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REACONG THAT SUPPORT ETMICN. RELATIVICM, eink: We ceamok atoin obeENE TH D Drecwty oF Mera wolves > hremncea Disqeements on many cAtical {aves ec enon - Base meral Values. 2) Maal vncertcintly + meveig quot chart in wrouieg wna i He moral Nak ting de or veliere 3) Sahgnal &igecnes 7 sratene avd Re dyerrt PAPE wary so much (CHAPTER 3 wvism and the Ambivalence of Filipino Cultural Values Chapter Objectives ‘athe end ofthis chapter, the students should beable to: 11. cus he theory fei relativism; 2 deny and ean the arguments for and aginst 2, recognize the role that culture playsin moral behavior 2nd development; and 4 situate the theory of ethical eats inthe conte of pio ctrl tras and vals. Cuture and Moral Behavior ‘is now a common and well- accepted belief that Canepa te deveopet sod Tamer Mn sien epcily inte a! fell of eS Sees cach as Seige atinpdogy. pois eos socio ata apps te feet pict ings be ‘A fom gi ecu fe ‘crestor with ol hans sgh, pine nd ei (caticiptnry dcunion een we In fc a ike ey ren wa they ee ge ext of — Ste emer ———— ras demmaneperaie. That's ning Seem N more noe 1 Bhs absiely and ieably te? Is ear al ha there ist consider when we fae abou moral evelopment morality simply a mater of eultal infonces? Or. is thee “mnt one's moa behavior ta cannot be ally reduced vo cull factors? In he history of thi tov, sepa pense "Tis kind of fameork cr POsophy ‘know = Gisela ical Relative Det Before seting. out 40 examine that theory of hist Relativism, we sold define Although there ae diferent Speci types o versone of Ethical Relais, we can say thal veal eve: rename id crit lm Crip crannies aries 19079798" Mackinnon 199812 Pojman 19:28; Thou 199595) In short Etia Relatvm theory hat hols tha hare “tat for an ee cule oF nda choice: Tels wheter an acon is right of wrong depends on Toor norms of secty othe moal comments of De tndivdua (Camp, Olen & Bary 20154) ical Retailer er Hevol Petafuia a 2 onder Letical or mol valua and Velic(s ave FelatNe fone Toe ad nel poier otis individuals or veciekies Hot wid Hen. 2 Ethical pelativise Definidin, Ly tree ico eopctve right or wean - 2 THE ARGUMENT OF ETHECAL RELATIVISM seci iol ot carl Wu ate difereuas Thical Relctiviay, | OWN — : ical wales ond beings vay {rh Reyvotegi Birical depend] EMO re ene boa Oy phn vaio xe We Oe | sacs nee Ves ip thee bod om ops AE NT al ie. eat tad ote : imps seble view i baller tho ? 2 Reser ia ene. price oF @xonliece Tuc icwo obychie gorda! 3 ~Brvardamert bat cq ond yrong Iracetch io cx Nas HL to soy Wal ‘ yee individual pecon"” percale LIME oF a GUAR wating (fre Ce: a ei, wend, Bee tL, An ondart Indian prodice King, PR UIKE AVE TONE Sera es tye dewored fiseond- Hence. temnememanimecnnancnmansiinnne, het are not reanee tothe spect place oF context Mee hts. Moray therefore depenta om spite soil for cultural circumstances (Krditions, customs, et.) _ person or culture to culture Without a dubs Eihical Relat poses a peat callengs to the very foundation of morality. Aside from being a controversial view, its also one of the most difficult and complex problems or issues im ethics, Wis, im (act, (Holmes 1998: 63), ‘They believe in moral right and wrong. Itis just that they contend that what is basically right for an individual or group may be ‘wrong for another” (\olmesnOentaeimibrenssFOSA® ecstioonansightosannana, "I only sas that no matter how we fnswer that question. we mus acknowledge that an agmmaondih ‘Muinaoiheaiankoongatiiesemetme- 29. Ae me Seer ennnenter Te pee mere smpy. itcing about the same action may be both right ai the same in 1995:35.36; Holmes 1998:16; Pojman 1999:28). Arguments for Ethicat Relativism “There are quite @ good number of reasons for believing and accepting that what Ethical Relativism hold iste. In what, follows. we will presen the mos commonly mentioned reasons ot argues, which in one way or the other favor and support the belief in the philosophy of Ethical Relativism. 1, The Cultaral Differences Argument ~ Cuttvreil reuitiolonty +92 rgutents for ten Sedative ‘Throughout history man Sractices about morality that ane ec taYe HE ele and that ate strikingly different fom ont oan For centuries, people have pointed out hosed c ifferent societies cultures a est appear to have vay dere must eon Barcalow 1994-48-49, Curd 1992-171, De Casio 1995 127. Montemayor 1985.6; Pojman 1999:24-29) oe Indeed. it is uncontroversially true that ‘consensus ome whict actions arenght:andewroMg, “ in hs gamma ‘epridsafvours-winch have seen ther fall OF many “