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JFS E: Food Engineering and Physical Properties

Physical Properties, Sensory Attributes, and

Consumer Preference of Pear Fruit Leather

CT:: P ear fr
Pear uit leathers w
fruit er
wereree pr epar
epareded bbyy dr ying a mixtur
drying mixture e of pear juice concentr
concentrate ate
ate,, pectin, cor
cornn syr up
up,, and
water at 70 °C for 8 h. The effects of ingr edients on textur
ingredients texturee, color
color,, micr obial gr
microbial groowth, moistur
moisture e content (MC), water
activity ((a
aw), glass tr ansition temper
transition temperatur atur
aturee ((T
Tg), and sensor
sensory y attr ibutes w
attributes er
wer e inv
ere estigated. P
investigated. ectin was the most signifi-
cant independent vvar ar iable that affected the pr
ariable oper
proper ties of inter
operties est. This was follo
interest. wed b
follow byy initial moistur
moisture e content and
corn syr
corn up
up.. G
syrup lass tr
Glass ansition temper
transition temperatur atur
aturee ((T
Tg) was not useful for pr edicting micr
predicting obiological attr
microbiological ibutes but had str
attributes ong
correlations with instr
correlations umental and sensor
instrumental sensory y har dness and chewiness
hardness chewiness.. The rresults
esults fr om par
from tial least squar
partial squareses analysis
(PLS) indicate instr umental har
instrumental dness
dness,, chewiness
hardness chewiness,, and cohesiv eness could be used to pr
cohesiveness edict their corr
predict esponding
sensory y attr ibutes
ibutes.. The consumer liking of pear fr
attributes uit leather could be incr
fruit eased b
increased byy rraising
aising their fr uit ar
fruit oma, sw
aroma, eet-
ness,, tar tness
tness,, and shininess
tartness shininess..
eywords:ds: physical pr oper
proper ties
ties,, pear
operties pear,, Pyrus communis
communis,, fr uit leather
fruit leather,, glass transition temper
transition temperaturatur
aturee, sensor
sensory y attributes


E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

and Che Man 1996; Irwandi and others 1998a, 1998b). Vijayanand

A ccording to the United States Dept. of Agriculture’s Economic

Research Service report A Century of Change in America’s Eating
Patterns, per capita fruit consumption increased 80 lb from 1919 to
and others (2000) developed a new process for Guava fruit bars. In
America in the 1970s and 1980s, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and
some universities’ extension services produced various recipes of
1998 (Putnam 2000). Consuming more fruit has been symbolic for fruit leather for home production (Raab and Oehler 1976; Ayotte
the trend of a healthy life style. Restructured fruit, such as fruit leath- 1980; Brady 1989). However, very little has been reported on its
er, can be an economic and convenient value-added substitute for texture attributes, which are critical for consumer acceptance. In
natural fruits as a source of a variety of nutrient elements, especially addition, the glass transition temperature, which may play an im-
vitamin C; in addition, it can also be a useful outlet for low-grade portant role on the texture properties of fruit leather, has never been
fruits and byproducts from other processes using fruits. Furthermore, reported for the fruit leather. The objectives of this research were to
fruit leather, like most other restructured fruits, has far less calories study to what extent physical properties (with an emphasis on glass
(<100 kcals per serving) than many other snacks. transition temperature and instrumental texture measurements) are
Fruit leather is made by drying fruit puree or a mixture of fruit correlated with sensory attributes (with a focus on texture) using
juice concentrate and other ingredients on a flat surface in an oven, pear juice leather as a model.
desiccator, or in direct sunlight. Almost any type of fruit is suitable
for making fruit leathers, including apples, apricots, berries, grapes, Materials and Methods
jackfruits, kiwifruits, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, tomato, and
various other fruits (Raab and Oehler 1976; Ayotte 1980; MacKen- Sample prepar
prepar ation and stor
eparation age
zie and Strachan 1981; Moyls 1987; Brady 1989; Chauhan and others Pear juice concentrate purchased from TreeTop ® (Lot nr
1993; Irwandi and Che Man 1996; Che Man and Sin 1997; Chen and G221023, Prosser, Wash., U.S.A.) and corn syrup from Cargill (Clear-
others 2001; Maskan and others 2002; Babalola and others 2002). Sweet® 63/43, Lot nr 6044, Memphis, Tenn., U.S.A.) were stored in
Fruit leather is easy to eat, convenient to pack, and makes an ide- a dark chamber at 5 °C until used. Pectin was purchased from Da-
al snack almost anywhere. It is even eaten by astronauts during nisco (Grindsted® P SS200, Lot nr 2055558, New Century, Kans.,
space exploration and armed personnel in action (Torrey 1974). U.S.A.). Table 1 shows the pear fruit leather formulation. There were
Although fruit leathers are popular in North America, it is surpris- eighteen treatments based on a 3 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 2 full factorial design in
ing that most of the research on product development and formu- which 3 ingredients (pectin, water, and corn syrup) with 3 levels
lation optimization occurred in other locations, especially Asian were blended homogeneously with pear concentrate as the base.
countries. Chan and Cavaletto (1978) reported their research on the The distilled water (23 °C) was homogenously mixed into the pre-
dehydration and storage stability of papaya leather. Lodge (1981) blended mixture of pear concentrate and corn syrup (both at 5 °C)
outlined a novel process of kiwifruit leather production. Some re- with a presanitized Sunbeam Mixmaster blender (Model nr 2458,
searchers in Malaysia reported their studies on fruit leather focus- Niles, Ill., U.S.A.) for 1 min before the addition of pectin to prevent
ing mainly on the consumer acceptance of the durian and jackfruit forming lumps. Two 400 g batches of final mixture were blended for
leathers (Che Man and Sin 1997; Che Man and others 1997; Irwandi an additional 3 min. Each treatment batch was poured into clean
plastic containers with approximately 7 ⫻ 103 mm2 flat bottom,
MS 20030517 Submitted 9/9/03, Revised 12/27/03, Accepted 11/15/04. Au-
thors are with Depts. of Biological Engineering and Food Science, Univ. of about 35 g in each, a weight so that the height of the fruit leather
Missouri, 248 Biological Engineering Building, 1406 E. Rollins St., Colum- sheet could be controlled at approximately 2.85 mm.
bia, MO 65211-5200. Direct inquiries to author Hsieh (E-mail: The containers with sample were left on the benchtop at 23 °C
until the mixture inside was evenly distributed (within about 1 min).

