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CHAPTER The Morality of Human Acts and Moral Accountability CHAPTER OBJECTIVES. te end ofthis cape, the students shouldbe able to: 1. recognize hua acs from acts ofan; 2 deity nd expan the major determinants of morality 3. dus the various modifers of human act; and 4 relate importance of mol accountablty in ones tans, wan as (cn Haman) refer o “actions tat proce fm ish io the naar and purse of one's ding and fom comet offre wil” (Pesce 1985: 247, Specify, human 2 a te actions Ue i pe cal ali which are ‘essentially the freedom and ‘olaaniness or consent ence, these actions are performed tig ey. wip 8.1) "Pil Glen defines buman aso “OD human acts are te tc and conscious acs ofa human person which are ‘proper fo humans alone. These actions are what maka human bei ‘uly human. an erly creature iferent and isnt from al cers. ‘Mast textbooks in Chistian Fics and malty dealing with the subj. sally disingush betwen hunan acs rom ats of man While human acs, 8s mentioned. proceed fram one's consis {noel a ela edo and voluntares the sme cant Be id foracso man Meiter asitpyactinswhich hap inthe pion (Paaually’ ee wit hsheravaress of himself while qin shen These action are done without eliberavon flection and consent. Ty ae prfame stint. ‘Ths. i a be igi ad hall una ats area mua bu atl at of man ar han cs, Examples fats of man athe varios physiol pases, sch as the beating of the bear, breathing spiro, dgson, and the ike, Other examples inode thse actions that ae spontaneous happening in the penn during tishe ingle, unconscious and instincine moments, sch 2 instant and spetsneus felings of fear rage and anger. sleeping. dreaming, sein et and wang, ong athe. ‘Aas of man tee, ae thos tht hurans share with animals whose actions and movenests emanate fom purely ses ture, ‘These things are performed witout deliberation and fre will. The person hee is wider ray responsible ror accountable for these Kinds of ations. : ‘Ramo Agia in bok eile fiend the pina A Manual om Morals for Sradens and Educators (2008: 21), ists down, bry expounds on the fllowing charters for an act 10 be considered a haan ct (se so Tabac al, 201 & Galo, 20: Thus, chien who are below he ge of reason ihe insane, tbe senile, lunatics, people wh render the teary infec of drugs ad kolo couse, teat of taking these may be wih cnscosness an knw, heave a diet ater age) ae i oe incapable of acing knowingly and With sulin owldge. ver ss ad ais OS ON fr are sty ean ln aon The ey ‘hosp th action shod be re from any force ts oot, o fom any power infec fom xsi Cherise, we cm sy hl that is oly and enti ish om. AAAS AAT st be prone’ by -yolunary ove, mast come from the core of a person's bein, ‘ltl sth save fo oan act ere and now, rin some oh fie in the foe, Saming up then, bunan acts are actions done with know dg, ‘feedom and wi consent or volntarinss. Ths the human acti moray ccouable of such an act. The absence o lack of any of thee ‘sseial elements renders an entre act defective and less volunay, ‘hich, mu also afets its moral gait) Mao Deeriant fhe Moraty Haman Aes By deteminans of moray, we mean the varios factors or lets tat wold allow us 0 deity cocetey—whether a cen and pacar act done ina gen sitions good o bud ght ‘woes, monl cr immoai—in refeence 10 the objective norm of only (Aaya 201863). eee (Pain 196441), and here Mor cnr, hoje of te at is “ha. 10 ply wey aes I ag ed oe 2 ‘sil ofthe a independ of any ccursanes or fhe intention of theagen” (Pech 15.24 From the standpoint of is objec, morality ean be objective and da This esha cei, hee cos by mses > (Caken as they ae as “mete a), a eae (By fr vy mae ar, te, ¢ ZEN AHO cheating, lasphemy, airy. andthe ike ae relly mrly wrong, é 90" arta , Thi bass something embeded i tt ver mtu (On the other hand, loving one's neighbor, showing respect, honesty, pectin the ances, hing te deste, act of frivness, and te ite, ‘prea rom tnd eh a nel see ate, may afi ders of ones in some es) ‘ ns’ itv tracer cui ha defini oy,» Critics ands winery ld ua he ate or ojet ofthat i th st np and cri costo in judg the ral worth ofthe an