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RMIL Andheri, East.

(Environment Aspect Impact Assessment)
Project Name: RMIL Andheri, East. JB Nagar Mumbai Date:

Inspection by: Vaibhav Padave Attendees:

Severity Ranking Probability Ranking

Indicative Frequency
Rating Category Consequence Rating Category
(expected to occur)
1. Incident causing serious environmental
pollution or potential long term ill health to
5 Catastrophic public and other habitat 5 Frequent Daily or twice in a week
2. Legal implication may lead to the closure of
the entity
1. Incident causing major environmental Occurs several times per
4 Major damage. 4 Often year ie., once in a month
2. Potential for legal & regulatory actions or up to three months
1. Incident resulting in moderate
environmental impact.
3 Moderate 3 Likely Once in a year
2. Will cause complaints from neighbouring
Incident resulting minimal environmental harm Possible but
2 Minor 2 Once in every ten years.
which can confine & treat effectively unlikely
1 Insignificant Little or no environmental harm. 1 Rare Once every 30 years.

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RMIL Andheri, East.
(Environment Aspect Impact Assessment)

Insignificant (1)

Catastrophic (5)
15 to Extreme Activity should not proceed

Moderate (3)
25 Risk in the current form

Minor (2)

Major (4)

Activity should be modified to

8 to12 High Risk
Probability include remedial planning

Activity can operate subject

Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5 4 to 6 to management control and

Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10 1 to 3 Low Risk No action required

Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15

Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
LP - Land Pollution, AP - Air Pollution, NP - Noise
Frequent or Pollution, WP - Water Pollution, RD - Resource
Almost certain 5 10 15 20 25 Depletion

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RMIL Andheri, East.
(Environment Aspect Impact Assessment)
Aspect & Impact Register
Impact Legal Base Line Risk Residual Risk Level
Sl No Activity Aspect (LP/AP/NP/ Existing Control Measures Additional Control Required Remarks
WP/RD) (Yes / No) PR S V/H/M/L PR S V/H/M/L
Effective implementation of SAP
system at Dept. level
1.Electronic communication
1. Consumption of paper RD No 5 2 10 Other than essential documents, reuse one 5 1 5
2.Printing two sides of paper.
side papers
Store the data electronically
1 Printing activities 1. Refilling and reusing of cartridges,
Using of electronic communication toners and drums to reduce wastes.
Generation of Waste from
and maintaining the soft copies to 2.Awareness among the employees
cartridges , tonners, Drums LP Yes 4 2 8 3 2 6
avoid printing as practically about low ink consumption methods.
and Fax Rolls
applicable 3.Disposal of cartridges,toners and
drums to authorised agency.
1. Switch off the power of all 1. Ensure that, the office lights, PC's,
electrical equipment's when not in printers are switched off other than the
use. general security lights before leaving
Electricity consumption RD 2. Use low voltage lights for Yes 5 2 10 office 5 1 5
illuminations to conserve power 2. ENERGY STAR rated electrical
equipment's installation will reduce
power consumption
Usage of Electrical
2 Periodic maintenance of all
equipment's and lights
equipment's / electrical
connection.& route the cable on
overhead / on side wall to avoid Usage of short circuit breakers ELCB /
Fire due to Short-circuit AP Yes 3 2 6 2 2 4
cable getting damage RCCB & use corrected rated fuse
Never exceed the capacity of
socket by looping number of
extension boxes.
1.Reducing the generation of
Generated waste to be disposed
Handling and Disposal of Generation and disposal of food waste by serving only the
3 LP Yes 4 1 4 through authorized agency 3 1 3
food waste food waste required quantity of food.

Storing of general waste in bins Generated waste to be disposed

4 House keeping activities General waste LP for disposal. Yes 3 2 6 through authorized agency 3 1 3

Pest Control and Usage of hazardous Authorized pest control agency is Disposal of generated waste through
5 fumigation chemicals LP Yes 3 3 9 authorised agency. 2 1 2
carrying out the job
Use the equipment in a recommended
Engineering controls.
Consumption of Electricity RD Switching off when not in use No 5 2 10 4 2 8
Select and Use a good quality
equipment's which consumption less

Generation of general and Storage of generated waste and Disposal of generated waste through
LP Yes 5 1 5 5 1 5
plastic waste proper disposal. authorised agency.