© 2005 Institute of Food Technologists Vol. 70, Nr. 3, 2005—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE E177
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited Published on Web 3/15/2005
Pear fruit leather properties . . .

Table 1—Effect of ingredient amounts on physical parameters and total yeast and mold count (n = 6)a
Water % Pectin % Corn syrup TYMC
Product (w/w) (w/w) % (w/w) L a b MC (%) aw Tg (°C) (CFU/g)
P1 4 16 0 47.75 6.70 14.45 12.13 0.44 –27.2 0
P2 4 16 8 51.50 4.98 14.60 12.31 0.45 –27.0 7
P3 4 20 0 44.88 8.47 17.37 8.56 0.40 –14.4 10
P4 4 20 8 54.17 5.57 18.07 9.19 0.40 –9.8 13
P5 4 24 0 46.13 8.30 17.98 6.42 0.37 –6.4 3
P6 4 24 8 56.07 5.08 18.55 7.97 0.37 –11.3 17
P7 6 16 0 43.07 8.95 13.67 12.66 0.43 –27.3 18
P8 6 16 8 53.03 5.50 14.75 12.10 0.45 –25.6 3
P9 6 20 0 43.03 9.05 16.25 8.20 0.38 –13.1 10
P10 6 20 8 49.72 6.93 17.23 10.46 0.38 –15.6 10
P11 6 24 0 44.58 9.05 18.53 8.53 0.39 –14.3 5
P12 6 24 8 53.03 6.80 20.65 7.38 0.36 –6.9 7
P13 8 16 0 40.70 9.83 13.78 13.39 0.46 –30.8 8
P14 8 16 8 41.55 10.15 14.72 13.47 0.48 –26.2 5
P15 8 20 0 44.95 8.50 15.77 10.11 0.40 –19.8 5
P16 8 20 8 46.98 8.12 16.98 10.25 0.41 –15.2 0
P17 8 24 0 43.82 9.18 16.93 11.97 0.39 –16.9 3
P18 8 24 8 46.62 8.63 18.35 11.07 0.41 –20.0 2
LSD 8.43 3.34 1.86 2.10 0.067 10.1 8
SI 35.9 8.0 11.0 13.63 0.539 –32.2 0
aL, a, and b represent Hunter L, a, and b values; MC, moisture content; a , water activity; TYMC, total yeast and mold count; T , glass transition temperature; SI, Stretch
w g
Island Fruit Leather, which was used as benchmark only. The LSD is not applicable to its means for all properties. LSD = t*(2MSE/N)1/2 = 1.993*(2*MSE/6)1/2.
E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

