than that
observed for RH. Even the other adsorbents maintained more than 85% dye
2.5. Microbial fermentation under optimized incubation conditions for decolorization.
preparation of substrates for 2nd adsorption-laccase cycle 3.3. Evaluation of dye adsorbed lignocellulosic residues as solid substrate for
microbial fermentation
Phanerochaete chrysosporium MTCC787 was subjected to SSF for each dye-
adsorbed substrate by adding 50 gms of each dye-adsorbed substrate in sterile In general, for each substrate used, laccase production increased upto a
Erlenmeyer flasks with 150 mL of nutrient salt so- lution (1:3 ratio) under maximum as incubation time increased upto an optimum ( Table 3 ) Be- yond the
optimized conditions of temperature, time, ini- tial fermentation medium pH, and optimum, enzyme activity gradually declined. RH encouraged the maximum
inoculum size. The crude enzyme was subsequently harvested to determine production of laccase (378.1 U/mL) by the test fungus on 9 th day of incubation
laccase activity ( Ride, 1980 ) and the resulting spent ligno-fungal biomass (for
while lowest laccase activity was observed, as expected, on 1 st day of incubation
each substrate) was collected (fungal biomass not separated from the agri-
biomass). The biomass was air-dried and subsequently dried in a hot air oven at (50U/mL). A decrease of almost 28% in laccase activity was observed on 10 th
60 °C. After 4 days, the biomass samples were crumbled, collected and stored in day of incubation for RH. Both WS and WB as substrates, encouraged the
sterile ziploc bags. maximum enzyme production by the test fungus on 5 th day of incubation with
339 and 635 U/mL of laccase activity, respectively. The shortest optimum
2.6. Evalution of potential reuse of spent fungal-agri-biomass in dye
incubation time for enzyme activity was found to be 4 th day when substrates were
decolorization and laccase production
used in combinations (RHWS and WBWS). RHWS was slightly better
(maximum laccase activity, 374 U/mL) than WBWS (8.8% lesser enzyme
The spent fungal-agri-biomass, obtained as above, was used for a 2 nd cycle of
dye adsorption-microbial fermentation. The % methylene blue decolorization activity) on 4 th day of incubation.
and laccase activity under SSF using already optimized conditions were 37 ± 2 °C temperature ( Table 4 ) was found to be the most suitable for laccase
respectively determined, as explained above. production by test fungal strain for all the substrates used except, that for RHWS
(33°C ± 2, 394 U/mL) under desired incubations condi- tions. WB produced the
2.7. Statistical analysis highest (650 U/mL) of laccase activity under the given set of incubation
conditions. WBWS was only slightly better (almost negligible) than ( ∼0.8%
All experiments were done in triplicates and the results for dye de- higher laccase activity).
colorization were represented as an average of % dye decolorization. The laccase Inoculum size ( Table 5 ) was also found to be an important pa- rameter for
activity was reported as mean ± standard deviation of the values. laccase production with variable enzyme activity observed for different inoculum
size in case of different substrates. The sub- strates responded in following
3. Results descending order of laccase production WB > RH > RHWS > WBWS > WS. Both
WB and RH best produced laccases with 3 fungal discs of 0.5 cm each, but the
3.1. Evaluation of biosorptive ability of selected lignocellulosic-residues for combination-substrates (RHWS and WBWS) produced highest enzyme activity
methylene blue with only 2 fun- gal discs of 0.5 cm each. WS on the other hand required the
highest inoculum size for maximum laccase production (355.3 U/mL) by the
All the tested lignocellulosic materials were found to adsorb signifi- cant fungus.
amount of the dye from its aqueous solution ( Table 1 ), with the least adsorption Interestingly, the test fungus showed varied preference to the medium pH to
shown by WBWS (75.3%) at 50°C, 150 mins, and RH & WB showing 90% (90 show best laccase activity while using different sub- strates. As can be seen (
for RH and 90.2% for WB) dye adsorption. Still, WB required more time (30 Table 6 ), while the test fungus produced highest laccase activity with RH (570.7
mins) and higher temperature (higher by 10°C) for achieving similar U/mL) at 6.5, WS (363 U/mL) at 5.5, it produced 705 and 440 U/mL of laccase
decolorization as RH. RHWS showed 83.1 (30 min, 40°C) % decolorization with WB and RHWS, respec- tively, at pH 6.0. Interestingly, WBWS (776
while WS was slightly better than RHWS with 86.4 (150 mins, 50°C) % U/mL) showed significant rise in laccase activity (a rise of more than 50% in
decolorization. laccase activity) at pH 7.0, than that observed at pH 6.0, while recording the best
All the adsorbents except one (RHWS), showed maximum dye re- moval for laccase production amongst the substrates tested.
the least concentrated (40 mg/mL) dye solution ( Table 2 ), out of all the dye
concentrations tested, indicting better dye removal ef- ficiency of the adsorbents 3.4. Microbial fermentation under optimized incubation conditions for
in lesser concentrated dye solutions. RHWS on the other hand, showed best preparation of substrates for 2 nd adsorption-laccase cycle
decolorization at much higher dye concen- tration (70 mg/mL) than 40 mg/mL.
In response to varied dye concen- tration, 87, 85.4 and 84.1% dye removal was Finally, the test fungus was subjected to optimized conditions of incubation
seen for WS, WBWS, and RHWS, respectively, while RH and WB removed dye (time, temperature, inoculum size and pH) under SSF for each substrate tested (
more than 90%. Fig. 3 ). The combination of WBWS was found to be the best substrate (780
Methylene blue was best adsorbed by all the adsorbents at pH 6.0 ( Fig. 1 ). U/mL) for laccase production by the test fungus, followed by WB (714 U/mL),
The adsorbents can be arranged in the following decending order of dye RH (574.7 U/mL), RHWS (442.3 U/mL) and WS (366.7 U/mL) in the decreasing
decolorization ability, WB > RH > WS > WBWS > RHWS. order of enzyme production.

