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“Nutrir para hoy, aprendizaje para mañana, carácter

para la eternidad”


Ms. Jacqueline Martinez Garcia
NAME Exigencies 60% Score
GRADE 2MY Ideal score 36
To assess the useCycle
of vocabulary
0 Week 8 “life
10th – 14will
) / be going to; verb
Score+ obtained
DATE th infinitive / -ing form; the
ITEM I. Vocabulary. /6

Match the life events.

1 ____ apply a a job

2 ____ be b your driving test
3 ____ pass c school
4 ____ get d children
5 ____ start e for a job
6 ____ have f born

ITEM II. Will / be going to / 15

Choose the correct answers. (1pt. each)

1 She wants to visit Rome. She … travel soon. b is going to

a is going to 4 We have tickets for the soccer game. We …
b will out tomorrow.
2 I’m busy right now. I … help you later. a will
a will b am going to
b am going to 5 She doesn’t think it … rain today.
3 She has a doctor’s appointment. She … go to a will
the hospital. b is going to
a will

Complete the sentences with will or be going to and the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
(2 pts. each)

6 The car isn’t working well. We __________ out today. (not go)
7 There are sales everywhere! I __________ lots of things. (buy)
8 My mom has all the ingredients for a pizza. She __________ one for dinner. (make)
9 The weather is nice. I think we __________ a picnic. (have)
10 The train arrives at 5:30 am. She __________ here very early. (be)

ITEM III. Verb + infinitive / -ing form. / 10

Write sentences. Use the verb + infinite or -ing form.

1 You / ‘d like / win / the lottery

2 Sophie / love / shop / in Italy
3 Tim / want / talk / to her
4 My friend / not mind / stay / at home
5 I / prefer / listen / to pop music

ITEM IV. The gerunds. /5

Write sentences. Use gerunds.

1 cook / my hobby
2 text and drive / illegal activities when you drive
3 take a nap / very relaxing
4 smoke / bad for your health
5 drive / exciting

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-
seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”- 1 Corinthians 13:4-5.

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