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Republic of the Philippines


Danao Campus
Address: Sabang, Danao City, Cebu Email:
Telephone: (032) 354 3660 Mobile: (0917) 317 0329


Class Physical Organization &





Intended Learning Outcomes:



Name: Riza Mae Bayo Course/Yr/Section: BSED-MATH 1A DAY

Date: November 9, 2020 Score: _________________________


First Activity: Video Presentation about NSTP

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Guide Questions:

1. Based on the video, what I want to know about NSTP is…

After watching the video, I have been enlightened about different facts about the history of NSTP and
how it began. I am interested of this program because of it’s upbringing to students and it is also an
important thing we must experience as a part of the community. Since NSTP is a part of my life now as a
freshman student, I want to know more about it. I want to know the different activities created for this
program and I am looking forward to what I will become after taking this subject.

2. What I need to know about NSTP?

Since I am taking up this program, I think I need to properly dig deep about the different components of
NSTP such as CWTS, LTS and ROTC in order for me to choose what program I am suitable with my skills,
capabilities and character.

3. What I think I can contribute to the NSTP Program?

As someone who is about to take a step into the NSTP Program, I think being part of this is already a big
help in developing myself and the community. Since I am a person who is determined, responsible and
hardworking, I will do my best so that I can fulfill my responsibility in this program, community and to
myself. Whatever the ventures our program will take, I will comply to it and do my job well because it’s
a win-win situation for everybody, a chance for improving myself, helping the community and
contributing to the betterment of the university and the country.


National Service Training Program (NSTP) – The National Service Training Program (NSTP), Is a civic
education and defense Preparedness program students Instituted by the Government of the Philippines
on 5 January 2000 by Virtue of Republic Act 9163, Otherwise known as the “National Service Training
Program (NSTP) Act of 2001.”Under the NSTP Program, Both male and female college Students of any
baccalaureate Degree course or technical Vocational course in public or Private educational institutions
are Obliged to undergo one of three program components for an academic period of two Semesters.
The students, however, are free to choose which particular program Component to take. The three
NSTP Program components are:

Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

This program component is designed to provide students with activities Contributory to the general
welfare and betterment of life of the members Of the community especially those developed to improve
social welfare Services.

Literacy Training Service (LTS)

This program component is designed to train students in teaching literacy And numeracy skills to
schoolchildren and out-of-school youths. The hope Is to continue learning on a peer – to – peer

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

This program component is designed to provide military education and Training for students to mobilize
them for national defense preparedness. This is also a glimpse for young people to see how military life
is and Encourage them into service.

Graduates of the ROTC program component are organized into the Citizen Armed Force, while
graduates of the LTS and CWTS program components are Organized into the National Service Reserve
Corps (NSRC) administered by the Department of National Defense, the Commission on Higher
Education and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

Let’s Work on this!

Test I. Simple Recall

Civic Welfare Training Service 1. This refers to the program or activities contributory to the general

Welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community.

National Service Training Program 2. This program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and
defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism.

Literacy Training Service 3. This will able to train the students to become demonstrators and
Facilitators of training on skill the out of school youth and other segments of society in Need of their

Reserve Officers' Training Corps 4. This provides military training to tertiary level students in order to
Motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

2 semesters 5. How many semesters required to take the NSTP course?

Republic Act No. 9163 6. What Republic Act which also known as the NSTP Law?

54 to 90 training hours 7. What is the required training hours per semester for this program?

All incoming freshmen students both male and female 8. Who are eligible in taking up this course?

3 units 9. How many units credited per semester on this program?

January 23, 2002 10. When this NSTP program took effect?

Test II. Give the complete name of the following agencies who has direct Supervision of NSTP

1. CHED – Commission on Higher Education

2. DND - Department of National Defense
3. TESDA – Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
4. AFP – Armed Forces of the Philipines
5. COCOPEA - Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations
6. PASUC - Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges

Individual Output:

Activity 1. Make a schematic Diagram on the Evolution of the NSTP Law and give its emphasis and
purposes of these act. (RA No. 7077, PD No. 1706 and RA 9163) 20 Points

Republic Act No. 7077

This law is also known as the “Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act” and was enacted by
the 8th Congress of the Philippines on 27 June 1991. The Reservist Act provided for organization, training
and utilization of reservists, referred to in the Act as “Citizen Soldiers”. In other words, this republic Act
was implemented in relation to the NSTP Program we need to comply as a freshmen student.

Presidential Decree No. 1706

This law is also known as “The National Defense Act” for the purpose of compulsory national service for
Filipino citizens and amending certain sections of Commonwealth Act No. 1.This act was approved and
implemented by President Ferdinand Marcos.

Republic Act No. 9163

This law says that, “The youth, the most valuable resource of the nation, shall be motivated, trained,
organized and mobilized in military training, literacy, civic welfare and other similar endeavors in the
service of the nation.” In other words, this act simply is the one responsible for the NSTP Program. This
act established the compulsory requirement of National Service Training Program (NSTP) in all Territory
levels of Education. It’s purpose is to prepare young adults to defend the security of the State through
personal, military or civil service to the country when a need arises. This aims at imparting youth
patriotism, nationalism, and at advancing their involvement in public and civic affairs.

Activity 2. Essay (in not less than 200 words)

1. How NSTP beneficial to the student?

2. Is it necessary to take up this course (NSTP)?
3. Among the 3 components of NSTP which do you think is best for you and why?

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is the program enforced by the Republic Act 9163
for the Tertiary Level student with an aim in instilling the spirit of nationalism to them and to promote
civic consciousness among the youth in public and civic affairs. But how beneficial NSTP is to students? Is
it necessary to take up this course? We cannot exempt attending NSTP in our classes because it is a
compulsory curriculum requirement for all college students in order for them to graduate college.
Though NSTP program is tiring, but let's look at the brighter side of this program.

NSTP is a program designed to develop the youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and
social well-being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service. Therefore, this program are
mainly concerned with community engagement with the help of partner communities and
organizations. This reason is already enough for us to actively participate because you are helping for
the betterment of the community and also yourself. NSTP not only builds a sense of patriotism to the
individuals but also teamwork and loyalty. The NSTP is composed of three different components,
namely: Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy
Training Service (LTS). ROTC is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to
motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness while LTS is designed to
train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth,
and other segments of society. On the other hand, CWTS is composed of programs or activities
contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community.

All programs of NSTP are very helpful for the improvement of the society. But what caught my
attention between the three components is the CWTS . I am interested in contributing things to the
community and I find it very useful. I think it’s great that everyone of us will be given a chance to
contribute something to our country through the implementation of this program.


Activity: In your understanding, what words that you could associate your learning using each letter of

Acronyms My Explanation

In my learning, I believe N
N stands for nurture for the
Nurture reason that learning needs to
be nurtured. In order for me to
become a successful individual,
my current learnings right now
needs to be nurtured.

For me, learning relates to

the word share or sharing.
S Share Being the elder sister in the
family, I always share my
knowledge to my siblings and as
someone who knows more, it’s
absolutely right to share what
you knew to other people.

Learning for me is relates to

T the word “taught”. Without my
Taught teachers, schoolmates and
parents helping me learn things,
then I would have struggle and
never learn things that makes
me who I am today.

In my everyday life, I have

P seen myself to grow into
Progress someone better. Therefore, I
can say that learning is a
progress for myself and
everyone. If you can learn
something, then it’s a chance
for you to develop and

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