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

3.5. Potential reuse of spent fungal-agri-biomass in dye decolorization and

laccase production

An evaluation of test lignocellulosic materials for a 2 nd cycle of dye

adsorption-microbial fermentation yielded very encouraging results ( Table 7 )
with WS and RHWS showing visible enhancement (4.9 and 2.7% increase,
respectively) in dye adsorption ability, as compared to that for virgin adsorbent (
Fig. 2 ). The other substrates too showed satisfactory dye removal in the 2 nd
cycle, with 71.9, 76.7, 79.2% dye decolorization for RH, WB and WBWS,
When laccase activity was checked in the 2 nd cycle of microbial fermentation
of the agri-residues, RH yielded a slight increase in enzyme

Table 1
Influence of incubation temperature & time on dye decolorization.
Incubation time, min Incubation temperature, o C Adsorbents
Dye decolorization, %
S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal RH Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459
0 10 32.0 30.2 30.1 40.2 32.1
20 34.9 31.7 32.5 45.6 33.3

30 33.8 32.0 34.9 49.9 32.5

40 41.7 34.9 35.1 52.8 34.1

50 42.3 35.6 35.8 53.1 34.4

60 43.4 36.9 37.0 72.0 35.3

30 10 51.2 37.6 47.9 75.5 36.1

20 62.1 39.5 49.1 77.8 37.4

30 73.1 41.6 57.4 80.6 39.4

40 78.4 42.7 60.8 83.1 41.5

50 82.9 43.1 63.6 82.2 43.0

60 84.7 45.9 65.5 81.5 44.6

60 10 87.3 47.2 69.4 80.1 46.7

20 90.0 48.6 73.8 82.3 48.0

30 88.9 50.1 76.0 81.1 50.9

40 88.0 50.9 79.2 82.4 53.0

50 87.3 48.9 80.1 83.0 53.7

60 86.4 47.1 83.2 81.8 55.8

90 10 87.3 46.3 83.8 82.1 57.8

20 90.2 45.2 85.0 80.5 59.0

30 89.5 49.9 90.2 81.9 60.9

40 89.4 51.4 89.7 80.8 61.0

50 88.0 54.0 89.1 79.5 62.9

60 88.1 54.8 88.2 79.7 63.1

120 10 86.9 57.9 88.4 78.2 64.0

20 89.1 60.9 87.6 79.5 64.8

30 88.6 63.0 88.1 80.6 65.6

40 88.7 69.8 87.5 81.0 66.1

50 88.0 71.4 87.6 80.9 68.4

60 86.7 72.7 87.0 79.1 69.0

150 10 87.5 74.8 86.3 79.6 70.2

20 88.9 78.1 86.1 80.1 71.0

30 89.8 81.1 84. 3 88.7 72.4

40 86.8 82.2 82.0 77.4 73.2

50 88.9 86.4 83.1 78.6 75.3

60 89.5 83.2 81.9 80.5 72.8

180 10 87.0 83.7 81.5 81.2 73.4

20 90.1 82.5 82.0 80.4 74.0

30 89.4 82.8 80.9 81.9 73.1

40 88.2 83.5 81.4 82.2 71.6

50 78.3 84.5 81.2 81.3 69.9

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

Incubation conditions:
Dye concentration: 50 mg/ml
Substrate: Dye solution: 1:10 pH of
the dye solution: 6.0

activity (597.5 U/mL), compared to dye adsorbed RH in the 1 st cycle of

treatment. Other substrates on the other hand, recorded lesser laccase activities in
comparison to the 1 st cycle.

4. Discussion

Dye decolorization was significant for all the substrates tested, in re- sponse
to variable time and temperature conditions. The dye decoloriza- tion efficiency