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RMIL Andheri, East.
(Environment aspect impact Assessment)

Impact Legal Base Line Risk Residual Risk Level

Sl No Activity Aspect (LP/AP/NP/ Existing Control Measures Additional Control Required Remarks
WP/RD) (Yes / No) PR S V/H/M/L PR S V/H/M/L

6 Pantry Ensure all the electrical appliances are

switched off when not in use.
Maintaining the electrical
equipments in good condition. Avoid contact of flammable materials
with the electrical cables.
Fire due electrical short circuit AP No 2 3 6 3 1 3
Fire detection system installed. Fire
Conduct training on Safe handling of
extinguisher in close vicinity. electrical equipment's and Fire
Protection systems.

1. Switch OFF the monitor power
Awareness to all employees on switching
when not in use.
1. Consumption of Power RD No 2 2 4 off the computer power when not in use. 2 1 2
2. Using of LED / LCD monitors to
7 Use of Computer reduce the power consumption.
1.Upgrading and reusing of
1.E-waste disposal through authorized
2. E-Waste LP computers as practically No 2 3 6 2 1 2
applicable. agency
Usage of cables for LP 1. Implemented wireless systems
networking and other (Wi-Fi) to reduce wire connections
8 Cables and Connectors No 2 1 2 Periodic preventive maintenance 2 1 2
connections where ever applicable.

1.Pre Start inspection / Periodical 1. Spill kit for handling the spilled oil and
maintenance & maintain service disposal method.
schedule record 2. Always keep tray while carrying out
Compressor used for air maintenance work to avoid spillage of
9 Spillage of oil LP Yes 2 2 4 2 1 2
supply for process oil.
3. Spillage must be cleaned & disposed
4. Keep the area very clean & tidy
1. Use of alternative, less noisy
equipment or methods
1. Daily inspection / Periodical
2. Control of noise at source eg acoustic
Compressor used for air maintenance & maintain service
10 Noise NP Yes 5 3 15 hoods / covers. 2 1 2
supply for process schedule record
3. Turn off the compressor when not in

1. Provided separate bins for avoiding

mix-up. Generated waste to be disposed
Maintenance of Oil / grease sacked cotton
11 LP 2. Engaing skilled technicians to Yes 4 3 12 through authorized agency 4 1 4
compressor waste execute maintenance activities &
avoid wastage.
Maintenance Activities

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RMIL Andheri, East.
(Environment aspect impact Assessment)

Impact Legal Base Line Risk Residual Risk Level

Sl No Activity Aspect (LP/AP/NP/ Existing Control Measures Additional Control Required Remarks
WP/RD) (Yes / No) PR S V/H/M/L PR S V/H/M/L

1. Separate bins for avoiding mix-up.

2.Engaing skilled technicians to execute
1.Generation of grease, Oils maintenance activities to avoid wastage. Generated waste to be disposed
General Maintenance of
12 soaked cotton wastes, waste oil LP 3. Collection in separate barrels No 5 1 5 through authorized agency 3 1 3
Equipment's 4. Effective utilization of grease, rags &
, spare parts

Hydraulics Maintenance
Reduce the waste generation Segregation & disposal through
1.Generation of empty oil tins,
General Maintenance of Usage of flow control switch, authorized dealer
13 used oil, oil soaked cotton waste LP Yes 5 1 5 2 1 2
Equipment's Over flow trip switch, Spill kit and proper collection, storage
Continues supervision. and disposal.
1.Generation of waste of 1. Reduce the waste generation. 1. Dispose to authorized waste
Receiving and issuing the packaging material (carton, 2.Segrigation at designated places, recyclers
14 LP No 5 2 10 2 1 2
materials polythene, wooden, metal reuse of collected wastes 2. Practicing 3R's (reduce, reuse &
scraps etc.) recycle)
Spill kit and proper collection, storage
Receiving , storing and Proper handling, Storage of
15 2.Spillage of chemical LP Yes 2 4 8 and to be disposed by authorized 2 1 2
issuing the chemicals chemicals in the store. agency
Receiving the used oil, Proper storage of used oil to avoid
16 3.Spillage of used oil LP Yes 2 3 6 1.Reduce the waste generation. 2 1 2
storage and disposal spillages.
Using electricity for store 1.Switch off the power when not in 1.Spill kit and proper collection, storage
17 4.Power consumption LP Yes 2 2 4 2 1 2
office. use. and disposal.
1.Ensure Flammable material stored
away from source ignition 2.Ensure
Flammable material stored as
instructed in MSDS 3.All Electrical
Equipment's periodically inspected
& maintained
1.Periodical inspection & audit of store
4. Do not over load circuit. Ensure
2.Ensure electrical circuit are equipped
Handling & storage of use of correct rated fuse.
18 5.Fire AP Yes 2 4 8 with RCD(RESIDUAL Current Device) 2 1 2
chemicals 5. Display warning sign &
3. Earth continuity test, leakage test &
emergency contact numbers
insulation resistance test carried out
6.Provision information, instruction
& training to the personnel on
evacuation in case of Emergency /
Fire (evacuation & fire drill by main

