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Twelve Tips for Becoming a Better Mentor 

These twelve tips are something to reflect on frequently and ensure understanding of how to act, achieve and
respond as a great mentor would. They are designed to help reach the five goals of becoming a better mentor.

1. Characteristics of a Mentor 7. Intrinsic Motivation

 Great interpersonal skills  Intrinsic motivation is the value of enjoying a
 Setting good examples career choice/ life choice from within
 Motivates others  Engaging in a career or mentoring because you
 Values others opinions and initiatives truly find it appealing is essential to being a great
 Willingness to share skills, knowledge and mentor because you are more motivated by
expertise personal gain then extrinsic (outside)
 Enables all of the above values with compensation

2. Professionalism 8. Role Model for Superior Emotional

 Place the interest of others ahead of one’s Intelligence
personal interests  The capacity to be aware of, control, and express
 Humanism one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal
 Accountability relationships judiciously and empathetically
 A sense of duty  Being able to model this on a daily basis or
 Respect for others whenever the opportunity presents itself is ideal
 Honesty & Integrity
 Selflessness

3. Continuing Education 9. Reimbursement

 Continuing education for respiratory therapists  Reimbursement is the amount a third-party payer
can be placed into two main categories: CEU’s & negotiates as payment to the provider
degree advancement.  As a respiratory therapist this is vital when
 Continuing education credits are required with obtaining acknowledgment for services we
evolving healthcare for upkeep on certifications provide – charges, time spent with patients,
and licensure. assisting with medical procedures, transports,
 Degree advancement is just as important for homecare, etc.
current respiratory therapists. This is due to the  These services we provide are essential to
government seeing the associate degree as a department reimbursement and acknowledgement
technical degree, the increased opportunities, and of the department and help fund the department
possibilities for increased pay. for better reform
 Both educational advancements are extremely  This concept is important to remember and to
important to continue proper competency, pass on to the mentee – especially preparing them
etiquette, and knowledge within the healthcare for different environments they might experience
industry. working in within different facilities

4. Principles of Ethics 10. Professional and System Reform

 A set of moral principles, beliefs and values that  Reform is to make changes in order to improve
guide us in making choices about medical care – something
right and wrong and our beliefs about rights we  Even if a professional is not in management, their
possess and duties we owe others insight on how a system is working is vital to the
 Sometimes what we do in our career do not align functionality at a patient and care provider level
with what we believe to be right – however there  Knowing and understanding the needs of a
are protocols that need to be followed facility and its population it is servicing is
 It is always important to take into consideration important when considering reform
other’s perspectives on the issue at hand before  Many disease management programs or
coming to a decision rehabilitations that are run by respiratory
 Not everyone is always going to agree all the therapists are continuously trying to evolve and
time, following these steps can help generate the implement new goals and insight to better the
best ethical decision: outcomes of the patients and the programs that
1. Recognize the issue are involved
Is there something wrong personally,  When a new need arises, taking that need as a
interpersonally, or socially? serious necessity for reform is vital to the success
What does it do to people who have dignity, – whether presenting the concern to management
rights, and hopes for a better life together? or hearing the concern from a managerial
2. Get the Facts perspective
What facts are relevant and what are  Creating goals for reform should involve
unknown? everyone who the reform impacts
What individuals and groups have a stake in  As a mentor this is another aspect to keep in mind
the outcome? when educating a mentee, always be on the look
What are the options for acting? out for what can change or what can be done
3. Evaluate Alternative Actions from Various better within the department or services
Perspectives respiratory therapists provide
Which options will do the most good, and
cause the least harm?
4. Make a Decision and Test It
Considering all the perspectives, which of
the options is the right or best thing to do?
If you had to explain your decision on
television, would you be comfortable doing
5. Act, then Reflect on the Decision
Implement then ask: how did it turn out for
all concerned and if you had to do it all over
again would you choose differently?