of WS (86.4%) at 150 mins and 50°C, was better than that reported earlier (
Nigam et al., 2000 ), where 70-75% adsorption was reported for WS under
specific conditions. Overall, all adsorbents, irrespective of the incubation
temperature, reported higher dye decol- orization with longer incubation
duration, upto a maximum. Further, dye decolorization attained a plateau with
almost similar or slightly less decolorization than maximum. Usually, with a rise
in incubation tem- perature, dye ions diffuse better upto a, point which enhances
the rate of adsorption by the adsorbent ( Benguella and Benaissa, 2002 ). Beyond
this, a state of equilibrium is reached due to adaptation of biosorbent ( Khalaf,
2008 ). Similarly, as the incubation time increases, dye adsorption improves till
saturation is reached (due to rapid adsorption on dye binding sites and
accumulation of dye molecules on the surface of the adsorbent), while restricting
further dye movement within the adsor- bent ( Das et al., 2019 ). The effect of the
incubation temperature on the dye decolorization capacity for each substrate
varied from each other. Similar trend of decolorization in response to variable
incubation time and temperature were seen by Hamdaoui and Chiha and Carletto
et al. ( Carletto et al., 2008 , Hamdaoui and Chiha, 2007 ).
As can be observed above, the concentration of the dye plays a cru- cial role in
determining the dye decolorization and our findings indi- cated that majorly the
deye decolorization was higher at lower concen- tration than at higher
concentrations and a similar trend was reported by Sumanjit et al., and Carletto et
al. ( Sumanjit and Kaur, 2007 , Carletto et al., 2008 ) where, as the concentration
of the dye increased, the decol- orization activity decreased. This might be due to
hinderance created for the dye particles at the surface of the adsorbent due to
initial build up of dye ions ( Tiwari et al., 2017 ). In contrast, RHWS showed
better decolorization at higher dye concentration in comparison to other
substrates tested and such cases where, as the dye concentration increased, the
dye adsorption by the test adsorbent increased ( Tiwari et al., 2017 ), has also
been reported. Rice husk silica used for methylene blue adsorption

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

Dy e Re m o v a l ( %)


Fig. 1. Effect of pH on % dye decolorization.
Dye Removal (%)

Fig. 2.
Decolorization of Methylene blue by agri-

Type of Agri-residue
and Mehidinia, 2019 ) showed maximum removal efficiency at 10mg/L
indicating much better response of substrates tested in the given study in terms of
higher dye adsorption at higher dye concentra- tion than 10mg/L.

