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“fo[a4 ce/0097 4 4 | n KWARA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF Civit ENGINEERING MID- SEMESTER Test 2020/21 Session COURSEO: CEE 485: Civil Engineering Practices Instruction: Answer All Questions: Time: 45 Minutes 1. Any function or decision in the project that Consumes time, resources, and cost is called, clement (c) work break down structure (d) slack 2. Positive Overlap between activities is also known as (@) negative lag start 3. Which of the following is not a way by which bids can be evaluated by the client. (a) Eecutve body () evaluation criteria (c) performance (4) procedure 4 Which ofthe following is nota typeof projet activites (a) production (+) mardgement c) procurement (4) disbursement 5. A sequence of activities from (©) Milestone (d) start to finish with zero slack is known as (a) critical a ical path method, od a va focuses on the consequences of a person's actions (a) VirttKethics (b) Ethics of principle (c) Contract Theory (4) Utilitarian ethics — 7. Which of the following can be used to allocate resources, Monitor and report progress and display milestones (@) BEME () Ghantt’s chart (c) PERT @OM ee ities (b) critical path Use the figure below to answer questions 8 to 12 ; : kd euihf- 9. Which activity(ies) cannot start until the a G. PERK eras 10. The slack of activity D is ee 6g Be ieee 11. List the critical activities? SO O-+ O.+ ©) = ad) ey 12. Activity with the highest float is Band ak THEORY Fe a. Whatare the steps that you will take as a Contractor in planning the execution of ‘project (4mks) b, List Four (4) deliverables of your project planning in (a) above a Give two advantages of costplus fee contract (amis) B EXAMINATIONS 2020/2021 SUMMER SEMESTER a CEE 433: Engineering Hydrology 2un SEMARKS rain gauge (5 marks) QUESTIOY1 pute the discharge (a) Enumerate five factors to be considered in selecting tt (b) The following data were collected for Asa River at + installation of| the site for Com Unity gauging station. (5 marks) using, (i) Plot the channel profile (15 marks) (ii) Compute the discharge using the mean section method Where;Rating equation of current meter V = 0.75N + 0.06 N= revolution per second, V= velocity (mm/s), Rev. = revolution Distance | Depth of Tnmersion of current meter below water surface from one | the River @06d @02d @08d endof | Channel | Rey. Sec. Rev. Sec. Rev. See. River (m) |_d(m) 0 0 2 14 B 50 i 33 14 i. 38 52. 23 35 i 5.0 3 Is 40 60 30 50. 15} [9.0 7 t 48 58 34 34 ¥ Sa c 34 50. 30 52 {38 o 35 50 25 18714 28 9 38 20 27 0 NB. Show all workings clearly QUESTION 2 7 MARKS ‘A uniform storm lasting 8 hrs had 40 mm depth of rainfall id prodi i presented in Table Q2 Ith basin hasan area of36 Km, eed he following hydrograph Time) [0 [3 [69 12 15 18 Flow [oso ]285 | 5. 21a 24 fe oy) | 80 [750 [5.90 [4.50 [380 | 280 1060 a Derive the Shr unit hydrograph (What faction of the precipitation appeared as runoff? Assume 0.60 mY/s base fh . low. THE PENI i /ALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE I$ DISMISSAL MATRICULATION NUMBER 2020/2021 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 433: Engineering Hydrology _2 Units ‘QUESTIONS 15 MARKS (a) Enumerate five assumptions of Unit hydrograph theory (5 marks) Spfsiinion data is missing at a station X for April 2015. But stations A, B, C are rain gauge stations Which are close to and as evenly distributed around X as possible. Estimate the missing record at X. using Average, Normal ratio and Weighted average methods. (10 marks) Data’ A B Cc x NN mean normal annual precipitation (mm) _| 515. 455, 435 460 P April 2015 precipitation record (mm) 45 35 40 Px QUESTION 4 15 MARKS Annual Maximum discharge of River Asa for 10 years is given below. Using Log-Gumbel Probability distribution method, determine: (2) The discharge corresponding to 50 and 100 years (b) The return period for a discharge of 1200 m?