Women With Know How E Magazine June 2011

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June 2011

Mona Executive Director, Ronald McDonald House

“People Make Me Happy” `
Mimi Zelman

Now that we are in the last part of the year, are

you on track meeting your goals? If you are, that
is wonderful and should be congratulated! If you
are not there yet, what are you going to do to
catch up and meet those goals? First, what is
your or who is your target market? What are you
doing to reach those people?

All lot of businesses fall into the trap of not

believing in enough advertising! Businesses need
to have name recognition and branding. Set up a
budget and bigger is not always better, have a few
smaller ads in more places to reach the people
you need to.

Utilize social media, this avenue is free and

reaches your audience in a different way. To have
good branding all of the above should be in your
marketing plan. If you don’t know how to do this,

you can contact me and I can refer you to people
that can.

We at Women With Know How would love to earn

your business and we have a plan to work with all
budgets. We will be offering video ads in the next
few months. What a great way to send your
Utilize social media, message and compliment to display ad for very
this avenue is free and low cost. Why wait? Give us a call!

reaches your audience in a We are very excited that our new logo will
different way. debut soon! Let me know how you like it!!
Till next month, Mimi



16 26 34 36
Mona Johnson-Gibson SPOTLIGHT Vilma Betancourt-O’day Grilling Up A
Lena Lumelsky Summer’s Feast

YOUR CAREER 10 Business 22
Janis White
Robyn Crigger

April Oliver
Vickie L. Bunzey


Serving Charlotte
Visit Our and Charleston
Online Store Mimi L. Zelman
Cover photography:
Dustin Shores
You know your stuff,
now show the world! DESIGN AND PAGE
The Resource People
Whether you’re heading to your company’s
board meeting or your daughter’s soccer VICE PRESIDENT OF
practice, you’ll be stylin’ when you show the Wendy Whitehurst
world that you are a Woman With Know-how.
Janice White
We’ve handpicked a select group of items
all in rich black, to showase the gorgeous Robyn Crigger
fuchsia pink and silver metallic embroidered CHARLESTON
message that tells everyone you are truly Contact Mimi Zelman
a woman to be reckoned with. mimi@womenwithknowhow.com

For more advertising information call

Mimi at 704-491-1207 or email her at:
Copyright © 2011

Press Release

Olivia Kole Fashion

O livia Kole Fashion House will debut their
Fall 2011 Prêt-a-Porter Collection at a fashion
About Perry’s at SouthPark
Perry’s at SouthPark has been in business for
over 30 years and has been established as one of
show presented by Butter NC on June 16th from the nation’s finest antique and estate jewelers.
6:30-10pm. The event will take place at the Ernest Perry, the company’s owner and
president, has more than thirty-five years
Outdoor Plaza of the NC Music Factory with an experience and expertise in fine, antique and
after party at neighboring Butter NC to follow. A estate jewelry. Perry’s consigns, buys, sells, and
portion of the proceeds for the event and silent trades vintage, antique and estate jewelry, gold,
auction will benefit A Child’s Place. coins, diamonds, silver, platinum, and much
Further complementing Olivia Kole’s stunning fall About Olivia Kole Fashion House
line, Perry’s at SouthPark will decorate the Olivia Kole is a unique fashion house and couture
models with select fine, antique and estate clothier focused on the creation of custom pieces,
jewelry pieces. Over the past 30 years, Perry’s with a limited prêt-a-porter collection offered each
has gained recognition as one of the nation’s season. They are committed to assisting non-
finest antique and estate jewelers. Guests will profit organizations for disadvantaged children
and equine rescue centers.
have a chance to bid on select Perry’s jewelry
pieces at a silent auction during the pre-party About A Child’s Place
from 6:30-9:15. The auction will include several Homelessness for children isn’t just about where
pieces worn by the models as well as other they lay their heads at night; it’s about where their
beautiful and elegant pieces. Attendees are heads are during the day at school, too. Founded
in 1989, A Child's Place (ACP) ensures homeless
invited to attend an after party at Butter NC, students are in school, physically and mentally
immediately following the fashion show. There prepared to learn, and connects homeless
will be a meet and greet with signings in the parents with services to address their housing
upper lounge of the club immediately following crisis. The only nonprofit in the country focused
the show from 10:15-11PM. on homeless children’s education, ACP will help
some 2,200 of the 4,453 homeless students
attending Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools this
Bask Restaurant will provide hors d’oeuvres. year.
Tickets can be purchased online at
www.ticketleap.com, keyword “Olivia Kole.” For
more event information, please call
704.295.1565. Dress to impress.


Robyn Crigger, CEO Compass Career Management

Talent Management- Why Is It Important To A Company?