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

The medium pH influences dye ionization and the surface fea- tures of the
adsorbent, which, directly affects the rate of sorption ( Akazdam et al., 2017 ) and
preference to acidic pH for methylene blue decolorization has been reported by
others too. Corn husk was also found to remove 90% of MB at pH 6.2 ( Malik et
al., 2016 ). Hameed et al. ( Hameed et al., 2009 ), while working on pine apple
stem for adsorption of methylene blue, also suggested that the acidic pH is
favorable for its adsorption.
The use of brewers’ spent grain for removal of methylene blue from its
aqueous solution yielded 70-90% dye removal efficiency, indicating better
efficiency of residues tested in our study for removal of methylene blue ( Kezerle
et al., 2018 ).

Fig. 3. Laccase activity of P. chrysosporium MTCC787

Type of Agri-residue
Table 2 60 83.6
Influence of dye concentration on dye decolorization.
S. No. Substrate Dye Concentration, mg/L Dye decolorization, % 70 81.7

1. RH 40 91.9 80 81.5
50 90.4
4. RHWS 40 81.4
60 86.7 50 84.0

70 85.5 60 83.4

80 85.1 70 84.1

2. WS 40 87.0 80 82.0
50 85.8
5. WBWS 40 85.4
60 83.2 50 84.1

70 82.8 60 84.2

80 82.2 70 79.2

3. WB 40 91.7 80 76.7
50 89.0
Incubation conditions:

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

Incubation temperature, °C: RH (20), WS and WBWS (50), WB (30), RHWS (40) 33 ± 2 317.0 ± 1.1
Incubation duration, mins: RH(60), WS and WBWS (150), WB (90),
RHWS(30) 37 ± 2 347.3 ± 1.3
Substrate: Dye: 1:10 pH: 6.0
40 ± 2 262.0 ± 1.4

3 WB 28 ± 2 442.0 ± 1.4
As reported above, RH needed the longest incubation time for max- imum
33 ± 2 621.2 ± 1.9
laccase production in comparison to other substrates tested. This is most likely
due to restricted availability of nutrients from a complex substrate like RH. The 37 ± 2 650.0 ± 2.3
fungus thus, required more time to mineralize and assimilate. Studies also
indicate recalcitrant nature of RH to fer- 40 ± 2 554.4 ± 1.7
Table 3
Effect of incubation period on laccase production. 4 RHWS 28 ± 2 284.7 ± 1.4
Incubation period Laccase activity (U/mL ) 33 ± 2 394.3 ± 1.2
(Days )
RH WS WB RHWS WBWS 37 ± 2 386.0 ± 0.9
1 50.0 ± 3.0 275.8 ± 3.4 196.0 ± 1.7 292.0 ± 1.2 315.8 ± 2.7
2 72.0 ± 1.1 300.6 ± 1.1 234.0 ± 1.5 303.0 ± 0.9 325.6 ± 1.6 3 110.0 ± 0.5 40 ± 2 207.7 ± 0.5
309.1 ± 1.2 468.0 ± 3.5 342.0 ± 1.1 330.0 ± 1.4 4 132.8 ± 1.0 315.0 ± 2.0 513.0 ± 1.9 374.0
± 1.3 341.0 ± 1.8 5 WBWS 28 ± 2 240.0 ± 2.7
5 170.0 ± 3.0 339.0 ± 3.1 635.0 ± 1.3 359.0 ± 1.6 322.3 ± 1.4 33 ± 2 326.0 ± 3.0
6 220.5 ± 1.3 300.0 ± 2.3 421.0 ± 1.8 344.0 ± 2.0 295.2 ± 2.0
7 253.6 ± 2.4 291.3 ± 1.0 402.2 ± 3.0 - - 37 ± 2 350.0 ± 1.6
8 284.9 ± 1.2 - - - -
9 378.1 ± 2.2 - - - - 40 ± 2 224.5 ± 1.5
10 271.0 ± 3.2 - - - -
11 243.0 ± 1.5 - - - -
Incubation conditions:
12 - - - - -
Inoculum size: fungal discs of 0.5 cm each
Initial medium pH: 6.0
Incubation conditions: Substrate: Moistening agent: 1:3
Inoculum size: 2 fungal discs of 0.5 cm each Incubation period: RH (9 th day of incubation),WS and WB (5 th day of
Initial medium pH: 6.0
incubation), RHWS and WBWS (4 th day of incubation)
Substrate: Moistening agent: 1:3
Incubation temperature, °C: 37 ± : means ± : means Standard deviation from mean
Standard deviation from mean
Table 5
Effect of inoculum size on the laccase production.
S.No Substrate Number of Disc (s) inoculated Laccase activity (U/mL)
mentation probably due to much high lignin and silica content, which might lead
1 RH 1 230.7 ± 3.7
to longer incubation times to fermentation ( Wu et al., 2018 ).
Interestingly, WS showed best laccase activity in much lesser time, probably 2 396.0 ± 0.4

