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When a body is accelerating, the resultant force acting on it is equal to its

A. change of momentum. B. rate of change of momentum.

C. acceleration per unit of mass. D. rate of change of kinetic energy.


2. An object on the end of a light flexible string rotates in a circle as shown below.

o b ject

The tension in the string is T when the string is at angle θ to the vertical. Which
of the following is true?

State Resultant force

A. not in equilibrium T

B. not in equilibrium T sinθ

C. in equilibrium T

D. in equilibrium T sinθ

3. An object is moving at constant velocity. Which one of the following quantities

must have zero magnitude?

A. Weight of object B. Momentum of object

C. Kinetic energy of object D. Resultant force on object


4. An elevator (lift) is used to either raise or lower sacks of potatoes. In the

diagram, a sack of potatoes of mass 10 kg is resting on a scale that is resting
on the floor of an accelerating elevator. The scale reads 12 kg.

The best estimate for the acceleration of the elevator is

A. 2.0 m s–2 downwards.

B. 2.0 m s–2 upwards. 10 kg

C. 1.2 m s–2 downwards.

D. 1.2 m s–2 upwards.

5. A particle moves under the influence of a force F. The graph below shows the
variation of the force F with the distance d moved by the particle.

0 d

The shaded area is equal to

A. the average value of F. B. the impulse produced by F.

C. the work done by F. D. the power produced by F.


6. A block of mass m is pulled along a horizontal, frictionless surface by a force of

magnitude F. The force makes an angle  with the vertical.

b lo ck

The magnitude of the acceleration of the block in the horizontal direction

produced by the force F is

F F sin θ F cos θ F tan θ

. . . .
A. m B. m C. m D. m

7. A light inextensible string has a mass attached to each end and passes over a
frictionless pulley as shown.

The masses are of magnitudes M and m, where m
< M. The acceleration of free fall is g. The
downward acceleration of the mass M is

M  m g
A. string

m ass M

      2 m ass m
8. This question is about a balloon used to carry scientific equipment.

The diagram below represents a balloon just before take-off. The balloon’s
basket is attached to the ground by two fixing ropes.

b allo on

(a) State the magnitude of

the resultant force on
the balloon when it is
attached to the ground.
b a sk et

fixin g rop e fix in g ro pe zero

5 0 5 0
gro u nd

There is a force F vertically upwards of 2.15  103 N on the balloon. The total
mass of the balloon and its basket is 1.95  102 kg.
(b) Calculate the tension in either of the fixing ropes.
resultant vertical force from ropes = (2.15  10  weight) = 237N;
equating their result to 2T sin50;
ie 2T sin 50 = 237
calculation to give T = 154.7N  150N;
Accept any value of tension from 130 N to 160 N. Award [2] for missing

factor of 2 but otherwise correct ie 309 N.


(c) The fixing ropes are released and the balloon accelerates upwards.
Calculate the magnitude of this initial acceleration.

correct substitution into F = ma;

a 1.21 ms 2 ;
to give 1.95 10 2

Watch for ecf.

NB Depending on value of g answer will vary from 1.0(3) ms

to 1.2(3) ms 2 all of which are acceptable

(d) The balloon reaches a terminal speed 10 seconds after take-off. The
upward force F remains constant. Describe how the magnitude of air
friction on the balloon varies during the first 10 seconds of its flight.

statement that air friction increases with increased speed seen /

in 10 seconds friction goes from 0 N to 237 N / force increases from
until it equals the net upward accelerating force;

(Total 8 marks)

9. This question is about an experiment designed to investigate Newton’s second


In order to investigate Newton’s second law, David arranged for a heavy trolley
to be accelerated by small weights, as shown below. The acceleration of the
trolley was recorded electronically. David recorded the acceleration for different
weights up to a maximum of 3.0 N. He plotted a graph of his results.
acceleratio n
h eav y trolley p u lley

w eig h t

(a) Describe the graph that would be expected if two quantities are
proportional to one another.
a straight line through the origin;

(b) David’s data are shown below, with uncertainty limits included for the value
of the weights. Draw the best-fit line for these data.

any straight line;

that fits within ALL the error bars; 2 max

1 .4 0
acceleratio n
/ m s –2 1 .2 0

1 .0 0

0 .8 0

0 .6 0

0 .4 0

0 .2 0

0 .0 0
0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0
W eig h t / N

(c) Use the graph to

(i) explain what is meant by a systematic error.

a systematic error is when every data point deviates from the

“correct” value;
by the same fixed amount as seen by intercept on graph

(ii) estimate the value of the frictional force that is acting on the trolley.