They were then placed in a convection oven (OV35025 Thermolyne Table 2—TA.XT2i texture analyzer settings in TPA test
(Barnstead/Thermolyne, Dubuque, Iowa, U.S.A.) and dehydrated at Instrument TA.XT2i texture analyzer
70 °C for 8 h. The air velocity was about 0.4 m/s. Samples were peeled
Software XT.RA Dimension
from the plastic containers after cooling down at room temperature Mode TPA
(23 °C) and hermetically sealed in separate 150 ⫻ 150 mm polyeth- Force threshold 50.0 g
ylene bags (Bag Plastics Co. Inc., Twinburg, Ohio, U.S.A.) with a Model Distance threshold 0.50 mm
254B heating sealer (Clamco Corp., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.). A com- Sample area 118.77 mm2
Contact force 150.0 g
mercial product, Organic Apple Fruit Leather (Stretch Island®, Allyn,
TPA test speed 0.5 mm/s
Wash., U.S.A.), purchased from the local market was used as a bench- Pretest speed 3.0 mm/s
mark for physical properties, and 2 commercial products (Stretch Is- Posttest speed 0.5 mm/s
land Fruit Leather and General Mills® Fruit Roll-Ups) were used as Trigger type Auto at 50 g
benchmarks for sensory analysis. Distance (strain) 30.0%
Time 5.00 s
Physical and micr obial analyses
Color measurement was conducted without packaging bags
using a HunterLab 45°/0° D25-PC2ƒ colorimeter (Hunter Associates The glass transition temperature (Tg) was measured using dy-
Laboratory, Inc., Reston, Va., U.S.A.). Texture profile analysis (TPA) namic differential scanning calorimetry (DDSC) with a Perkin-Elm-
was performed using a TA.XT2i® Texture Analyzer (Stable Micro er differential scanning calorimeter (DSC 7, Perkin Elmer Instru-
Systems Ltd., Godalming, Surrey, U.K.) programmed with the XT.RA ments LLC, Shelton, Conn., U.S.A.) equipped with Pyris DDSC
Dimension software. The samples were cut into uniform round accessory software (Perkin-Elmer Version 3.81). Five to 15 mg sam-
tablets of approximately 119 mm2 using a cylindrical cutter. A flat ples of each treatment were weighed using a Mettler AE240 digital
probe (d = 38.1 mm) was used to compress each sample twice and analytical balance with 0.01 mg sensitivity and then hermetically
5 TPA texture attributes (hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, sealed in a Perkin-Elmer aluminum pan. The DDSC testing setting
springiness, and chewiness) were extracted from the TPA time-force is summarized in Table 3.
curve. The test settings of the texture analyzer are listed in Table 2. Total yeast and mold count (TYMC) was determined with AOAC
Moisture content (MC) values of all fruit leather samples were Official Method 997.02 (Cunniff 1995) using PetrifilmTM yeast and
determined using AOAC Official Method 925.09 (Cunniff 1995). A mold count plates (3M Microbiological, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A.). The
Fisher Scientific® Isotemp 282A vacuum oven (Hanover Park, Ill., plates were stored in the original foil pouches in a refrigerator at 4 °C.
U.S.A.) was used for the dehydration at 70 °C with a pressure of Eleven grams of sample were blended with 99 mL Dilu-Lok® Butter-
approximately 25 mmHg for 12 h. Approximately 9 g fruit leather field’s phosphate buffer solution (Lot nr 2105A, Hardy® Diagnostics,
sample was weighed in a Mettler AE240 digital analytical balance Santa Maria, Calif., U.S.A.) in a Stomacher 400 closure bag (Seward Ltd.
(Mettler-Toledo Inc., Columbus, Ohio) with 0.01 mg sensitivity. London, U.K.) using a Stomacher® 400 lab blender (Seward Ltd.) for
The water activity (aw) was determined with a digital AquaLab 2 min to form a 1:10 solution, 1 mL of which was pipetted onto the
CX-2 water activity meter (Decagon Devices Inc., Pullman, Wash., center of the Petrifilm base. The inoculated plate was incubated at
U.S.A.) at 23 °C. The sample was cut into round pieces of approx- 23 °C for 3 d before the number of colonies was counted. The TYMC
imately 119 mm2 using the cylindrical cutter before being placed was calculated in units of CFU/g by multiplying the number of total
in the testing chamber. yeast and mold colonies/plate by the dilution factor of 10.

E178 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 70, Nr. 3, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Pear fruit leather properties . . .

ensoryy analyses Table 3—DDSC test settings on Perkin-Elmer DSC 7
Descriptive analysis (DA), specifically, deviation from reference Instrument Perkin-Elmer DSC 7
descriptive analysis (Larson-Powers and Pangborn 1978), was con- Software Pyris 6
ducted to evaluate the intensities of the sensory characteristics of the Mode Iso/Scan
fruit leathers. Because most of the physical properties of pear fruit Calibration Indium
leather were not significantly affected by the corn syrup (Huang (m.p. 156.6 °C, ƒHm 28.5 J/g)
2003), only 9 treatments without the addition of corn syrup and 2 Heating rate 12 °C/min
between repetitions
commercial products (Stretch Island Fruit Leather and General Mills Isothermal hold time 20 s
Fruit Roll-Ups) underwent sensory analyses. A total of 11 fellow Temperature increment 4 °C
graduate students (7 females and 4 males), between the ages of 23 Repetitions 19
and 31 y, were recruited for this analysis. All panelists volunteered Initial temperature –50 °C
End temperature 26°C
to participate in the DA panel, and 9 of 11 had experience on DA and
Sample mass 5 to 15 mg
a variety of other sensory analyses, and had adequate familiarity with Sample pan Perkin-Elmer hermetic
the standard training and evaluation procedures prior to participat- aluminum pan
ing in this study. The screening criteria included good health (self Purge gas Purity > 99.9% helium flow
report), good dentition, nonsmoker, availability and ability to work of 20 mL/min
Coolant Liquid nitrogen
well in a panel, and interest in participating. All the training proce-
Replication 3
dures were adopted from the methods of Stone and others (1974)
and Stone and Sidel (1993). The panel was trained and calibrated in
4 sessions, each lasting 2 h, at the end of which the preliminary
ANOVA indicated that the panelists were consistent with the eval-
uations. Thirteen descriptive terms, which panelists believed were liking, adhesiveness liking, cohesiveness liking, springiness liking,
critical to describe the fruit leather, were generated by consensus. and chewiness liking. The definitions of all selected attributes were
These terms were shininess, brownness, fruit aroma, roughness, attached to the evaluation ballots so the judges had access to them
dryness, adhesiveness to lips, hardness, adhesiveness to teeth, co- whenever needed. To lessen the fatigue effect, 6 samples were