For the past thirty-five years or so, businesses have had a Programs like Leadership Training,
fairly dependable, hard-working, and skilled workforce. Of Team Building, and Executive
course, part of that is due to the excellent training that Coaching have fallen to the side
employers offered. However, one of the largest generations while companies have tightened
of workers (Baby Boomers) is now preparing to retire. their spending to survive. The worst
of the recession may have slightly
Over the course of those 35 years employers would eased, however, companies still
recognize talented or aggressive employees, who wanted to need to be cautious. On the other
grow and expand their abilities. Most employers were hand training and coaching NEEDS
consciously aware of the need for future management or to be resumed in order to avoid
business leaders. Therefore, businesses would have plans serious casualties as the Boomers
to develop those capable employees, who had the potential leave.
for jobs with more responsibilities.
Talent Management is a process
For example when my husband graduated from college with that all organizations and companies
his Masters degree and chose to be in the grocery business, need to have in place, which helps
the company exposed him to all aspects and levels of the them prepare for Succession
business, particularly since he was going to become a Planning. Eventually, all those hard-
human resources management executive. It gave him great working, mature employees will be
insight to understand all the “workings” of the business. In ready to take their retirement and
addition, the company also trained him in union negotiation, turn the keys over to the next
many legal aspects of the business, as well as media generation. That time is quickly
training. That company was an excellent employer – training approaching!!! Companies would be
a talented employee to develop and grow into his full wise to select a human resource
potential, while meeting a company’s needs. Though the partner to help them through this
phrase wasn’t used back then, this process would now be transition. It is unfair to drop
referred to as “Talent Management”. unprepared, untrained workers into
supervisory or management slots.
Unfortunately, many employers today have been so plagued That is devastating for a company!
by a distressed economy, that they have mainly focused on Take action today!!!
surviving. This really hurts employers now since the Baby
Boomers will soon be retiring, and their talent pools have For More Information:
received little or no training. A big portion of Boomers hold MORE INFO
leadership or management positions. As they exit, many !"#$%&'()&*#"(+,#-#./01%**#
companies do not have people trained to be effective .%&))&#2%(%3)0)('#4/56'7/(*#
supervisors, managers, or executives. !!!"+/01%**+%&))&"#$%&
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WELLNESS Vickie L. Bunzey, Certified Holistic Health Coach

What’s Making You Fat?

One last bag of chips, one bad news is that no one is done of over 100,000 men
last indulgence in pie, one telling you how to stop the and women.
last Friday night pizza party, yo-yo dieting.
one last piece of chocolate. Understanding the factors of Over a 10 year period, those
Monday morning my diet weight gain will help you with a larger waist line were
starts. I will be good, I will lose the weight forever. more likely to die from heart
eat healthy, I will exercise, disease, cancer and
and I will fit into my skinny respiratory disorders as
jeans. How many Mondays First, know where you stand. those whose waists were
have you started out with a Grab your tape measure. A slim. This was true with
new mantra of “I will be thin, woman with a waistline more people whose body shape
I will be healthy?” than 35 inches may be faced changed to a larger waist
with increased risks for size but did not significantly
Unfortunately, this is a yo-yo health problems. This gain weight.
cycle of dieting that too statistic comes from a study
many women know only too Increased abdominal fat
well and can’t seem to stop. can lead to inflammation,
No matter what you do, you higher cholesterol and
can’t seem to keep the insulin resistance and
weight where you want it. ultimately many other
The good news is that it may health problems.
not be all your fault. The

Why do so many of us suffer from excessive belly fat?

Here’s the top 10 countdown.

10. Medications 8. Genes
Stop and think about the TV commercials you It’s true, you can be predisposed to gaining weight
watch. It seems to me that every other easier than your friend. Research shows that
commercial is for some drug fixing a health even though your chances of gaining weight may
concern. The number of people who are on be higher than someone else, environmental
medications is growing daily. Medications can factors and individual lifestyle choices play a
decrease metabolism regardless of changes to much bigger role in a person being overweight
the diet, and the medications can change then genetics.
hormone levels in the body. This impacts our
ability to lose weight and keep the weight off. 7. Stress
9. Disease and Illness Fight or Flight. This is our bodies natural system
to deal with stress. When stress increases, our
Thyroid Disease, Diabetes and Cushing’s disease bodies prepare for us to fight or run. When stress
(increased production of corticnl in the body) have levels rise, cortisol is released in the blood
become common ailments. Again, people end up stream, causing changes in the body. Cortisol
gaining weight and undergo medical treatment for helps release sugar, stored in the muscles and
the disease as well as to slow down weight gain liver, into the blood stream for quick energy use.
or decrease the weight gain. Hormone levels are This hormone is responsible for accumulation of
out of balance, metabolism is hindered and weight fat in the abdomen which is hard for the body to
is hard to lose. get rid of. As long as there is stress, cortisol
remains high making it hard to lose weight.

6. Portion Sizes breakfast because it’s the most important meal of the
day? Skipping meals is bad. It slows down your
metabolism. Your body is lacking the nutrients it needs
America is the land of supersized portions.
to refuel. Skipping a meal usually leads to overeating
Portion control is a leading factor in weight gain.
because you are so hungry by the time you stop to eat.
We tend to over eat foods that are high in fat and
When you are overly hungry, food choices are usually
calories, and do it on a daily basis. Most of us
quick and easy and portion sizes are large. Of course
don’t know what a healthy portion size is. We are
this leads to weight gain from too many calories and,
served on oversize plates and drink from
guess what, the extra calories are stored as fat.
oversized cups. We have lost control of our

5. Skipping meals
Weren’t you told in school not to skip

4. Low Fat Foods

We have been told that fat is bad and thus the low-fat food craze. Just because a label says low
fat does not mean lower calorie (or healthy). When buying a low fat product, remember to look at
the label and see how many calories and what the serving size is. Because low-fat food products
are highly processed food, they do not satisfy our body so we tend to eat more. Many times it is
better to each the real food and just use portion control. Processed foods are a problem in
themselves. For multiple reasons, they hinder weight loss.

3. Lack of exercise
It is important to practice both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. By performing both types of
exercise you can help increase the amount of calories burned. Many people do less and less exercise and
eat more calories. The combination of lack of exercise and high calorie intake is why we gain weight. The
more strength training you does the more muscle you gain, which leads to higher metabolism. A higher
metabolism burns more calories at rest and during exercise.

2. Slow Metabolism
Muscle will burn more calories than fat which is why need more muscle than fat. It is a common
belief that as we age, we lose more muscle. This is only true if we do not remain active.
Continuing to do strength and cardiovascular exercises will keep the lean muscle mass needed to
keep our metabolism burning. With a properly running metabolism, the worry over calories is
lessened. I am living proof of this.

