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Humanities/ Social Science/ Economics/ Ch-1/ ManishSir/ Opp Sanghati Club/ Krishnanagar/

Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22


1. Why are countries of the Middle - East not called developed in spite of high per capita
- The countries of the Middle-east may have very high Per Capita Income due to revenues from
crude oil, but they are otherwise not developed in each sector ( except Israel).
- Their literacy rate , life expectancy at birth and other similar parameters do not match those of
developed countries of the West.
- The probable reason is that they have become rich nations recently due to sharp increase in the
price of oil, but their society has not developed accordingly,
- Most of the wealth is accumulated in a few hands, so society has widespread inequality.
2. What is social development? What are the objectives of social development?
- Social development refers to bringing equality in the society for underprivileged members of the
- The objectives of the social development are-
- Economic Development- Social development seeks to bring economic equality to the poor section
of the society. It requires raising the standard of living of the people living below the poverty line.
- Social Justice- the under-privileged section of society should get equal rights for carrying on any
job, profession etc. They should get justice and legal aid for any injustice met by upper sections of
the society.
- Health and education- It should be ensured that the lower section of the society gets proper health
and education facilities so that they can compete with the well-to section of the society.
- Cultural equality- No discrimination should be mated to the people on the basis of regional identity,
caste, religion social status etc.
- All round development-Social development aims at all round development of society without any
injustice discrimination or deprivation.
3. What are the importances of education ?
- Modification of human behaviour
- Building skilled & trained men power
- Promotion of science & technology
- Modernisation of behaviour & attitude
- Development of personality
- Building scientific outlook
4. What are the main criteria used by the World Bank in classifying different countries? What
are its limitations?
- The main criteria of the World Bank to classify different countries on the basis of per Per Capita or
Average income.
- Limitations of this criterion are-
- While average income is useful for comparison, it does not say anything about how the income is
distributed among the people. In other words, it hides disparities.
- Per capita income does not take into account the other human development indicators such as
health and educational status of the people. It considers only material welfare of people.
- It does not address the issue related to social, human, environmental concerns.
Humanities/ Social Science/ Economics/ Ch-1/ ManishSir/ Opp Sanghati Club/ Krishnanagar/
Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22
- It does not address the issue of equitable distribution of income. A poor country with a more equal
distribution of income would be better than a richer country with an unequal distribution of income.
- It provides us knowledge about the average but not about the actual figures.
- It is affected by the size of the population . Even with a large national income, percpita income will
be low if a country has a large population.
5. What is development for one may be destructive for the other. Explain
- Or, Explain within example how different people can have different and conflicting goals.
- Different people can have different development goals which may be in conflict with each other.
- More wages means development of a worker, but it can go against the entrepreneur.
- A rich farmer or trader wants to sell food grains at high prices but a poor worker wants to purchase it
for low prices.
- Construction of dams means more and cheaper power, but people who will lose their habitat will
- To get more electricity, the industrialists may want more dams.But this may submerge the
agricultural land and disrupt the lives of the people.
- A girl may try to seek freedom & opportunity as her brother for development, but this notion may not
be liked by the parents.
- The school may seek increase in tuition fee for the advancement of education facilities, but the
parents may find it difficult to bear.
- Multinational companies may be seen as a symbol of development. But these companies may
hamper the small producers & retailers as they may not be able to compete with the huge foreign
exchange & modern technology.
- Women may seek desirable reservation in election to local bodies for their development . male
dominated society may not approve it fearing thor share being divided.
- Therefore, different people can have different and conflicting development goals and what is
development for one may be destructive for the other.
6. Find out the present sources of energy that are used by the people in India? What could be
the other possibilities fifty years from now?
- The sources of energy used at present by the people of India include coal, biogas, petroleum,
natural gas, biogas, solar and wind water, solar energy etc are renewable that is they can be used
again and again.
- Resources like fossil fuels are non-renewable; they will get exhausted with use.
- Fifty years from now, the supply of non- renewable resources would be very limited. For example,