E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

hesiveness, springiness, chewiness, sweetness, and tartness. Their served to the judges initially; the remaining 5 were served after the
definitions and evaluation methods are listed in Table 4. judges took a mandatory 5-min break. The judges were asked to
The evaluations were performed at 23 °C in the isolated booths freely write down their comments on the treatments at the end of
illuminated with three 50-W fluorescent lights. Crackers, carrots, their evaluations. The evaluation was performed on a one-time
clean water, and spit cups were provided to the panelists; the def- basis for each judge, and the entire test lasted 3 d. PCA was per-
initions of the descriptive terms were also provided at all sessions. formed to reflect the relationship between the samples and descrip-
Although the present project had been approved by the Univ. of tive terms, and external preference mapping was plotted.
Missouri Review Board and the preventive microbiological testing
had been conducted prior to the sensory analysis, the panelists were Statistical analyses
still required to expectorate all the samples after evaluation to elim- The effect of pectin, corn syrup, and water on all physical param-
inate any unnecessary safety risks. They were also required to re- eters and sensory attributes was investigated based on the analy-
move the sample residuals in their mouths with the crackers and sis of variance (ANOVA) results of general linear model (GLM) pro-
carrots and clean their mouths with water between samples. All the cedure using SAS 2000 (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, N.C.). ANOVA was also
samples were cut into approximately 20 ⫻ 40 mm rectangles, used to detect significant differences in consumer responses with
placed in lidded plastic cups, and then stored in a 4 °C refrigerator GLM procedure. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated
until used but no longer than 12 h. Samples with 3-digit random between all attributes from physical, microbial, and sensory tests.
numbers were served to each of 11 panelists in a sequential Partial least squares regression (PLS) was performed on a data set
monadic fashion. The serving orders of samples were determined combining the sensory attributes (Y variable, response data sets)
with the Latin square experiment design. After tempering to 23 °C and instrumental texture properties (X variable, predictive data sets)
for 30 min, 6 samples were initially served to the panelists; the using PROC PLS in SAS. Principal component analysis (PCA) was
remaining 5 samples were served after the panelists took a man- used to study the correlation between the sensory attributes and
datory 5-min break. All attributes, except chewiness, were evalu- consumer test results using PROC FACTOR with the correlation
ated using a 15-cm unstructured line scale; chewiness was mea- matrix in SAS.
sured as the times the sample was chewed before being ready for
swallowing. The evaluations were completed in 3 sessions, 1 rep- Results and Discussion
lication for each.
Consumer hedonic testing was conducted employing 50 con- Color change
sumer judges. Most of them were undergraduate student between The effect of water, pectin, corn syrup, and storage time on Hun-
the ages of 18 and 24. The screening criteria were that participants terLab L, a, and b values of pear fruit leather is shown in Table 1. The
must be American, 18 y or older, a fruit leather consumer, and must variation of L value is similar to the results of some previous studies
possess good dentition. All tests were performed using the same on fruits where the decrease in L value correlated well with increas-
procedures and conditions as were used in the DA section. Sam- es in the browning of foods (Irwandi and Che Man 1996; Lopez and
ples were served to the judges in an order determined by a com- others 1997; Lozano and others 1994). Hunter L is a measure of the
bination of 5 Latin square experiment designs. The judges rated the color on the lightness (white/black) axis. Labuza and others (1970)
samples in terms of the intensity of liking or disliking for the sam- suggested that the variation in the brightness could be taken as a
ples, expressed by checking a 9-point hedonic scale. Ten attributes measurement of browning. Water addition resulted in a slight de-
of interest evaluated in consumer testing were overall acceptance, crease in L value, or a darker appearance. Water in the food system
appearance liking, color liking, flavor liking, texture liking, hardness not only serves as a solvent in which reactants are able to dissolve,

URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at Vol. 70, Nr. 3, 2005—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE E179
Pear fruit leather properties . . .

Table 4—Definitions and evaluation methods of descriptive attributes in descriptive analysis

Terms Definition Evaluation approach
1 Shininess Reflection degree of the surface of the product Evaluate the surface with sense of sight
2 Brownness The brown color of the surface of the product Evaluate the brown color with sense of sight
3 Fruit aroma Fruit volatiles perceived by olfactory organ Evaluate the fruit odor with sense of smell
4 Roughness Amount of irregularities in the surface of the product Evaluate the surface with sense of sight
5 Dryness Absence of oil on the surface (oily to dry) Evaluate the surface with sense of sight
6 Hardness Force required to bite completely through sample Place sample between molar teeth and bite down evenly,
placed between molar evaluating the force required to compress the food
7 Adhesiveness to lips The sample is placed between the lips and Place sample between lips, press it against the lips,
compressed once slightly and released to assess and evaluate the force required to remove it with the lips
lip adhesiveness
8 Adhesiveness to teeth Amount of products adhering on/in the teeth after Place sample between teeth, chew it, and evaluate the
mastication of the product force required to remove it with the teeth
9 Cohesiveness Amount of deformation undergone by the material Place sample between molar teeth; compress and
before rupture when biting completely through evaluate the amount of deformation before rupture
sample with molars
10 Springiness Force with which the sample return to its original Place sample between molar and compress partially;
size/shape, after partial compression (without remove force and evaluate the degree and quickness
failure) molar teeth of recovery
11 Chewiness Number of chews (at 1 chew/s) needed to masticate Place sample in the mouth and masticate at 1 chew per
the sample to a consistency suitable for swallowing second at a force equal to that required to penetrate a gum
drop in 0.5 s, evaluating the number of chews required
to reduce the sample to a state ready for swallowing.
12 Sweetness The sweet degree of the product Place the sample in the mouth and chew; evaluate the
E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

