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Name: Pestaño Enan Angel C.

Date: February 5, 2022

Subject: Professional Development & Applied Ethics Preliminary Examination

(SAT / PM02300530)

1. as a student, what shapes your professional ethics?

The surroundings, each geographical and social or natural and man-made, incorporates a tremendous impact on
human personality. The natural environment limits and allows the event of personality. Its adequate expression is
feasible due to the social environment. Family, school, neighborhood, friends, the various individuals you inherit
contact with, social customs, practices, values, institutions, and so on all influence a person' personality. The
situation of children, young people, adults, and previous people within the family and in society isn't the same. This
distinction affects a man' temperament, attitudes, tendencies, ways that of thinking, acting inclinations, character, in
short, and personality. Similarly, a person' standing in places like school, office, and occupation.

2. Differentiate Self and Personality

Every individual includes a temperament and approach of self. as a result of most are different, every person'
personality and self-concept is totally unique. it should be like somebody else', however it'll ne'er be identical. It'
troublesome to inform the distinction between personality and self-concept. temperament - is that the way someone
presents themselves outwardly, per the best definition. temperament is outlined as "the assemblage of an individual'
psychical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics" ( 2011). A person' personality is formed from
a spread of characteristics equivalent to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that facilitate to tell apart a person. Self-
thought refers to however someone feels concerning themselves on the inside. merely scientific discipline claims
(2011) The self-concept is how we expect about or appraise ourselves in varied dimensions equivalent to physical,
moral, personal, family, and social situation. Typically, a person' temperament and self-concept are immensely
completely different. A person' perception of another person could also be utterly different from their own.

3. explain how environment (Personal experience) affects the growth of a Individual's personality?

Since the earliest times, humans have required to be sensitive to their surroundings to survive, which suggests that
we've innate awareness of the environment and search out environments with sure qualities. 1st of all, humans have
a powerful want for safety and security and appearance for those attributes in their environment. we tend to conjointly
rummage around for physical comforts, cherish an environment with the correct temperature. In addition, we get an
environment that's psychologically comfortable: for example, environments that are familiar, however supply the right
quantity of stimulus. Retailers and therefore the cordial reception trade apprehend this alright and try to offer setting}
that makes a positive client expertise and offers 3 vital attributes: comfort, safety, and entertainment. These attributes
are equally important in aid as well. The environment will facilitate or discourage interactions among folks (and the
following edges of social support). For example, an invitatory house with comfy chairs and privacy can encourage a
family to remain and visit with a patient. The environment can influence people' behavior and motivation to act. For
example, a dingy passageway full of additional hospital instrumentality can invite employees to depart another item
within the hall, whereas a clean corridor and adequate storage can encourage employees to require the time to place
the item away. The atmosphere will influence mood. For example, the results of many analysis studies reveal that
rooms with bright light, each natural and artificial, can improve health outcomes cherish depression, agitation, and
4.How does culture affects the personality development of a child? using the example of a child growing in
a Filipino cultured family.

Family is taken into account to be the muse of social life for many Filipinos. The extended family is that the core
family unit, however, bonds are typically integrated among clan members. Indeed, individuals could also be inspired
to own a relationship with their aunts and uncles that's even as robust because the relationship with their parents.
shut familial relationships often transcend one’s genetic connections or bloodlines to include distant relatives, close
neighbors or friends. For example, it's common to listen to people confer with distant relatives or non-relatives with
familial terms cherish ‘tita’ (aunt), ‘tito’ (uncle), ‘lola’ (grandmother) and ‘lolo’ (grandfather). One instance is once a
offspring refers to their grandparent’s friend or relation as lola or lolo. The values of the family set the fundamental
tone for the family foundation. They inspire the selection of mission yet because the foundation’s policies and
practices. Typically, the values of the people who have created the family’s wealth predominate. Entrepreneurs with
the resolve and drive to amass fortunes typically have powerful and compelling personalities to match. Not
surprisingly, then, they form foundations in their image and in keeping with their values, philosophy and most popular
variety of management.