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RMIL Andheri, East.
(Environment aspect impact Assessment)

Impact Legal Base Line Risk Residual Risk Level

Sl No Activity Aspect (LP/AP/NP/ Existing Control Measures Additional Control Required Remarks
WP/RD) (Yes / No) PR S V/H/M/L PR S V/H/M/L

Maintaining of high standards of house

keeping always reduce the generation of
Use various adjustable/available sizes of
Maintaining a good housekeeping.
plastic bags related to the activity which
19 Issuing of materials 6.Plastic and Polythene waste LP Allocated waste disposal and Yes 5 2 10 3 1 3
minimize the weight of usage. Use
collecting points everywhere.
containers instead of polythene parcels.
Reuse the polythene bags to minimize its

Schedule and estimate the required
quantity only, to minimize the usage.
During breaks/intervals at work, do not
Using as per required quantity. leave the using paints without covering
1.Mixing of thinners RD Reusing by storing in a separate No 5 2 10 with a lid which avoids the drying of 4 2 8
containers. paint.
Completely utilize the taken amount of
paint and thinners which prevent the
evaporation of materials.

Use proper techniques/tools while

handling of paints and its related
materials to avoid the spillages.
Usage of spill kits at painting Use dip trays and bundings which avoid
activities. the land pollution and water pollution in
Using metal/tarpaulin sheets to case of spillage.
2.Paint spills during painting
LP prevent the soil contamination. Yes 5 2 10 Ensure the required amount of spill kits 3 1 3
Segregation of hazardous waste are available while carrying the activity.
from other general waste. Carry out all the paint activities at
dedusting system which avoid the air
Conduct periodic inspections and
trainings which build an environmental
awareness in the organization.
Periodical inspections of stored
20 Painting container.
Place a hygro meter and maintain a
Storing paint materials as per
register for the temperature
MSDS instructions and
3. Storage of Paints and measurements.
LP requirements. No 4 2 8 3 1 3
Thinner Do not stock excess amount if not
Paint containers are tightly closing
every time after its use
Storing in a cool and ventilated area
away from combustible materials.

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RMIL Andheri, East.
(Environment aspect impact analysis)

Impact Legal Base Line Risk Residual Risk Level

Sl No Activity Aspect (LP/AP/NP/ Existing Control Measures Additional Control Required Remarks
WP/RD) (Yes / No) PR S V/H/M/L PR S V/H/M/L

Storage area is restricted for Hot

Work activities.
Strictly implementing Non
Display the stored materials area with
Smoking Zone.
"Flammable materials Storage Area".
Safety awareness training on Fire
Prevention and Fire Protection
Install/Arrange designated smoking
zones with fire points.
4.Fire/Explosion AP Provision of Fire Points with Fire Yes 5 3 15 4 2 8
Conduct trainings for flammable
All electrical cables and connection
Maintain a log book for electrical
are good in condition and properly

Cranes and Mobile Cranes

Proper handling of spillages , storage
Proper maintenance of machine
Oil leakage / spillage LP Yes 2 2 4 and disposal through authorized 2 1 2
Switch off the power when not in Use the equipment in recommended
Crane activity and Power Consumption AP No 5 1 5 3 1 3
use. mode.
21 Movement of vehicle
(Mobile Crane) Proper maintenance of the vehicle to Regular emission test as per regulatory
Emission AP Yes 5 2 10 4 1 4
control the emission. requirement
Ensure periodical servicing is
Air Conditioner use RD being done as per the scheduled No 3 2 6 Use of non/ less ozone depleting AC 2 1 2
time. gas for Air coolers

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