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Intro mail – work from home


According to the latest International Workplace Group report , gobally, 50% of employees work
outside of their main headquarters, for minimum 2.5 days per week. However, in times of a
natural disaster, like present day’s,— perhaps all organizations have no way out but to
potentially embrace a remote work style or allow their employees to work from home

These kind of crisis can be with us for a while. There are risks involved in accomplishing the
work from home pattern and giving remote access to employees, but the security of the data and
quick access to the documents should be the last of the worries for organizations.

With Kleeto digitization technologies, you can have a “paperless office” and only use the digital
version on a regular basis while the original paper documents can be left untouched, safely
stored away, protected from day-to-day access and common disasters. Also, if the digital
version is stored in “cloud”, IT IS AVAILABLE ALWAYS & ANYWHERE !!

In today’s electronic era and situations full of uncertainity, it is not practical to depend entirely
on a slow and inefficient paper-based record management system. Digitization of documents is
the need of the hour to minimize this problem, because our future is definitely in Going Green
and Going Digital !!
Our future is the safest only if we Go Green and Go Digital

Mail after the 1st call:

Dear ….

We introduce Kleeto as an end to end solution provider offering Intelligent Automation Solution
for all your daily data management requirements including documents, compliance, reminders 
and reports. Kleeto changes the way organizations manage their documents through its robust
and customizable digitization solutions and  help them to streamline the process of handling the
documents digitally and also take away your stress of storing the physical copies. For a lot of
companies, that means getting off an excel spreadsheet or a home grown cumbersome or just
basic systems. 
         Kleeto offers:
• Document Management Services – Physical & Digital Document Management
• Document Management Consulting Services
• Anytime, anywhere access 
• Customised solutions for HR, finance, legal and all other varied functions
• Consulting services to clients to help them define a path to reach ultimate goal of pure digital
document processes and eliminate or convert physical documents to digital document processes
• DMS (Document Management Software) / FMS (File Management Software) 
• Kleeto has in house developed, very sophisticated DMS/FMS solution which is cloud based
and used by all our clients
• Document Collection & Document Generation Systems, which can be used by clients to
convert their physical document collection and generation processes to digital document
collection and generation processes from the first go itself.

The exact advantage is that we’ve been in the end to end digitization and storage business since
2010 now and have been helping more than 300 best businesses like…GE-India, EXL Services,
Aditya Birla Group, FICCI, Airseva (an AirBnB company), Tata Teleservices, Titan, OLA Cabs,
MAX Healthcare, Penguin Random House, British Telecom, VFS Global, Volvo Cars, RPG
Group (Raychem, CEAT, KEC, Zensar...), United Health Group, YUM Foods (Pizza Hut &
KFC), BMW, Religare Group, Indiamart, Cleartrip, HT Media, Harman Connected Services
(earlier Symphony Teleca), Times Group, Manpower Group, and many more established managing their documents digitally and physically across all functions. 
To help you understand the system and processes better , can we have an E-meeting tomorrow
anytime or alternatively, you can connect with me at the below mentioned coordinates.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

2nd mail:

Dear (First Name),

I hope you and your family are in good health in the situation of such crisis.

We all agree that having a well thought out plan makes it a lot easier to make good decisions
during the crisis, especially like the one , we are all facing right now. Having a plan also helps
businesses to avoid being consumed by Panic and Fear, which could result in making costly
mistakes and thus lower their chances of surviving, and sometimes, even the smartest and the
most intelligent people can’t escape the crisis.

However, at Kleeto, we believe that the real smartness lies in finding the right solution to
overcome these challenges. A secure data backup and quick access to the documents, can surely
keep your business running and adding value to your customers, in times like these.
With Kleeto’s robust and customizable digitization solutions, you can streamline the process of
handling the documents digitally. With our digitization technologies, you can have a “paperless
office” and only use the digital version on a regular basis while the original paper documents can
be left untouched, safely stored away, protected from day-to-day access and common disasters.

To discuss, how Kleeto can help your organization, we can connect virtually sometime this
week. In case you are busy, please do let us know a time and suitable for you.

Thanks and regards, 



A wild emergency, like the present one, can possibly happen to anyone, anywhere. When
confronted with an unexpected crisis , with the help of right tools and technologies, anyone can
overcome these challenges, beat incredible odds, and come out a survivor.