1. Poor Food Choices

The fact is that generally our diets are not good. Our diets are filled with processed foods that are
easy to prepare and full of empty calories. Portions are large and meals are lacking essential
nutrients from foods like fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Fast food and
prepackaged foods can lead to extra weight around the waist due to a lot of fat and extra calories.
Eat real food. It’s what your body

Next Monday start over the right way.

Diet and exercise will help monitor
weight gain. Making better food
choices, the right portions and not
skipping meals will help you lose
weight. Understanding the causes of
your weight gain, will help you take
control. Keep a journal. Studies show
that people who keep a food and
exercise journal double their weight loss.
Consider a health coach. Successful
people whether they be an athlete or in business, work with coaches. Next Monday start over and make it
a lifestyle for the rest of your life. End your yo-yo dieting.

Mona Johnson-Gibson Executive Director, Ronald
McDonald House of Charlotte

“People Make Me Happy.”

By Mimi Zelman and Mara Campolungo, Partner, Sandbox
Solutions. InYourSandbox.com

Just seeing Mona Johnson-Gibson graciously

stroll through the Ronald McDonald House
makes one say, “WOW!” even before you know
anything about her life. Once you hear her
speak and share her thoughts about life, people
and her mission to lead the Ronald McDonald
house, you will be left saying WOW as well.

We had the privilege of meet Mona and it

became readily apparent she is indeed a
Woman With Know-How. Mona is generous and
gracious with her time and talent and she
possess an internal glow that truly defines her.

She radiates confidence, compassion, fortitude

and open arms for everyone she meets.

What follows include highlights of our favorite

“Mona-isms” from our 1:1 meeting with her.

“Happiness is the key to the whole world.”

She lives it, she breathes it and she believes

it! And she brings happiness to every facet of her role and to everyone she meets.

“People make me happy”

And the feeling is mutual.

“I have the most wonderful husband, the most wonderful

family, the most wonderful friends, the most wonderful job
and the most wonderful house in the most wonderful
location. Life is wonderful!”

Mona is a woman who exudes gratitude. She is able to

recognize all that has been given to her, both good and bad and
turn it into a positive part of who she is.

“Life for me today doesn’t get any better.”

What else can be said?!

Mona is the master at
“I have always worked in the helping others field. I just like connecting and it is a simple
helping people and meeting different people.” formula: Acknowledge that
we are all a community of
Those that have had the pleasure of meeting Mona quickly feel people working our best to
her generous spirit and authentic willingness to be of service to showcase the best possible
others. us.

“I feel like everything I have done in my life up to this point, “I am living my bucket list
career, personal, school, has prepared me for this job as every day, hour by hour,
the Executive Director of the RMH of Charlotte. This is accomplishing more than
where I have been striving to be, I am here for a reason. yesterday and meeting
There are no coincidences.” more people and more
Mona has allowed her life to take it where it needs to go, with a
healthy dose of hard work, fortitude and a willingness to let her Mona is a living example of
experiences direct her. how we should all live our
lives: fun-loving, caring,
“The best advice is to surround yourself with good people, living life to its fullest, but as
people smarter than you, loyal to you, kind to you, believe she also said, not “crazy
in you. Be part of groups, network, and get to know lots of stupid.” Her life has purpose.
people, really know them. Be real and sincere, remember
everyone matters. Always do what you say you will do and Mona is an extraordinary
always follow up, show people you care, listen. These are woman who has touched her
also the kind of people I choose as my mentors. People world with countless acts of
who can help me grow into what I can become, support and kindness and has made an
love me” eternal contribution to others
whom she will never know
on earth.
Your caring participation will
make an impact on a child’s

Opportunities to get involved


• Donate cash or in-kind

• Volunteer your time and
Their primary goal at the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte is to talent
provide families a safe, comfortable and supportive environment • Sponsor or partner with
while their children receive medical treatment at nearby medical us
facilities. To serve families during their stay, they offer the following • Host your own event or
services: help in other ways
• Include Ronald
• Health and wellness programs McDonald House in
• Connection to ministry and spiritual support your planned giving
• Educational support for school-age children
• Transportation Contact Information:
• Sibling activities
• Holiday and birthday recognition Ronald McDonald House of
• Parent interaction and sharing Charlotte
• Nightly family meals 1613 E. Morehead St.
• Weekly family-friendly activities Charlotte, NC 28207
Phone: 704-335-1191
Email: info@rmhofcharlotte.org

Mona Johnson-Gibson is the

Executive Director for the Ronald
McDonald House of Charlotte, a
home away from home for
families of seriously ill children
being treated at the children's
hospitals in the area. Mona is
responsible for the overall
administration and management
of the house and staff. She holds
a Bachelor's degree in Criminal
Justice and a Master of Arts
How You Can Help
degree in Counseling from UNC-
Charlotte and has more than 25
Realizing our vision for the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte years of experience in the fields
would not be possible without the compassionate efforts of so many of human service, marketing,
friends from our community – individuals, corporations and our training and administration.The
dedicated Staff. With your support we can continue to provide the Ronald McDonald House of
much needed services that support children and their families during Charlotte opened its doors to
a difficult time. families on May 9, 2011!

Business Coaching Janis White

Coach Early And Often

E ven the best organizations want to
improve employee productivity in
order to grow overall business performance and
corporate value. But the tool most often used to
evaluate and improve performance—the performance
review—really isn‘t capable of helping organizations
reach their overall goal.

The biggest strike against performance reviews is that

they are the equivalent of looking in the rearview
mirror to see where the employee has been—and
perhaps failed. Why not look ahead to see where the
employee can successfully go? Additionally, since
performance reviews occur once a year, if at all, they
require us to look back over a long period of time. They
make the manager look petty (!Let‘s talk about your
performance on that project nine months ago…"), and
even if viewed positively, any corrective solutions are
generally too late to do any good.

