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The informant

Always speaking with the truth

July 4th. 2021 edition n° 50 US $1

Highlight The contituents of Up to 72% les

news district 6, who will be rainfall in the
present in the Valparaiso People who attended
covention región to clandestine party
aggravates in Zapallar. Still
the drought haven’t paid their
situation fines.
affecting the

“They don´t have heart” Vietnamese woman gives her testimony.

Cabildo:$81 million to be paid by

people, who forced Vietnamese
woman to work without salary

Important Cabildo: Victor donoso Rodrigo Mundaca, governor

news takes over as the new in the V región. Takes over his Now available: the
mayor position this July 14th. definitive list of the table
members for the
primaries has been
Editorial, The informant news
Sunday, July 4th.

The president will preside today in Santiago, with 50 guest from the political and medical
sectors. The presentation of the new plan step by step, considering in this new plan, the
comments made by more than 140 guilds from different sectors and also this new step by step
included the opinión of many experts from the medical and science área. Our country was a
Pioneer in achieving high levels of vaccination against COVID-19, over 70% of the target
population vaccinated with both doses, the main vaccines supplied are SINOVAC and PFITZER,
around 12 million of doses have been administered to date. The new plan step by step
promises to gradually restore people’s freedoms, also this plan is more focused on what is
happening at the local level. Therefore the measures established for each phase of the plan
may vary according to the situation of the commune, this could result in people from
commune in a bad situation to move to other regions or communes in order to have greater
freedoms. Which could be disastrous in terms of increasing the number of cases. We hope it
will not happen in this way, the people must continue to wear mask and respecting social
Politic section
Rodrigo Mundaca is directing of MODATIMA

Governor in the V región. Takes over his position this July 14th.
The agronomist engineer and spokesman for MODATIMA became governor-elect of Valparaiso in the first
round, with more than 298.000 votes.

With 41,73% of the votes. Correspoding to 298.363 votes in his favor, Rodrigo Mundaca, spokesman for
MODATIMA and agronomist enginneer, won the governorship of Valparaiso.

Mundaca is known for his fight for wáter as a human right, specially from the commune of Petorca. In
addition, he received in 2019 the international Human Rights Award in Nuremberg, Germany.

In an interview with Radio Universidad de Chile, the governor-elect referred to his triumph and discussed the
reasons for this broad support. In this respect, he expressed that “it is undoubtedly an endorsement of the
social movement , it is the fruit of many years of intense batting in the región of Valparaiso, but also in the
whole country to demonstrate the importance of making wáter a common good and its access a human right”

Regarding the political revelations linked to these elections, in which the traditional parties were the most
affected by having Little adherence, Mundaca commented that what happened is “an unequivocal message
that has to do with the origin of the popular revolt of october 18th. 2019.

The origin is the Deep social disconformity and the Deep disconformity with the current institutionality,
among them the parties, undoubtedly”

Mundaca takes over his position next july 14th. And he assures that the resources are going to be prioritized
for the preservation of rural community drinking wáter systems, for the preservation pf peasant family
agriculture, for the ecosystemic recovery of wáter bodies that today are over grante, we are going to be
rigorous on the subject of control so that never again will the DGA give us as an argument that it can´t control
because it doesn’t have personnel, in that sence we are going to be extraordinarily rigorous”.
Politic section
8 Contituents were elected for this district.

The contituents of district 6, who will be present in the covention

Photo of contituent Name List/ political party
Lissete Vergara Riquelme Lista del pueblo/

Cristobal Andrade León Lista del


Ruggero Cozzi Vamos por Chile/ RN

Claudio Gomez Castro Lista del


Janis Meneses Palma Movimientos Sociales

Carolina Vilches Apruebo dignidad
Fuenzalida /independent

Mariela Serey Jimenez Apruebo


Miguel ángel Botto independent

Local section
Up to 72% les rainfall in the Valparaiso región aggravates the
drought situation affecting the área

In its wáter report as of june, 30th.2021. Esval made known the worrying figures that have the región with a
wáter déficit, worsening drought condition.

Experts have described the situation in the Valparaiso’s región as critical due to the wáter crisis that the área
has been experiencing for at least 10 years. Therefore, the numbers provided by Esval in its water report as of
june 30th. are worrying.

The report revealed that there is a deficit of fallen and accumulated wáter in all the provinces of the region,
where it stands out, for example, that in the province of San Felipe there is 53% less rainfall than usual at this
time of the year.

Meanwhile, in the province of Valparaiso there is 68% among the most worrisome data, the province of
Petorca, one of the most affected by the drought, has recorded a 72% deficit.