At Kleeto, we believe that Survival is facing any given circumstance, accepting it, and trying to
improve it, while sustaining your business, until you can get out of the situation. A secure data
backup and quick access to the documents, can surely keep your business running and adding
value to your customers, in times like these. With Kleeto’s robust and customizable digitization
solutions, you can streamline the process of handling the documents digitally. With our modern
digitization technologies, you can have a “paperless office” and only use the digital version on a
regular basis while the original paper documents can be left untouched, safely stored away,
protected from day-to-day access and common disasters.
To discuss, how Kleeto can help your organization, we can connect virtually sometime this
week. In case you are busy, please do let us know a time and suitable for you.
Thanks and regards, 

When sending presentations and details after 1st mail:

Hi ….,

I really enjoyed chatting with you earlier today and learning more about how you and your
organization are currently handling the documents.

I promised you some more info and here it is. I’ve attached more information about Kleeto’s
processes and services

Please let me know when you have had a chance to take a look at this info and would like me to
give you a call to discuss. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free to call me
any time.



After sending the details and presentations:

Hi …,

I trust that you have had an opportunity to read my previous email and look at our website, so I
figured it’d be worth checking in with you again.

Have you given any additional thought to my proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it
on the phone and answer any and all questions you may have.

When would suit you for a quick conversation?


Hi …

I’d like to thank you for taking the time to hear me out yesterday, today, last week. I’m really
excited about the potential of this relationship.

You mentioned that you would need to consult with your superiors/team before making a
decision. I am really eager to hear what they thought of my proposal.

Is there a spot on your calendar I could claim to discuss how we can take this discussion



Hi ….,

It was a pleasure talking to you and I would like to thank you for your interest in Kleeto.

I’m sure improving your processes to handle documents, is one of your company’s main
priorities right now, so I thought it would be great to contact you sooner rather than later.

I thought I’d send a few presentations and details for you to review. If you’d like any additional
information about this, I’d be more than happy to have a quick chat over the phone.

Just let me know if you have any questions or would like to have a more in-depth conversation.

It was a pleasure talking to you a while back. Thank you for your interest in Kleeto's document
management Solutions.

We introduce Kleeto as an end to end solution provider offering Intelligent Automation Solution
for all your daily data management requirements including documents, compliance, reminders 
and reports. Kleeto changes the way organizations manage their documents through its robust
and customizable digitization solutions and  help them to streamline the process of handling the
documents digitally and also take away your stress of storing the physical copies. For a lot of
companies, that means getting off an excel spreadsheet or a home grown cumbersome or just
basic systems. 
         Kleeto offers:
• Document Management Services – Physical & Digital Document Management
• Document Management Consulting Services
• Anytime, anywhere access 
• Customised solutions for HR, finance, legal and all other varied functions
• Consulting services to clients to help them define a path to reach ultimate goal of pure digital
document processes and eliminate or convert physical documents to digital document processes
• DMS (Document Management Software) / FMS (File Management Software) 
• Kleeto has in house developed, very sophisticated DMS/FMS solution which is cloud based
and used by all our clients
• Document Collection & Document Generation Systems, which can be used by clients to
convert their physical document collection and generation processes to digital document
collection and generation processes from the first go itself.
We also offer the following modules and services 
1. Employee Onboarding module - This module helps you onboard employees using our
intelligent platform.   This will also help you generate all the statutory and personal forms
digitally which can be prefilled. And we can further help you get digital signatures on these
documents. A lot of processes can be automated and most of the file can be created , stored and
accessed digitally. 
2. Resume Parsing - This feature is available on the onboarding tool. This feature allows the
system to parse the entire resume uploaded by candidate and based on the parsing approx 25-40
fields are extracted from resume and auto filled in candidate application form. This creates
convenience for candidates and saves time as well. This feature requires one time configuration
of the system, mapping of fields extracted from resume to application form. This is part of
an onboarding tool and will be available in case you decide to deploy onboarding from kleeto.
3. Digital Signature - This features allows candidates / employees to digitally sign the legal
(COC, NDA, Offer Letter, Appointment letter etc) and statutory forms (Form F, Form 2, ESIC,
Gratuity form etc.) and documents using digital signature (DSC) . This is based on eSign /
eHastakshar promoted by the government of India and is legally valid in court of law as well. We
can allow generation of these documents from the system and then allow candidates to sign them
online. This will save the cost of printing, scanning, courier and permanent storage of physical
documents and will also make complete employee file digital from day one. This can also be
used for lifecycle documents if required. 
4. Encrypted QR Code - This feature allows encrypted QR code generation for documents
which are handed over to employees and requires verification in future through the next
employer. Encrypted QR code can be verified by the next employer by themselves without
sending documents to the company for verification. This saves cost at multiple levels. QR code
can't be copied and can't be manipulated. It is completely safe from tampering. We will further
update on this once we are ready with the feature and go live.
5. Employee Offboarding Module - This allows the complete offboarding / exit process to run
as a digital process. After employee resignation, the system sends triggers to all functional spocs
(which are mapped to that employee) to clear all the clearance items online on the tool (in
parallel) and the employee can also clear his/her items. Once all items are cleared, the system can
generate relieving letters / experience certificates and if required can also generate full and final
statements online. This also captures employees feedback and exit questionnaires online. This
makes the exit process completely online. 


