Name: Divya Abhishek Enrolment No: 21Bsp0317 IBS Campus: Bangalore Mobile No: 91-8809331430 Email

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Name: Divya Abhishek Enrolment No: 21BSP0317

IBS Campus: Bangalore Mobile No: 91-8809331430

SIP Proposal

I. SIP Proposed: Outbound Sales, Comparative metrics on other Data science institution in
India, Deep understanding of products offered by AnalytixLabs and Lead conversion strategy at
AnalytixLabs, Bangalore

II. Description of SIP in brief: As a marketing intern in AnalytixLabs, I have to reach out to
potential customers who are interested in taking our courses. I need to gather information from
the customers about their career interest and suggest them suitable courses which are offered by
I will also be trained on the topics like Lead conversion strategy, Market research on the latest
technical tools that should be included in courses, cold calling leads, email marketing, and
promoting our institution through WhatsApp.

III. Objective of the SIP: Following points elucidate the objective of this project:
1- Calling and consulting organic leads about the various courses offered by Analytixlabs and
following up with existing leads.
2- B2C sales and marketing: Expand customer base for online classes, improving customer
traction, digital communication through whatsapp for faster communication.
3- Interacting with customers in order to establish long-term relationships and increase client
4- To make a comparative metrics analysis between AnalytixLabs and other data Science
institutions in India to monitor market trends.

IV. Methodology: The approach for this project is to use Market knowledge and Research to
engage and persuade new and existing set of potential clients.
Using the information, I'm attempting to engage the prospect with a multi-channel approach that
includes cold calling, cold emails, and social networking.
Additionally, in order to compare metrics between AnalytixLabs and other data science
institution, the data collected was majorly from the social media platforms, company’s official
website, magazines and various search engines.

V. Schedule:

Topic Duration Status

Understanding of courses  2 weeks In process
Learning pitches for client acquisition  2 weeks In process
Outbound sales 6 weeks  Pending
Studying comparative metrics of 3 weeks Pending

In this 3-month Internship program, I will be sticking to the following schedule: 

1st Month (February to March) – It will be an introductory phase where the major focus will be
to know the working of the organization and its values, understanding the products and services.
Side by side, I will focus on structuring my Internship project report by getting an overview and
understanding of marketing strategies, deep understanding of courses offered by AnalytixLabs.

2nd Month (March to April) – During this month, I will be experiencing practical learning about
how to convert Leads and do a Comparative Analysis of various data science Institutions.
Apart from it, my focus will be on developing interpersonal skills as well.

3rd Month (April to May) – In the final month of the internship program, my focus will be on
strengthening the concepts that I have learned in the preceding two months and testing my
understanding towards it followed by a complete review of it. Also, I will focus on completing
with my internship project report and coming out with a detailed summary and conclusion.

VI. Limitation of the Study: 1. Digital means: The method of contacting customers was digital
i.e through phone calls, whatsapp messages and emails. Many clients were hesitant to reveal
their professional interest to strangers calling from unknown numbers. There was no direct in-
person communication with the customer.
2. Information Crunch: For comparative study of various data science institutions available in
India, I have to browse through web to get the relevant information, but then the confidential
data related to the institutes which is also necessary for the project is not available.

Faculty Guide Name: Prof. Surjyabrat Buragohain

Company Guide Name: Mr. Sabrish Sathiavan
Date: 10th March, 2022
Signature of the Student

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