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Biological Structure

 Living things are enormously complex,

E.coli contains some 3 to 6 thousand
different compounds.
 Homo sapiens (human beings) may contain
100.000 different types of molecules.
 Multicellular organisms are organizations of
organs, which are made of tissues consisting
of cells, composed of subcellular organelles
Structure of cells
Endoplasmic Retikulum



Golgi Apparatus
Biological Structure
 Organelles consist of supramolecular
assemblies such as membranes or fibers
that are organized clusters of
macromolecules (polymeric molecules
with molecular masses from thousands of
daltons on up)
 The fourth major class of biological
molecules: proteins (polymers of amino
acids), nucleic acids (polymers of
nucleotides), polysaccharides (polymers of
sugars) and lipids
Composition of human body (%)

 Carbon 50 Potassium 1
 Oxygen 20 Sulfur 0,8
 Hydrogen 10 Sodium 0,4
 Nitrogen 8,5 Chlorine 0,4
 Calcium 4 Magnesium 0,1
 Phosphorus 2,5 Iron 0,01
Manganese 0,001
Iodine 0,00005
Biological Structure
 Proteins are all synthesized from the
same 20 amino acids, nucleic acids are made
from 8 types of nucleotides and 8 commonly
occuring types of sugars in polysaccharides
 Its monomeric units can be arranged and
 Newly synthesized proteins spontaneously
fold to assume their native conformation
(self assembly), their amino acid sequences
specify their three-dimensional structures
Proteins are composed of subunits called
amino acids
Metabolic Processes
 Most biological reactions are members of a
metabolic pathway
 Metabolism has been divided into two major
 1.Catabolism/degradation: nutrients and cell
constituents are broken down
 2.Anabolism/biosynthesis: biomolecules are
synthesized from simpler components
 Anabolic and Catabolic processes are
coupled together through the mediation of
the universal biological energy “currency”,
• Enzim : protein katalisator (meningkatkan
reaksi pada sa’at tercapai keseimbangan)
• Enzim : hanya mempercepat suatu reaksi
• Enzim : tidak terikat pada hasil reaksi
• Enzim : tidak mempengaruhi
keseimbangan reaksi
• Enzim : merobah substrat menjadi produk
Induce-Fit Mechanism
Synthesis of Biomolecules
 Cellular components are synthesized in
a vast array of chemical reactions
 Many of these reactions are
integrated into carefully regulated
pathways that involve numerous steps
 A large number of biosynthetic
reactions require energy, which is
supplied by the simultaneous breaking of
the phosphoanhydride bonds of ATP
Proses yang memerlukan ATP
1. Active Transport .flv
2. Secretory
Biomolecules (PROTEIN)
• Enzyme
• Receptor
• Hormone
• Growth Factor
• Immunoglobuline
• Interferone
• Interleukine
• Adhesions molecules
Transport across membrane
 Cell membranes regulate the passage
of ions and molecules from one
compartment to another
 Ions and molecules are transported
into and out of organelles during
biochemical processes
 Energy is required when substances are
transported against a gradient (active
 Na-K pump: nerve and muscle cells.
• Phospholipid (animasi)
Cell Movement
 Organized movement is one of the
most obvious characteristics of living
 Cell division and organelle movement:
depend on the structure and function
of a complex network of protein
filaments known as the Cytoskeleton
 Migration of human white blood cells
during an infection, the movement of
specific enzymes along a DNA molecule
during the chromosome replication
Waste Removal
 All living cells produce waste products
 Sugars and amino acids convert by animal
cells into CO2, H2O and NH3
 These molecules, if not disposed of properly,
can be toxic
 Excess H2O is excreted through the kidneys
 Hydrophobic substances such as steroid
hormones, which can not be broken down into
simpler molecules, are converted during a
series of reactions into water soluble

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