Formulae of Physics (Xii)

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 Acceleration of free fall, g= 9.8ms2

 Avogadro’s constant, NA = 6.022 × 1023mol-1
 Boltzmann constant, kB = 1.38 × 10-23JK-1
 Permittivity of free space, ε0= 8.85 × 10-12 C2 N-1 m-2
 Charge of an electron, e= 1.6022 × 10-19C
 Mass of an electron, me= 9.1 × 10-31kg
 Faraday constant, F = 96500 C mol-1
 Universal or real gas constant, R= 8.314 J K-1 mol-1
 Universal gravitational constant, G= 6.67 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
 Permeability of free space, μ0 = 4π × 10-7 T m A-1
 Mass of a proton, mp= 1.672 × 10-27kg
 Mass of a neutron, mn = 1.674 × 10-27
 Planck’s constant, h= 6.636 × 10-34Js
 Speed of light, c= 3× 108ms-1


Coulomb’s law- It states that force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of the
magnitude of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges. The
q1 q2
force is given by the equation F= 2
4 π ε0 r

Electric field- It is the electrostatic force that a unit positive charge will experience if it is placed at
that point. It is given by the equation E= q = 4 π ε r 2

Electric flux- It is the relative number of electric field lines passing normal to a given area is called
electric flux. It is given by the equation φ= EΔScosθ , where θ= angle between area vector and electric field.

Electric field due to electric dipole-

2p 4 qar
(1) Electric field at a point on the axis- It is given by the formula Eax = 4 π ε r 3 = 4 π ε (r 2−a2)2 , where r=
0 0

distance of the point from centre of dipole and 2a= length of dipole
p 2 aq
(2) Electric field on the equatorial plane- It is given by Eeq = 4 π ε r 3 = 4 π ε (r 2−a 2)3 /2 where the symbols
0 0

have their usual meanings

Torque acting on a dipole in an external field τ⃗ =⃗p × ⃗E ∨τ= pEsinθ

Gauss’s law states that flux through a closed surface is (1/ε0) times the net charge enclosed i.e. φE= ε

Electric field due to the uniformly charged straight wire is E= 2 π ε r where λ= linear charge density and

r= distance of the point from the wire


Electric field due to the uniformly charged plane sheet is E= 2 ε


Potential due to a point charge- It is work done to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to that
place. It is given by the formula V = 4 π ε r , V > 0 for Q > 0 and V < 0 for Q < 0.

pcosθ ⃗
p . r^
Potential due to electric dipole- It is given by the formula V = 4 π ε r 2 = 4 π ε r 2
0 0

Relation between electric field and potential – it is given by the equation E= δl

Potential energy of a dipole in an external dipole U =p . Ecos(θ 1−θ2 )

Capacitance is given by the equation C= V

Dipole moment per unit volume is called polarisation. It is given by the equation P= χ e E

χe is called electric susceptibility

ε0 A
Capacitance in a parallel plate capacitor is given by the equation C= where A is the area of cross-
section of the plate of the capacitor and d is the distance between two parallel plates of the capacitor.

When there is dielectric between the two plates of the capacitor:

ε C 0 E
Let K be the dielectric constant of the dielectric material, K= ε = C = E
0 0

E0 Q 2 QV C V 2
Electric field E= , capacitance C=C 0 K , Energy stored in a capacitor E= = = . Energy
K 2C 2 2
1 2
density Ed= 2 ε 0 E

Ohm’s law- It states that V ∝ I ∨V =IR . We have resistance R= A , from which we get current density
I ⃗ ⃗
j= ∨ j= E . ⃗σ where σ= conductivity

Drift velocity vd = τ where τ= relaxation time i.e. average time period between successive
collisions. From this we have I = Ane v d where n= density of electrons.

n e2 n e2
From the above equations we get j=
Eτ, thus conductivity σ= m τ,

Temperature dependence of resistivity is ρ2− ρ1=α ρ1 (T 2−T 1) i.e. Δρ=α ρ1 ΔT .

n e2
We have conductivity σ= τ thus with increase in temperature conductivity of (1) conductor
decreases as τ decreases but n does not depend on temperature (2) semiconductor increases as n increases
more than τ decreases (3) insulator also increases.

EMF of a cell isε =V + Ir . From this equation we get V= ε – Ir R3 R1

R1 R2
Wheatstone bridge- Under balanced condition R = R
3 4 R2
Meter bridge- It is based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge
The formula for meter bridge is unknown resistance X= R l

Potentiometer is used to know unknown EMF of a cell. The potential drop per unit length φ= (Iρ/A)


Lorentz force- It is given by the equation F= Fe + Fb where Fe = qE and Fb =qvB

Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor is given by F= BIL, where B= magnetic field I=current & L
length of the conductor

Motion in a magnetic field- In a magnetic a charge will move in a uniform circular motion if the velocity
component is perpendicular to the magnetic field. If the velocity component is in some angle with the magnetic
field then the charge will move in helical motion.
In the 1st cases the radius of the path is given by r = qB . In helical motion the pitch (the distance between the
2 πmvcosθ mvsinθ
two successive turns) is given by p= v p T = qB
and radius is given by r=

qB qBR q2 B 2 R 2
Cyclotron frequency is given by f c = 2 πm
v =
, velocity of a particle in a cyclotron is c m & K.E. =

μ 0 Idlsinθ
According to Biot-Savart law dB=
4 π r2
μ0 I R
Magnetic field due to current loop at distance x from the centre is given by B= 2 2 3 /2
2( R + x )

μ0 I
Magnetic field at the centre of a current carrying loop B=

Ampere’s circuital law states that integral of magnetic field around a loop is equal to μ 0 times current flowing
in the loop. It is given by ∮ ⃗B . d l⃗ =μ 0 I

Magnetic field at a distance r from a infinitely long current carrying conductor is B=μ 0 I /2 πr

Magnetic field inside a solenoid and toroid is given by B = μ0nI where n = no. of turns per unit length I =

m× ⃗
Torque on a current carrying loop present in a external magnetic field τ⃗ =⃗ B ∨τ =mBsinθ

e enh
Magnetic moment of an electron revolving in its orbit μ= 2 m l= 4 π m
e e

Deflection in a galvanometer φ= ( NAB

k )

Current sensitivity I = k )
( ) ( )( )
φ NAB 1
Voltage sensitivity V = k R

To change galvanometer into ammeter we connect a shunt (small) resistance in parallel and to change a
galvanometer into voltmeter we connect a large resistance in series to it.

μ0 2 m
Axial magnetic field due to a bar magnet B = 4 π 3

μ0 m
Equatorial magnetic field due to a bar magnet B = 4 π 3

Gauss’s law of magnetism- It states that the net magnetic flux passing through a closed surface is zero
B . Δ ⃗S =0

Magnetic declination is defined as angle between magnetic north and geographic north.

Angle of dip is defined as angle that the earth’s magnetic field makes with the horizontal component of

( )
earth’s magnetic field tanI = H

Magnetisation is defined as the magnetic moment per unit volume M = ( mV )


(M ) (μ)
Some equations: H=¿ , H = χ , B=μ0 ( M + H ) , relative permeability μr = μ =(1+ χ )

Curie’s law: magnetisation of a paramagnetic material M =C ( )

∨ χ =C
T( )

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