the crude oil reserves in the world are expected to last for just another forty years or so.
- Hence in future, people would have to make more use of renewable resources such as solar, wind,
tidal and geothermal energy.
7. What do you mean by Human Development Index? What are its three
components? What are the importances of HDI? Sirmanish,9436180185
- Human Development Index- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its first
Human Development Report (HDR) in 1990 introduced the concept of Human Development Index.
It is a composite measure for measuring overall socio-economic development of different countries.
It compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status and per
capita income.
Humanities/ Social Science/ Economics/ Ch-1/ ManishSir/ Opp Sanghati Club/ Krishnanagar/
Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22
- It comprises-
- Longevity- It shows a long and healthy life. It is measured by life expectancy at birth, indicating the
number of years a newborn is expected to live.
- Educational level-Mean years of schooling of people aged 25 & above. Average no of completed
years of education of a country's population aged 25 years & older, excluding years spent repeating
individual grades.
- Decent standard of living- It is a choice to enjoy a quality and better standard of life. It is
measured by the average income of the citizens of a particular nation. The figure is obtained by
dividing the final annual income by the population of the country.
- Importance of HDI-
- It indicates the level of development of a country.
- It indicates how far has the country travelled and how far it has yet to travel to reach higher rank.
- We can come to know important elements of economic welfare such as –Life expectancy, Level of
education and per capita income of the country.
- It is basically a human centred approach to development. It focuses on the qualitative improvement
of human life.
8. Mention some of the achievements of the Govt. of India in the improvement of health status
of the people after 1947? Sir, manish,9774690470
- The life expectancy at birth in India has more than doubled in the last 50 years. It has reached
nearly 62 years.
- The mortality rate declined to 9% per thousand and infant mortality has come down to 70 per
thousand live births. Similarly maternal mortality rate has also declined.
- Efforts have been made to overcome the nutritional problems in the country and considerable
progress has been achieved.
- Smallpox has been completely eradicated and malaria; T.B., leprosy, etc. have also been controlled
to a large extent.
9. India has to import crude oil. What problems do you anticipate for the country looking at the
question of sustainability of development?
- India does not produce enough or have adequate stock of crude oil of its own.
- It has to import it from oil producing countries.
- Looking at the increasing price of crude oil, soon it may become a great financial burden on the
country. In addition to this burden, due to fast industrialisation, the demand for crude oil is also likely
to increase.
- The experts say that the global stock of oil may last for 50 years more due to the increasing
consumption. This makes sustainability of Indian growth difficult.
10. Define Sustainable Development? Why is the issue of sustainability important for
Development ?
- Sustainability Development- It refers to that process of development which meets the needs of
present generations without hampering the growth of future generations.
- Importance-
- Natural resources are not unlimited. They should be used carefully.
- It keeps a balance between present and future needs.
- It suggests keeping a regular watch on degradation of natural resources.
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- It believes in optimum use of existing natural wealth.
- Sustainable development aims at development without damaging the environment and at the same
time conserving for the future.
- Sustainability of development is essential not only for the present generation but also for the future
generations to ensure a good life.
11. The development goals that people have are not only about Income, but other more
important things in life-explain?
- Though income is one of the most important components of development but
there are other things, such as
- People also seek things like equal treatment ,freedom, security,
- Women need safe and secure environment to take up a variety of jobs
- People also need political rights.
- People seek pollution –free environment.
12. What would happen if non- renewable resources get exhausted in the world?
- Non renewable resources refer to those resources which will get exhausted after years of use.
- It means that the available quantity of these resources can normally not be increased.
- For these resources, we have fixed stock on earth which can not be replenished.
- These resources are getting worse day by day due to our increasing consumption. We can discover
new resources that we did not know of earlier. New resources in this way add to the stock.
- However over a long period of time, even these will get exhausted.
- In such a situation our life will become difficult for us as we are totally dependent on these
13. Find the difference between National income & Per capita Income, Criteria of World Bank &
UNDP, Developed & Developing countries, Economic development & Human Development,
Material & non Material goals
- National Income vs Per Capita Income
Points of National Income Per Capita Income