perception intensity of sweet

13 Tartness The tart degree of the product Place the sample in the mouth and chew it; evaluate the
perception intensity of tart

be transported, and react but also as a reactant that participates in expected, increasing initial water addition raised the pear fruit
specific reactions directly (Labuza and others 1970). Nonenzymatic leather’s moisture content but did not affect water activity signif-
browning intensified as the water content was increased. In con- icantly. This was probably because the initial difference in the water
trast, corn syrup increased the lightness of the fruit leather as ex- content diminished after dehydration when making fruit leather.
pected, primarily because it is transparent and its addition diluted Pectin was the only factor that had a significant effect on water
the color of the fruit leather. Moreover, the addition of corn syrup activity. It seemed that the added water was tightly bound with
enhanced the water effect on L values. Pectin contributed the least pectin. Water addition (4 to 8% [w/w]) was low compared with the
to the change in L value. added pectin (16 to 24% [w/w]) and could not affect the water ac-
All the fruit leather samples had the Hunter a scale on the pos- tivity noticeably after drying.
itive side or appeared reddish, which could be attributed to the All formulations in this research can be considered as either a
initial color characteristics of the main ingredient—pear juice con- concentrated or low-moisture food system owing to the relative low
centrate. Water influenced the a value most, which increased sig- water contents ranging from 6.42% to 13.47%, and all the water
nificantly when increasing the water addition from 4% to 8% (w/w), activity values lower than 0.50. Water can still act as a solvent at
whereas the addition of corn syrup decreased the a value, especially such a low water content and water activity (Labuza and others
when the water level was low (Table 1). Changes in the a value were 1970). Compared with commercial product, the moisture content
similar to those in the L value and could be attributed to nonen- and aw were much lower (Table 4). Jackfruit leather developed by
zymatic browning reactions in the fruit leather system. Che Man and Taufik (1995) had 16.48% moisture content, while
Because all b values were on the positive side of the Hunter b scale papaya leather had 12% to 13% moisture (Chan and Cavaletto
(Table 1), the color of the fruit leather appeared to be yellowish. Water 1978). Although reduced moisture content can inhibit microbial
addition did not result in a noticeable variation in the b value. growth and prolong shelf-life, it may affect the texture quality
As a whole, color of the samples was determined primarily by the negatively. The same conclusion was drawn in a previous study on
original color of the pear juice concentrate, which appeared to be durian fruit leather (Irwandi and others 1998a).
reddish-brown. Most of the samples could hardly be differentiated
with the naked eye despite the instrumental results, which indicated Glass tr ansition temper
transition atur
temperatur e ((T
ature T g)
statistically significant differences (data not shown) among formulas. T g is highly dependent on the moisture as a plasticizer in the
food matrix (Levine and Slade 1986). As expected, decreasing the
Water content and water activity pectin content and raising the water addition lowered Tg (Table 1)
Water content was affected by all the variables in the same man- when more water became available as a plasticizer. Corn syrup ad-
ner as water activity (Table 1): the higher the moisture content, the dition did not change Tg noticeably; however, Tg increased while the
higher the aw. Lodge (1981) reported similar results for kiwifruit pectin increased and reached its peak at approximately –6.4 °C
leather, as did Che Man and Taufik (1995) for jackfruit leather. As when 24% (w/w) pectin and 4% (w/w) water were added. No sig-

E180 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 70, Nr. 3, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Pear fruit leather properties . . .

