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Man has adopted many professions according to his knowledge and ability. A person can adopt any
profession depending upon his aptitudes and capability. All profession is important for human
development but teaching is the profession that can lead people to its stairways of success. Teaching is a
noble profession because teachers must go beyond to the fullest by having a great effort to deliver a good
quality of education to educate their students. Teaching as a profession requires great motivation and
moral strength, it aims at enlightening and contentment of mind in me broadening and illuminating the
corners of human hearts and minds. Through the guidance of a teacher, man drinks from the sources of
truth, beauty, and goodness and tries to incorporate them into life. Let me say that teaching is the
profession that shows man the road which leads him to God as the teacher touches not only the mind of
the learners but also their hearts. If we have the jar of heart to teach, a mission and vision in life to share
our knowledge with our students then it’s our vocation not just a job to earn a salary but also to reap a
good fruit through students who gain knowledge and discover their capabilities from our guidance.

“Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden. Those who would have nothing to do
with thorns must never attempt to gather flower” - Unknown author

Educators are like a gardener who cultivate and mold a student to be a great individual with a good heart
and a broad knowledge of what an education really means to the world and society. As a gardener, I am
held responsible for my garden. I have to make sure that my plants are healthy and rich in nutrients from
the sunlight they get through. I will make sure that they have learned and get a good quality of education
as a gardener wants his plants to grow with quality.

September 14, 2016 I arrived at school late and it gave me a worried emotion because I think I wouldn’t be
deployed in my practice teaching and Field Study. While running on my way to the lobby. I saw my
classmate and talk to him if Dr. Abiog is still there. And the next, he told me that Dr. Abiog already on her
way in San Roque National High School. I went there and saw Dr. Abiog. She already deployed the students
in their mentor. The next school was going to is San Isidro Elementary School. That is the school I was
deployed. She talked the Office-in-Charge of school and individually deploys or set the mentor that would
help us in our on-job-training and Field Study. Then that day, I already met my mentor. She is a Grade III
Adviser in a middle section. Her name is Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog. She is very gracious and decent. The first
time I saw her gives me motivation to study and to make my practice teaching be productive.

September 15, 2016 This is my first day in observing the assigned class section to me. My mentor started to
introduce me in the class. After she introduced me, she continued the lesson. I felt so nervous that time.
Nothing comes out in my mind but I can do this. I told myself that this is it. I started observing my mentor. I
observed the way she talked to the students, the way she delivered the questions and obviously I was
surprised because all things that I’ve learned in school were really applied. I started listening with the
lesson she were discussing. And it’s all about reading a story. After that she let the student to know the
moral lesson in the story and write if what they learned. Time I started to observe Mrs. Tandog was the time
I started to tell myself that being a teacher is easy. Also, handling students is very easy. She advised me
that, the difficult part in teaching is to let the student imagine what your lesson all about is.

September 21, 2016 It is my second day in Observing. The students are still afraid of me. My mentor already
gave me a task. She left out the room and ask a favor to let me handle the students temporarily. When she’s
gone, I let them do the activity for that time because it is Math time. Their topic were all about
Multiplication. At first I was nervous because the subject was really hard for me. But when I started to talk
in front of them, automatically my mouth opened and started to talk not knowing that the lesson was
really easy. The time goes by while we were in the middle of checking their activity, my mentor came in. it
so happy. It was nice to feel that moment. I felt that I’m already a teacher. My mentor congratulate me and
still advicing me in different ways in managing and handling the students. The next subject is science and it
gives me more confidence because this one is my favorite subject. My mentor started to discuss. And I was
amazed because Mother tongue were already applied. It is very helpful to the students because they can
easily expressed their understanding and knowledge about the lesson. They can easily cope up with the
lesson. Technology also help the students in a way that in a short period of time, just one click and the can
understand the lesson through video clips, stories and pictures.

September 22, 2016 It was a great day to me because I came early in the school. My mentor gave me
breakfast chips and ate near her table at the back of the classroom. And after she gave me the food, she
started the lesson for this day. As the time goes down, the next teacher just came in on time. The teacher
said that there will be a summative test in Mathematics but before the examination start , she briefly
discussed the content of the test. While she is talking in front of them and asking if the students really
understand the lesson. Sadly, while she is asking some question to students, no one answer from them.
The class was so quiet. And as I saw, I think that the student did not fully understand the lesson, so the
teacher cancelled the exam and try another strategies and approach in which the students will able to
understand well the lesson. Then I realized that not all teachers are effective in teaching. Not all will
understand and know the needs of the students.

