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Document 2388237.

Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool (PDRT) Release Notes (Doc ID 2388237.1)

In this Document

Section 1: Overview
Section 2: Prerequisites
Section 3: Patch Details
Section 4: Manual Steps
Section 5: Documentation Resources
Section 6: Known Issues
Change Log

Section 1: Overview
The Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool (PDRT) removes selected data associated with HR people, TCA parties, and FND
users from Oracle E-Business Suite database tables. To maintain relational integrity, business logic and customizations, the data removal is
primarily focused on overwriting and obfuscating selected data in place.

With the Person Data Removal Tool, business analysts can identify persons to remove, run checks to verify that the identified persons do not
have active transactions or other issues, and remove selected data for those persons who pass the checks. If the checks flag any issues,
business analysts can review the constraints identified for each person. They can make changes in the application to resolve the constraint
conditions and then rerun the checks, or they can override warnings raised by the checks.

Oracle E-Business Suite provides constraints and rules for use with the Person Data Removal Tool. The constraints and rules drive checks
and removal of data from within the E-Business Suite database tables associated with employees, customers, customer contacts and supplier
contacts. The constraints and rules can be extended to address additional requirements or customizations.

Section 2: Prerequisites
Apply the following patches before applying the core Person Data Removal Tool patch.

Release Required Prerequisite Patch Number / Description

If your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is currently on Database version, you should
now upgrade to Database or before proceeding with the next steps, by
following the process documented in the appropriate Interoperability Notes:

My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1926201.1, Interoperability Notes Oracle EBS

12.2 with Oracle Database 12c Release 1
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1623879.1, Interoperability Notes E-Business
Release Suite Release 12.2 with Database 11g Release 2
12.1 Upgrade Database to
Release or higher
12.2 Note: Database desupport schedules have important operational and planning implications
for Oracle E-Business Suite environments. Oracle recommends that you review the
following document, which details the latest database support policies and desupport

My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 742060.1, Release Schedule of Current

Database Patch Sets

Release R12.ATG_PF.B.Delta.3 (ATG

Patch 8919491
12.1 equivalent for 12.1.3)

Patch 24693065
12.1 Note:You must run adgrants.sql before applying this patch.

Release Oracle E-Business Suite

Patch 17020683
12.2 Release 12.2.3 or higher

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Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1617461.1, Applying the Latest AD and TXK
Release Release Update Packs to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, for instructions. This document
AD-TXK Delta 11
12.2 details the critical prerequisite patches, such as the latest version of the EBS Technology
Codelevel Checker (ETCC).

Section 3: Patch Details

Note: PDRT Consolidation Patch 2, released in March 2020, contains a variety of functional fixes including the fixes in PDRT
Consolidation Patch 1 (released August 2018). Refer to the latest change log in the Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool
Process Guide, for new enhancements introduced in PDRT Consolidation Patch 2. PDRT Consolidation Patch 2 must be applied on top of
the initial PDRT patch. After you apply PDRT Consolidation Patch 2, recompile the metadata by running the concurrent program
Recompile Metadata for Data Removal Tool with the Entity Type parameter set to ALL.

Note: After applying PDRT Consolidation Patch 2, you must gather database statistics for the tables WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES

3.1 Release 12.2

Note: All patches in this subsection (3.1) are included in Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.9 Release Update Pack Patch 28840850, except
for PDRT Consolidation patch 2 Patch 29206195:12.2.0 and Patch 31499041:R12.PER.C. If you have applied Oracle E-Business Suite
12.2.9 Release Update Pack Patch 2884050, you only need to apply Patch 29206195:12.2.0 and Patch 31499041:R12.PER.C.

Initial PDRT
PDRT Consolidation Patch 2 Critical

1. Patch 31499041:R12.PER.C
2. Patch 29206195:12.2.0 (PDRT Consolidation Patch 2)

You can either apply these two patches at once by merging them or apply them in the above
Patch order. If applying the patches separately, you must apply Patch 31499041:R12.PER.C before
applying Patch 29206195:12.2.0 (PDRT Consolidation Patch 2). none at this time

Note: PDRT Consolidation Patch 2 contains PDRT Consolidation Patch 1 Patch


Example of applying the patches together

Merge patches Patch 31499041:R12.PER.C and Patch 29206195:12.2.0 (PDRT Consolidation Patch 2).


$ adop phase=apply patches=31499041,29206195 merge=yes


C:\>adop phase=apply patches=31499041,29206195 merge=yes

3.2 Release 12.1

Initial PDRT
PDRT Consolidation Patch 2 Critical

Patch 1. Patch 31168911:R12.PER.B

none at this time
27822242:12.1.0 2. Patch 29206188:12.1.0

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You can either apply these two patches at once by merging them or apply them in the above
order. If applying the patches separately, you must apply Patch 31168911:R12.PER.B before
applying Patch 29206188:12.1.0 (PDRT Consolidation Patch 2).

Note: PDRT Consolidation Patch 2 contains PDRT Consolidation Patch 1 Patch


Example of applying the patches together

Merge patches Patch 31168911:R12.PER.B and Patch 29206188:12.1.0 (PDRT Consolidation Patch 2).