nificant difference in Tg was observed (P > 0.05) when water addi- shown here), the 9 prototypes can be divided into 3 groups, P1, P7,
tion increased from 4% to 6% (w/w). This was probably because the and P13 in Group A; P3, P9, and P15 in Group B; and P5, P11, and
difference in the initial water addition diminished during dehydra- P17 in Group C. The products in the same group display similar
tion. As a matter of fact, Tg was closely associated with the moisture outlines (Figure 1 where only Group A is shown). The products in
content obtained after the drying process instead of the water ad- Group A show most similar outlines to the benchmark SI compared
dition during ingredient blending. The commercial product had a with any other prototypes. The 2 commercial products exhibited
lower average Tg than all the prototypes due to its higher moisture different outlines indicating their differences in various attributes.
content ( Table 1).
Consumer hedonic testing
Texture pr
exture ofile analysis ((TP
profile TPA)
TPA) The ANOVA result regarding overall acceptance is summarized
Pectin was found to be the most important factor that influenced in Table 6 (the other 9 hedonic attributes are not shown). For all 10
all of the 5 TPA properties. The higher the pectin content, the higher attributes, General Mills (GM) and SI were ranked 1st and 2nd place,
the hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness (Table 5). respectively. Because GM significantly differed from all the other
High DE (degree of esterification > 50%) pectin forms gels at acidic products for all attributes, it was obviously the most favorite product
pH and in the presence of high concentration of sucrose (Pomer- for the consumer judges. P1, P7, P13, and P9 followed GM and SI in
anz 1991). The high DE (85% in this research) pectin molecules the order of overall acceptance. All were evaluated higher than 5,
hydrogen-bonded with each other and formed cross-links that which is the turning point where the liked and disliked products are
enhanced the pear fruit leather’s ability to resist the deformation separated. No significant difference was observed between them;
caused by the texture analyzer’s probe and rendered the fruit leather however, P1 should be selected as the best formula according to its
higher in hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness. highest hedonic score mean (5.34) in all 9 prototypes and as the base
The addition of corn syrup, a low viscosity fluid, when compared for further improvement of sensory quality.
with other ingredients in the fruit leather, softened the fruit leathers.
It also decreased springiness and increased the adhesiveness sig- PCA and exter nal pr
external efer
preference mapping
nificantly. Water increased the cohesiveness and decreased the A PCA was performed to incorporate the DA and consumer data.
springiness. These observations were similar to the results of the Totally, 97.5% of the variance can be explained by the 1st 3 principal

E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

jackfruit leather by Che Man and Taufik (1995). In addition, the components in this model (PCI: 59.6%, PCII: 27.3%, and PCIII:
sample with a higher water level appeared to be brighter, smoother, 10.6%).
and moister on the surface. In the external preference mapping graph (Figure 2) where only
The benchmark product, Stretch Island (SI), had a mean hard- the 1st 2 PCs were indicated, the relationship between the prod-
ness value of 6130 ⫻ g (Table 5). Thus, the addition of pectin be- ucts and attributes is revealed. PCI (x-axis) represents such at-
tween 16% and 20% could result in a comparable product in terms tributes as springiness, sweetness, adhesiveness to teeth, hardness,
of hardness. Although most of the treatments were harder than the dryness, roughness, and shininess; PCII (y-axis) represents adhe-
benchmark, almost all had lower cohesiveness and springiness. For siveness to lips, chewiness, cohesiveness, fruit aroma, tartness, and
chewiness, some treatments were higher than the benchmark (5030 brownness. Dryness, roughness, and hardness form an angle of
g) while others were lower. The benchmark, SI, had slightly higher 180° with springiness, adhesiveness to lips, and shininess, which
moisture content (13.63% versus 6.42% to 13.47%) and water activity means these 2 groups of attributes were negatively correlated. Nine
(0.539 versus 0.36 to 0.48) values than the 18 treatments (Table 1). prototypes formed 3 groups in a similar fashion in DA and consum-
This might explain their differences in the texture profile attributes. er hedonic testing sections. It shows that P1, P7, and P13 are closely
To make the pear fruit leather taste softer and be more appealing correlated with SI because they point to the same direction, but
to consumers, with a texture profile closer to the benchmark, both their evaluation intensities were lower than those of SI in the di-
moisture content and water activity values should be raised. rections of adhesiveness to lips, springiness, and brownness. The
The TX.TA2i texture analyzer was sensitive and reproducible for positions of P3, P9, and P15 in the coordinate are close to the or-
all the TPA parameters except for adhesiveness. The variability in igin, which probably explained why they were ranked low in con-
surface condition of the sample and the inherent heterogeneity of sumer preference: they featured no particularly desirable attributes.
food made it difficult to obtain reproducible data for adhesiveness. P5, P11, and P17 are correlated with dryness, roughness, and hard-
However, the general trends showing the effect of the independent ness that are deemed undesirable attributes. It should not be un-
variables still can be discerned (Table 5). expected for them to be rated extremely low for most of the at-
tributes in consumer testing.
Total yyeast
east and mold count GM can be regarded as a much more successful commercial
Very low TYMC values (<50 CFU/g) were found for most formu- product than SI. This is because most of the consumers fell into the
lations and no variables or interactions seemed to have an impact 1st quadrant (upper right corner) of the coordinate (Figure 3) where
on the results (Table 1). The average TMYC value was very close to GM was located. It appears that shiny surface, sweet and tart tastes,
the results of microbiological analyses reported in previous studies and fruit aroma are important sensory characteristics of fruit leath-
(Irwandi and Che Man 1996; Irwandi and others 1998a). Accord- er, which can provoke the consumers’ purchasing desire. No con-
ing to Troller (1980), most of the microorganisms can barely survive siderable preference difference is observed between either sex or
a water activity lower than 0.60. Dehydration at 70 °C for 8 h essen- age groups.
tially suppressed the microbial growth to an extremely low possi-
bility. All the samples in this research were found to have a water Correlation betw
orrelation een instr
between umental
activity lower than 0.50, which was definitely harsh for any micro- and sensor y measur
sensory ements
organisms to grow. Instrumental measurement was initially invented to replace the
sensory measurement. If significant correlation can be found be-
Descr iptiv
iptivee sensor
sensoryy analysis tween the instrumental and sensory measurements for certain
A close look into the mean values of descriptive attributes (not sensory attributes, plenty of cost, time, and labor will be saved.

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Pear fruit leather properties . . .