0.3 N;
Accept 0.25 N  0.35 N. NB Watch for use of
wrong axis!

(iii) estimate the mass of the trolley.

realization that mass = (gradient)–1;

Award this mark for full Newton II equation (with

to give mass = 1.4 kg (Accept 1.2 kg  1.6 kg.); 2 max

Use of F = ma for 1 data point receives [0] (unless
candidate’s line is through origin).
Watch for ecf from candidate’s own line.


(Total 9 marks)

10. Kinematics

(a) State the principle of conservation of energy.

appropriate statement of principle of conservation of energy;

eg “Energy can not be created or destroyed, it just changes form.”


(b) An aircraft accelerates from rest along a horizontal straight runway and
then takes-off. Discuss how the principle of conservation of energy applies
to the energy changes that take place while the aircraft is accelerating
along the runway.

knowledge that the aircraft starts with chemical energy (in the fuel)
ends with kinetic energy;
realization (seen or implied) that kinetic energy at end is less than
energy used up;
appropriate use of the principle of conservation of energy to explain
the energy “difference” goes;

(c) The mass of the aircraft is 8.0  103 kg.

(i) The average resultant force on the aircraft while travelling along the
runway is 70 kN. The speed of the aircraft just as it lifts off is 75 m s –
. Estimate the distance travelled along the runway.
2 7
calculation of KE  2  8000  75  2.25 10 J ;

appropriate use of force  distance = work done;

to get 321.4m  320m;
alternatives, of course, possible eg

  8.75 ms 2 ;
calculation of acceleration m

appropriate use of v2 = u2 + 2as;

to get 321.4m  320m; 3
Watch for ecf. Accept 321 m but remove significant digit mark if
more quoted.

(ii) The aircraft climbs to a height of 1250 m. Calculate the potential

energy gained during the climb.

PE = 8000  9.81  1250 = 98.1MJ  98MJ;

Accept use of g = 10 ms to get 100 MJ.

When approaching its destination, the pilot puts the aircraft into a holding pattern.
This means the aircraft flies at a constant speed of 90 m s –1 in a horizontal
circle of radius 500 m as shown in the diagram below.

500 m

(d) For the aircraft in the holding pattern,

(i) calculate the magnitude of the resultant force on the aircraft;

mv 2
attempt at substitution into r

8000  90 2
 ;
= 129.6 kN  130kN;

(ii) state the direction of the resultant force.

in towards the centre of the circle

(Total 11 marks)

11. Block on an inclined plane

A block is held stationary on a frictionless inclined plane by means of a string as

shown below.

strin g force

b lo ck
Parallel force
in clin ed p lane


(a) (i) On the diagram draw arrows to represent the three forces acting on
the block.

(ii) The angle  of inclination of the plane is 25. The block has mass 2.6
kg. Calculate the force in the string. You may assume that g = 9.8 m

Taking components to find the component of the weight as mg


and hence tensions = mg sin    = 11N;
Accept 3 s.f. as 10.8 N


(b) The string is pulled so that the block is now moving at a constant speed of
0.85 m s–1 up the inclined plane.

(i) Explain why the magnitude of the force in the string is the same as
that found in (a)(ii).

since the velocity is constant the acceleration is zero / body is

equilibrium as before;
and hence the net force is zero leading to the same tension;
Award [2] for answers where it is clear that the candidate
that this is an equilibrium situation.

(ii) Calculate the power required to move the block at this speed.

P = Fv
so P = mg sin  v;
P = 9.4 W;
Accept 9.2 W.

(iii) State the rate of change of the gravitational potential energy of the
block. Explain your answer.

it will be equal to 9.4 W (ecf from (ii));

because the net force is zero and so power by tension equals
of change of potential energy / rate of change of potential
energy is
mgh mg sin θ s
  mg sin θ v ;
t t


no energy / power loss to friction;

all energy increases potential energy so 9.4 W;
(Total 11 marks)


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