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Main branch office,

Student’s Name: Rayan Waleed Alsafwani Internship Site:
Thekrayat Al-Hasim Week beginning: June 20, 2021
Internship Coordinator/Advisor: Ms. Darin El-Nakla

Please document in detail the activities in which you participated, specific incidents you observed daily to
enable you in answering the attached questions.

Day and Date: Description of Activity

 Audit the billing statement for Iqama and work permit.

 Calculating dues and entitlements for non-Saudi workers who are wishing to go on
Day 1:
 Checking delay reports starting from the 16th of June 2021 and entering data in excel,
print them, then filing them in the delay detection file.

 Learn about the financial dues and the receivables of any company and how to calculate
the days for receivables of leave allowances.

Day 2:  Write and type in the beginning and ending dates of the employees’ contracts and match
them with the right national or residence ID along with the functional name/ position in
the company.

 Complete typing the beginning and ending dates of the employees’ contracts and the
expiration date of the residential IDs.
Day 3:
 Make statements of master cards and check the expenses of the airline tickets and make
statements or a report for those tickets.

 Create a sheet of the overtime for the month of Ramadan for the year 1442h.

Day 4:  Make a draft of request letters for the head management for a compensation request on
behalf of an employee.

 Audit three resume files and make sure the list of names of the applicants are found on
the files with their CVs.

 Match the names and the resumes and put them in order, separate the resumes of the
applicants that are not found in the list and put them in a different file.
Day 5:
 Register, or type in a new list of the applicants’ names that were not on the old list, and
thus, update the applicants’ list on excel.

 Go over all that I have learned during the second week.

Day 6:  OFF

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Day 7:  OFF

What new knowledge or skill did you learn on the internship this week? Describe.
I learned this week that companies keep all the resumes they receive from applicants even those who don’t
1. get hired or chosen, because in the future the company might need to hire, and they can use those files of
resumes to pick applicants who fit the new opening job position. I have also learned to calculate the
financial dues on excel.
What have you learned in college that you applied on the internship?
College has taught me to prevail many competencies that were so helpful to master during the internship,
some of which are teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. I have also taken in college classes that
are so useful and cooperating to what I do during my internship.
List any difficulties, mistakes, pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week. What did you do
to correct your mistake (s)?
Fortunately, this week I did not undergo any difficulties with doing any of my tasks, because my supervisor
always explains them to me before starting to do them. A pleasant moment for me this week was when I
caught a big mistake while checking the billing statements and fixing it, it felt good to fix something and be
helping. My supervisor gave me credit for it and thanked me for catching the mistake.
On what skill or question could you use help in performing your internship responsibilities better?
There are many questions to ask that could better my performance in the internship, the best thing for me to
do is always ask and never be shy to learn new things. Whenever I have a question about anything I ask my
supervisor and she provide me with the answers. Also, using certain skills and training them can help better
performances, such as improving time management, prioritizing tasks, organizing skills, and most important
of all communication skills.
What interesting or challenging experience did you have with your fellow workers or site supervisor?
The most challenging and interesting task I had to do this week was writing a requesting letter. There was
9. an employee who wanted to request compensation for booking a flight with his personal money that the
company promised him to compensate, and with the busy work they didn’t have the time to compensate him
right away, so he asked for a compensation letter for the HR head department and thus my supervisor has
assigned me to make drafts for the request letter.

June 26, 2020


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