Definition The sum total of the market value of final Per Capita income is the average
goods & services produced in a country in a income of the people of the country
year.. during the year.

Methods to National income is calculated through Per capita is calculated by dividing

measure income, output & production method. National income by the population
of the country.

Base National income is based upon the output Per capita income is based on
generated or income during the year. national income.

Factors to The contribution of different sectors The national income & population
determine determine the national income. determine national income.

Increase National income increases when there is The per capita income increases
full & optimum utilization of nations when the rate of growth of national
resources. income is greater than the rate of

Humanities/ Social Science/ Economics/ Ch-1/ ManishSir/ Opp Sanghati Club/ Krishnanagar/
Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22
growth of population.

indication National income indicates rate of economic Per capita income indicates
growth of the country standard of living & the economic
welfare of a country.

Measurement National Income measures the performance Per capita measures the human
of a nation's economy development index of a nation.
- Difference between Developed & Developing Countries
Points of Developed Countries Developing Countries

Definition Developed countries refer to those countries Developing countries refer to those
which have more average income, higher countries which have low average
per capita income & better standard of living. income , less per capita and not a
good standard of living.

Standard of The standard of living in these countries is The standard of living is normally
Living generally very high, people enjoy their life not very high, people are not able
properly. to enjoy their basic needs.

Public People of these countries enjoy better public Most of the people are deprived of
facilities facilities. public facilities.

Literary rate Literacy rate is quite high due to a better Literacy rate is quite low as people
education system. are deprived of education facilities.

Life Life expectancy rate is more due to better Life expectancy rate is less as
expectancy standard of living people do not enjoy a better
rate standard of living.

Per capita Per capita income is high Per capita income is low

Population Rate of population growth is low Rate of population growth is high


Industry & These are generally industrially Advanced These are the path of
Technology having access to modern technology. industrialisation & have little
access to modern technology.

Transport & Well developed transport & communication Poor in terms of transport &
communicati communication.

Employment In these countries a major section of the In these countries most of the
working population is employed in working persons are engaged in
secondary & tertiary sectors. primary sectors.

Examples America, Australia, U.K etc India, Pakistan, Srilanka etc.

- Criteria given by World Bank & UNDP
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Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22
Point of Criteria given By World Bank Criteria Given by UNDP

Report World Bank published its report through Undp publish the report through the

Framework It has narrow framework It has broad framework

Parameters Based on per capita income Based on Per capita income, Health &
educational status

classification Countries are classified here as Rich, Countries are classified here as in
Medium & low income or poor countries different ranks.

Focus area It focuses on economic growth. It It focuses on human development.

stresses on rise in per capita income & This notion of development implies
growth in the economy good & quality life.

Measurement It measures the quantitative aspects of It measures the qualitative aspects of

development development.

Components Components of Economic development It has three components

are - Life expectancy
- National income - Gross enrollment Ratio
- Per capita income - Per capita income
- Economic Development & Human Development
Point of Economic Development Human Development

Definition Economic development is the process in Human development is the process

which the real per capita income of an that focuses on people's freedoms &
economy increases over a period of opportunities & improving their well
time. being

Concept It refers to a continuous & sustained It refers to a human centred approach

growth in an economy along with a towards development. It focuses on
general improvement in the overall improvement in the overall wellbeing
standard of living in the nation. & quality of life of individuals.

Measurement It measures the quantitative aspects of It measures the qualitative aspects of

development development.

Components Components of Economic development It has three components

are - Life expectancy
- National income - Gross enrollment Ratio
- Per capita income - Per capita income

Concept It's a narrow concept It's a broader concept.

- Material goals & Non Material Goals
Point of Material Goals Non Material Goals
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Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22

Definition Material goals refer to those goals which Non material goals means which
can be identified in terms of money. can not be identified in terms of

Purchase One can purchase material things to fulfill This can not be purchased &
the material goals. needs to be acquired.

Measurement It can be measured It cannot be measured

Link with It has link with economic growth It has links with the society,
environment etc.

Capacity It develops our consumption level It develops social acceptability.


Limited & It is a limited concept of development. It's a broader concept of

Broader development.

Examples More wages, shopping etc. Respect, dignity, freedom etc

- GDP vs GNI
Point of Gross National Income (GNI) Gross Domestic Products (GDP)

