Seo 1

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 What is SEO
 How it works?
 What are keywords
 How to use keywords to improve your SERP
 Benefits of using keywords

By Group 6:
 Omkar Amonkar: D-20-301
 Shivani Biradar: D-20-305
 Pranjal Doki: D-20-309
 Siddhi Gawade: D-20-316
 Medhavin Kathuria: D-20-319
 Prajakta Kolamker: D-20-322
 Rahul Vinod: D-20-349
Search Engine Optimization is a process of optimizing your website and web pages to get free and
organic traffic from search engines like Google. Let’s consider Google as a filing system in a library,
which has 1000s of books and you want to find something related to Crypto currency, so Google
will search through these books and extract pages that contain your keywords. Google tries to return
the most relevant results first by using sophisticated algorithms. Search engines work by performing
by following these processes: It proceeds by Crawling the internet to find new web pages and
documents, then put that content in a giant index/database and rank that content on various factors.
Search engines discover new content by sending out search engine spiders, or crawlers, to find it.
Crawlers are computer programs or robots that find new content like web pages, PDF files, videos,
and images by visiting links on web pages. They visit web pages very quickly which allows them to
discover new websites, pages, and other content in seconds. Every search engine has its own crawler
that navigates the web by downloading web pages, following the URLs on these pages with the
intention to discover new pages on the web. The discovered web pages are then added into a data
structure called index that includes all the identified URLs. When a search query is made, all the
relevant pages are identified from the index and they are ranked using algorithms that are different
for every search engine. When a search is performed, search engines look into the index for highly
relevant content and then reorders the web pages. There are numerous ranking factors like quality
content, social engagement, brand authority, good traffic, backlinks, website load speed and more.
The search engine then organizes the results from most relevant to least relevant.

Nobody knows how exactly these algorithms work or the exact factors it looks at to rank a webpage.
3.5 billion searches are performed on Google every single day but even though there are billions of
searches every single day, 91% of the content gets no traffic from Google. So how do you join the
other 9% of the web pages and start getting free, consistent and passive traffic? For that you need to
make sure that it’s easy for search engines to understand what your page is about and create content
that matches ‘the searcher’s intent’. Also, you need to show search engines that it’s ‘worthy’ of
ranking. So how do you get yourself at the top of the search results? The first step is to find relevant
keywords that people are searching for and see how these search fit into your business. The easiest
way to find these keywords is to fit you in the shoes of the potential customer and think of what they
would search for. Find 3 keywords, around which you will later create content around. There are
several sites that help you find these keywords, one of them is AnswerThePublic. Once you have
your keywords, create content using them. Now to make sure your content stands out you need to
publish content that’s long form and in depth, add a hook to your content like stat or a case study
example. On page SEO has changed a lot over the past years, the goal of on page SEO today, is to
give Google context about what your page is all about. You still need to use keywords on your page
but also help Google understand your page’s overall topic. For this there’s something called Latent
Sematic Indexing (LSI) keywords, which are words and phrases that are closely related to your target
keyword. So when you include these LSI keywords on your page, it makes search engines confident
that your page is actually about a specific topic. You also need to optimize your content for users so
that they stay on your page. For this you need to structure your content so people start getting
actionable info asap, also make sure that your content’s design is on point. Lastly build backlinks! If
you’ve created good content, optimized it for users, added hooks, you already have a strong
foundation for building backlinks. Backlinks signal Google that another resource finds your content
valuable enough to link it within their own content.

Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about, they are words and phrases that
searchers enter into search engines. We mentioned how these can be used in SEO to improve your
Search Engine Results Page (SERP), now here are some benefits of keywords. Firstly, Using
keyword tools and SEO keyword analysis saves time and effort as the content created using those
keywords gets visible in front of the target audience, and new and potential customers are generated.
Higher Organic Ranking & Awareness Of Company: Using popular keywords, being aware of
competition keywords and having appropriate search volume is key to having a higher organic
ranking. When the ranking is high, more people will come across your content, and general
awareness of your business or company will increase. Keeping Audience Engaged: Being aware of
popular, trending keywords that drive more traffic to your website will help you know what your
audience prefers. Further, making content relevant to your audience will keep your audience engaged
and acquire a fresh audience based on the trends.

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