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Turnitin Originality Report

internship report
by Muhammad Natiq .

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Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2016-11-14

paper text:
BURHAN ALI SHAH ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have completed my internship at Babar Stationary Mart
Limited. I am thankful to Allah Almighty who gave me strength and power to accomplish my project and gave
me opportunity to work in this organization. Now I have completed my six week internship in this
organization. The whole staff of an organization has helped me throughout my project and I am very thankful
to all of them and I am also thankful to my internship supervisor DR. Burhan Ali Shah. All the staff members
of organization were very kind to me and they shared their experience with me. They helped me for
collecting the data of organization to complete me internship report. I am also want to mention here the
owner of an organization MR. Babar Ali who helped me a lot and I have learnt may things from him. May
Allah Almighty show his blessings to all of them and they could achieve their goals. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Internship is very important for university students. It is a source of practical exposure and it is a chance for
student to build his practical skills in a subjects which he is studying theoretically. The main purpose of
internship is to prepare the student for its future goals. By doing internship student can learn that how to
work in organization and how to behave in professional organization and how to behave with staff and many
other things which are helpful to him in future The purpose of this report is to explain my experience and
what did I learned during my internship at Babar Stationary Mart Limited. This report is divided in chapters.
In first chapter I shall give the introduction of the organization. In second chapter I shall give the SWOT
Analysis of Babar Stationary Mart Limited in which I tell the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats of Babar Stationary Mart Limited. Then I shall tell my personal experience and working in the
organization. And then I shall tell about my suggestions and recommendations which I TABLE OF
CONTENTS Chapter 01 : Introduction of Organization………………………05 1.1
Introduction………………………………………03 1.2 Mission…………………………………………….01 1.3
Vision………………………………………………01 Chapter 02 : Personal
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1Chapter 03 : SWOT Analysis………………………………………04 3.1

Strengths……………………………………………01 3.2
Weaknesses………………………………………….01 3.3
Opportunities………………………………………..01 3.4
Treats………………………………………………..01 Chapter 04 ; Recommendations,


Stationary Mart Limited is located in Street # 02 Sabzi Mandi Chakwal. It is a whole sale business of
stationary. It was founded in 2009 by Babar Ali and he is also the owner of the mart. Babar Stationary Mart
Limited is very famous in the city and it is located in wholesale market. Retailers from whole district
purchase stationary items from their. Babar Stationary Mart Limited purchase stock from Lahore, Sialkot,
and Karachi and sells them at wholesale prices to retailers. Babar Stationary Mart also sells sports items like
Badminton equipment, bat and balls, footballs, ludo etc. They buys these sports items from Sialkot which is
world wild famous city for production of sports items. This mart has two stores. When new stock arrives, they
stores the stock in these stores. They welcome both families and business owners to their mart everyday
and serve them with their expertise. Babar Stationary Mart Limited has contact with many well known
companies of stationary which supply goods to them and they sell these goods to retailers and earn profit
from them. Babar Stationary Mart Limited do business as a distributer of many companies such as Dollar,
Piano, Mercury, Kidco, Dux, Goldfish, Bahadur, Picasso and many others. The salespersons of each
company visits the mart every week. Babar Ali, the owner and managing director of the mart, meets these
salespersons himself and gives them the order of supplies. MISSION ‣ To provide stationary to students and
educational institutes to make education easy ‣ To earn maximum profit by selling our stationary items ‣ To
make good relationship with customers, vendors, and stationary companies ‣ To sell our stationary items at
decent prices so it could become affordable for every retailer VISION The vision of Babar Stationary Mart
Limited is to become a most successful and famous business in the area, so that it can expand this business
to other cities of Pakistan and to contribute in the welfare of Pakistan by selling their items to the maximum
educational institutes of the country. Chapter 02 PERSONAL EXPERIENCE FIRST TWO WEEKS ‣ HR
Manager Ansar Ali introduced me to whole staff on first day. ‣ He told me the rules and regulations of the
company. ‣ He told me how to work here. ‣ My first week in the mart was my observation week, in this week I
observed the working of whole staff and I learned that how to work here. ‣ In second week, HR Manager
Ansar Ansar Ali taught me how to make bills and transactions. ‣ I sit on the counter, make bills, and record
transactions. 3RD AND 4TH WEEK ‣ In my 3rd week of internship, they taught me how to correct the bills of
the company if there is any error. ‣ And after correction of bills, these are forwarded to the upper level of
managers. ‣ Then bill verified from the upper level of managers and forwarded back to HR Manager. ‣ In the
4th week of my internship I learned how to sell the items and how to deal with customers. 5th and 6th week ‣
Then I got hired in sales department. ‣ In this department my main work started which was as a sales officer.
‣ I started dealing with customer and learned many things about customer dealing and selling of items. ‣ I
remain the sale officer till the end of my internship at Babar Stationary Mart Limited. Chapter 03 SWOT
ANALYSIS Strengths : ‣ Babar Stationary Mart Limited is among the very successful and well known
wholesale mart in the market. ‣ It has connection with very famous companies of stationary like Dollar,
Piano, Mercury etc. ‣ Retailers of almost whole Chakwal district came here and buy stationary items from
here. ‣ Babar Stationary Mart Limited has also connection with some schools and it sells stationary items to
them. Weaknesses : ‣ There is not a proper appraisal system of employees which is in my opinion, is a
weakness of the organization because if the employees are working efficiently and effectively then
organization need to motivate them by rewarding and giving bonuses which is not in this organization, so
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this may cause turnover. ‣ There are less number of employees are working in the organization and the
workload is high. Employees can leave because of high workload. Opportunities : ‣ To extend the business
and open the branches of organization in the other cities as well. ‣ Need to hire more and more employees
to manage the workload. ‣ Need to start performance appraisal and reward system in order to reduce
turnover. Threats : ‣ So much competition in the market. ‣ Other organizations can offer higher packages to
the employees of Babar Stationary Mart Limited so they can switch to them. Chapter 04 CONCLUSION
AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion : Babar Stationary Mart Limited is a wholesale mart in Chakwal. It
is a stationary mart and sells stationary items in wholesale prices. It has connection with many companies
and brands related to stationary. It is located in wholesale market. The owner of Babar Stationary Mart is
MR. Babar Ali. I have done my internship here for seven weeks I which I have learned customer dealing,
how to sell the items and how to behave with staff in professional field. I am very thankful to MR. Babar Ali
and whole staff of the organization for being so supportive throughout my internship. Recommendations : ‣
The HR department need to hire and recruit more and more employees in order to manage the workload. ‣
There must be performance appraisal and reward system to decrease the turnover rate and to motivate the
employees. ‣ Babar Stationary Mart Limited need to expand their business to earn more profit. ‣ They should
also start photo state and printing services along with stationary. Reference : Personal communication,
August September 2021, Managing Director of BSML, MR Babar Ali

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