/s Time | 2005 2006 ] 2007 [2008 [2009 ]2010 | 2011 [2012 | 2013 ze (years) Discharge | 1300 | 1600 | 1220 [1420 [170 |2200 [1820 [1550 | 1950 fee Qim8/s) Hints: CG g-ME@)-sMFoNSo*)+2AF oP NWI =20) ( WN = 2)0° 2. X= Xey + o¢(0.78y — 0.45) 3 ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL MATRICULATION NUMBER- & 2020/2021 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 433: Engineering Hydrology 2 Units QUESTIONS 15 MARKS, g (ey Explain the three types of precipitation (9 marks) an engineer designs a bridge to be safe during a 20 year flood, what is the probability that three or more 20 years floods will occur in 50 years? (6 marks) urstion 6 15 MARKS f Differentiate between reservoir routing and channel routing (4 marks) (b) Distinguished between Aquitard and Leaky aquifers G marks) (PF List three factors that can affect the yield of aquifers G marks) yy List any five factors that affect water movement in soil (5 marks) \ a ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL ry ‘ 8 MER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS i 2019/2020 SUM! ANSPORTATION ENGINEERING | CEE 473: TRI ions that are involved in transportation en, Of List the engineering profess ing sub-base course in road pavement 7 for using sub- b)- State two reasons c). Define CBR. nesting : 74) st five areas of transportation eae : i CO s) State two causes of stresses in rigid ps i Why do we use compaction method to improve Base and Sub-base courses of pavement? y /al define average raveltime h) Define Operation delay j) Define AADT pete Intersection (10 x3 = 30 marks) 2). What ae the objectives of transportation system? (3 marks) 5) With the aid of aneat sketch, explain the parameters to be determined for horizontal curves, (7 marks) G3: Kwara State Government is planning to set up a parastatal for engineer you are contacted to advise on the maintenanc would-be team: 2) What are the three significant layers of pavement? road maintenance. As a road e problems and task ahead of the (3:marks) 5) Incase of failure, explain the methods to be used in improvement each ofthese layers (7 marks) - a) ‘What are the main objectives of intersection design? (4 marks) a) Mow can you differentiate between twomain types of intersection? (6 marks) 2) Briefly describe the for ur main categories of roadside elements (8 marks) ‘) Whytraffc sign? (2 marks) a \@ State three factors that, ‘an affect the geometric design of aroad (4.5 marks) at are the factors th: ‘at can affect the choice of design speed. (5.5 marks) —— HB THEPENALTY FOR Exanqnn aT{ON MALPRACTICE 1S DISMISSAL 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 473: TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING | “ a) Howwill you differentiate, Highway, Railway and Waterway using transportation system components? (6 marks) ‘b) What is cut back asphalt? (4 marks) (9 Tratfice signs are used to control traffic flow - Wwadfre signs are usecl +o prowee \nformatons to drivers, SDPoad srde slopts— Read pavemeng Is usually ot Bgferenk Slevahinn than the Surrounding terrains Nous trig, CER Gey, ap cod my fied t legprcue b> Slow oF Stieber Afefechuely, o High way App urtenance This °S manmade roadside Warde age wnreh Includes Stgns and tuminahn Supports ace obstacles wnat can struck by errant motorist . a barce sin *S . @) eit 5 hich ghoulel Focus OF ae ener ; Arafere ba bp tnase levied 5 indicates That “thes presen” feo -alinmnate hararels on Ane 1 cole pra cane) he se leehion-OF clessgq used tn \mpossi biz, weads 3 "THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL _ @ MATRICULATION NUMBER--- 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS " HCEE 421: GEOTECHNICALENGINEEERING 3 Units i ESTIONT : * @ point in a stressed soil material, the major principal stress is 180KPa in tension and the minor principal stress is SOkPa in tension. d i