because beyond a point, the fungus was not able to assimilate nutrients from the
3 409.3 ± 0.6
complex structure. WB showed the highest activity amongst the substrates tested,
indicating that the nutrient complex and the kind of nutrient forms were more 4 385.0 ± 2.2
easily used up by the fungus under the given set of conditions.
The laccase activity, in response to variable incubation temperature, 2 WS 1 113.7 ± 1.2
increased with time upto the maximum. The encouraging performance of 2 303.0 ± 1.7
substrates in binary combinations might be due to better availabil- ity of nutrients
in a complex nutritional environment with two sub- strates mixed together as in 3 335.0 ± 1.3
case of WB mixed with WS (WBWS) or even RHWS, which was also better
substrate than the substrates used singly, except in case of singly used WB. 4 355.3 ± 1.4

P.chrysosporium grows best be-

3 WB 1 306.4 ± 1.9
Table 4
2 622.0 ± 1.3
Effect of incubation temperature on laccase production.
S.No Substrate Temperature (°C) Laccase activity (U/mL)
3 695.0 ± 1.1
1 RH 28 ± 2 125.0 ± 0.7
33 ± 2 134.7 ± 0.8 4 422.0 ± 1.2

37 ± 2 386.3 ± 1.5 4 RHWS 1 316.0 ± 1.2

2 404.7 ± 0.9
40 ± 2 155.3 ± 2.2
3 266.7 ± 0.7
2 WS 28 ± 2 221.7 ± 1.5

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

4 124.7 ± 1.1 5.5 178.0 ± 0.9

5 WBWS 1 288.5 ± 2.1 6.0 518.0 ± 1.2

2 368.0 ± 3.1
6.5 570.7 ± 0.8
3 286.0 ± 2.6
7.0 411.3 ± 0.9
4 222.1 ± 1.8
7.5 301.0 ± 1.5
Incubation conditions:
Initial medium pH: 6.0 8.0 198.9 ± 0.9
Substrate: Moistening agent: 1:3
Incubation period, days: RH (9 th day of incubation),WS and WB (5 th day of incubation), 2 WS 5.0 322.8 ± 1.2
5.5 363.0 ± 0.7
RHWS and WBWS (4 day of incubation)

