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Refraction can make an object appear to be on a different position


The change in direction suffered by a ray of

light as passes obliquely from one optical
medium to another with different optical
densities is known as refraction

Key Ideas

Light refraction occurs when something gets in

the way of the light waves. Light, like most
other materials, travels mainly in waves

Experiment Fun Facts

Because the light can’t travel as quickly in the Refraction of light can produce mirages, such
water as it does in the air, the light bends as the appearance of water on hot highways, or
around the pencil, causing it to look bent in the in the desert. Scientists and engineers have
water. Basically, the light refraction gives the used the bending of light by refraction to make
pencil a slight magnifying effect, which makes a prototype of a cloak of invisibility.
the angle appear bigger than it actually is,
causing the pencil to look crooked.

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