fic it s easly reguded generally by Scholsic mor pilopbes asthe rina dein! or source af oni (aside — 8 ‘he ie is the pups rnin tat forthe ake of which imac as. meas fo acre an end gal, ila fom the act ite ‘And sic the mi rite is pactcally preset inal un act, item becomes an important and integral part of moral Depending on one's motive ot intention, apatclar acto conduct ‘can be modified ints moral worth, Thus, under the motive or intention, there ae four principles be cowsidered. They ae a follows (See Agapay 2008; 64-65; Pano 1964: 43-44; Glenn 1968): WOW snifere at co become morally good or moray eil iene | : Be is ner god nbd It becomes Ting te eso € POS Why oe fimenetc ete ee ny dd cao des Sere’ : varios conditions a 2 end, for instance) for he ake repaation ( becomes bad. But if the purpose ofthe ap oe tanto hanes re ae ee tole he tt be freedom, fee tent cons ed ‘he morality of the act (Saliay 208: 33), . @ eae or bad The kinds of circumstances tal the study of Ethie deals with are mate) ~ Ex. HEARING, For Pastore, tA - those which change and modify the specific moral character of the uname Example: The act of ebping those in eed (he por and deste in ‘our society isan admirable act (objectively good); but i itis eso oily et uc tention fr oe tobe known as ‘charitable person, then the act tums into something immoral [Wiis (ec) moray pod et can ete ed [ramones - godness. if done intention or motive. ittoeati nepal ole Sina wd een ana Tt a cet pen 7 3 Example: Teac of praying isa good acini. recive “nore made Howe, spc «psn ont mds athe pode if te purpose why one spraying is fo give thanks frst te er wit aod inter adits and glory to God eamesily and wholeheartedly. Praying as in hier git, the these cicumstaneNegen the seventy of Sn ing fi tea his prea coming tea os pre Fictame £ canbe considered tobe “les god” compre to praying ut of, ees sevessocs + unplannech S vm aie wen an at wit dig anew and dint species of LA Avital ei act con never become mara ood even fis ‘acl fod oe The sane at of mute canbe made done with a good mote oF tention, worse it cared out 3 night and withthe use of supriac ty Pannarch 2 ats by @ known recidivist. Example: To cheatin an exam in oer to pas the sbjet and be . able wo gadule on tine, Cheaing is wrong in itself y ern sae = (tinscally vi), To aim to pass the subject in order 10 Meme pean charted wth muder can vndete | NG SOON pada on tine i «good into (aay, in this case, he brates eine an poe ht hee led a rig (ilu wher student eds to ih so ie can ok and ida decent ob ‘esa athe onde ter | naan. gern 40 help the poor family). But “the end does not justify the own. yor (he aed means.” No mate ow god th intention i, ong a itis ‘ acho eee one with an inbeaty ev cts 2 meat, odin specs of deer ong, eerie at The moral quay ofthe act of wk murderer wale ofthe vcbn, o if 2 Th Creme A ne tee Se Te ptt of a ei ‘hereore, not ony the nate of the at tl, But ako the a ats deteied not hurts wich served reso fr, ede worthy persia lps bate inten fe non ope Aapralocdenain Atte MRS Stn sag te pert HW Jperion 4 is ast tte poon ho dos oe te scion vey act as er anda eee ‘The one who performs it and the cottoviomthe actin doe, ale wool mer wats the pacar sso evel ae, dvi, poston ofthe person who proms or recite iste pen & pits, 2 miner, 2 widow, goverment ofc iit, lt, dale. ied kil, miliary ofa, sei, (Hee, we init you te reads, oink abot how wookd a artic perc’ sats reve aft the moray ose action.) = isthe eng ofan action, vey ati done in 2 particle. The place were te ac is commited by somenne afl 1 cose dee its moi. aly conned to patil geogpical lcton where the act ‘appeal bt ai ince the nate of the place, Here we can ak ‘inapubic place, inside the privacy of o's room in the presence of chile, inthe caso, inthe bung seo dota, he Aespialo cnc, ee” (Here, we ive you wo tink how does a place where th act is done aft the morality of thea.) ~ Altiough one's ieabon may be morally pod ifthe meas of ating teed ar ili ula, me's sear mmr “The end desu e mens” Bump Ae the mens of amy thea tough the we of fo, compulsion, thea, coercion intimidation, embarrassing