Incubation temperature, ˚C: 37 (WB, WS, WB + WS) 6.0 351.0 ± 0.5

± : means Standard deviation from mean
6.5 253.0 ± 0.7

tween 20-50°C. At higher temperatures (above 40°C), death rate exceeds growth 7.0 208.7 ± 0.8
rate while at lower temperatures, metabolic ativities are highly reduced ( Hossain
and Anantharaman, 2008 ). 7.5 198.0 ± 2.1
Inoculum size ( Table 5 ) was also found to be an important parameter for
8.0 195.2 ± 0.9
laccase production with variable enzyme activity observed for differ- ent
inoculum size in case of different substrates. The findings indicated that probably
3 WB 5.0 542.1 ± 1.0
both RHWS and WBWS though produced lesser laccase activity than the best 5.5 564.0 ± 0.9
performer (WB), yet these two substrates were in-
Table 6 6.0 705.0 ± 2.1
Effect of initial medium pH on laccase production.
S.No Substrate pH of Medium Laccase activity (U/mL) 6.5 650.0 ± 1.0
1 RH 5.0 125.3 ± 1.2
7.0 610.0 ± 1.2

7.5 581.1 ± 3.0

8.0 532.5 ± 1.1

4 RHWS 5.0 211.3 ± 1.2

5.5 278.0 ± 0.8

6.0 440.3 ± 1.3

6.5 236.7 ± 0.9

7.0 220.3 ± 1.2

7.5 201.5 ± .2.0

8.0 197.1 ± 3.1

5 WBWS 5.0 110.0 ± 0.8

5.5 172.3 ± 1.7

6.0 372.1 ± 2.3

6.5 400.5 ± 1.4

7.0 776.0 ± 1.8

7.5 743.3 ± 1.0

8.0 720.5 ± 2.1

Incubation conditions:
Substrate: Moistening Agent: 1:3

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

Incubation temperature, ºC: RH(37°C), WS(37°C), RHWS (35°C) bents/fermentation substrates. The microbial action on the substrate might
Incubation period, days: RH (9days), WS (5days), RHWS (4days) loosen and break the complex lignin-cellulose-hemicellulose structure of the
Inoculum size: 3 fungal discs (RH and WB), 4 fungal discs dye-laden lignocellulosics used as adsorbents, creating additional binding
(WS), 2 fungal discs (RHWS and WBWS)– of 0.5 cm each
sites or enhanced surface area available for improved dye adsorption in the
± : means Standard deviation from mean
subsequent repeat-cycle. The increased dye decol- orization ability of the
spent substrate is thus, most likely due to the “biological pre-treatment ”
owing to the first cycle of laccase production. As no treatment, apart from
vaded faster and probably better by the test fungi, than WB. This further showed
that better growth support provided by combo-substrates than WB, a singly used gentle crumbling & drying the dye-laden substrates, was done before a 2 nd
substrate. The need for largest inoculum size tested for WS can be attributed to cycle of adsorption-fermentation was adopted, a decrease in dye
the complex physical and chemical composition of WS ( Singh et al., 2011 ). decolorization might be expected for some agri-residues, as the already bound
As the ability of the microbes to assimilate nutrients is also influ- enced by dye molecules, in such cases, might not allow further uptake/binding of the
medium pH, which may enhance or reduce the microbes’ abil- ity to use nutrients dye molecule, thereby reducing the dye adsorption ability to some degree.
from even in a nutrient rich environment, initial fermentation medium pH was When laccase activity was checked in the 2 nd cycle of microbial
also evaluated as a factor in laccase pro- duction in the given study. Interestingly, fermentation of the agri-residues, apart from RH, all other substrates recorded
but not surprisingly too, the test fungus showed varied preference to the medium lesser laccase activities in comparison to the 1 st cycle. It might be possible that
pH to show best laccase activity while using different substrates. The medium pH a higher amount of residual lignin was available for enzymatic breakdown
also influences solubility (and hence, availability to fermentation) of media
after 1 st cycle of enzyme treatment for RH than other substrates, due to which
components ( Singh et al., 2009 ).
laccase activity improved slightly in this case, but not for others.
As our findings indicate, dye-adsorbed substrates in all cases, were
Use of dye adsorbed substrate for fungal growth and enzyme produc- tion,
successsully fermented by the test fungus. Though the laccase activities varied
in multiple alternating adsorption-microbial fermentation cycles has also been
for different substrates, yet the amount of the test enzyme pro- duced, was
supported by others ( Hameed et al., 2009 ).
significantly high. As also supported by other investigations ( Liu et al., 2016 ),
successful growth and laccase production thereof, us- ing dye adsorbed The use of solid state fermentation (aerobic cultures) using fungal cultures
substrates also might further modify the physical and chemical properties of the have added advantage over the use of bacterial cultures under anaerobic
dye adsorbed substrate, probably leading to breakdown of the complex residue conditions as studies indicate that complete mineralization is possible under
structure and making its degradation in the environment and also provide laccase such conditions. On the other hand, under anaerobic bacterial fermentations,
as a beneficial co-product. chances of formation of toxic amines upon dye decolorization are higher
Table 7
Recycling potential of dye adsorbed lignocellulosics for dye decolorization and laccase production.

