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Serial No : G-6034 Roll No ..

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) IIIrd YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016


Time: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all
respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on
duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No
complaint shall be entertained thereafter.
3. Q. No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any otherfive questions from rest of seven questions.

1. Define AIDS. How will you diagnose HIV infection? Enumerate AIDS defining diseases
and what are common modes of HIV transmission. 15

2. Define Bronchial Asthma. What are life threatening complications of bronchial Asthma?
What physical measures are required during treatment of Status Asthmaticus. 13

3. What is Hypertension? What are various types, stages and grades of Hypertension?
What are the common drugs for treatment of Hypertension. 13

4. Explain Bipolar Effective Disorder and give an account of Shock Therapy. 13

5. Define Anemia. What are various types of Anaemias? Give specific management strategies
for treatment of Megaloblastic Anaemia. 13

6. What are various types of Diabetes Mellitus ? Give an account of stepwise treatment of

7. (a) Treatment of Amoebic Liver Abscess. 6

(b) Prophylaxis of Viral Hepatitis A and B. 7

8. What is Hypothyroidism ? How do you diagnose and manage Hypothyroidism. 13

G-6034 50
!II ,. •

Serial No : -6035 Roll No .

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) IIlrd YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016


Time : 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all
respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on
duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No
complaint shall be entertained thereafter.
3. Q. No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any otherfive questions from rest of seven questions.

1. Describe classification, calculation, complication and management of bum with role of

physiotherapy in bum. 15

2. Define stock, its types with pathophysiology management of septic shock. 13

3. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Tracheostomy 6
(b) Brief discussion of various types of hernia. 7
. .c ,,- T .... "_ , .' .. ,1 ,... "'.. •
..... VYlW; SIlUlL notes on me rouowmg :
(a) Thyrotoxicosis 6
(b) Clinical features and management of lymphodema. 7
5. Describe classification, clinical features and management of salivery gland tumours.
6. Define Amputation its type, indications, complications and management. 13

7. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Weer and Sinus 6
(b) Flail chest and role of physiotherapy in chest injuries. 7

8. Describe clinical features, complications and management of vericose veins. 13

G-6035 50
Serial No : 6036 Roll No .

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) IIIrd YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016


Time: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all
respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on
duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No
complaint shall be entertained thereafter.
3. Q. No.1 is compulsory, Attempt any five questions.

1. Discuss pathology, clinical features, investigations and treatment of tuberculosis of hip.

2. Discuss clinical and radiological features, treatment and complications of posterior
dislocation of the hip. 13

3. Discuss causes, clinical features, investigations and treatments of osteoporosis. 13

4. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Torticollis 7
(b) Genu varum. 6

5. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Simple bone cyst 7

(b) Enchondroma. 6

,_, 6. Write short notes on the following:

(a) De Quervain's disease 7

(b) Myositis ossificans. 6

7. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Bone grafting 7

(b) Functional bracing. 6

8. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Cubitus varus 7

(b) Brodie's abscess. 6

G-6036 50
Serial No: 6037 Roll No ..

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) IIlrd YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016


Time: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all
respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on
duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No
complaint shall be entertained thereafter.
3. Q. No.1 is compulsory. Attempt anyfive questions in Section B.
4. Draw diagram wherever required.
1. Discuss in detail myocardial infarction, its clinical presentation, diagnosis and
management. 15

Secti-m B
2. Discuss in detail respiratory assessment. 13

3. Write down the principle of postural drainage. Discuss in detial various postural drainage
position. 13
4. Discuss in detail pulmonary rehabilitation. 13

5. Discuss in detail lobectomy.Explain its pre and post-operative physiotherapy management.


6. (a) Prevention and management of deep vein thrombosis. 7

(b) Physiotherapy management of hypertension. 6

7. (a) Physiotherapy management of asthma. 7

(b) Physiotherapy management in Burger's disease. 6

8. Write notes on the following:

(a) Physiotherapy management in Rheumatic fever 5

(b) Aerosol therapy 4

(c) Clinical interpretation of ECG. 4

Serial No: 6038 Roll No............•...........

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) IIIrd YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION , JULY 2016


Time: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

Instructions :
1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all
respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on
duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No
complaint shall be entertained thereafter.
3. Q. No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any five questions in Section B.
4. Attempt in all six questions. Parts of a question should be attempted in sequential
5. Draw diagram wherever required.
Section A
1. What do you mean by PIVD ? Discuss, Clinical presentation, Diagnosis and Physiotherapy
management of a patient with lA-L5 Disc Prolapse. 2,3,3,7

Section B
2. Discuss mechanism of Injury, classification, post operative complications and
Physiotherapy management of a patient with fracture of femur neck. 2,2,2,7

3. What is Total Knee Rehabilitation (TKR) ? Discuss its indications, types and post
operative Physiotherapy Management. 2,2,3,6

4. What do you mean by Scoliosis ? Write in detail clinical presentation, diagnosis and
phyisotherapy management of a patient with Scoliosis. 2,3,2,6

5. Write notes on the following :

(a) Supraspinatus Tendinitis 6.5
(b) Spondylosis. 6.5

6. Write notes on the following :

(a) Principles of tendon transplantation 6.5
(b) Tennis Elbow. 6.5
7. Write in detail mechanism of injury of ACL ligament, clinical presentation, diagnosis
and post operative Physiotherapy management. 2,2,2,7

8. What do you mean by Spondylolisthesis? Discuss its etiology, diagnosis and Physiotherapy
management. 2,3,2,6


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