This was expressed by the regional manager of Esval, Alejandro Salas, who added that “there is also a strong
drop in snow accumulation, with a decrease of 84% with respect to its historical average. Los Aromos reservoir
has 28%less volume today compared to the same date last year, and in recent weeks, the 4th. section of the
Aconcagua river, where our Concon production plant operates, simply has no wáter, which has forced us to
use our backup sources such as the La Luz dam, to maintain the continuity of supply”.

For this reason, the sanitation company´s executive calle don the population. “The commitment of everyone is
essential to fase this complex, scenario, therefore, we are not only in permanent coordination with the
authorities but we reiterate our call the entire community to make a rational and responsible use of the
resource, because every drop counts”, he emphasized.
Local section
“They don´t have heart” Vietnamese woman gives her testimony.

Cabildo:$81 million to be paid by

people, who forced Vietnamese
woman to work without salary

An amount of almost 81 million pesos must be paid by people of Chinese nationality, owners of the company
importadora y exportadora Mahel, after being sued for the controversial case of forced and unpaid labor of a
Vietnamese woman, which ocurred in the commune of Cabildo last year.
It should be recalled that, according to the investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office of La Ligua, the woman
arrived to Chile 2 years ago and since then the people have allegedly withheld her documents, forcing her to
work for them without pay. She did housework and also ran a business in shifts of more than 12 hours.
After 2 years of work, the woman was expelled along with her baby, leaving her abandoned without a roof
over her head. It was then when the case became known and the Investigation Police began to investigate
what happened, to finally find those responsible and arrest them.
Although in the first instance the Court of Guarantee of La Ligua had decreed preventive imprisonment for the
two detainees, finally the Court of Appeals of Valparaiso decided to revoke this precautionary measure and
apply only total house arrest while the investigation is being carried out.
Parallel to the investigation of the criminal case, which is still ongoing, a few days ago it was announced that a
labor lawsuit filed against the company was accepted and that importadora y exportadora Mahel Ltda. Will
have to pay a compensation of 81 million pesos to the affected woman.
The videos of this parties were widely viralized and criticized in social networks

People who attended to clandestine party in Zapallar. Still

haven’t paid their fines. People who attended to clandestine
party in Zapallar. Still haven’t paid their fines.

Nearly five and a half months have passed since the controversy of the massive party of Cachagua, in Zapallar,
which outraged the neighbors and provoked a sanitary summary by the Seremi de Salud of Valparaíso.
However, despite the announcements of fines to the organizers and attendees, there are still a large number
of unpaid sanctions.

And it isn’t the only party. From March 3, 2020 to June 15, 2021, in the commune of Zapallar, 353 summary
proceedings in the context of covid-19 have been instructed. Of these sanctions, only 8 fines have been paid
and the rest have not yet been paid, but would be within the deadline.

In January , the sums of money for sanitary summaries amount to 212 million pesos, which have not been

The regional ministerial secretary, Georg Hubner, pointed out that "in the event of non-payment, all the
background information is referred to the State Defense Council, for which there is another process. We have
established, together with our legal team, an acceleration of these processes".
Local section

During this vote counting process, Donoso set the trend from the beginning, leaving out the current mayor

Cabildo: Victor donoso takes over as the new mayor

Surprise in Cabildo. The Municipality will change hands from 2021, since the candidate of the pact "Unidos
por la dignidad", Victor Donoso (PDC), managed to get a wide advantage over the other candidates, almost
doubling the number of votes obtained by the current mayor and candidate for reelection, Alberto Aliaga
It is Aliaga himself who acknowledged his early defeat through a post on Facebook, where he greeted the
mayor-elect. "I want to express my congratulations to the future mayor of Cabildo, Mr. Victor Donoso. May
the projects and efforts of his administration bear the greatest fruits. The good of Cabildo is what matters".
Donoso scored a clear 51.84% of the preferences, followed far behind by Aliaga, with 26.42%. Then come
Mario Alvarado (10.15%), Claudio Godoy (8.18%) and Luis Rodríguez (4.27%).

Important informations

Now available: the definitive list of the table members for the
primaries has been published.
Those who are unable to work must present their reasons on the day of the election or when they are
summoned before a local police judge. Check the details below.

This Saturday, the SERVEL published the list of people who will be replacement table spokespersons for the
presidential primaries to be held on July 18.
In this opportunity, Chile Vamos and Apruebo Dignidad pacts will define who will be their candidate in the
race to La Moneda.
In the ruling party, Mario Desbordes (RN-PRI), Sebastián Sichel (IND), Ignacio Briones (Evópoli) and Joaquín
Lavín (UDI) will participate.
The opposition, on the other hand, will have Daniel Jadue (PC) and Gabriel Boric (Frente Amplio) on its slate.

To check whether or not you will have to be a voting table member, you have to access the Servel web site

Remember that in the day of primaries, you have to vote just for ONE

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