Table 5—Effect of ingredient amounts on instrumental texture parameters (n = 10)a

Water Pectin Corn syrup Hardness Adhesiveness Springiness Chewiness
Product (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (g) (g mm) Cohesiveness (mm) (g mm)
P1 4 16 0 5870 88.7 0.776 0.825 3760
P2 4 16 8 4420 104 0.739 0.781 2560
P3 4 20 0 10300 41.5 0.823 0.885 7510
P4 4 20 8 7070 118 0.760 0.823 4410
P5 4 24 0 12300 50.4 0.858 0.903 9510
P6 4 24 8 10000 124 0.796 0.833 6690
P7 6 16 0 6190 89.3 0.798 0.857 4240
P8 6 16 8 4630 143 0.782 0.809 3930
P9 6 20 0 10000 46.2 0.848 0.900 7680
P10 6 20 8 8500 108 0.796 0.855 5820
P11 6 24 0 13200 42.9 0.879 0.908 10500
P12 6 24 8 11000 146 0.820 0.856 7740
P13 8 16 0 6130 105 0.810 0.850 4220
P14 8 16 8 5500 122 0.780 0.854 3660
P15 8 20 0 10300 104 0.838 0.892 7730
P16 8 20 8 7750 177 0.807 0.869 5420
P17 8 24 0 10400 111 0.864 0.910 8190
P18 8 24 8 8410 157 0.836 0.892 6270
LSD 3010 131 0.030 0.047 2420
SI 6130 79.0 0.866 0.948 5030
aSI stands for Stretch Island Fruit Leather, which was used as benchmark only, and the LSD is not applicable to its means for all properties. LSD = t*(2MSE/N)1/2 =
bBased on 100% pear juice concentrate.
E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

When searching for the correlations, a problem may arise when 2 existence of a significant correlation. For example, a significant
attributes without any intrinsic relationship appear statistically correlation coefficient (–0.82, P < 0.01) between TYMC and TPA
significantly correlated. Szczesniak (1968) cautioned sensory spe- springiness does not make sense and, therefore, implies nothing
cialists and food engineers against blindly correlating sensory and but a coincidence.
instrumental attributes.
Pearson correlation coefficients between instrumental and sen- Compar ison betw
omparison een instr
between umental pr
instrumental oper
proper ties
sory attributes were calculated using the PROC CORR procedure and their sensor
sensoryy counterpar ts
in SAS. Most of them do not interrelate to each other significant- There are significant correlations, specifically 0.82 (P < 0.01), 0.83
ly owing to lack of the intrinsic link (data not shown). Furthermore, (P < 0.01), and 0.85 (P < 0.01), between instrumental and trained
a significant correlation coefficient does not necessarily mean the panel sensory hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness, respectively.

Figure 1—Descriptive sensory

attributes evaluations of 3 pear fruit
14 leather samples and 2 commercial
Tartness Brownness products (SI, Stretch Island Fruit
12 Leather; GM, General Mills Fruit
Roll-Ups) from center point.
Sweetness 8 Fruit Aro

Chewiness 2 Rou

Springiness Dryn

Cohesiveness Adhesiveness

Adhesiveness to Teeth Hardness

E182 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 70, Nr. 3, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Pear fruit leather properties . . .

Table 6—Hedonic evaluations of 11 samples for overall ac- to predict their corresponding sensory attributes, because they
ceptance (n = 50)a were very close to each other on the PLS map. This map also reveals
Fruit leather HunterLab b values are on the opposite side of brownness.
samples Mean Significance grouping Adhesiveness to lips and adhesiveness to teeth are different con-
GM 7.74 a cepts and are tested using different measuring/evaluation methods.
SI 6.02 b The texture analyzer compressed the samples with the probe,
P1 5.34 c imitating the chewing action while not cutting through the sample.
P7 5.30 c
Therefore, the instrumental adhesiveness should be closely asso-
P13 5.24 c
P9 5.10 c d ciated with sensory adhesiveness to lips rather than adhesiveness
P15 4.96 c d e to teeth. However, no significant correlation is observed between
P3 4.56 d e instrumental TPA adhesiveness and sensory adhesiveness as ex-
P11 4.50 e pected (P > 0.05). It is probably because the sensory perception is
P17 3.60 f
P5 3.38 f influenced by some other factors, such as the moisture on the lips
LSD 0.548 and the compressive force applied between the lips. Obviously,
a LSD = t*(2*MSE/N)1/2 = 1.965*(2*MSE/50)1/2. The means with the same letter are when a panelist pressed the sample with his/her lips, it could not
not significantly different (P < 0.05). SI stands for Stretch Island Fruit Leather; GM be compressed as hard as in instrumental measurement (30%
stands for General Mills Fruit Roll-Ups
According to Szczesniak (1998), hardness has consistently cor-
related very well in most previous research. Springiness and cohe-
In addition, sensory brownness is negatively correlated with Hun- siveness give low degrees of correlation owing to difficulties in
terLab b values (–0.86, P < 0.01), but not significantly correlated quantifying those parameters in sensory profiling or the need for
with HunterLab L and a values (P > 0.01). When the mean values improved methods of quantifying them in instrumental profiling.
of instrumental properties (predictive data sets, X variable) and It is probably because the instrumental parameters do not measure
data from sensory descriptive panel (response data sets, Y variable) the same parameters that are described by the sensory attributes
were combined and submitted to the PLS algorithm, the resulting (Lyon and others 2000). The difference between the masticatory

E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

1st 2 PLS dimensions accounted for 79.0% of the X variation and movement of human beings and the imitation of the texture ana-
80.7% of the Y variation (Figure 4). This PLS map confirms that in- lyzer is probably the same reason, which caused the nonsignificant
strumental hardness, chewiness, and cohesiveness could be used correlation between instrumental and sensory springiness.