Physical and Digital documents, if not found on time can prove to be such a hassle and challenge
for any business, not to forget the cost involved. Timely retrievals along with well-defined
locations and actions for each document is essential. However, knowing that a human brain can
retain only upto 30% of information after 24 hrs, how can you expect your employees to
remember the location, name and complete the status of files or documents for several months?

Kleeto invites you to step into the new era and paradigm of Intelligent Document Management
Solutions, that will not only make any business super-efficient, but will open a lot of new
horizons of opportunities.

We provide future safe, secure, and intelligent end-to-end information and document

Management solutions. Kleeto digitizes, indexes, automates, and encrypts information &
documents that give you the security, freedom, and efficiency to manage the
documents. Providing you with structured, anytime anywhere access and safe storage, it’s unique
digital signature and QR codes technology, along with the technology to support document collection,
generation and compliance-oriented workflows, Kleeto puts business efficiency to the next level.

The exact advantage is that we’ve been in the end to end digitization and storage business since
2010 now and have been helping more than 300 best businesses like…GE-India, EXL Services,
Aditya Birla Group, FICCI, Airseva (an AirBnB company), Tata Teleservices, Titan, OLA Cabs,
MAX Healthcare, Penguin Random House, British Telecom, VFS Global, Volvo Cars, RPG
Group (Raychem, CEAT, KEC, Zensar...), United Health Group, YUM Foods (Pizza Hut &
KFC), BMW, Religare Group, Indiamart, Cleartrip, HT Media, Harman Connected Services
(earlier Symphony Teleca), Times Group, Manpower Group, and many more established managing their documents digitally and physically across all functions. 

Kleeto, overall is a one stop shop for all you digital and physical document management
requirements. Just give us a shout and we are just a call/ an email away.



Hi Vishal 

It was a pleasure talking to you a while back

We introduce Kleeto as an end to end solution provider offering Intelligent Automation Solution
for all your daily data management requirements including documents, compliance, reminders 
and reports. Kleeto changes the way organizations manage their documents through its robust
and customizable digitization solutions and  help them to streamline the process of handling the
documents digitally and also take away your stress of storing the physical copies. For a lot of
companies, that means getting off an excel spreadsheet or a home grown cumbersome or just
basic systems. 
         Kleeto offers:
• Document Management Services – Physical & Digital Document Management
• Document Management Consulting Services
• Anytime, anywhere access 
• Customised solutions for HR, finance, legal and all other varied functions
• Consulting services to clients to help them define a path to reach ultimate goal of pure digital
document processes and eliminate or convert physical documents to digital document processes
• DMS (Document Management Software) / FMS (File Management Software) 
• Kleeto has in house developed, very sophisticated DMS/FMS solution which is cloud based
and used by all our clients
• Document Collection & Document Generation Systems, which can be used by clients to
convert their physical document collection and generation processes to digital document
collection and generation processes from the first go itself.
The exact advantage is that we’ve been in the end to end digitization and storage business since
2010 now and have been helping more than 300 best businesses like…GE-India, EXL Services,
Aditya Birla Group, FICCI, Airseva (an AirBnB company), Tata Teleservices, Titan, OLA Cabs,
MAX Healthcare, Penguin Random House, British Telecom, VFS Global, Volvo Cars, RPG
Group (Raychem, CEAT, KEC, Zensar...), United Health Group, YUM Foods (Pizza Hut &
KFC), BMW, Religare Group, Indiamart, Cleartrip, HT Media, Harman Connected Services
(earlier Symphony Teleca), Times Group, Manpower Group, and many more established managing their documents digitally and physically across all functions. 