words, lewd ‘remarks, vulgar slerens, insensitive comments? Are the ways Payontr a ued ol gh we of ei, ‘sth taon ct mie. tt moves the agent 10a acto (Tis oe, sa ete of systematic ‘atvtdoe teem eerennttea 4 % EBIIOD ve sn a ey me cared o* pomed. Ths cicumsane ako vos dient conditions o motes ch 2s von, cose, vee {cae ay hd the parr wenpniqaimestods alps tt the pean wed ot employed in the performance ofthe ac. (Tis articular type of cram xh vey smi fo the gusta “By what eas Example: Was the acon peromed in “od blond” in apa manner” “in avery bral way asin tute,” “malcisy” ete.? Or it ne ercellyindyclnypacefly, pve? Was one by the use of kitchen knife o a gun? Was the act done urowgh the employment of ins, iter andthe incr. ec? BDI ie oft cn pre. ery ats one ats pula and pec me The deme of umes ab npr core x season (od Friday? Was th ct permed oly tie such she observance of sured fest suc as uring Rafa toe ppt ofthe action rh pes 1 ‘whom teat isdn, Tis saad discs as pt of te ‘WHO question n ete , ee above) aes eB et ig be oly waa ht the fd ei i serving fo the'customers vet cots fet csc i, msl fences Kowa a es of ions dst tars cea cts 3 : Under he casein te fre peo ina” fees mien ais hese) gro Is stele pare andor emotional state of a person concerned fo the poi tha, sees ined in wat bree ie Tis signif preci beans he moral acount ofthe doer ofthe action also increased or decreased, asthe case maybe. ‘These modifiers, accordingly, “affect human acts im the essential ules of now, feo, voli, and so make the es perfectly human’ (Glean 1965: 25), The following are the modifies of human acts (See Agapay 20083439; Glenn 1965: 3247; Pnizn 1964: 28-37): ‘Ieporance isthe absence of necessary knowledge which a person in ‘agen situation, who is perfoming a certain’ ac, ought fo have: Iorance therefor is a pgative hing for it is a negation of knowledge pase esi oe ep ae ely. Us alee igmrance when, example, a en ress or singly fe aah nem el pt ial ba oil hat he rhe mayb exemple fom wha it reqs, whch the sen Finds ures Princip Goveaing faorance (Se Agipy 200835; Glee 1965: 32-47, Panigo 1964: 28-37): 2 fenrom ers nat imolmtary A person ana be eld nora spoil orb if he shen aware ofthe ste is ign Till ths kina of ignorance in the concrete, ake a tude ‘ho ist ly avr ta the money be sh as pid obs er tui actully cure, cannot eld for commiting an of W cy Ueno iter vie imac Yaxile orc in —_ 7 cil) Eee oe cay be eid hgh cy igs nd esac te emrace des vor des, teenth onrnes the pat oft pon wt isin hs prc atl sate Tis spite ind the caepoing county ovr tot. A person vb ‘yp of ignorance istherefrecomueabl se its crecible becomes aware and consi ofthe state of ignorance heer he iin The ignnace of a student, fr iste, ering a para assign tht he mised ease of vig Ber be in cls is vibe, se eke can easy ak fom ier clasts about it trop 2 simple at of tetig, Hee, the soe ee, can be ‘has the moral obligation o comet it by employing enough diligence in ining the infomation required 0. make one's ignorance sappea, “Font wt vine nance tact imprudent.” ‘Av example ft specif Kn of gure is when a student- cond "ala lichen, tse wi ot sue wt te reading tat He oF she id on a the Kid figure whch windiest or, da filed to debl chek when it siete br len ‘could have easily been dane, is guilty ofthis kind of ignorance, tel enemy eh ype of ignorance Herts wrth niga hedge fhe pro's resposity . sg of having vinibe ignorance: depends on Cee Ging the amount of | \-Tee Ormount Tei dat spent fo oti he ees inoenaon when iis avalible "2? effort 1 ‘ona of somene voit someting ad bs ted all lige tin suid gna, rity the mater concerned where ae P*O*® TEP- sly yew adits big an vii ind of ‘sire, an te li ob pon nail aac page, 2° PE IMEI Coorg aA ceptor t adn gi ALcuamaee ts Ta or expe, aie eat gnoreater +3 4 ‘ ae J warts ame BHO0SEN AD DE cued / reper tee erage ant COONAN oar th ‘ Sed or pr perce mo rs en fom are - eon bad sis, te coma ioc rE thir . Tis sii Knd force happens whe # pesca 4 Mal wa chs big at ect realy sree me atte sae my coy ang Fo wines of he et sions een Tarun Ago ean bss wn intel ies fh. Ttrsreienet pana