5.  Teachable Moments 11. Build Skills for Strategic Thinking

 Unplanned opportunities that arise, which  Not only do you want to enable your mentee to be
provide a chance to offer insight to the mentee a strategic thinker, you must understand and
 It is important to not only be able to leverage practice the skills yourself
these opportunities, but being able to identify  Analytical skills – ideate a strategy that helps
when these opportunities arise your organization reach objectives or come to a
 Knowing your mentee and what they would solution based off all types of information given
benefit from best or have yet to experience is  Communication skills – effectively explaining so
important with leveraging teaching moments. that everyone fully comprehends the entirety of
what is being communicated is essential to a full
 Problem-solving skills – being able to come up
with the most effective solution, even if it is
creative and “outside of the box”
 Planning and management skills – a solution is
only half of the plan; implementation of the
solution involves planning and strategy to keep
the resolution from becoming an issue again

6.  Adult learning theory 12. Stretch Goals

 Understanding how adults learn differently then  Stretch goals are targets or goals beyond the
children and teaching accordingly normal in the existing work capacity
 A preference for self-directed learning  Stretch goals keep a business, department, person,
 An ability to draw on life experience to assist etc. from staying stagnant and continuing to be
with learning better
 A willingness to learn when transitioning into  Identifying and creating stretch goals is an
new roles excellent way to continue to better whatever the
 A focus on immediately applying new knowledge goal is referring to
to real life situations and problems  Pursuing stretch goals can be a hard and
 A tendency to be internally motivated (intrinsic demanding task, and the upkeeping of these new
motivation) goals – learning and teaching this skillset is
essential in continuing to better yourself as a


Goals for Becoming a Better

These goals are continuous and will evolve as healthcare does – however the tips
are important to remember as an aid to achieving some or all of the goals. Many tips
will fall in multiple categories or can be applied to more then one goal.

1. Prepare for Opportunities

Opportunities, whether big or small, are extremely important to take advantage
of for yourself as a mentor or for any other opportunities that arise to show a
mentee how you would approach, handle or solve a situation. Being prepared for
the spur of the moment opportunities can be challenging, so it’s always best to
be overprepared all the time, then under prepared at the right time.

 Continuing Education
 Teachable Moments
 Adult Learning Theory
 Intrinsic Motivation
 Role Model for Superior Emotional Intelligence
 Reimbursement
 Professional and System Reform
 Build Skills for Strategic Thinking
 Stretch Goals

2. Enable a Positive and Open Environment for Mentees to

The only thing worse than an environment that does not allow growth and
opportunity, is an environment that is not positive and open to the possibilities of
enabling other’s growth, learning and opportunity. Mistakes are inevitable,
nobody is perfect, but being open to mistakes happening and correcting them in
a positive way is the best approach for a mentee.

 Characteristics of a Mentor
 Professionalism
 Principles of Ethics
 Teachable Moments
 Role Model for Superior Emotional Intelligence
 Reimbursement
 Professional and System Reform
 Build Skills for Strategic Thinking
 Stretch Goals

3. Understanding and Responding Appropriately to Different

Learning Methods - Inclusiveness
The importance of seeing everyone as individuals and seeing them for who they
are, what their personal strengths and weaknesses are, and how they process
information is essential for comprehension when communicating. Inclusiveness
and learning different methods of mentoring that work best for your mentee need
to happen for the best responsiveness from your mentee.

 Characteristics of a Mentor
 Professionalism
 Principles of Ethics
 Teachable Moments
 Adult Learning Theory
 Reimbursement
 Professional and System Reform
 Build Skills for Strategic Thinking

4. Become Involved with Reform

Reform can be the business aspect of continuing to engage and become better as
a whole. Becoming involved encourages new opportunities, growth, and
bettering the system you work with and for, it’s an opportunity to be apart of
something bigger.

 Professionalism
 Continuing Education
 Principles of Ethics
 Teachable Moments
 Intrinsic Motivation
 Reimbursement
 Professional and System Reform
 Build Skills for Strategic Thinking
 Stretch Goals

5.  Have a Mentor/ Reflect with Mentee

Having a mentor that reflects most of, if not all, the twelve tips above may be
hard to find – but most certainly would be worthwhile. Continuously learning
from someone who continues to learn themselves will only advance both of your
knowledge, understanding, growth, and relationship. This will also give you
insight on how you may want your mentee to feel when they come to you.
Understanding from their perspective and what you do and don’t like from your

 Characteristics of a mentor
 Professionalism
 Continuing Education
 Principles of Ethics
 Teachable Moments
 Adult Learning Theory
 Intrinsic Motivation
 Role Model for Superior Emotional Intelligence
 Build Skills for Strategic Thinking
 Stretch Goals

Lastly – people will remember how you made them feel above all else. For a quick refresher on how you want to achieve great
mentorship: RT Mentor/Mentee Relationship: Growing Careers - AARC.

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