September 23, 2016 I am ready to attend my class, my second home. My second family. That’s my students.
It was surprise day because my mentor finally gave me the power to take or handle the class. At first, my
students are afriad of me. The room is covered with silence. I started to talked. My lesson begins with the
story. Then the students will find the word with the long “I” sounds. While telling the story, I was amazed
when I asked my first question because they are all raising their hands to answer. I felt so happy for that. It
shows that they understand the story I was telling to them. Then after the story telling, the students began
their activity. And I see to it that everybody is doing their work. The next lesson is very creative and full of
imagination of the students. It is an art class wherein they are the one who make a map out of wet paper
and glue. The group one make the most neat and beautiful artwork. The map of Calabarzon Region IV – A.

September 29, 2016 I arrived early at my assigned school. Since I was absent 2 days ago, my mentor
interviewed me about what happened to me. Then I told her that I was absent because I got sick. She asked
me if im okay and said to her not fully okay. My mentor tlod me about what happened when I was absent. I
was frustrated because one of my co – intern were being ask why is he always went out in time of his duty.
He didn’t observe inside the claaroom and just go around inside the school. His mentor told him too to
teach already but he didn’t come to school the next day. This happening makes the grade 4 teacher report
him in the principal’s office. And want him to report to his mentor. As the time goes by, my mentor do not
let me handle the class because of my condition. I just make my lesson plan for the following day that I will
teach them. And it gives me more exciting as the time runs. While on their activity two students were
fighting. One student were hit in mouth that cause bleeding. I was nervous that time. I don’t know what to
do. Then, my student told me that they have a first aid kit in the cabinet. I immediately get it and applied it
to my students.

September 30, 2016 This day my mentor had a one on one lesson to those students who are having a hard
time in coping and understanding the lesson in Mathematics. While she is doing it, she let me handle the
class for a while. I discussed the process of multiplication in other students in many procedures. I’m happy
that they easily understand what I taught them. At 9:30, school gathered an earthquake drill. This is to
practice the different safety measure during and after the earthquake if it is suddenly happen. After the said
drill, my mentor asked me to handle this class because all teachers in Grade III need to practice playing
volleyball iin order to win the game for their teacher’s competition in Teacher’s Day. I handle the class and
taught them about Multiplication with zero. I’m proud because they easily understand the lesson. Its
already 11:50 when I allowed them to go home. One of my students gave me a card, saying “Happy
Teacher’s Day Teacher Karla.”

October 5, 2016 Thank you for this day. It was a greatful and happy day because my students gave me a
Teacher’s greeting card. My students greet me in chorus “Happy Teacher’s Day Ma’am Karla!” It was a
touching moment when they greet me. The lesson was continued and I seated at the back and observed
my mentor as she gently discussed the different “Panghalip Pananong”. Im glad that the students can
answer in her question. I saw her as a very dedicated teacher. She always gave me an advice that would
help me in teaching. Before I leave the school, she already gave me the lesson that I would teach. She said
that I will be the one to prepare the Instructional Materials. My critique gave me all the references she uses
in teaching. These books that would help me in teaching. The curriculum guide in K – 12, the Budget of
Work and the lesson plan she made.

October 6, 2016 It was typical day. Not so happy because when I arrived at school my mentor is very angry
with one of the student. She command the student to stand near the door. She said ,”Come to me if you’re
ready to do your work.” The student says sorry to his teacher. He go back to his chair and write his
seatwork. My mentor told me that these student has a Hyperactivity Disorder. After that Mam Tandog
asked me that I should start my practice teaching on Monday. She give me the books which I will going to
use as references. At first, I was nervous when she said that but I realized that this is the way in my dreams.
I will become a teacher on Monday. There’s a lot of emoticon running in my mind. But this is the field and
career I choose to.

October 7, 2016 Its Friday and the students has a summative test. I just help my mentor in assisting the
students in giving the exam. After the exam they had the reading of the story. The students are very happy.
They are very active. I admire my mentor because the section she handling is at middle section but then I
felt that I was in a pilot section because of the interaction they make.they are very alive. Our room is
located behind the covered court, so if any program is done our class is affected because of the loud
sounds coming from the event or program. Our class is a little bit distracted but then my mentor is very
dedicated in teaching. She gave the students a group activity so that students will have things to do.

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