i. Use the Moht’s circle to determine the shear stress and normal stress on a plane 45° cew from the major plane (7 marks) ‘i, Use analytical method to determine the shear stress and normal stress in (i). (G marks) ESTION 2 i, Explain Soil settlement G marks) ii. Explain briefly three (3) types of soil settlement (6 marks) - Explain Slope stability 3 marks) [ON aining wall of 3.2m high is used to retain a sand of 18kN/m? for which 9” is 28°; the surface of the horizontal and the water table is below the bottom of the wall. Calculate; Active Pressure. - (@ marks) Active thrust. (2 marks) iii, At-rest Pressure. (2 marks) iv, Atrest thrust. (2 marks) __v. Passive Pressure. | @ marks) (2 marks) vi. Passive thrust. ESTION 4 2 a (2 marks) < — Explain “Retaining wall” Define; ‘Active earth pressure. (marks) Passive earth pressure, (@ marks) ‘Aterest earth pressure, (Geeta) 2 ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL. MATRICULATION NUMBER-———--——— 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS HCE 421: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 3 Units ©. — Mention four (4) basic retaining wall design considerations. (4 marks) QUESTION 5 a. Define CBR (California Bearing Ratio) (3 marks) bi. Explain “Stabilization”. G marks) ii, List and explain four (4) stabilizing agents. (6 marks) (ON plain briefly what a foundation is (2 marks) 7% Discuss classes of foundation with examples. (marks) _-«. Explain how piles foundation provide support for superstructures. (4 marks) QUESTION 7 «4. Mention two (2) classical lateral earth pressure theories (2 mark) —~b. Describe briefly four (4) types of retaining. walls, — 6 marks) (4 marks) c. Mention types of compactive efforts. 3 ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 421: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 3 Unit: QUESTION 1 = Ata point in a stressed soil material, the major principal stress is 80 kPa in tension and the minor principal stress is SOkPa in tension, i. Use the Mohr’ circle to determine the shear stress and normal stress on a plane 45° cow from the major plane (7 marks) ii, Use analytical method to determine the shear stress and normal stress in @. (5 marks) JUESTION 2, a. Explain “Soil Compaction”. . (4 marks) b. State four (4) reasons why soils are compacted. (4 marks) c. What do you understand by “Soil Improvement” (4 marks) LJ QUESTION 3 a. Mention two (2) classical lateral earth pressure theories (2 mark) b. Describe briefly four (4) types of retaining walls. (6 marks) c, Mention types of compactive effort. (4 marks) QUESTION 4 a. Explain two categories of compactive effort. (3 marks) b. List and explain four (4) stabilizing agents. (marks) c. Explain two methods commonly used to stabilize soils. G marks) QUESTION 5 a. Explain briefly what a foundation is b. Discuss classes of foundation with examples. ¢. Explain how piles foundation’ provide support for the superstructures. 2 THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL, MATRICULATION NUMBER- 2019/2000 SUE se ESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 421: GEoTe, 3 Units CHNI RING UESTION 6 CAL ENGIED A retaining wall of 4m high is used to retain a sand of 18kN/m? for which $" is 35°; the surface of the sand is horizontal and the water table is below the bottom of the wall. Calculate; i. Active Pressure. (2 marks) ii, Active thrust, (marks) ili, At-rest Pressure. ; (2 marks) iv. At-rest thrust. (2 marks) v. Passive Pressure. (marks) vi. Passive thrust. , (2 marks) Jaton 7 ai, Explain “Retaining wall” @ marks) b. Define; i. Active earth pressure. @ marks) Passive earth pressure. @ marks) At-rest earth pressure. (2 marks) ¢. Mention four (4) basic retaining wall design considerations. (4 marks) 2 "THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL MATRICULATION fo _— \ REXAMIN! 