Here‘s a helpful idea: Coach early and often. Early, to

catch potential problems before they happen. Often,
because the continuous interest shown in, and feedback
given to, employees through coaching guarantees better
Coaching provides counsel in real time and clearly
identifies goals in the context of the employee's job.
Good coaches understand the current reality of the
employee's world, and are aware of issues that might
prevent a worker from reaching his or her goals. Good
coaching provides the right environment
to development strategies that allow an employee to
achieve his or her goals.
Imagine a husband and wife sitting down on their anniversary each year for a formal chat: !First, let‘s review all the
things you‘ve done well over the last year and then we‘ll set goals for the coming year." Doesn‘t sound like much of a
relationship, does it?

I‘m certainly not suggesting that a manager should be married to his or her employees, but a healthy marriage is a
relationship built on daily dialogue and frequent two-way communication. The same culture of dialogue can benefit
employees and managers alike. Conversely, a once-a-year meeting more likely resembles a gripe fest: while one side
lists frustrations and shortcomings, the other side could be taken aback and either retreats or goes on the defensive.
The bottom line is that no one wins.

Janis White, SPHR founded SMART Talent Solutions as a Strategic Business Partner with Profiles International after
personally using the suite of assessments in her previous role as the Human Resource Manager for Compass Group,
Inc. Profiles has been known as "the worlds innovator and leader in employee evaluations" since their inception in
1991. They provide assessments grounded in advanced behavioral science that we continually validate through our
team of PhD Psychologists and Psychometricians. The assessments are delivered effortlessly through our state-of-the-
art virtual assessment centers. Our assessment reports are written for mangers and contain practical insight and
advice to get the most from their people. Our business is both high-tech and high-touch, and laser-focused to help our
clients succeed.

Develop a Strong Organization -

Invest in Your Talent
Compass Offers:
! Assess your workforce & determine potential leaders.
! Provide training for growth & leadership opportunities.
! Clarify company expectations for leaders.

! One-on-One support for future leaders
! Enhance performance, productivity & effectiveness
! Strengthen & expand talent
! Improve communication skills

! Perform SWOT analysis on management team
! Select members of your “A-Team” & recruit others
! Customize programs for all to reach full potential

! Confirm core preferences (values) of workforce
! Identify and address major conflicts of workforce
! Stress importance of mutual respect and communication

! Provides ERISA 404C requirements
! Unbiased financial education, valued by employees.

OUTPLACEMENT: We remain Experts in this

industry of Change Management.
(704) 849-2500



Lena Lumeisky
Owner of Woland Technology

How did you get started in this

My husband and I moved to
Charlotte, North Carolina from
London in 2005. We had no roots in
the city, no family close by who
knew where to find good parks and
playgrounds where we could take
our two (now three) young
daughters, where to look for good
pediatricians, summer camps,
schools, you name it. Once we
settled in, I realized how helpful it
would have been if someone had a
website where I could find all of this
information ahead of time. That’s
how KidsInChlarotte.com was born. I
took all of the information I could
think of that might be helpful to
parents who are new to Mecklenburg
County and put it in one place on the

It went live in October 2005 and I hope it happy with the way it turned out.
has been a useful tool for parents like me Currently, KidsInCharlotte gets 25,000
and my husband, who are moving to the visitors a month, on average.
area. It was a dry run for Woland
Technology, and looking back I’m pretty

What is your background-what were 9/11. It seemed like a good opportunity to

you doing before this business? become a full-time mom, and I took it. A
year later, we moved to London, where our
I have a Masters degree in Computer
second daughter, Polly, was born. A few
Science from the University of Michigan,
years after that, we moved back to the
but I didn’t start out creating websites.
U.S., where our third daughter, Mia, was
Most of the programming I’ve done before
born, and I began to write KidsInCharlotte
Woland – working at large financial
on a whim. Once that project was done,
institutions like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche
and I realized I could do it flexibly enough
Bank and Merrill Lynch – involved designing
to accommodate my children’s schedules, I
customized software systems for their
formed Woland Technology and hung out
sales, trading and back-office operations:
my shingle (or meta-shingle if we’re talking
complex database-driven applications
about Google). The technical side wasn’t
written over many months by teams of
very hard after my experience at the New
programmers around the world. It was
York investment banks. Plus, I quickly
everything you might expect from working
realized how much I love working with
on Wall Street during the tail end of the
different kinds of businesses, meeting new
Dot-Com era: long hours, lots of pressure,
people, entrepreneurs from every
and no end of colorful personalities and
background, who have so much enthusiasm
general craziness. Despite the stress, it
and such amazing ideas. It’s a lot of fun
was a great experience that taught me a
and very gratifying to know, and to be told,
great deal about how to manage projects,
you’ve done a great job.
motivate my employees, and deliver a
product my clients appreciated.
Incidentally, when your clients have
included Wall Street securities traders,
there’s not much any other client can do to
shock or upset you. It’s a very high bar.