Definition Total measure of a country's income from GDP is a measure of income

both local & fireign sources. produced within the bounds of that

Used It is used to measure national income. It is used to measure the


Excludes & It excludes income earn by multinational It includes the income of

includes multinationals.
14. Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well.’Explain
- Money is truly needed to have material things that one needs to live one needs to live well, but it
cannot ensure some infructureal facilities like better healthcare, educational status per capita
- There are few things in our life which cannot be bought with the help of money. For example money
cannot buy us a pollution free environment, unadulterated medicines, corruption free society etc.
- Similarly money possessed by an individual even cannot bring a type of gont which takes decisions
for the well being of the people.
- Again it cannot reduce the malnutrition of a country. For example in india 40% people are
undernourished due the poor provision of food grains through the PDS system & due to poverty.
15. Why are better public facilities needed for the development of the country? Explain any four
public facilities.
- Public facilities are the facilities provided by the government either free of cost or at a very low price
for the welfare of the people. Public facilities are essential for social & economic development.
Humanities/ Social Science/ Economics/ Ch-1/ ManishSir/ Opp Sanghati Club/ Krishnanagar/
Agartala/ Tripura /7005582230/ 8414927264/ 2021-22
Economic development & social development are both dependent on public facilities such as
education, health, public transport, heath centres etc.The importance of these facilities is to make it
available to everyone for use.
- Four major facilities are as follows-
- The Basic Education Government provides school and other educational facilities like chairs ,
books etc to be used by the public. But its use and performance depended on collective response
and community cooperation.
- Basic health facilities Government provides hospitals, vaccine programmes to maintain basic
quality of life.
- Law and order facility/ security It is the duty of the government to ensure law and order and
provide security in order to maintain peace in the country.
- The Public Distribution System Government opens PDS shops or ration shops through which it
supplies basic food items like rice, wheat, pulses, etc at very low price/ subsidised rate to the lower
income group or poor people.
- Transport & Communication- Construction of rods, railways generating electricity, developing
ports etc.These are used by the people so they have to be developed.
- Water & Nutritious food -Safe drinking water, housing & nutritious food to children etc are other
such public facilities which are essential
- Other facilities are infrastructure facilities like roads , irrigation projects, drinking water supplies in
urban areas, etc.
16. “ Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries”.
Justify the statement.
- Environmental degradation is now a global issue and discussed and debated all over the world .
- The matter is that environmental degradation is not restricted to the national or state boundary
which is causing such degradation. Its consequences are felt in the surrounding states or nations or
sometimes globally.
- Take the example of air pollution . Air pollution through massive thermal power plants and other
sources in India causes pollution in Pakistan,Sri Lanka, etc.
- Our neighbours also experience an increase in asthma and other lung diseases. Acid rain, climate
change , etc. are some issues which are transcontinental in consequence .
- Deforestation in Brazil has caused disturbance in rainfall patterns throughout South America. Land
degradation and dam burst-like conditions in China affect India and Bangladesh as it brings massive
siltation and flood consequences.
- Now, environmental protection is a major issue and taken seriously by almost all countries and
discussions take place internationally and among groups of nations.
17. If development can mean different things, how come some countries are sometimes called
developed and others under- developed or developing?
- Development has a different meaning for different persons . Money or per capita income is not the
only indicator of development.
- The standard of living of people depends upon many qualitative factors like infant mortality rate, life
expectancy at birth , literacy level etc . Along with per capita income, it is necessary to consider
these qualitative factors while choosing developed and developing countries.

Humanities/ Social Science/ Economics/ Ch-1/ ManishSir/ Opp Sanghati Club/ Krishnanagar/
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- A country can be called developed if it has better healthcare , literacy rate, and high per capita
income . For example , the UK, Australia, France and the USA.
- On the other hand, a country which has low per capita income, literacy level, and poor health status
is called developing . For example, India, Bangladesh etc.
18. Is the notion or idea of national development the same? Justify your answer.
- As people seek different things in their life, their ideas for national development are likely to be
- In fact, different people hold different as well as conflicting views of development.
- For example, the provision of better infrastructure and technology is a sign of development. While
on the other hand , the provision of better healthcare and eradication of poverty among the masses
means development.
- So, developmental goals are not constant but a changing phenomenon. For example, besides
income, people aim to achieve some non- material things in life like better health, security etc.
19. What are the actual benefits of the collective provision of goods and services?
- There are few benefits of the collective provision of goods and services.
- If everyone in a society wants their personal security guard, then it will be very costlier. However,
when people demand the collective arrangement of security for them, then it becomes very easy to
provide the facility.
- If no one in our village or locality is interested in higher classes, we would not be able to study .
However , if all are interested in studying collectively , then we would be able to study.
- In rural areas where the minimum earning of people is below the poverty line i.e. they cannot buy
goods and services individually , the collective provision of goods and services is very important.
20. What role does UNDP play in the development of a nation? Explain
- The following roles are played by the UNDP as part of the development process.
- The UNDP aims to eradicate poverty and hunger across different areas of the world. Poverty
eradication is a major part of the UNDP policy. As a part of this policy, the UNDP tries to ensure the
fair distribution of income among people in countries.
- It is looking to improve the well-being or the living standard of people through the improvement in
infrastructure facilities like better healthcare, adequate literacy level, and high per capita income.
- The organization also tries to ensure the sustainability of development of a nation without harming
the environment.
21. Make a comparative study of India along with its neighbouring countries in terms of HDI.
- Looking at the human development report 2018, it can be said that being a small country, Sri Lanka
has better performance in the human development ranking than other countries. (Rank-76)
- The gross national per capita income of Sri lanka is $ 11,324 which is much higher than that of
India, which is $6,353 . In terms of income life expectancy at birth too, Sri Lanka has outperformed
the other neighbouring states.
- As per the data, the life expectancy at birth of Sri Lanka is 75.5%, higher than that of India which is
- Nepal has the lowest rank in the list in terms of per capita income which is $2471. Similarly,
Pakistan’s rank in life expectancy at birth is low as compared to other states 66.6
- Mean years of schooling of 25 & above Srilanka has the highest 10.9, India 6.4, lowest Nepal &
Myanmar 4.9

