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» h-@ SWE Assigement ~ 3 Pee - Cs SOY When ia am SRS Aaid t be ged 2 An SRS iA zaid fo be pool toher it han the ea Characteristics > Correctnen:: SRS is salts be comect if jd covers eames all He nesyiverrents expected from Be aptem. iy Completemens :- Thia indyeates oy sense as pletion a, Sha nvmmberin fot the hye geaslving “the. pot te be detormimedl anol cere all He. sonctiomal avol wou Aumefronal meecly well, i Caomaleteny © The lemands me conflicts behveen ok of requirements. Examples of conflict imrebucle, differences im Heraninolypies weol af aepe- rote places, fagral Com Licks ek. 4-2 w Umavaligovemenn t= Ths demands a single snclonp-ve fe Hon for alk the reqpirements by inelidig Pe voc of roedelliong tech migues tthe ER diagrams. Popes a reviews ame buddy checks eke. > Recig ge opr, adi Tht a old bea criterion to clanify Ke veypinoments a4 don ox more fomportant or anene apeifically, as “desivalsle” or “euendial”. Am icleukfier mark can “be vaed. with ervey eqpivement to ionclrcate. ite rank ox atability, » Mslifiability :- 8R3 shuld be made as omedifiable. a4 pomible amal shuld le capable of ay accep - fing themges + the system b some entent. Moclifecations Abould be propel rorclenecl anol cress referenced. wii) Verfrabili ye A SRS ia verifiable tf there exiets a aprufic technique fo gpanti my meantre fhe entent to uslich ety reqytre- ment ja met fy Be sytem . Foor excuuple, Ateting Phat the agstem oust be vaer- dv emdl fa not verifiable andl fhus, titing Ave Peogudre- ments shovlol be awerdeol, © Witty Tracenbility Ome aloud be able fo Arace.a dxeyrirement! te alesigen component andl Ben to code aggonent in the prggnaren. Bimitarely, ome should be able fo trace the xeguirement to the terme pemaiong test cases. > Design trrclppemdemce s- There ahautel be tor option te choose from moliiple alesign alternatives for the frral ayptem. More pupally She SRS sthouldu't imelude any amplementatronal ole > Testability: A SR stead be writen tmaneh « oy thot rt ia euy % fomerte Fest. eases ard tert plans from Hoe olewonent. xD Understandable by tee wahemee The language Akould be kept eauy ard cleax anol fhe wae frmal molahons amol agenbals

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