The fork in my road came with the birth of

our first daughter, Rebecca, right around
the collapse of the Dot-Com bubble on Wall
Street, and two months to the day before

What are some interesting statistics their potential customers will form in the
about your business? first 15 seconds after hyper linking in
from a Google list of, literally, thousands
of search results. If we’ve done our job
We’ve been in business since 1996. We properly and the site stands out – holds
now work with over 70 clients and our the customer’s attention – everything has
business is growing at more than 50% to work seamlessly to provide them
per year based on revenue. quickly with the information they are
What is unusual or unique about your looking for, or, in an e-commerce site,
business, in comparison to your lead to a sale. If it’s not working as
competitors or similar businesses? intended, we collaborate with the client to
make sure it does. For some of our
Woland Technology doesn’t try to be all
clients, what’s important is that we’re
things to all people. We focus on web
local – their concerns or spontaneous
design and internet marketing, and we do
ideas are not funneled through a call
it really well, in my opinion. We are agile
center in the Philippines. It reinforces
enough to service many different
their trust in our ability to support their
industries – real estate, education,
business in a committed way.
fashion, retail, industrial – but we
succeed on our strengths, which are, Our other secret weapon is our alliance
first, designing responsive, functional and with Paper Blossom Marketing, a fantastic
elegant web sites that meet or surpass Charlotte-based company specializing in
our clients’ expectations, and second, social media and marketing, run by Kelly
providing the dedicated support that our Yale and Shannon Hawk. They are
clients need once their sites go live. We experts at enhancing corporate brands
concentrate on building what, for many of and getting companies linked into
our clients, will be the public face of their Facebook and Twitter, all crucial to a
company – the mental impression that strong Web presence. Our collaboration
with Paper Blossom has been a huge
boon to our clients. It has without
question provided both our teams with
opportunities we would not have had
working separately.

Finally, a lot of web designers start out in
graphic arts and migrate to the technical
side. My experience in the IT world meant
Woland was established, first and
foremost, on a solid technological
foundation. To be sure, there is no “right”
or “best” way to get started in web
design. But having a strong techie
background enabled me to do more
complex projects such as e-commerce
sites, photo galleries, and database-
intensive services like Chai Expectations,
an online matchmaking site. One project
involved creating from scratch a web-
based payroll application for a local
company with nearly 900 employees.
Building a software application like that is
not really web design – but you’d be
surprised at how much they have in

So, what’s unusual or unique about

Woland? It’s a young company helping
other young companies build their
business and seize the remarkable Still, many companies select a web
opportunities that the Web offers. We design firm with the commodity paradigm
build websites for entrepreneurs. We in mind. A startup company on a budget
know the challenges they face and may balk at an estimate because their
understand a basic fact: what they often friend offered to write them a site “just as
need is not so much a service provider good” for a quarter of the price – in their
but a partner. spare time. An established company with
a seven figure turnover may need to
What are some of the greatest
rationalize their large marketing budget
challenges in your business?
by massively overpaying for their
I think web design is one industry that website, when they could have gotten a
has not become commoditized yet. Maybe better, more professional result from a
it’s gradually approaching smaller, more engaged and nimble shop.
commoditization, but it’s not there yet. Granted, it’s hard to tell if a company is

worth its salt without doing research, Paper Blossom. And, of course, through
talking to the owner, looking at the hard work and creative approaches to
portfolio, understanding what the service each client’s needs.
contract says – it’s all time-intensive
Another challenge is keeping up a with a
work. How much easier to fall back on the
rapidly evolving industry. The Web didn’t
common assumptions that all web design
really exist, functionally, until the mid-
companies are basically the same, and
90s. That’s only fifteen years ago. The
you get what you pay for. Common, but
most cutting-edge technologies and tools
available to do what we do at Woland
So, one of the greatest challenges for me may be obsolete in five years. If we don’t
is exploding the commodity myth through keep pace, so will we. It’s exciting, but it
marketing, making personal connections requires a strong technical background
with potential clients as well as with and a constant willingness to learn from
teammates, like Kelly and Shannon at everyone on the Woland team. In

addition, running this company requires What would you like our readers to
enough discipline and pragmatism to know about your journey in
realize that a client may not want or need business?
the latest untested whiz-bang feature on
The aphorism about the fox and the
their website. But what they will need
hedgehog is, “the fox knows many little
almost certainly is a site that looks great
things, but the hedgehog knows one big
on multiple platforms, like a home PC and
thing.” As much as I love the technical
a tablet computer (e.g., an iPad).
aspects of my business, the “hedgehog”
side of it, I accomplish more by being a
bit of a fox: sharpening my networking
skills, finding a common language with
my clients and employees. Learning to
recognize what I’m good at, and focusing
on that without losing sight of the
interpersonal relationships that really
drive my business.

FINANCE April Oliver, Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.

A Return To Work & To Retirement Savings

I t isn’t unusual in these times

for individuals to be
retirement or to deal with family care-giving issues.

temporarily out of the Time away from work not only means a loss of current income, but
workforce. In some cases this also, in most cases, the suspension of contributions to a retirement
is a voluntary act such as a plan. If there is no cash flow due to a time off, chances are that
maternity or paternity leave or money is not available to continue funding your nest egg.
planned early retirement.
Challenging economic times So if you are getting back into the workforce or intend to soon, you
and changing demographics have an opportunity to look at your financial circumstances in a
have also made it more whole new light. Can you free up money for retirement savings
common for some to leave once again? Here is a process to help you determine what is
work because they have to, possible in your situation.
through a layoff, forced early

Step 1 – Take care of regular expenses and debts

Make sure your cash flow can pay for your lifestyle. First and foremost, that means paying for necessities like
food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Limit extraneous expenses until you are into a steady routine with
work and with managing your paycheck.

In addition, make sure you can continue to pay off any debts that remain on your personal books. Car loans,
student loans and credit card debts must be paid on time. If it is possible, pay more than the minimum
monthly payment required on high-interest credit card debts in order to reduce the principal balance each

Step 2 - Manage your spending

When paychecks start rolling after a period without them, it is easy to feel “rich” again and quickly turn on
the spending spigot. After all, depending on the circumstances of your time away from work, you may have
significant pent-up demand for items you’ve delayed purchasing.