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- Taking all these, it can be said that Sri Lanka (76) is at the top in the list of human development
ranking.2nd India 130,3rd Bangladesh136, 4th- Myanmar 148, 5th -Nepal149, 6th Pakistan 150.
22. We have not inherited this world from our forefathers but borrowed it from our children-
- Over the decades, a change has come in the perception of the people in respect to the
planet.Human perception has shifted to a holistic & ecological view of the world.
- The earth is a living organism that has limited resources. These resources will not last forever.The
earth has its metabolic needs that require it to be preserved.
- The need of the hour is sustainable development propounds the need of meeting the needs of the
present generation without compromising with those of future generations.
- The present problems are not necessarily fatal for us, but they are a passport for the future.
- This is the era of responsibility that calls for a responsible action from us. We must realise that the
earth belongs as much to the future generation as much it belongs to us.
23. National development of a country depends on the availability of public facilities. How?
- Public facilities are those facilities provided by the government, instead of the individual and private
- For this reason, this may be available either at a subsidized rate or free of costs.
- They are very important because many persons do not have enough income to avail the facilities
offered by the private entities, resulting in some difficulties like poor healthcare , nutritional
deficiency etc.
- One of the main sources of the public distribution system(PDS) which provides fair-medium quality
foodgrains and other essential items like fruit, milk etc. to the weaker section of the population at a
subsidized rate. Another source is the healthcare facility in government hospitals and dispensaries.
24. Why does Kerala have a low IMR? 3
- Kerala has low IMR because-
- Adequate provisions of basic health & educational facilities
- PDS system function well
- Health & nutritional status of people is better.
25. Different countries face different situation in terms of crude oil- justify
- The reserves would last only for 50 years more. This is for the world as a whole.
- Countries like India depend on importing oil from abroad because they do not have enough stocks
of their own. If prices of oil increase this becomes a burden for everyone.
- There are countries like the USA which have low reserves 9(50 thousand Million Barrels) for 10.5
years & hence want to secure oil through military or economic power.
26. Which are the common attributes to compare different countries & why?
- For comparing countries their income is considered to be one of the most important
attributes because-
- Countries with higher income are more developed that others with less income
- This is based on the understanding that more income means more of all things that human beings
- Whatever people like should have they will be able to get with greater income.
- So greater income itself is considered to be one important goal.
27. Explain the criteria of the World Bank to classify different countries?

