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A-Choose the correct article.

1-Robert and James went to ___ party last night.

 no article
 an
 a

2-May I have your ___ phone number?

 an
 no article
 a

3-My family and I want to travel to South America in _____ June. 

 an
 no article
 a

3-Tom took ___ umbrella as it was raining heavily.

 a
 an
 no article

4-Jamal: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Ali: I only ate ____ egg sandwich.
 an
 no article
 a

5-The last question was ________ easy question.

 no article
 a
 an

6-Naif: Can I borrow _____ pen?

Khalil: Er, I think there’s pencil in my bag. Is that OK?
 an
 no article
 a
B-Choose the correct answer.

1-_____ is the place at an airport where your bags are checked as you come
into a country.
 customs
 boarding gate
 baggage collection

2-Would all passengers for _____ BA504 traveling to New York, please go to
gate 27.
 flight
 plane
 airport

3-Make sure you have the necessary visas and documents before you go
through _____. 
 flight
 passport control
 ticketing

4-The ____ is the place in the airport where you get on the plane.
 baggage collection
 customs
 boarding gate

5-Look at the information screens to find out which _____ you need to go to.
 luggage
 boarding gate
 shoes

6-You might have to take off your _____and belt to go through security.
 boarding gate
 shoes
 luggage
C-Choose the correct answer

1-This was about 15 years ago. _____ late September, and I was on a
camping trip in California with some friends.

It was the middle of the night and it was very cold, but I needed to go out of
my tent to get something from the car, so I found my torch, opened the tent
and started to walk over to the car.
 It is
 It was

2-I spent the night sitting in the car, freezing cold, completely awake and
absolutely terrified, while my friends were asleep in their nice warm tent! I had
a terrible night, but I was happy to be alive!
 The end
 In the end

3-I tried to think why two moons were in the woods, _______ I realised they
weren’t moons – they were eyes! Thinking it was probably a bear I ran to the
car as fast as I could, got in, and locked the door.
 because then
 then suddenly

4-Suddenly I heard a strange noise behind me, _____ I turned round quickly
and pointed my torch over towards the woods. It was really strange, but all I
saw were two enormous white discs, like two moons.
 so
 but
D- Choose the right option

1-The flight  on time but then it took 40 minutes for our baggage to arrive.

a- Landed
b- Took
c- Delayed
2-Welcome aboard flight 103 to Tunis. Where would you like to sit? Could I have a window

, please?

a- Sit
b- Seat
c- Sitting

3-t was a terrible journey. The flight was  so I had to wait three hours for the next

a- Closed
b- Cancelled
c- On time

4- The first flight was full so I  the next one instead

a- Caught
b- Slept
c- Waited

5- I didn’t sleep at all on the flight because the seat wasn’t very………………..

a- Careful
b- Comfortable
c- Cheap

6- We need to leave soon because I don’t want to arrive late and  the flight.

a- Make
b- Meet
c- Miss

7-Before the plane , the flight attendant gave a safety demonstration.

a- Took off
b- Landed
c- arrived

Japan is an amazing country. The first interesting thing about Japan is its
geography. The country has 6,852 islands, but most Japanese people live on
the four biggest islands. Honshu is the biggest island. The capital city, Tokyo,
is on this island. 

127 million people live in Japan. However, the islands are actually quite small.
There isn’t a lot of space, so most people live in very small apartments. Cities
often have hotels with little rooms that look like boxes. Japan is famous for
these small hotels.
Japanese weather is also very interesting because it’s different in different
parts of the country. For example, in the north of Japan, the winters are cold
and the summers are hot. However, in the south the weather is warm all year.

Another interesting thing about Japan is the mix of old and modern things.
Japanese people love new technology and very modern buildings, but they
also love old ways of living – making tea for guests, for example. And wearing
special clothes called kimonos. Japanese women wear kimonos at special

If you want to travel around Japan, it’s a good idea to take the train. Japanese
trains are very fast.

1-Choose True or False.

Japanese people only live on four of the country’s islands.

 True
 False

Many Japanese people’s homes aren’t big.

 True
 False

The weather is always warm in the north of Japan.

 True
 False

Making tea is an important part of Japanese life.

 True
 False

Most Japanese women wear a kimono every day.

 False
 True

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