Find out what retirement savings options are available through your employer. If you can contribute to
a plan (such as a 401(k) or 403(b) plan), you should make that arrangement as soon as you can. The
closer you are to retirement, the more you should be saving, as your time to let wealth accumulate in
your investment accounts is limited.

April M. Oliver, CFP®

Advisor is licensed/registered to do business with U.S. residents only in the states of CA, CO, FL, IA, MD, MI, MO, NC, NY, OR,
Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member
FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients.

© 2011 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights

feeling is understandable, but it is important to spend money responsibly. You already know better than most
the challenges created when cash flow from an employer or your own business stops. This is not the time to
begin careless spending habits, but instead to prudently manage your income.

Step 3 – Pay for your future security

Take advantage of your improved cash flow position to save for your future. The importance of saving for
retirement cannot be overemphasized, regardless of your economic position. Today, you have the ability to
work and generate income. There will come a time in life when this will no longer be possible.

If you’ve been away from work for a while, you should be particularly inspired to resume a serious retirement
savings regimen. You have a keen understanding of the financial challenges involved when regular
paychecks don’t arrive. This is similar to what most Americans face in retirement. Their well-being is
If offered, be sure to capitalize on the opportunity to take advantage of an employer match of all or
dependent, in large
put on
foresight they had to save will
money for your
their contributions
future financial
part of the amount your plan. Many employers match bysecurity.
up to 3
percent of your salary – giving you a built-in return on your investment. This is, in a sense, “free”
money that shouldn’t be passed up.
Family Features

Manage Your
Customize How Businesses
26 Contact You.
There are many ways to learn To opt-out permanently, you must begin the process at the website,
about the local and national then return a signed Permanent Opt-out Election form, which you
businesses that serve the will be sent when you register.
community – whether through • Stop unwanted catalog deliveries by visiting
mailed catalogs, e-mail, www.catalogchoice.org.
online ads, you name it. Just
as consumers use a variety of Online Ads.
ways to find information,
businesses use different media Online marketers can track your Internet usage, gather data about
to market themselves to you and tailor ads to you based on that information.
potential customers. You may • The Network Advertising Initiative has an online opt-out
use some of those sources and tool that lets you select member companies from which you
not others, but you have the wish to stop receiving ads. Visit
ability to easily customize www.networkadvertising.org. It won’t eliminate all of them,
how local businesses contact but you should see fewer ads.
you – and it’s easier than you • The Google Ad Preferences site lets you opt-out of all ad
may think. categories, or you can add or remove selected categories at
Direct Mail. • Yahoo has an Ad Interest Manager that lets you do pretty
much the same thing. Visit the Privacy section at
The Direct Marketing www.yahoo.com.
Association’s (DMA) Mail
Preference Service lets you Phone Books.
opt-out of receiving
unsolicited commercial mail Phone books are a valuable resource for consumers looking for
for five years. Register at local business information. Research shows 7 out of 10 U.S. adults
www.dmachoice.org, or mail use Yellow Pages directories each year, but if you choose to get
your request to: DMAchoice, your local business information elsewhere, you’ll be glad to know
Direct Marketing Association, there’s an easy way to adjust or stop your print deliveries. Visit the
P.O. Box 643, Carmel National Yellow Pages Consumer Choice and Opt-out Site at
NY10512. This will not stop www.yellowpagesoptout.com to select which directories you wish
mailings from companies that to receive, as well as to learn more about the industry’s sustainable
do not use this service, Bulk production efforts and how you can reuse and recycle your old
Mail or Current Resident directories.
Mail, but it will reduce your
junk mailings by quite a bit. Email.
• The DMA also has an Email Preference Service (eMPS) that
If you do not wish to receive lets you opt-out of receiving unsolicited commercial email
prescreened credit card offers, from DMA members for six years. Register at
you can opt-out at www.dmachoice.org.
www.optoutprescreen.com, or • Make sure your email spam filters are activated. Send the
1-800-OPT-OUT. You will filtered emails to a specific folder so you can check to make
have the choice of opting out sure that non-junk emails don’t get automatically deleted.
for five years or permanently.

Telemarketer Calls. been on the registry for 31 days, most telemarketing calls should
stop. This will not stop calls from political organizations, charities,
The National Do Not Call telephone surveyors and companies with which you have a
Registry lets you opt-out of business relationship or those that you’ve given express written
receiving telemarketing calls agreement to receive their calls. Register at www.donotcall.gov or
at home or on your mobile call 1-888-382-1222.
phone. Once your number has


Travel Tips For Summer

According to the U.S. Travel Association,

B eing on a strict budget may mean

making sacrifices along the way, but with
lodging is the second highest source of
travel spending in the country (second only
to food). But your accommodations don’t
have to break the bank.
a little smart planning – and shopping –
First, consider what type of hotel will best
your well-deserved vacation getaway
suit your travel needs. Will your trip be filled
need not be forsaken.
with sightseeing, tours and excursions that
keep you away from your room most of the
The Internet, including online travel
time? Or do you prefer to spend a leisurely
agencies, branded
suppliers and other
websites, is the leading
source of travel
surpassing referrals
from friends and
acquaintances and
travel books,
according a 2009
survey by the U.S.
Travel Association.

With so much
information available at
your fingertips, it’s easy
to plan ahead and
manage your travel
spending. Not only that,
a wide range of travel
coupons are available
online to help trim costs
even further.