20202021 THIRD SEMESTER EAT ics GET 463: Engineerig Question One | (If v=, + fyi isthe equation for linear regress! use the principle of least squares to show that: . imple electric circuit ne of @ simple el ircuit, jon I (5 marks) Lv=nfoth Yiv= anit id, a n of the regression line between (0) () Use the expressions in (Ql, compute the eqUaHON Ys Toy voltage (v) and the current (i) from the given data: 8 10 12 14 Voltage@vol) 24 8s 325 2.75 3.25 Current (amp) __0.5__0.75_1.25 een (iy Determine the coeiicient of determination (R). What does this imply? (4 marks) Question two (@) (@ Explain the term random variables. ¢ 1 mark) (ii) Differentiate between descrete and continuous random variables (2 marks) (b) Suppose that a Mechanical Engineering student manufactured certain bolts with length L = 400 +.Xmm, where X is a random variable with probability distribution function; fq) =2(.-27), -12 x21 and 0, otherwise (Determine C so that with probability 11/16, a bolt will have length between 400-C and 400+ C. (6 marks) (i) Find the mean and variance of bolt L (2 marks) (ij) Find the mean and variance of 21.45) (3 marks) 7 iE PENALTY FOR E) 2 XAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL MATRICULATION. NUMBER. f B becca 2020/2021 THIRD SEMESTER GET 463: Engincerig Senn TONS (@) State the properties of a standard normal curve nay () Assuming that the diameter of 48 brass plugs manufactured _ audi wing said frm inomel itanicnue Plug dia s/n (mm) s/n_| Plug dia (mm) 1 24 3B Tat 2 2.8 14 6.77 3 31 15 18 4 35 16 5.97 $ 39 a7 |__ 545 § 42 18 4.84 7 45 19 418 8 471 20 4.09 8 5.1 21 3.79 10 5.32 22 3.24 ii 5.55 23 276 2 5.68 24, 1.89 () Evaluate the mean and singin of the distribution (6 marks) (i) How many of the plugs are Iitkely’if the approved diameter 6.98 + 0.002. (5 marks) Question four (a) A civil engineering student designed, test and installed 5 pumps for pumping out groundwater from a certain location. If probability of anyone of the pumps failing the test is 1/8, What is the probability that: (i) Atleast 2 pumps will be working 3 marks) (i) All the pumps will be working when installed. (4 marks) (6) Ina bolt factory, machines F, G, and H manufactured respectively 20%, 30% and 40% of the total respectively. If their outputs 5, 4 and 2% are defective bolts. Calulate the probability of: @ manufacturing a defective bolt. (G marks) i) manufacturing a defective bolt from F, G and H (2 marks) (ii) using machine G to manufacture a defective bolt. (2 marks) 3 "THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE 1S DISMISSAL MATRICULATION NUMBER eww 2020/2021 THIRD SEMESTER GET 463: Enbincerng ees Question five (8) (i) Probability is a mathematic construction satisfying some axi 5 Gi Prove that P (A) = (AIA,)#CAIAa)*CAIAG)... (AIA fo fa Ags svsevon Aain a sample space A assuming all events are pa iis ie am a mutually exclusive. (8 marks) a (b) The Electrical apparatus in the diagram works so Jon; : 2 : ig as current flows from left to right. ‘The six components are independent. Assuming that all the components are es If the probability that components A, B,C, D, E and F work are 55%, 60%, 70%, 65%, 2% and 90%, respectively. What is the chance that the apparatus will work? (6 marks) : Question Six (@ @ _ Use Kolmogorov’s axiom to define the term, probability (2 marks) Gi) Prove that: P(A?) = 1 ~ P(A) for any event A (mark) State the theorem of total probability @ marks) State Bayes’ theorem (i mark) Differentiate between pdf and pmf @ mark) 7 : Oe "where @ = standard deviation, d =x — 4 f= frequency, (©) (@ Show that ¢ = anda = assumed mean ofa typical engineering event, | marks) (Gi) Use the expression in (b) to compute the ie sdard deviation of the resistance in the following distribution: G marks) 24-26 Resistance(Q) 0-4 48 Bi 1216 16-20 20-24 1 5 1 Renmin ane On Bre DISMISSAL 4 "THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS SS —— 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 421: