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4 Dangerous Habits That

Can Lead to Abandonment

of Forecasting &
Planning Software
By Misty Doan-Eldrige

E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | New planning software can bring about greater forecast accuracy, lower inventory and
better service levels. But implementing a new planning solution is a major undertaking, and maximizing the new tools requires
an approach that goes beyond the implementation itself. In this article I document 4 common behaviors that can limit the
ROI of any software investment, or even lead to abandonment of the software. I provide suggestions on how planners can
avoid these behaviors and get the most out of newly available tools, both now and for the long term. Key considerations
include post-launch training and managing stakeholders’ expectations.

M I S T Y D O A N - E L D R I D G E | Misty has 20 years’ experience in demand and supply planning, having

worked for a variety of companies in the packaging, sporting goods, beauty products, party supplies and
food industries. She has led demand review meetings, product review and inventory meetings, and executive
S&OP meetings as part of the S&OP process. She currently works as Supply Manager for Escalade Sports. Misty
holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

eeping up with available technol- with plenty of man hours going into tically speaking though, users are ex-
ogy and being able to respond to successfully launching the new soft- cited until they get through the initial
the rapid changes in the market ware. Once launched, it’s easy to think honeymoon phase and now realize
make it necessary for organizations we’ve succeeded since we’ve passed they must use the new tools and make
to adopt “new” planning software the hurdles of approval, selection and changes to their daily workflow, hab-
including enterprise resource plan- launch. Much emotional energy has its and schedules. When processes and
ning (ERP) tools. Hours of work are been spent discussing the frustration tools have been in place for years or
put into getting approvals, securing and failures of the old software while even decades, change can be espe-
financing, building excitement and customizing and launching the new. cially challenging. As a result, the new
getting support of the organization, Users are excited for the new software software we’ve just launched could
especially leadership. Serious invest- and the promise that it will fix all our be in danger of being abandoned
ments in time and money are made issues, or at least certain issues. Prac- with unintentional self-sabotaging

16 Copyright © 2020 Journal of Business Forecasting | All Rights Reserved | Winter 2019-2020 |
Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

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