As requested by you, I am sharing the pricing details for both the solutions which we

showcased.Though we will need more specific details to share a formal proposal with you,
however, in the meantime , please find below a broader range of Pricing for our Services -


Account Setup + SOP process [File Management Process] = INR 2.50,000 - 4,00,000 + taxes
Processing cost = INR 3.75 per page one time charge  
Digital storage= INR 0.05 per page per month.
Physical storage = INR 0.03 per page per month (for legacy files)
Physical document pickup
From NCR – INR 0.40 per page with minimum billing of INR 1000 per pickup.
From Outside NCR  ( By Road) – INR 0.40per page with minimum billing of INR 1000 per
From Outside NCR  ( By Air) – INR 0.90per page with minimum billing of INR 1000 per
Physical document retrieval & Delivery charges
INR 0.30 per page with a minimum billing of INR 1000.
Delivery charges will be the same as pickup charges.
Permanent Closure charges - Physical Document retrieval and delivery charges will apply. For
digital backup - INR 50,000 one time cost.

2.   INVOICE PROCESSING SYSTEM ( Document Collection System ) - 

One time setup cost = 2 lacs to 4 lacs

Integration cost  = 2 lacs to 3 lacs 
Recurring per month licence cost = 50K - 70K ( this cost is fixed irrespective of the vendors or
the number of documents )
Storage cost in case you decide to keep the documents on KLEETO DMS = 5 paise per page per
month. ( unlimited users and unlimited online access) 
Digital Signature platform support per instance recurring per month cost = 8k 
Per Digital signature cost = INR 40/- 

To help you understand the system and processes better , please let me know if we can have an
E-meeting and a demo tomorrow anytime.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.


Stay Safe !

Finance file pricing

Hi Rajnish

It was a pleasure reconnecting with you.. Thanks for reaching out to us for your requirement to
go digital with your documents. 

Kleeto is currently helping more than 300 corporate customers with their end to
end record management needs. We help them with physical storage of documents, digitization
and online access to all information. We make each document more intelligent and searchable
within a few clicks.

We have created an end to end and integrated mechanism where document generation,

consumption, distribution, collection and archiving of files and employee related documents
are handled by the kleeto system. 

We are currently working with GE-India, Max Hospitals, BMW, Religare Enterprises,
Benetton,  Indiamart,  AVIS, Cleartrip, HT Media, Times Group, Provident Housing,
PeopleStrong, Snapdeal, Make My Trip, Flipkart,  Shriram Group, RPG Group, and many
more .....

Other then the above we also specialize in the following services for the Finance function - 

1. Digital Signature - This feature allows you to digitally sign the legal (COC, NDA,  etc) and
statutory forms (Form F, Form 2, ESIC, Gratuity form etc.) and documents
using digital signature (DSC) . This is based on eSign / eHastakshar promoted by the government
of India and is legally valid in court of law as well. We can allow generation of these documents
from the system and then allow candidates to sign them online. This will save the cost of
printing, scanning, courier and permanent storage of physical documents and will also make the
complete employee file digital from day one. This can also be used for lifecycle documents if
required. Costs involved are : 
•Digital signature module support = INR 10k per month
•Per digital signature = INR 40.0 ( Multiple documents can be combined together and can be
signed using a single signature.

2. Invoice Processing Module - This module allows you to process all your invoices, bills etc
digitally. There is no limit on the number of stakeholders in the module. Right from the time
when an invoice is raised, till the final payouts, everything can be processed digitally and Digital
signatures form an integral part of this system. Cost involved are : 
•Account setup for Invoice Processing module = INR 2.50 lacs ( one time cost per instance
•Invoice Processing Module ( Per Instance ) connected to File Management system
–INR 50,000 per month [no user or storage limitation] 
•Digital storage on Kleeto DMS and online access to users
–INR 0.06 per paper per month.
•Integration ( per instance Integration charges)
–INR 1,00,000 – INR 4,00,000 per interface based on complexity of integration

•Customization ( If required )
–Any customization which is generic and can be added to kleeto roadmap – NIL charges
–Otherwise as per requirement – on case to case basis
•Advance payments - Setup and SOP charges are advance. 1st year billing is in advance.
•Annual  escalation = 8%
•TAXES will be extra,  as applicable at the time of billing.

Pls let me know in case you need any more information. 


Links to videos. - DMS - Onboarding

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