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Nina P. Kadakia, M.S.

315 Elmhurst Drive a- Chester Springs a- PA 19425

Dedicated Pharmaceutical Research Scientist with extensive experience in researc
h and development of screening prepotential candidate drugs to potential candid
ate drugs. Vital contributor to projects in several
a High throughput Screening a Data Analysis a Multidrop
a Potency Testing a Supervision a P3 Evolution
a Selectivity Testing a HSDM a ViewLu
a SOP writing a Asset a Plate Trak

PFIZER (Formerly Wyeth Pharmaceutical), COLLEGEVILLE, PA 199
Research Scientist I, Chemical and Screening Sciences (2007 a" 2010)
Performed biochemical and cell-based assays on robotic system to identify candid
ate drug for specific biochemical and biological targets. Analyzed therapeutic a
reas resulting in essential support for hit and lead characterization. Highly e
thical with collaborative communication style. Active contributor to published
targets. Coauthored several presentations and publications. Specific experience
in the following processes, instrumentation and techniques:assay data for selec
tion of confirmed hits, possibly leading to potential drug candidate for particu
lar therapeutic target. Conducted presentation of data at each phase to therapeu
tic and assay development team to achieve clarity and complete the campaign at e
xpected milestone.
a Advanced approximately 15 discovery projects into confirmed hits to therapeuti
c area for further analysis.
a Optimized several assays by conducting webex and telecommunication meetings wi
th assay development and therapeutic area scientists.
a Troubleshooted several complicated assays in developmental stages and high thr
oughput screening stages.
a Achieved company objectives by analyzing very complicated data for selectivity
screens for 3 identical targets for 1 assay.
a Mastered proficiency in data analysis using spot fire and Activity base softwa
a Wrote approximately 3-4 SOPs for Dose response assays.
Research Scientist II, Chemical and Screening Sciences (1996 a" 2006)
a Developed and adapted Cell based and biochemical assays to suitable robotic pl
atforms like FLIPR, HSDM and Platetrak.
a Analyzed and delivered a clean data package to therapeutic team in order to ca
rryout further hit and lead characterization.
a Developed a QC plate technique to perform QC check on each assays.
a Advanced in tissue culture to perform cell based assays using freshly cultured
cells in particular assays.

Nina P. Kadakia, M.S. Page 2

Research Scientist, Recombinant Vaccine Technology (1991-1995)
a Developed recombinant vaccine from Raccoon pox virus to protect cats from Infe
ctious peritonitis.
a Mastered in PCR and Western Blot techniques.
a Constructed Raccoonpox virus recombinants for Vaccine preparation.
a Achieved proficiency bleeding , vaccinating and Challenging cats.
Research Scientist, Molecular Biology
Mastered in monolayer Cell cultures and Plasmid prep technology.
St.Jude Childrenas Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
Senior Research Technologist, Epstein Barr Virus research
Advanced in Southern blot and western blot techniques and HPLC for Drug Studies.
M.S Microbiology, Sardar Patel University, India
B.S. Microbiology, Gujarat University, India
M.S Preventive medicine, University of Iowa, Ames, Iowa
(Completed 12 credits towards degree)
Member of Labautomation and Society of Biomolecular Screening
Nina P. Kadakia, M.S. Page 3

Protection of cats from infectious peritonitis by vaccination with a recombinant
Raccoon poxvirus expressing nucleocapsid gene of feline infectious peritonitis v
Wasmoen TL, Kadakia N, Unfer RC, Fickbohm BL, Cook CP, Chu HJ, Acree WM
Adv.Exp.Med>bio.221-228 (19xx)
Growth and Function of primary rabbit kidney proximal tubule cells in glucose-fr
ee serum-free medium
Jung JC, Lee SM, Kadakia N, Taub M
J Cell Physiology 150(2): 243-250 (1992)
2006 Discovery Achievement award for High-Throughput Screening for the Discovery
of Inhibitors of FattyAcid Amide Hydrolase Using a Microsome Based Fluorescent
Yuren Wang1*, Fernando Ramirez3, Girija Krishnamurthy4 , Adam Gilbert4, Nina Kad
akia3, Jun Xu1, Gary Kalgaonkar3, Manjunath K. Ramarao2, Wade Edris1, Kathryn E.
Rogers1& Philip G. Jones1
29th ASN Meeting
Denver, CO
Pharmacological characterization of the human Glutamate Transporters EAAT1& EAAT
Expressed in Mamalian cell lines.
John Dunlop, Zhuangwei Lou, Yingxin Zhang, Nina Kadakia, Heather Briggs-Shults,
Maragarate Zaleska.

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