Follow these tips from

the cost-conscious
experts at
CheapSally.com to make
your vacation dollars
work hard for you.

stay at the hotel, enjoying its onsite You’ll get better rates booking well in
amenities and attractions? advance. And never make an online
purchase without checking first to see
Depending on your preferences, you can whether any discount codes are available to
allocate your spending to the elements that bring your price even lower.
matter most. In other words, if exploring is
on your agenda, save some cash by
booking a lower-cost hotel with fewer Car Rentals: Beware of extra expenses
amenities. with the add-ons, taxes and fees.
Whenever possible, return the car with a
Online tools will allow you to search by full tank of gas. Know that airport car
amenities, location and even by other rentals are at a premium. If you can
travelers’ ratings. Many sites offer hotel arrange for other transportation – such
discounts, as well as tools to determine as a hotel shuttle – look for rental
which arrival dates offer the best rates. locations near, or even at, your hotel that
are likely more competitively priced.
Flights: Pack light. Most airlines now
charge for checked baggage, and extra fees
apply if you exceed quantity and weight
limits. Remember, you’ll have to double Be sure to try variations in your
those fees if you want to return home with pick-up and drop-off dates and
your luggage. times. Even minor alterations can
Start early and do your homework. Several impact your price, for example,
services are available that help you
compare rates, as well as the number of
taking you out of the daily rate and
stops and travel schedules, side by side. into weekend pricing.

Vacation Packages: Numerous airlines

and travel sites offer vacation packages with
myriad features. Flights and car rental, car
rental and hotel, all three - you name it. In
addition to discounts on the key elements of
the package, many also offer steeply
discounted – or even free – add-ons such
as entertainment tickets or meal vouchers.
For the best deals, look for last-minute
packages, where prices have been slashed
to help fill vacancies, or for off-season

To find more travel savvy tips and savings,

visit www.CheapSally.com.

Participants heard from women owned
As a woman business owner, are you aware small businesses about successful business

Women in Business Forum

BY - Vilma Betancourt-O'Day

of the numerous resources available to you strategies, value-added business

within the State of North Carolina? Did you development relationships, increasing sales,
know that many of the services and training marketing strategies, supplier diversity,
are free? government procurement and the various
business certifications.
Thanks to Tammie Following is a synopsis of the
C. Hoy, Regional various speakers, the
Community services they provide and
Development websites you may visit for
Manager at The more information.
Federal Reserve-
Charlotte (TFRC) Did you know that North
for coordinating Carolina Governor Beverly
the “Women in Perdue signed Executive
Business Forum”. Order Number 13 on May 7,
TFRC hosted this 2009? “It is expected that
free event on May each agency will issue an
16, 2011, during aspirational goal of at least
Charlotte’s Small ten percent (10%), by dollar
Business Week in amount, of the State’s
partnership with purchases of goods and
the Charlotte services that will be derived
League of from HUB firms.”
Businesses, North (http://www.governor.state.
Carolina Institute nc.us/NewsItems/Executive
of Minority OrderDetail.aspx?newsItemI
Economic D=438). What is a HUB firm?
Development, The term "Historically
National Underutilized Business" (HUB)
Association of means a business that is: at
Women Business Owners-Charlotte and least 51% of the business is owned,
other local small business partners. operated and controlled by one or more
citizens or lawful permanent residents of the which authorizes contracting officers to set
US who are members of at least one of the aside certain federal contracts for eligible
following groups: Black, Hispanic, Asian Women-owned small businesses (WOSBs) or
American, American Indian, Female, economically disadvantaged women-
Disabled or Disadvantaged. owned small businesses (EDWOSBs). There
are over 300 6-digit North American Industry
According to the OFFICE FOR HISTORICALLY Classification Systems (NAICS) codes that
UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES PURCHASING are eligible for Federal contracting under
(GOODS AND SERVICES) AND the WOSB Program. (Please visit:
CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS REPORT for fiscal http://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/
year end 09/10, Women Business Enterprises gc_wosb_naics_grids.pdf for the specific
(WBE) had the highest percentage of NAICS Industry Codes). For more
participation (3.56% out of 6.54%). For information on this program, please visit:
construction projects, WBEs were granted http://www.sba.gov/content/contracting-
the highest percentage of contracts opportunities-women-owned-small-
(12.42% out of 18.49%, $96,481,757 out of businesses.
Ms. Douthett introduced the winners of two
How can we help Governor Perdue meet very coveted awards: the 2011 SBA
the 10% procurement goal she has set? We Women in Business Champions of the Year
must get our small businesses HUB certified for the State of North Carolina and REGION
and register as vendors with the State of IV which includes Alabama, Florida,
North Carolina. Bridget Wall-Lennon, State Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North
Director for the North Carolina HUB office, Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
discussed the role of the HUB office and Sherrie Aycock and Tara Olson, Co-CEOs
how it can help small businesses. As an since 1996 of AllPoints Research, Inc., a
experienced government contractor, I am marketing research firm which offers
a strong advocate for the programs, time services in business strategy and
and effort that Governor Perdue, Ms. Wall- communications. Ms. Aycock participated
Lennon and the HUB staff put forth in in the Women Entrepreneurs panel and
helping small businesses in our region. For shared with us tips on how AllPoints keeps
more information on the required their employees engaged, resulting in a
documentation for this particular productive and proactive environment.
certification and for procurement Congratulations to the AllPoints team on
opportunities, please visit their significant achievements.
http://www.doa.state.nc.us/hub/prog- (http://www.allpoints.biz)
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
certification and its benefits, which includes
Did you know that the Small Business opening up opportunities and speeds up
Administration (SBA) has a Women-Owned the sales process, was discussed by Robyn
Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Lake Hamilton, President of the Carolinas
Program which became effective February Minority Supplier Development Council.
4, 2011? Lynn Douthett, North Carolina Your business must be at least 51% ethnic
District Director, spoke about the final rule minority owned by a U.S. Citizen in order to