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- In world Development reports (WDR) brought out by the World Bank, the per capita/ Average
income is used as criteria in classifying countries-
- Rich Countries- Countries with per capita income of US $ 12,056 per annum & above in 2017 are
called Rich countries.
- Medium Countries- Countries with per capita income in between US $ 12056 & US$ 955.
- Low income countries- Countries with per capita income US$955 or less are called low income
28. Which are the three notions of development?
- Different person can have different development goals
- What may be development for one may even be destructive for the other
- For development people look for a mix of goals.
29. Define National Income? Mention its drawbacks?
- National Income- Intuitively , the income of the country is the income of all the residents of the
country. This gives us the total income of the country.
- Drawbacks-
- Different countries having different population
- Comparing total income will not tell us what an average person is likely to earn.
- It is not a useful measure to compare & its aold concept that focuses only with national income.
30. Which are the common & other goals for individual development?
- People desire regular work, better wages & decent prices for their crops or other products that they
produce . In other words, they want more income.
- Besides seeking more income, one way or the other people also seek things like-
- Equal treatment freedom security & respect of others
- They resent discrimination.
31. What are the factors that you might look at before accepting any job?
- Before accepting a job offer, we would look into the following conditions or aspects.
- Working condition- safe & comfortable working conditions are desirable.
- Work environment Co workers should be friendly & cooperative.
- Future growth- A job should offer future growth & promotions.
- Location- Too far a working place is not a good choice. Travelling can eat up most of the productive
time & energy.
- Benefits- salary is just one part of a job. We must also consider health benefits, paid time off,
medical leaves & insurance, funds bonus etc.
32. What are the steps that can be taken to involve women in public affairs?
- It is true that if women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household & society increases
- If there is respect for women there would be more sharing of housework & a greater acceptance of
women working outside
- A safe & secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business.
33. ‘The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed
of even one person’. How is this statement relevant to the discussion of development?
- This statement is given by Mahatma Gandhi:

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- The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of people , but people have become so
greedy that for the purpose of development, they resort to some activities like cutting trees, use of
illegal agro- chemicals , encroaching forest extraction of excess underground water etc.
- It means that the earth has abundant resources to satisfy everyone’s needs but in our greed & hurry
to develop, we have been recklessly exploiting these resources.
- In the name of development, we have indulged in activities such as deforestation, overgrazing,
encroachment into forest lands, overuse of groundwater, use of plastics, etc.
- The exploitation of natural resources not only harms the environment but may cripple the future
generations of the development process itself.
- If fossil fuels are exhausted, the development of all countries would be at risk.
- Thus, there is a need for conservation & judicious use of resources for development.
- This statement is true on the ground that the natural resources on the Earth are limited and the
excessive use of those might affect our survival in the future. People are overusing the resources.
34. “The future generation may not have sufficient resources as compared to the present
generation”. Explain the statement by giving suitable examples.
- It is quite true that the future generation may not have sufficient resources as compared to the
present generation.
- The statement explains that the overuse of resources by the present generation would lead to
insufficiency of resources for the future generation
- Development without adequate resources is impossible.
- Nearly one third of the country is overusing, their groundwater resources
- Overusing of fossil fuels like petroleum, coal etc.
35. List a few examples of environmental degradation that you may have observed around you.
- There are many ways through which the environmental degradation can restrict our development-
- Unnecessary cutting of trees surrounding our locality or in the forests.
- Use of toxic chemicals & pesticides in the land which may reduce the fertility of the soil.
- Excessive use of water for agriculture & industrial purposes.
- Illegal disposition of chemicals & petroleum products into rivers, canals & sea.
- Illegal killing of animals in the forest for selling their skin or other products to the foreigners.
- Bad use of petroleum & oil due to the inefficient production in the industry.
- Soil erosion.
- Ozone depletion
36. Explain the problem related to groundwater in India.
- Recent evidence suggests that the groundwater is under serious threat of overuse in many parts of
the country.
- About 300 districts have reported a water level decline of over 4 metres during the past 20 years.
- Nearly one-third of the country is overusing their groundwater reserves.
- In another 25 years, 60 percent of the country would be doing the same if the present way of using
this resource continues.
- Groundwater overuse is particularly found in the agriculturally prosperous regions of Punjab &
Western U.P., hard rock plateau areas of central & south India, some coastal areas & the rapidly
growing urban settlements.
37. Find the difference between Economic growth & economic Development

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Point of difference Economic Growth Economic Development

Concept It can be defined as a process whereby a It is a process of increase in

country’s real national income increases income as well as achieving
over a period of time. more equitable distribution of
income & poverty alleviation.

Short/ Long term It is a short term process. It is a long term process.

Narrow/ Broad It is a narrow concept It is a broad concept.

Quantitative/ In this process, quantitative change are In this process, both qualitative
Qualitative expected & quantitative changes are
approach expected .


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