$ adop phase=apply patches=31168911,29206188 merge=yes


C:\>adop phase=apply patches=31168911,29206188 merge=yes

Section 4: Manual Steps

Customers using Oracle Trade Management products should refer to my Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2429166.1, Query
performance issue in Oracle Trade Management (OZF) while removing person using DRT tool.
Customers using Oracle Order Management products should refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2426349.1, HOW CAN

Release 12.1 Customers Only

Customers using Oracle Channel Revenue Management products should check the readme of Patch 28019113:R12.OZF.B to
determine whether it is necessary to apply that patch.

Section 5: Documentation Resources

Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2384629.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool (PDRT) Resource
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2038033.1, How to Modify Workfow to Close Sales Order Prior to EOM? to learn
how to close a sales order immediately after all lines are closed rather than waiting until the end-of-month close.

Section 6: Known Issues

This section provides information about known issues and their workarounds for the Oracle Person Data Removal Tool.

Release Category Known Issue Description Workaround

For Saudi legislation, the

Release 12.1
Information section in the
Apply Patch 28038537:R12.PER.B on top of Release
End Employment window
12.1 HRMS RUP 9.
Additional is not enabled even if
Periods of context is added in the Release 12.2
Oracle Service Additional Periods of Apply Patch 27954765:R12.PER.C on top of Release
12.1 Removal
Human Information are Service Information 12.2 HRMS RUP 8.
Release Rule
Resources not enabled descriptive flexfield.
properly for Because of this, descriptive
Saudi legislation flexfield attributes such as Note: This known issue is fixed in Oracle
Removal Requested, Hold E-Business Suite 12.2.9 Release Update Pack
Record, and Hold Reason Patch 28840850.
are not enabled.

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Document 2388237.1

If checking constraints takes a long time and there is

a large amount of data in the
The PDRT constraints
Release optionally apply Patch 28099045:R12.INV.B for
check may run for a long
12.1 Oracle Check Release 12.1 or Patch 28099045:R12.INV.C for
Performance time when Oracle
Release Inventory Constraints Release 12.2. During the patch application, if you
Inventory Management
12.2 receive an error about an already existing index on
tables are queried.
the REQUEST_ID and/or ENTITY_TYPE columns in
the INV.MTL_ITEM_BULKLOAD_RECS table, that error
can be ignored.

Change Log

Date Description of Change

2020-06-29 Replaced patch 31168911:R12.PER.C with patch 31499041:R12.PER.C within subsection 3.1 Release 12.2

Updated subsection 3.1 Release 12.2

Updated subsection 3.2 Release 12.1

2020-04-24 Updated the notebox at the top of subsection 3.1 Release 12.2

Added additional critical patch 31168911:R12.PER.C to subsection 3.1 Release 12.2

Added additional critical patch 31168911:R12.PER.B to subsection 3.2 Release 12.1

In Section 2: Prerequisites, updated the last row with the latest AD-TXK RUP information
Updated the first notebox within Section 3: Patch Details
Updated the tables within Section 3: Patch Details
Removed subsection 3.1.2
Updated Section 5: Documentation Resources
Removed three known issues from the table in Section 6: Known Issues, because they were fixed in the latest patch

2019-10-18 Updated all of the content in Section 3: Patch Details

2019-01-07 Updated a subsection title: Section 4: Manual Steps > Release 12.1 Customers only

2018-11-30 Added Patches 28874566:R12.AME.B and 28874566:R12.AME.C to subsection 3.1 Additional Critical Patches

2018-11-29 Removed Patches 28874566:R12.AME.B and 28874566:R12.AME.C from subsection 3.1 Additional Critical Patches

2018-11-21 Added Patch 28874566:R12.AME.C to subsection 3.1 Additional Critical Patches

Added Patch 28588759:R12.AR.B and Patch 28588759:R12.AR.C to Section 3: Patch Details

2018-11-13 Added subsection 3.1 Additional Critical Patches
Added a known issue related to Oracle Inventory within Section 6: Known Issues

Updated the ETCC information in Section 2: Prerequisites

2018-09-05 Updated a note in Section 3: Patch Details
Updated Section 6: Known Issues

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2018-08-27 Added a known issue to Section 6: Known Issues, related to Oracle Human Resources

2018-08-21 Updated a note box within Section 3: Patch Details

Updated Section 3: Patch Details

2018-08-16 Updated Section 4: Manual Steps
Removed some known issues from the table within Section 6: Known Issues

2018-06-08 Updated Section 6: Known Issues

2018-05-24 Updated Section 6: Known Issues

2018-05-23 Updated Section 6: Known Issues

Updated Section 6: Known Issues, specificaly the Oracle Receivables known issue
Updated Section 2: Prerequisites

Added Release 12.1 patch information

Updated Section 2: Prerequisites
2018-05-19 Updated Section 3: Patch Details
Added Section 4: Manual Steps
Updated Section 6: Known Issues

Updated Section 1: Overview

Added Section 2: Prerequisites
Updated Section 3: Patch Details
Added Section 4: Manual Steps
Updated Section 5: Documentation Resources
Updated Section 6: Known Issues

2018-04-17 Initial publication.

My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2388237.1 by Oracle E-Business Suite Development

Copyright © 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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