Bu 1 cami eting in ore no 0 be gien any sk Heke msolar-as passions iter with the edo of thew one's saeco be asi omens 02 avid a responsiblity cout dime (ain 96439), cnet thal os iit \ Principle “pecs 1, Pair Concer: — Stn co dere Pasion cpio sb ued as astng opi ‘aces. Thrace cut esis ee sqounion) eer peas ly PN subordiatng them tots ete” (Pan, ibid). ted dex hor sadness ange re Here, the person concerned who willy acts tllowingshisbed Passion or eomeapsee is aso kaown by ober sams such 2s “sheers considered ml sponse for. 4 sentiments, altos, desires, ec (Although each of hs ter connotes ntl You ceninolleyore ciferat neaing) Pusioorcancpiscenceiretherannenaton? 3, Re - Gpectal Wed 9 quien 6 QO Poxnsch ‘amigos bo posed en, restid waneerttretciopmsics (heyy 08 1457 ery cose pin chases Accarig Tas ins, a 5" (Panizn 1964: 34). Here, itis = themselves pssions ore indie they ae nat ; (orev reset) iri) einai es hy othe ovement of te tad as "pinion md . Notontory, atid pte wm adorei shes. Ba snoraetuberanndn inn ladodot “ance in then. God has the ham with these “ satis a clon tel ho ar eee od ain, isin ate bv ot = espera fieniiddad ciao, | ulus x eof. xt ee eee ait ~ $ =| sexe ie ; Sit 1080), Leykaktc peiarmnt meteors” (Ap 1 - 4 ardiegs Presses we cir coil 1s omeodent or cman, 5) fesdarhy _ Medecee bet ede eter tts rine govern Post goer = hho eM Tisiswosicetieprma HOS at ; t i eager, l s E v J shin ctro of her cond. ‘Doerenete Pai Yor ack sorehoe 12 inmates wens { =e : Ai oe conte 32 dade ee far Or pring “nda. pvr acing Ot of exten ag 8 aon cals ci wi and he noe ta bev «gm nie rads acing oto ies rag acme oi A god amples a woman whe by muy be Vil bt eine et inthe psc fa jst and bl "eps, whe spi seg ovepoves of wom vim When pero expences so nc ear the fae of fist ‘ggessor who is armed and extremely danger i A fin. However, asthe above el hw," ssa shld ays efi an a ‘eso, [Bul irs isinpsib oft a eis ran aes ine by ec iin ‘ie by willing cone i enh oe fo iy aint Lan cen nce pels impuabliy”(Pescke 14520), tome ne WARE The reasons tat lack of ‘cose a § T A ¥ & E wl a ay. eee (Peschke ibid.) S. Habit foarte very began, “Habis are vlotary in cue, because they are the result of ‘previously willed acts done repeatedly as a mater of fact. Thus, every ction emanating from babi is said to partake of the volutariness of those previous ats. Therefor fas longs the habits nocoreted, i-mode ‘by face of ta ab are volar and (thus, the sit, a0 og sft towards this pup ois, ais esting fom sch aia = R coat ites med bt le ba: en, wpe i 7; ahr. 1 Noman and easy way of dog things acquired bythe y Gea wonweriee = -tepeitioncoithersan ac" (Przo 196437). Nsop leis eee cong nite Steam ep 08 - Weide” — vickenccrs incugicken icles “rete et Geen, vie fe "yp iene anaes . foneisinl (A i Any act where great and bof _eeasonahe efor rae 6 Cerac the habuab enchmanon” {4 2p2y ‘weginsthiswl|Agapay 1991-24) mepaeii S ; ‘stor alion ad he ie soov0-o-it an wnowt dong ann abort whee, rcp oe along ta toon sont Violence “Awa estoy pUaRN Semod oot : NET Howe, cinerea inh (Pehe > gS 10820, Hemthepemneinmeisainstlalispnstle > Hor lly is onset act winch is the outcome of habt sme such necessary ‘wi Tisnastalcen om scompellodosmeing oes | Reporte Chapter 2 TRE MORALITY OF HUMAN ACTS AND ORAL ACCOUNTABILITY pb Human Acts /Ack of Non D BASIC ELEMENT OF HUNAN ACTS | Tre ac qnust we delinerare 2. Te a must We pememed in freedom. D The ack MUS Ve Gone Loluntaritl. vv MATOR DETERMINANTS OF THE MORAUTY OF HUMAN ACT LThe ack Heel or the wojeck ot the ack 2 THe MOVE ce Be INTENTION « The Y PewaPls oF MoTIUES OR INTENTION | THE CURCUIACTANCES TYPES OF GROASTARTES si |. Mitigating of Crtenvation circuit 2. Aggrovetion Cirewm Dy. uctiqying, Grou {- Gpecigying) Cireutn - V Finke of Cireurcton ces J vm0 Brower Principle governing Gromefonas PV MODIFIERS OF HOMAN ACS. ¥ lonorena # Vincitole lanorcinct © lavindible Ignorance © Atfeckdl Vindipre Ignorance 2. Possion or Concwpi scench 0 Aneadent - Beir 0 Cancequente — Reamech >. Fear ofwith” Aer soot “oe “recnure "of F800. 4 Wooten

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