GEOTECHNICALENGINEEERING 3Units QUESTION 6 A retaining wall of 4m high is used to retain a sand of I8kN/m? for which ¢"is 35°: the surface of the sand is horizontal and the water table is below the bottom of the wall. Calculate; i, Active Pressure. (2 marks) ii, Active thrust. (2 marks) iii, At-rest Pressure. (2 marks) | iv, Atrest thrust, marks) , v. Passive Pressure. (2 marks) vi. Passive thrust. (2 marks) QUESTION 7 ai, Explain “Retaining wall” (2 marks) b. Define; i. Active earth pressure. (2 marks) ii, Passive earth pressure. (2 marks) iii, At-rest earth pressure. (2 marks) c. Mention four (4) basic retaining wall design considerations. (4 marks) 3 ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL MATRICULATION NUMBER———————____. g NATIONS STER EXAMINA ts 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMEST ng CEE 421: GEOTECHNICAL ENG! : pal stress is 80 kPa in tension and the minor principal g int i i ial, the major principal Ata point ina stressed soil material, is SOkPa in tension, antrorna sess on plane 45° coe i, Use the Mohr's circle to determine the shear stress inks al stress in (i). ii, Use analytical method to determine the shear stress and norm: QUESTION 2 a. Explain “Soil Compaction” b. State four (4) reasons why soils are compacted. © What do you understand by “Soil Improvement” QUESTION 3 &. Mention two (2) classical lateral earth pressure theories s (2 mark) b, Describe briefly four (4) types of retaining walls, (6 marks) ©. Mention types of compactive effort, (4 marks) QUESTION 4 . Explain two categories of compactive effort, (3 marks) List and explain four (4) stabilizing agents, : (6 marks) ‘- Explain two methods commonly used to. stabilize soils, : G marks) QUESTION 5 a. Explain briefly what @ foundation is b. Discuss classes of foundation with examples, Explain how piles foundation Provide support for the Superstructures, : THE PENALTY FoR ic BEAL EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMI MATRICULATION NUMBER QUESTION] pee SUMMER sEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 311; Civit ENG! JEERING DRAWINGS 2 Units ure 1 is atype Of foundation, for superstructure, b. Foisa type of foundation shown on the reinforcem, (4 marks) 88 shown in Figure 1, Provide the following details on the foundation as lent plan and Sections; ~ Size of the foundation in metre > Depth in metre Steel rod runs along x-axis; -Number steel rod -Type of steel rod -Bar diameter“ Bar mark or Gode or identity ~Spacing~ Steel rod runs along y-axis; “Number steel rod that runs along x-axis -Type of steel rod -Bar diameter -Bar mark or code or identity -Spacing (8 marks) © You are newly employed as a structural engineer to manage a site, You are required to pass an urgent instruction to the site engineer via. drawing. Make a free hand sketch of pad base showing that runs along x-axis— the plan and sections with reinforcement. , 9 marks) QUESTION 2 a. Discuss the following as related to civil engineering drawings; i, Symbols ii. Dimensions. (10 marks) b. Doa free hand sketches of any ten (10) building related symbols with their titles. (15 marks) QUESTION 3 What do you understanding by the following as related to civil engineering drawings; a. i (10 marks) i, Conventions ii. Notes f 2 MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL )R EXAMINATION THE PENALTY FO! ‘MATRICULATION NUMBER- » name this type of foundation and explain how it provides support 4 ; 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 311; CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS 2 Units b. Write ten (10) civil engineering related conventions and their meanings (15 marks) QUESTION 4 a. Why do we dimension and provides notes on our drawings? (5 marks) b. Write five (5) functions of any roof (10 marks) ii, Define the following terms in roof construction; ‘a, Commonrafter b.Ridge c.Purlins _ d, Wall plate. Dragon ties (10 marks) QUESTION 5 a. Discuss ground flooring under these three headings; i, Hardcore ii. ~—‘ Blinding -—iii.