PC II (26.0%)



P5 Cohesiveness Chewiness
0.5 P17 Tartn
P9 P15
-1 Brownness

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

Figure 2—Factor loading for sensory attributes and consumer testing of pear fruit leather samples on Principal Component
Analysis map (diamonds represent sensory descriptors and triangles represent the 9 pear fruit leathers and 2 commercial
products, SI: Stretch Island Fruit Leather; GM: General Mills Fruit Roll-ups). When consumer preference (Overall liking) data
is excluded, the variances accounted for by PC I and PC II become 59.6% and 27.3%, respectively.

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Pear fruit leather properties . . .

The rrole
ole of T g in instr umental and sensor
instrumental sensoryy texture
texture ness to lips, adhesiveness to teeth, and springiness are on the op-
Using Tg as an alternative, food scientists have attempted to re- posite side of Tg (Figure 4).
place the physical properties, such as water activity and water con-
tent, for prediction of the rheological, microbiological, and even Correlation betw
orrelation een the attr
between ibutes
sensory characteristics of the low-moisture, intermediate-moisture, of DA and consumer testing
and frozen food products (Slade and Levine 1987; Slade and Levine Overall acceptance from the consumer panelists indicates sig-
1991). These expectations were opposed by some researchers (Chir- nificant correlations with almost all DA descriptive attributes (data
ife and Buera 1996), however. They concluded that the desire to re- not shown). However, DA and consumer sensory texture attributes
place water activity with T g was not supported by experimental were highly negatively correlated: hardness (–0.94, P < 0.001), co-
evidence. No significant correlation existed between Tg and TYMC hesiveness (–0.91, P < 0.01), and chewiness (–0.95, P < 0.001), ex-
in this study (P > 0.05). Other factors such as temperature and pack- cept springiness (0.86, P < 0.01). This was not totally unexpected
aging, not just water activity, must be taken into account when because the consumer test was based on the liking/disliking inten-
evaluating the microbial growth. sity whereas the descriptive test was an objective evaluation.
Significant correlations were observed between Tg and the instru- Overall liking from the consumer hedonic testing was correlated
mental hardness (0.93, P < 0.001) and chewiness (0.90, P < 0.01). positively with adhesiveness to teeth, fruit aroma, shininess, sweet-
Hardness is strongly correlated with Tg possibly because, at the ness, and tartness, but negatively with dryness, hardness, rough-
surrounding temperature (25 to approximately 30 °C) above Tg, the ness, cohesiveness, and chewiness. When the mean values of the
sample softened and became rubbery. Chewiness is the product of descriptive sensory attributes and data from consumer test were
hardness, cohesiveness, and springiness, which incorporates these submitted to the PCA, the resulting first two principal components
3 important textural characteristics. Its strong association with accounted for 87.5% of the total variance, with 61.5% explained by
hardness, and thus with Tg, can be easily interpreted. As for the the first one (Figure 2). This PCA map confirms these correlations.
descriptive sensory analysis, it is interesting to note that Tg also As shown, overall liking almost overlapped with sweetness and was
showed significant correlations with hardness (0.78, P < 0.05) and very close to shininess, fruit aroma, adhesiveness to teeth, and tart-
chewiness (0.70, P < 0.05). Additional significant correlations were ness. On the other hand, dryness, hardness, roughness, and cohe-
roughness (0.97, P < 0.001), adhesiveness to lips (–0.91, P < 0.001), siveness were on the opposite side of overall liking. Figure 2 also
E: Food Engineering & Physical Properties

adhesiveness to teeth (–0.74, P < 0.05), cohesiveness (0.71, P < 0.05), shows the commercial product (GM) had the highest consumer
and springiness (–0.69, P < 0.05). All these correlations could also acceptance while the low acceptance of P5, P17, and P11 (Table 6)
be observed on the PLS map which shows instrumental hardness, was mainly due to their dryness and hardness. In addition, the
chewiness, cohesiveness, and sensory hardness, chewiness, cohe- consumer acceptance of P1, P7, and P13 could be increased by rais-
siveness, and roughness are close to Tg, whereas sensory adhesive- ing their fruit aroma, sweetness, tartness, and shininess.

PC2 (27.3%)


1 Adhesivenes
Chewiness to Teeth
0.5 Fru
0 Hardness


-1 Brownness

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5

Figure 3—Consumer preference mapping of pear fruit leather samples (squares and triangles represent female and male
consumers, respectively; diamonds represent sensory descriptors).

E184 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 70, Nr. 3, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Pear fruit leather properties . . .

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0.6 Springiness



Chewiness Hardness
Dimension II (23.2% X, 19.9% Y)

-0.2 b


-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1

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