qualify for this certification. The Resources for Women-Money, Market
(http://affiliate.nmsdc.org/carolinasmsdc) and Management panel included Hilary
Coman, Principal of the Coman Company
As a Site Visitor for the National Women (http://www.comancompany.com), Cathy
Business Owners Corporation, I discussed Critz, Principal at Solutions FYS
Women Business Enterprise (WBE) (http://www.solutionsfys.com) Roberta
certification, capability statements and the McCullough, Financial Services Director of
importance of having your business the North Carolina Minority Support Center
certifications posted on your website. (http://www.ncmsc.org) and David A. Willis,
(NWBOC.org) Principal at NuLevel Strategic Solutions
(http://www.nulevelsolutions.com). Some
La-Tasha Best-Gaddy, Assistant Director of topics discussed were strategic planning,
Business Development North Carolina market analysis, optimizing manufacturing
Institute of Minority Economic Development and business processes, business
(NCIMED) made introductions and innovation, capital formation and funding
moderated the two afternoon panels. The available through credit unions.
NCIMED partnered in 2000 with the SBA to
form The Women’s Business Center. Their The high energy in the room was
mission is to promote economic self- contagious and I believe that everyone
sufficiency for all women of North Carolina who was in attendance acquired a vast
through entrepreneurship. This organization amount of knowledge. The State of North
provides, among many other services, Carolina provides us with very effective
excellent workshops, seminars and online business resources whose mission is to help
webinars. I highly recommend women and minority business owners and I
participating in their events. urge you to contact them.
n=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemi Contact Information:
Vilma Betancourt-O'Day
Joyce Siler, Director of the Women’s Women Wrule
Business Center, where she oversees the vilmaoday@gmail.com
development of education and training http://www.linkedin.com/in/vilmabetancourtoda
programs that address the needs of women ywomenwrule
entrepreneurs, was the moderator for the
Women Entrepreneurs Panel. Ms. Aycock
participated on this panel, along with Lynn
Ivey, founder and CEO of The Ivey
(http://theivey.com), a not-for-profit adult
day care center located in South Park, and
Jessica Hope Murrell Berryman, owner of
Lango Kids RTP,
(http://www.langokidsrtp.com) where
children between the ages of 18 months
and 11 years are taught how to be fluent in
French, Mandarin and Spanish.

Grilling Up F

A Summer

Grilling Up a Festive Summer Feast
Simple cooking tips to create a delicious barbecue

(Family Features) Summer is filled with Research shows that bacteria can easily
family picnics and barbecues, but you need spread to kitchen surfaces while preparing
to make sure that those burgers and pasta even the most simple of meals.
salads aren’t served with a side of bacteria.
Celebrity Chef Cat Cora is an expert at
overcoming the complexities of cooking with —Bacteria on a cutting board can double
exotic ingredients, including ostrich, oysters after ten minutes of use, whether cutting raw
and venison; but even working with everyday meat or vegetables.
staples, like chicken, beef, eggs and fresh
vegetables, can present cooking challenges. —Ten percent of bacteria on a cutting board
can transfer to lettuce during chopping.
These foods can carry common bacteria,
such as E. coli, Salmonella and Staph — all —E. coli that remains on washed and dried
of which can thrive throughout the cleanest dishes can survive up to three days.
kitchen. To help spread awareness about
better kitchen practices, Chef Cora partnered “Like all moms, I want to provide the best for
with Ultra Palmolive® my family while creating memorable meals at
home,” said Cora. “Cleaning throughout the
Antibacterial Dish Liquid, offering tips and cooking process gives me peace of mind that
providing simple solutions to help prevent I’m doing all I can for my family.”
cross-contamination in your kitchen.

Grilled Vegetables and Ginger Citrus Mayonnaise Serves 6 to 8

• (2) each crookneck or summer squash,

• baby zucchini, large whole carrots,
• large fennel or 3 medium fennel bulbs
• (5) to 6 shallots
• Kosher salt and freshly cracked
• black pepper
• Extra virgin olive oil
• Ginger Citrus Mayonnaise
• (3) juicy oranges, grapefruits, Meyer
• lemons, mineolas, tangerines,
• Mandarins, blood oranges, etc.,
• cut in half (6 halves total)
• (3) tablespoons (or more for desired
• consistency) store bought preferred
• mayonnaise
• Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
• (1/4) teaspoon cayenne pepper
• (1/2)teaspoon ground ginger

Preheat grill for vegetables.

To make the mayonnaise, squeeze all the juice out from 5 of the 6 citrus halves into a saucepan and
bring to a boil over high heat. When juice begins to boil, lower heat to medium-high and reduce juice until
thick and syrupy, being careful not to let it burn.
Remove from heat, pour into a bowl, and allow to cool slightly. (At this point you can grill the vegetables).
Whisk in mayonnaise, ginger, and cayenne pepper until smooth. Squeeze in juice from last remaining
citrus half, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Cut all veggies in half lengthwise, rub all sides sparingly with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and black
pepper. Grill, cut side down first, for 4 to 6 minutes if small, 5 to 8 minutes if large pieces. Flip so skin
side is down, and grill all an additional 1 to 2 minutes, until all veggies are firm but easily sliced with a
knife. Serve on platter alongside bowl of ginger citrus mayonnaise or drizzled on top of vegetables.

Greek Burger Sliders with Avocado Tzatziki Serves 4

1 pound lean ground beef
1/3 cup Kalamata olives, chopped
3 tablespoons crumbled feta
1 teaspoon dried dill
3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons finely chopped yellow onion
1 tablespoon chopped scallions
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon fresh oregano, chopped
(or 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano)
4 brioche rolls, split and toasted
4 lettuce leaves, washed and dried
4 tomato slices
4 cucumber slices (optional)
4 thin slices red onion (optional)
Stir together all avocado tzatziki ingredients (see recipe) and chill in fridge at least one hour or


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