S.No. Reuse potential of spent ligno-cellulosic biomass

Spent agri-fungal
biomass Dye decolorization (%) for recycled Efficiency as dye Laccase production Efficiency as adsorbent adsorbent (%
increase (U/mL) for recycled substrate for laccase
↑ /decrease ↓ in comparison fermentation substrate production (% increase
to virgin adsorbents) ↑ /decrease ↓ in
comparison to virgin
fermentation substrate)

1 RH 71.9 22.9 ↓ 597.5 ± 1.3 3.8 ↑

2 WS 92.4 4.9 ↑ 326.0 ± 2.5 11.0 ↓
3 WB 76.7 17.42 ↓ 412.0 ± 2.2 42.3 ↓
4 RHWS 88.1 2.7 ↑ 510.0 ± 1.0 13.3 ↑
5 WBWS 79.2 8.5 ↓ 564.0 ± 2.1 27.7 ↓
Incubation conditions for dye decolorization:
Incubation temperature, °C: RH (20), WS and WBWS (50), WB (30), RHWS (40)
Incubation duration, mins: RH(60), WS and WBWS (150), WB (90), RHWS(30)
Substrate: Dye: 1:10
Dye concentration, mg/L: RH, WB, WS and WBWS (40), RHWS (70) pH: 6.0
Incubation conditions for laccase production:
Substrate: Moistening Agent: 1:3
Incubation temperature, ºC: RH (37°C), WS (37°C), RHWS (35°C)
Incubation period, days: RH (9days), WS (5days), RHWS (4days)
Inoculum size: 3 fungal discs (RH and WB), 4 fungal discs (WS), 2 fungal discs (RHWS and WBWS)– of 0.5 cm each
Initial medium pH: RH(6.5), WS (5.5), WB (6.0), RHWS (6.5) WBWS (7.0) (Banat etl., 1996). Fermentation experiments using Phanerochaete
chrysosporium and Coriolus vesicolor and dye ad- sorbed substrates have
Microbial fermentation of such dye adsorbed agricultural residues also been reported where effect of such substrates on microbial growth and protein
improves the surface area available, as lignin degradation by enzymes weaken production has been done ( Nigam et al., 2000 ). Appearance of fungal growth
the integrity of the biomass structure ( Huang et al., 2008 ). on the dye adsorbed substrates is a good indication to show lack of any adverse
Significant dye decolorization as well as microbial fermentation yielding effect of dye adsorbed substrate on fungal growth but, our study further
laccases in a repeat sequence were very encouraging and clearly support enhances the value of the investigation by quantitatively evaluating the
potential multi-step utilization of complex-structured adsor- laccase production.

S. Singh, K.T. Adeyemi and S. Vernwal Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100459

5. Conclusion
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