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A PIECE OF MY Addie’s Hope


Julie M. Cornfield It was on a warm September night that we snuck my was when it really hit me: Adrianna was vivacious,
Palo Alto High School, little white dog, Georgie, into the hospital where my strong, unbelievably kind, and outgoing, despite, or
Palo Alto, California. father works. He had made a promise to a dog-loving maybe because of, such sickness. It was easy to feel
patient that he would bring in the hospital dog to visit comfortable with Addie, as she made all of my own
her, but that was before he knew that the dog had anxieties melt away. Adrianna was happy with the
retired. But, a promise is a promise, and my father company. With a wide smile and giggles, she was just a
knew that this was an especially important one to little girl with Georgie in her lap and me perched on the
keep. So, in a towel-covered dog-carrier, well after vis- edge of her bed.
iting hours, we carried Georgie through a maze of “Oh, Dr Cornfield, I almost forgot. I have a card
unfamiliar hallways, doors, and spiraling steps. Soon and balloon for you,” Addie smiled. As my dad read
we found ourselves in the Pediatric Intensive Care over the card, he grinned instinctively, stating that this
Unit, where critically ill children are treated for all sorts was the best possible card that he could have received.
of sicknesses, and where my dad spends most of his It read: “Thank you for breaking the rules [by bringing
time. As I trailed behind my father down a long hall, we the dog].”
passed quizzical-looking nurses and young doctors. “Addie, the card is splendid, but keep the balloon for
Everywhere I looked, there was a child with a life- me. It'll remind you that I’m here for you, even when I’m
threatening issue, and the air was thick with anxiety. not here," my Dad requested.
After having me sanitize my hands, my Dad led me into “Okay, Dr Cornfield. But … take it the day I leave here,
a door at the very end of the hall. okay?” Adrianna pleaded.
That was when I caught my first glance of Adrianna, “Of course.” With that, we said our heartfelt good-
a frail 8-year-old girl with severe arthritis that had led byes and get wells. On the way out, my dad wrapped his
to lung issues. My father introduced me to Addie and arm around me and sighed.
her mother, and then we unveiled our fluffy guest. “You know, Julie, I’m really afraid,” my Dad told me.
Adrianna’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and she “Why’s that?” I inquired.
squeaked with joy. Her face lit up and it looked like, for “Kids like Addie. Well, they’re not common. And …
a second, she forgot her pain. I set Georgie down on Addie is very sick. Losing her would be … devastating.”
Addie’s bed, and then sat down on the edge too. At A couple of agonizing weeks later, Adrianna did
first, Addie was shy and quiet, but soon, she warmed pass away. When I heard the news, my heart dropped
up to the dog and to me. Adrianna and I talked about to my stomach, and tears immediately filled my eyes.
school, home, and especially her two dogs. She I’d only met Adrianna once, but my father was right.
Corresponding showed me pictures and smiled longingly at the image Kids like her don’t come along often. She was efferves-
Author: Julie M. of her canine companions. While toying with the pink cent, and just my 20-minute visit with her continued to
Cornfield bows on Georgie’s ears, Addie spoke of her great love stay with me long after we left her hospital room. I have
of dogs. a feeling, and a hope, that it changed me forever. The
She then looked me directly in the eye and told only words I could find felt like glue in my mouth, but I
Section Editor:
Roxanne K. Young, me that having my dog visit was the best thing that had to say them.
Associate Senior Editor. had happened during her grueling hospital stay. That “Dad, take the balloon.”

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The author has

completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for the
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and
none were reported. (Reprinted) JAMA April 21, 2015 Volume 313, Number 15 1517

Copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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