5. Why do you think it is important to study Personality development in the field of Hospitality and Tourism
industry? Justify your answer.
There is a vast important of personality development in hospitality industry. once a guest walks into a
hotel/restaurant/bar, the primary factor he wouldn’t ice would perhaps be the atmosphere of the property. The second
would positively be a manager/waiter/receptionist hospitable him. He/she is a representative of the institution and that
they ought to be tidy and have good communication skills. The manner they treat a guest directly affects the
business. If they're rude or not well groomed, the guest can be reluctant in communication with them and thus would
not end in an honest sale. however, if they give the impression of being smart Associate in Hospitality speak good,
the guest will certainly be happy in giving them smart business. If the guest is glad about their service, there's a good
likelihood he can continue coming and provides continual business. this can be why we continually (maybe most of
the time), evoke a selected waiter/manager/driver once we often visit our favorite hotels. personality development
grooms a private and helps him build a mark of his/her own. people got to have a method of their own for others to
follow them. don't blindly copy others. you would like to line an example for people around. personality development
not solely causes you to look good and respectable however conjointly helps you face the globe with a smile. In
tourism, grooming could be a real deal. Well, since it' a service industry, grooming can produce an honest impression
on you. personality development goes an extended manner in reducing stress and conflicts. It encourages people to
seem at the brighter sides of life. Face even the worst things with a smile. Trust me, flashing your trillion-dollar smile
won't only soften 1/2 your issues but also evaporate your stress and worries. there's no purpose cribbing over minor
problems and problems. Since business enterprise it' a client primarily based industry, you ought to ready to smile
with politeness and happily, despite having a nasty day. personality development helps you develop a positive angle
in life. a private with a negative attitude finds a tangle in each scenario. instead of cribbing and criticizing folks
around, analyze the total situation and check out to seek out an applicable solution for the same. Remember, if there
is a problem, there must be an answer as well. ne'er lose your cool. it'd make true worse. it's essential for people to
behave well with people around. Being polite with others won't solely cause you to widespread among people
however conjointly earn you respect and pride. You can’t demand respect by being rude with people around.
temperament development plays a very important role in developing not only your outer but also inner self. creature
could be a social animal. One wants people around. a private must have that magnetic power that attracts people
towards him. you would like to possess that attractiveness of yours. temperament development helps you gain
recognition in Hospitality acceptance from the society also as folks around. temperament development plays a vital
role not solely in a private’s skilled however also personal lives. It makes an individual disciplined, prompt and a
quality for his/her organization. Personality development in Hospitality disciplined individual finds it troublesome to
survive within the long run. temperament development teaches you to respect not only your Boss and fellow staff but
also family members, friends, neighbors, relatives and then on. ne'er blackguard of anyone at the workplace. Avoid
criticizing and creating fun of your fellow workers. One ought to never carry his/her angle or personal grudges to
work. The workplace isn't an area wherever you'll be rude to others simply because you had a fight along with your
friend last night. temperament development sessions assist you differentiate between your personal also as skilled
life. it's very essential to stay a balance between each life to steer a peaceful and stress-free life. temperament
development helps a private to instill positive qualities like punctuality, versatile attitude, disposition to learn, friendly
nature, avidity to assist others and then on. ne'er hesitate to share data with others. continually reach office on time.
Some folks be inclined to figure until late. Late sittings not solely increase your stress levels however conjointly spoil
your personal life. Sitting till late at the workplace indicates that a private is extraordinarily poor in time management
skills. temperament development helps you develop a powerful personality and causes you to stand excluding the
rest. temperament development also plays a vital role in up one’s communication skills. people must be compelled to
master the art of expressing their thoughts and feelings within the most desired way. temperament development
makes you a assured individual who is appreciated and revered where he goes.

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