-—- Concrete bed or slab (9 marks) b. State and Discuss four types of floor (16 marks) QUESTION 6 a, Explain three (3) requirement of a good foundation, (9 marks) b. Define the following terminologies as related to civil engineering constructions; Backfill Bearing capacity iii, Bearing pressure (8 marks) (9 marks) iv. Settlement = c. Discuss classes of foundation with their examples 2019/2029 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS —* { CEE 463: Water and Wastewater Engineering 2 Units J QUESTION 1 25 MARKS 8) What are the effects of the presence of Hardness, Dissolved Oxygen (D.O), Alkalinity, Nitrogen and Manganese on water quality (5 marks) b) Enumerate four (4) chemicals used for coagulation (4 marks) ©) Sketch and explain the flow diagram for water treatment processes of surface water with high pollution (7 marks) 4) A community has a population of 150,000 people with an average annual consumption of 145 le/day. The distance between buildings is 12 m, Determine the fire flow and the maximum total flow required, Given the table of recommended fire flows for residential areas as: (9 mrks) Distance between houses tm) | Required Now (Vimin) Duration of use (he) 230) 1900, 4 9-30 2850-4000 5 3.9 4000-6000, 6 <3 6000-8000" 5 8 QUESTION 2 15,MARKS r- 8) Outline the causes and spread of Cholera, Typhoid and Aimoebic diseasés (6 marks) b) A community has experienced the growth in population and.ypater use as given below: Year 19801990. 2010 2020 2030 Population | 8500) = 9830 [12250 14400 i | \ k Find the population for year 2030 using: i Arithmetic (4 marks) (4 marks) Geometric method 7 Compare the population value obtained from above methods and make comment (1 mark) QUESTION 3 15 MARKS a) Differentiate between the following: (6 marks) i) Inorganic and organic solids ii) Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria - 2 ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IS DISMISSAL MATRICULATION NUMBE! a Gl) & 2019/2020 SUMMER SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS CEE 463: Water and Wastewater Engineering 2 Units iii) Volatile and fixed solids , -_ _ b) Acommunity population is estimated to be 35,000 in 20 years? time. The present population is 25,000 with an average water consumption of 15,000 m'/day. The existing water treatment plant has a design capacity of 19,500 m*/day. Determine the year When the treatment plant will reach its design capacity using constant percentage growth rate | (9 marks) w QUESTION 4 15 MARKS a) Give reasons why analysis of sewage is necessary? (2 marks) b) Discuss the following chemical tests of sewage (8 marks) i. Chlorine iv. PH value ©) Fora domestic sewage having S-day B.O.D. of 17Smg/l at 20°C, calculate the B.O.D. at 2 and 4 days at 14°C. Assume the value of R as 0.15 per day at 20°C. (5 marks) Y QUESTION 5 j 15 MARKS 8) Discuss the bucteriologieal test of sewage 4 (5 marks) 4) Define Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.0.D.) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.0.D) test and give two differences between them (S marks) ©) Chlorine usage in the treatment of 13,000 m'/d of water is 6.0 kg/d, the residual after 10 minutes contact is 0.25 mg/l. Compute the dosage in mg/l and chlorine demand of the water (5 marks) Y QUESTION 6 15 MARKS 2) List any four (5) precautions tobe taken while collecting the sewage sample (5 marks) b)_ Enumerate any five (5) types of valves and their uses (5 marks) ©) The details ofa test carried out on a sludge sample are as follows: Weight of dish Raw sludge sample and dis After drying (instan After burning (instant) 3 ‘THE PENALTY FOR EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE Is DISMISSAL. : af MATRICULATION NUMyEn.. ce ey |

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